Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 165 Imperial Weapon: Annihilation Helmet, Restricted By Rules! (Picture)

"Hehe, that's right!"

"Now I really can't kill you!"

"But I can hit you hard! Break your devouring rules!"

Hong Yuansheng didn't care about the roar of gluttony.

The dozens of heavenly holy realm evil souls remaining in the holy soul lamp began to burn at this moment.

Even the evil soul of the Seven Desires Evil Sage was burned.

The incomparably huge energy filled the body of Hong Yuansheng.

The sky of the Holy Spirit State was completely overlapped by the bright silver light.

The source world of silver light called out by Sheng Hongyuan merged with his body.

The time rule begins to render.

It turned into a silver-white chain to cover the evil body of gluttony.

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

"Are you crazy???"

The eyes under the gluttonous armpits were full of fear.

He is completely incomprehensible!

Why would there be human beings who give up their future and work hard for those existences that have nothing to do with them?

This human has just learned some fur on the rules of time.

In order to injure yourself.

It wastes its own lifespan!

Not only will it affect his future potential, but it will also lead to the collapse of his origin.

The power of time is such a powerful force.

How much energy support is needed to form such a scale of rule coverage?

"and many more!"

"He didn't just want to hurt me!"

"This human wants to kill me directly!"

"No!!! He is in contact with the source rules of this time??"

The gluttony felt that the swallowing rules he had understood were collapsing.

Under the annihilation of the power of time.

The swallowing rules he understood were like a grasshopper, easily crushed.

Not only that.

His naturally powerful evil body is decaying at an extremely fast speed.

The time rule that covers its evil body is blessed with the power of time.

Speed ​​up time by a million times!

"Give me death!"

Hong Yuansheng's temples were white, and many wrinkles appeared on his face.

His lifespan is dwindling rapidly.

Such a rare opportunity to kill gluttons!

Of course he won't let it go!

Hong Yuansheng squeezed the long knife in his hand and slashed at the glutton frantically.

For a moment.

The evil body that has become rotten by gluttony is beaten to pieces.

Corrupted flesh is shattered and torn apart.

It splashed around, but was directly wiped out by the rules of time!

There is no trace of time.

The gluttons felt that their vitality was rapidly draining.

His eyes were full of hatred, staring at Hong Yuansheng in front of him.

before that.

He is like every other evil.

Never put humans in the eye.

did not expect.

This human being in front of him really has a way to kill him!

Even the most precious lifespan of the original source is not at all hesitant.

very good!

You forced me!

"Imperial Tool: Annihilation Helmet!"


A plain looking black helmet suddenly appeared on the top of the gluttonous head.

The moment his whole body of evil energy appeared in this black helmet.

All rushed towards it.

Not only will all the evil spirits in the gluttonous body be swallowed up!

It even started to devour the power of the source in its body!

Origin life!

Helm of Oblivion is like a monstrous beast.

It wants to devour the user's life together.

"Hong Yuansheng! You forced me!"


The gluttony endured the pain and roared in the air.

As the Holy Venerable of the evil clan, how could he not have any trump cards?

This imperial weapon is the hole card left by the previous generation of saints!

It is also the powerful thing of their saints.

But if you want to use this imperial weapon, you need to pay a huge price.

Not as a last resort.

Absolutely no one would want to use it.


Hong Yuansheng's pupils shrank suddenly.

Seeing that the black helmet on top of the gluttonous head exploded.

Without any hesitation at all, he immediately urged the time rule to cover himself!

He actually felt the smell of death from the black helmet on the head of the glutton.


I didn't expect him to spend so much money.

He still couldn't kill the gluttons directly.

But the current state of gluttony is enough!

A severely wounded evil saint should be able to stop the entire evil family!

The center of Hong Yuansheng's mind circulated, and the regret on his face was fleeting.

Step to a special space node.

The figure disappeared in front of all evil spirits!

A light of annihilation carrying the power of complete rules suddenly fell on the position where Hong Yuansheng had just disappeared!

Blast that piece of space directly!

Not only that!

Within the range irradiated by the light of annihilation, all living beings were turned into ashes.

Among them, there are several evil spirits in the Heavenly Sacred Realm that cannot be avoided.


The light of annihilation continued to lasing towards the ground.

A huge energy shock erupted between heaven and earth!

A corner of the Holy Spirit State was actually illuminated by the light of annihilation!


At the same time into powder.

All the evil spirits above the corner of the Holy Spirit State died.


The gluttony sees it.

Immediately activate the formula to control the Helm of Oblivion.

Desperately controlling the Annihilation Helm to return to his body.

Let the Helm of Oblivion continue.

Not to mention killing Hong Yuansheng, he was sucked dry first.

The light of annihilation just now had devoured all the energy in his body.

It even devoured a small half of his vitality, and there are thousands of years of original lifespan.

Even the small half of the evil body was swallowed up.

I don't know how long I need to sleep in order to recover.

Don't think that you can live the same life as the sky when you reach the heavenly holy realm.

The original lifespan of the Heavenly Sacred Realm is only 100,000 years.

It's just that as a clan of evil and grudges, he has a longer lifespan.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to support the use of this annihilation helmet.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

"You actually..."

On the other side of the Holy Spirit State, several screams of anger sounded.

The gluttony hasn't been able to completely take back the Annihilation Helm, and the roars just now stopped abruptly.

The aura of nearly ten heavenly saints suddenly disappeared.

"Hong Yuansheng!!"

"You are really looking for death!"

The anger in the gluttonous heart rekindled.

He didn't expect that Hong Yuansheng would have enough energy to kill other evil saints.

Does he really want to break through with their holy clan today?

"Ha ha."

"Gluttony! I just killed a few ants that stood in my way."

"You're lucky this time."

"However, the so-called imperial weapon is not cheap, right?"


"Humanity cannot be humiliated!!!"

"From today onwards, all high-level evil spirits cannot take the initiative to kill human beings who are a great level lower than themselves!"

"Violators! Death!"

Hong Yuansheng's voice resounded throughout the Holy Spirit State under the envelope of holy power.

Not just the Holy Spirit State.

The entire Blue Star could hear his voice.

A strange silver light shone above the sky, and there seemed to be some changes between the heaven and the earth.

The gluttons and other evil saints above the Holy Spirit State can feel that there are some invisible shackles on their bodies.

Deep purple thunder is suspended in the sky.

like punishment.

It feels extremely depressing.

at the same time.

Another dozen or so evil spirits in the Heavenly Sacred Realm disappeared.

And Hong Yuansheng's breath also dissipated above the Holy Spirit State.


The gluttonous fist shattered a mountain, and all the evil spirits on the mountain were swallowed by it.

Transformed into pure evil energy and filled his bruised and bruised body.

"Holy Venerable!"

"That human! How dare you set rules for us?"

"We will call all the sleeping evil saints now to slaughter mankind!"

"This is the first time that my holy clan has been so threatened by humans!"

Evil saints of all races walked out of the space together at this moment.

They all said angrily.


(PS: Guys, I’ve been busy with skills assessment recently. Our line of work is hard work, we’ve learned and tested until we get old!)

(Don't say anything else, the old rules ~ ask for free gifts~)

sunny day~

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