
"Let us win the authority of heaven and earth from the original ruins of Blue Star!"

Directly tear the space and return to his lair.

The gluttons were suspicious in their hearts, but there was no change on the surface.


"Those who don't follow the rules will die."

On the face of Yang Zun's condensed human figure, there is a touch of fanaticism.

"Holy Venerable, we are ashamed of the Holy Race..."

"Jack! What are you doing!"


But no one noticed the anomaly.



Twelve men in knight armor looked at the silver light curtain in the air with fiery eyes.

A breath more powerful than Jack rose into the sky.

"Too late!!!"

A space crack opened beside many evil saints.

"The Holy Light will finally illuminate the earth, let the glory of the Lord..."


Night Beijing Center.

Only it has survived until now.


"Yeah, Holy Venerable... my clan..."

It's just that this unwillingness has just appeared, and it has been replaced by the meaning of tyranny and madness.

Transformed into weapons of different shapes and charged towards the Jack they were talking about.

An extremely ancient evil sage walked out of the void, and it seemed that he did not see the gluttony swallowing other evil sages.

"The Evil Ape Holy Emperor has sent an order!"

"Make our holy emperor come earlier!"

"I'm going to sleep!"

The gluttonous eyes looked at the evil saints present.

The paladin William, who was wearing the golden knight armor, was the first to speak, "The great Lord is protecting mankind!"

beautiful country.

"Holy Punishment!!!"

"Jie Jie Jie..."

He no longer thought about it.

"Goat Zun"

The gluttonous grievance saw this evil saint appear, and there was a little fear in his eyes.

A golden thunder spear fell from the sky!

"Go kill that human!"

"oh my god!"

Before Paladin William could finish speaking, a black dagger with a thick green color pierced through his heart.

Start to fall asleep.

"Even if he controls the rules of time, he will definitely suffer backlash!"

The battle between Hong Yuansheng and gluttonous grievances has always been shown.

"He has already controlled some time rules, plus the assistance of the holy soul lamp!"

"Xie Yi is destined to be unable to extinguish the Holy Light!"

"Yang Zun, these things are up to you to handle."

"Grateful that you have been hit hard? Could it be that my clan really has to follow the rules of Saint Hong Yuan?"

"Yuan Shengsang, why didn't you show your strength earlier?"

"I am afraid that Hong Yuansheng has already imprinted that rule in the origin of Blue Star's world rules."

How long has he been preparing for this battle?

Central Temple!

There was madness in the red-haired boy's eyes.

The gluttony frowned slightly, an order from the Holy Emperor?


It actually directly reached the initial stage of the five-star Tiansheng realm!

A cold voice sounded in the ears of many evil saints.

But Yang Zun?

The blond old man in black armor in the Pentagon White Tower looked at the light curtain in the air.

Frenzy towards his lair.

The power of time that Hong Yuansheng left on it is still affecting its body.

"You have fallen!"

Jack suddenly withdrew the black dagger in his hand, and the knight armor on his body automatically detached from his body.


In the cloudy eyes of the stabbed William Paladin, there was an indescribable regret.

"Hong Yuansheng is more terrifying than imagined!"

A bloody mouth swallowed its huge evil body in an instant.

Yang Zun didn't seem to care about the gluttonous eyes, he pondered for a few seconds and said again, "In this case, our plan to devour the Blue Star needs to make some changes!"

Behind him stood a red-haired boy wearing a black knight armor.


The roar resounded throughout the building.

All the flesh and blood of this evil saint turned into evil energy and began to repair the gluttonous injury.

"I am a saint clan, evil secluded werewolf!"

Many ancient evil saints looked at the gluttonous eyes and seemed to think of something.


The pain from all over the body continued to intensify.

A wolf howl came out of his mouth.

Many evil holy hearts looked at the gluttons in horror and asked cautiously.


What exactly is its identity?

"With you, there is still hope for mankind!!"


Why didn't it reach me?

The blood that had been sealed in their eyes for a long time was once again ignited.

"Holy Venerable, we just..."

"The authority of heaven and earth that appeared this time, once controlled by my holy clan, will be able to infiltrate most of the blue star with evil energy!"

"At the same time, let Blue Star's rule changes speed up the process!"

A strange mucus was secreted in the gaps of the dark green scales.

Good day country.

"good very good!"

The expressions of the other ten knights changed drastically, and various colors of holy light erupted from their bodies.

"Da Xia! Allies of the Ophie country!"

Seek out targets to devour on its own.


It has never done anything to humans.

The sour chewing sound came from the gluttonous body.

Thick hair spread all over his body, covering his face.

"If it wasn't for the annihilation helmet, maybe I would have fallen today!"

The hatred of Hong Yuansheng in the gluttonous heart is getting stronger and stronger.

The gluttonous body flashed silver light everywhere.

The powerful Light will drive away all the evil bodies that have eroded the Holy Body.

"There is no Jack in this world from now on!"

Sixteen green snake pupils stared at the light curtain in midair, revealing a deep unwillingness.

"It's too late now..."

The long sword in Hong Yuansheng's hand was able to ignore its body defense.

Among those ancient existences.

Humans all over the world are applauding it!

Waking up from a deep sleep today, just to ask this?

Trembling with excitement, "Brother Hong, are you already so powerful?"

The silver light above the gluttonous evil body is still flickering, and it cannot be dissipated for a long time.

There was a sudden gleam in his eyes.

The evil spirits of heaven and earth that pervaded the Holy Spirit State began to fall asleep along with the gluttony.


Especially the scene where Hong Yuansheng almost killed the gluttony!

At this time.

In a brightly lit building.

A silver light curtain covering the entire blue star.

Only a pair of scarlet vertical eyes were exposed, and the breath of the body suddenly increased!

The gluttons are too lazy to pay attention to these cowards.

"You go!"


This evil saint was one of the first evil saints to enter Blue Star.

The body of the evil saint almost collapsed.

With a long and sturdy neck, the snake body tens of meters long is wriggling.

"None of my swallowing rules can swallow it."

"What will happen to my holy clan in the future?"

There is still hope!

Immediately escape into the space and leave.

The most mysterious evil saint.

at the same time.

This battle almost shattered his two origin cores.

Evil is permeating his body, eroding the holy body of William Paladin along the black dagger.

A dark shadow is constantly changing, and eight huge heads are circling each other.

"Where were you hiding when I was fighting just now?"

An evil civet cat was about to speak.

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