"Ah ah ah..."

"Hong Yuan Sheng! You @¥#¥@¥¥@..."

The face of the Seven Desires Evil Saint in the holy soul lamp is distorted, and the mouth is not clear.

The lamp began to frantically burn the evil soul of the Seven Desires Evil Saint, transforming a large amount of energy into the holy body of Hongyuan Saint.

Under the support of a huge holy force.

The gluttonous devouring source holy world is completely shrouded by the rules of time.

The power of devouring the source is covered by the power of the source of time.

It actually started to weaken as well, began to decline!

Hong Yuansheng was still indifferent when he saw this, and the long sword in his hand flickered with silver light.

"Secret Art, Source Breaking Slash!"

A peculiar knife intended to explode on his body.

This slashing sword intent completely shrouded the long sword in his hand!

The long sword in Hong Yuansheng's hand gradually became transparent in the air and became huge!


He stared at the gluttonous belly, and the holy power of the whole body suddenly exploded.

The suffocating aura that remained around him shrouded the gluttony.

The power of time covers the long knife in the hand!

"call out!"

The sound of breaking air resounded through the sky.

The unstoppable lingering aura broke through the sky.

Under the shroud of the power of time, it appeared in the belly of the glutton in an instant.


The gluttony is still suppressing the time riots in the body.

The time explosion that Hong Yuansheng cast just now caused all the organs in his body to be affected.

The organs that were full of vitality actually began to age.

Let his strength not exist in ten.

If it weren't for his powerful holy body, he would have lost his vitality at this moment.

I did not expect such a strong person to appear among human beings.

The power of time at the top level of the sequence ranking in the sea of ​​​​stars can actually be understood by an aboriginal in the blue star.

This is nothing short of a miracle!

More importantly, he actually controlled some time rules!

Once he is given time, he might really be able to use it to reach the Emperor Realm!

Do not!

If Blue Star is not restricted by the rules of heaven and earth, perhaps he has already broken through.

"No, he must be killed today!"

"Otherwise, the process of attacking Blue Star will definitely be blocked!"

The gluttony recalled the supreme existence in the sea of ​​​​stars, the supreme time law that the existence controlled already controlled the sea of ​​​​stars.

But he has always been looking for an inheritor who also understands the power of time.

It has also created countless secret realms for selecting disciples.

If that existence was born on this little blue star, this existence was born.

Don't say it's him.

Even the gods of the saints will be crushed to death by one of their fingers.


thought here.

The eyes under the gluttonous armpit suddenly lit up with black light, and the huge mouth suddenly opened.

The ferocious aura that had been accumulated for thousands of years suddenly erupted, accompanied by a violent devouring power.

A huge black hole formed in the sky.


Hong Yuansheng's Origin Breaking Slash disappeared directly in front of him.

As if the two are not at the same time level!

Before the gluttony erupts!

It has quietly hit the belly of the glutton!

Severe pain spread throughout the gluttonous body at this moment.


A muffled sound roared inside the gluttonous evil body.

The power of time that is constantly raging, at the moment when the gluttonous and evil body is smashed in the severing of the source.

All converged towards the core space of gluttony!

Two origin imprints suspended in the space floating sac.

felt threatened for a while.

Among them, countless cracks appeared on the mark representing the origin of the evil spirit.

Almost fragmented.


The huge evil body of gluttony trembled in the air.

The ferocious aura that just erupted, and it collapsed before it could play its role.

"Secret Art Giant Transformation!"

A figure appeared behind the gluttonous figure, and the figure's body began to grow rapidly.

Hong Yuansheng instantly turned into a 100-meter-tall giant, and the clothes on his upper body burst.

He clenched his fists with both hands and smashed frantically on the gluttonous head.

The space of the Holy Spirit State seemed to be unable to withstand his power, and cracks began to appear.

Terrifying energy aftermath spreads around.


"Do not!!"

Many onlookers were covered by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

Hong Yuansheng's time rule is intertwined with the gluttony rule of gluttony.

The terrifying power of the rules almost annihilated the void.

Among them, the weaker evil saint, the evil body was directly crushed.

Died on the spot!

But the evil souls of these evil saints were shrouded in silver light.

The holy soul lamp appeared on top of Hong Yuansheng's head, swallowing all the evil souls of these evil saints.

Act as his source of energy!

"Flick away!"

"Hong Yuansheng did it on purpose!"

"His consumption is obviously greater than that of the Holy Venerable! He wants to use our evil soul as energy!"

Many ancient evil saints immediately understood Hong Yuansheng's intentions.

Immediately away from the battlefield of Hong Yuansheng and gluttony.

For fear of being targeted by Hong Yuansheng.

In their eyes, Hong Yuansheng is a lunatic!

is a devil!

The evil spirits of the newly born Heavenly Sacred Realm who were born in recent years also looked terrified.

in their cognition.

Humans are obviously just their playthings!

is a slave!

But now there is a terrifying human being holding a butcher's knife.

One knife and one "child"!

What does it feel like?

of course!

Aside from fear or fear...



There was a constant roar from above the Holy Spirit State.

The two most powerful beings on the Blue Star, Hong Yuansheng and the glutton, are constantly colliding.

And to everyone's surprise!

Hong Yuansheng actually suppressed the gluttonous resentment among the evil spirits!

The corner of the gluttonous evil body was shattered by the long knife in the hands of Hong Yuansheng, and many of the scales on his body were cracked.

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

"The power of time is indeed powerful!"

"The holy soul lamp makes up for your shortcomings, allowing you to support the operation of time rules!"

"Even if you have already done it, you want to smash the source core in my body!"

"Are you already wasting your original lifespan?"

"Even if you can suppress me now, after spending a lot of my lifespan!"

"How long can you protect humans?"

"Five years later! The Emperor Realm powerhouse of my Saint Clan is coming!"

"You humans will still perish!"

The gluttonous evil body is eroded by the rules of time, and his swallowing rules can't stop it at all.

even completely suppressed.

The glutton can feel that his evil body is rapidly aging.

But he was calculated by Hong Yuansheng from the beginning, and there was no way to suppress the time power of the riot in his body.

Even the other source core is about to shatter.

He even felt that his vitality was being lost!

The slightest threat of death came to mind.


Hong Yuansheng's eyes were cold, but his complexion seemed a little pale.

The sacred artifact in his hand slashed towards the head of the gluttonous grudge again.

"Clang clang..."

The long knife touched the head of the glutton, and the huge sound of metal and iron slamming resounded.

But the rules of time have always suppressed the evil body of gluttony.

The gluttonous grievances that were originally impeccable defenses were unable to stop the sacred artifact of Hong Yuansheng.

A deeply embedded knife mark landed on the top of the gluttonous head.

The power attached to it made the gluttony roar again.

"You can't kill me!!!"


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