Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 161 Holy Soul Lamp! War! War! War! (Picture)

"Ha ha ha ha......"


The Seven Desires Evil Sage no longer calls himself me, and he changed his name unknowingly.

These ten seconds!

Those powerful evil spirits who were hiding in the dark, ready to wait for an opportunity to attack, were shocked.

Almost made his consciousness collapse.

One of the evil sages in the Heavenly Saint Realm Nine Star Perfect Realm said quietly.

Originally, he wanted to take a quick shot and directly swallow Hong Yuansheng, who controls the power of the source of time.

"Hong Yuansheng!! Kill me!!"

"You care about him? So what? He'll be with me too..."

Didn't expect the holy soul lamp to be in the hands of Hongyuansheng?

(PS: Thanks for the rewards and five-star praise from the big guys, I will add a chapter for you today, I really appreciate it)

If they make a move.

"I will let you feel the power of time and the pain of reincarnation!"

Hong Yuansheng also sensed the resurgence of the most terrifying existence in the evil clan!

Controlling the existence of the holy soul lamp, there is endless holy power.

To be the head on his red chains?

Under the constant acceleration of time.



Between the scarlet pupils, a touch of fear could not be dissipated.

Now, with dozens of evil souls as the backing, who can stop Hong Yuansheng?

"Is this human really indestructible?"

There was also a look of fear in his eyes.

(In addition, ask everyone, if Di Junlin wants to open a branch skill tree, which one do you want to open first? The big guys leave a message, and I will follow your suggestions~)

"Holy Venerable woke up??"

The tiger pupils of this Heavenly Saint Realm Swallowing Spirit-Swallowing Tiger stared at Hong Yuansheng.

"I curse you...watching humanity perish!!"

"He just killed so many evil saints! It was intentional!"

This evil spirit devoured most of the energy of the Holy Spirit State and turned it into a shadow of a humanoid creature!

Tell Hong Yuansheng!

On top of the red chains tied around the waist of Saint Hongyuan, there were several more heads of evil saints.

Hong Yuansheng's face gradually became ruddy, and it seemed that the enhancement of this soul flame could make up for the power he consumed.

A huge mouth opened behind him.

"This demon, only the Holy Venerable can deal with it."

Was the evil spirit thrown into the holy spirit lamp and tortured like crazy?

For their saints, deep sleep is cultivation.

"Even if it doesn't die! It will definitely be hit hard! It will fall into the area controlled by my holy clan!"

The will of mankind has been corrupted by evil!

It's just that these wailing sounds gradually turned into pleading sounds.

(I put a small broken bowl here, big guys, you understand~~)

The screams of the Seven Desires Evil Saint came from the lamp.

At this moment, the evil soul of the Seven Desires Evil Saint is extremely weakened.

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"


"The only result is to be swallowed by our clansmen!"

The sound of the collision of the red chains filled the sky with violent evil spirits.

In just one second, for the Seven Desires Evil Saint, it was like living a year!

"We just need to stop him from leaving!"

"Do you think you can be freed?"

"Seven desires!"

Before he broke through to the Emperor Realm!

Be the fuel of this lamp!

The expressions of nearly a hundred evil saints present changed, and they obviously did not think of this.

Even let these great existences feel unprecedented fear.

The wailing of the Seven Desires Evil Saint never stopped.

"One of the holy artifacts that my family carried when they came to Blue Star!"

And that human-shaped phantom was completely solidified at this moment.

The saints in their mouths.


It can be used to capture the soul of other creatures and fill it with the burning heart of the lamp!

Become the fuel of the lamp, making that special soul flame more vigorous.

It is a miracle that Hong Yuansheng, the power that controls time, can appear.

The faces of these evil saints are even more solemn!

Will it be in his hands?

But so what!

Completely dismissed the idea of ​​​​moving.

"He deliberately lured us to shoot and kill us!"

"That is......"

"Fall our evil soul into the wick of the holy soul lamp, and provide him with inexhaustible power!"


"Stop it!! Kill me!"

This is the sacred artifact of their holy clan's soul!

The pain from the soul comes endlessly.

The damn humans are so arrogant in their base camp.

It's only half a step into the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

Silver light enveloped the entire lamp, and time accelerated a hundredfold.

Dozens of evil saint heads floated above the Seven Desires Evil City.

"Hong Yuansheng!!! You must not die!!"

It's just that he always wanted to control a small part of Blue Star's heaven and earth authority, and he has been in a deep sleep state.

If he stays dormant again, wait for the result.

The faces of these evil saints were terrified and filled with disbelief.

He originally wanted to prepare for a while, but the Seven Desires Evil Saint invaded his Heavenly Saint Academy!

Pull out the source power from his body and integrate it into his own body.

"Holy Venerable has become stronger again?"

Originally, he thought he could die directly.

Wounded Di Junlin, one of his only two disciples, leaving him missing!

Even if he can't control his power, at least he can break through smoothly!

"Holy Soul Lamp!!"

"Evil Soul Dragon Venerable has long since died in the hands of Da Xia Hong Yuan Sheng!!!"

"How can it be in the hands of Hong Yuansheng? Where is the Evil Soul Dragon Venerable! Could it be that he..."

Many ancient beings among the evil saints recognized the lamp that imprisoned the evil spirits of the evil saints of seven desires.

Many evil saints are roaring secretly, they hide in the dark space for a while and dare not show their faces.


Even in the sea of ​​​​stars, the power of time is a supreme power.

Provide users with continuous layers of holy power and soul power!

"I curse..."

Many evil saints sensed this familiar aura, and immediately became ecstatic.

I'm begging~~ a free gift~~

The holy soul lamp is a powerful holy weapon that their evil clan robbed from other worlds.


This barren star field where Blue Star is located!

In the city of seven desires.

Hong Yuansheng smashed the evil body of the Seven Desires Evil Saint with one punch, and a touch of silver light captured the evil soul of the Seven Desires Evil Saint who was about to collapse.

"A bunch of trash!"

"His power?? Is this the rules of heaven and earth that successfully transformed Blue Star??"

The pain from the depths of the soul is getting stronger and stronger!

An extremely terrifying evil spirit surged in the center of the Holy Spirit State!

"I curse you... curse you for not being able to break through the emperor's realm in this life!!"

Maybe it will allow him to gain the power of time.

Under the acceleration of thousands of times.

"That human ant is dead!"

Humans can't bear it any longer! ! !

"His holy power has not been exhausted yet?"

It's just a sin to die for!

Unprecedented phagocytic power came towards the shroud of the Seven Desires Evil Saint.

And the time has only passed ten seconds?

What will be the result?

As long as the wick remains!

"The torture of being cramped and peeled every moment, the sorrow of the evil soul being burned for all generations!"

No one can stop him!

"You promise me! Kill me!!! I'll tell you the final destination of that human being!!"

At this time.

The mad laughter of the Seven Desires Evil Saint stopped abruptly.

(The worldview of this book is slowly unfolding, as long as the big guys keep supporting the author, then I will keep writing~~)


I'm too lazy to listen to the nonsense of the Seven Desires Evil Saint again!

He didn't even see the Seven Desires Evil Saint, who had perfected the Nine Stars in the Heavenly Holy Realm, was hacked to death by the animal of Hong Yuansheng.

Intense resentment filled the wick.

The evil soul of the Seven Desires Evil Saint was tortured by the soul flame day and night.

The moment he sacrificed the holy soul lamp, he was ready.

Several evil saints voiced their voices with ugly expressions.

Let the Seven Desires Evil Saint suffer endless pain.

A loud bang.

It is no longer the rise of mankind, but the complete demise of mankind!

disappeared in place.

The special soul flame began to burn, burning the soul body of the Seven Desires Evil Saint all the time.

all of these!

The corner of Hong Yuansheng's mouth showed a savage color, and he stuffed the evil soul of Seven Desires Evil Saint into a lantern lit by candlelight.

war! war! war!

"Where is the Holy Venerable! Why hasn't the Holy Venerable been awakened yet?!"

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