
"My disciple, where have you been sent to??"

Hongyuan Sheng's icy voice sounded in the holy soul lamp.

Now that the evil gluttonous gluttonous glutton who is called the Holy Venerable by the evil clan has recovered.

It is bound to come and kill him immediately.

I want all human beings to see myself in this battle.

Reawaken their confidence!

Raise the morale of mankind and terrify those who choose to take refuge in evil!

Complete long-prepared plans at the same time! !

Let human beings enter the golden world, and all human evildoers can rise in it!

"Ah ah ah ah..."

The Seven Desires Evil Saint does not know the outside world.

He was still suffering unparalleled pain, and that terrifying soul flame was like the tips of countless sharp needles.

constantly traversing in his soul.

It even magnified the pain he suffered!

The Seven Desires Evil Saint no longer wants to be alive, he just wants to be freed quickly.

What's more, he doesn't know whether the human being is dead or alive.

Probably dead too.

"That human being was sent to Shengyangzhou by me!"

"The spatial turbulence has swept away the original coordinates, but if he is still alive, he will definitely appear in Shengyangzhou!"

"Hong Yuansheng!! Kill me!!"

"Kill me now!!!"

The Seven Desires are almost crazy, as time goes by.

The pain he felt grew heavier.

His voice also became hoarse and weaker.

"Ha ha......"

"When did I promise to let you go?"

"Stay well!"

Hong Yuansheng got the answer and let out a happy sneer.

Directly block the voice of the Seven Desires Evil Saint.

Want relief?


Even if I agree, do the fellow human beings who died at your hands agree?

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

"You don't keep your word!!!"

"You human ant, you will definitely die!!"

"My holy clan will not let you leave the Holy Spirit State!"

"As long as you are dead, the entire Blue Star will have no one to stop us!"

"I'll live to see you die!"

The mad roar of the Seven Desires Evil Saint continued to sound in the holy soul lamp.

Hong Yuansheng ignored it.

The Seven Desires Sage died, and he also got the message of King's Landing.

Shengyangzhou is the Big Yangzhou of Blue Star!


It is also time for the morale of all human beings to work hard again!

He never thought about it.

The world has changed so much in the decades since I recovered from my injury.

Even if it is like this in the summer, what will happen to the beautiful country, the country with a good life, the country of Maoxiong, the country of Ophelia, and the country of Australia?

Among their high-level people, have most of the existences also become evil lackeys?

"Time River Curtain!"

The silver light world above Hong Yuansheng's head suddenly shines brightly!

The evil energy in the sky of the Holy Spirit State was dispelled by the silver light world, and the sun suddenly hit the earth.

It made the countless evil spirits in the Holy Spirit State feel a strong discomfort.

The burst of silver light will spread in other directions.

Almost shrouded the entire Blue Star.

The holy power in Hongyuan Saint's body was consumed frantically, and the Seven Desires Evil Saint in the holy soul lamp suddenly burst into a roar.

"Hong Yuansheng! You must not die!!"

Half of his evil soul was directly burned by the soul flame.

The small half of the evil soul was transformed into pure energy through the transformation of the holy soul lamp and integrated into Hong Yuansheng's body.

It supplements the holy power consumed by Hongyuan Sheng.


within the summer.

A thin layer of silver light shrouded all human settlements.

This thin layer of silver light gradually transformed into a light curtain, which projected the picture of the Holy Spirit State at the moment.

Let all human beings in Daxia!

I saw the red chain dragging in his hand.

Let all the human beings in Daxia see the head of the evil saint bound on the chain!

"what is this?"

"Dad, look..."

A seven or eight-year-old boy looked at the light curtain that suddenly appeared above his head.

Seeing the dozens of hideous heads, there was not a trace of fear in his eyes.

I even felt that my body was getting hot.

As if the blood in the body is boiling.

The middle-aged man holding the young man raised his head to look at the evil saints in the light curtain.

There was an unforgettable hatred in his eyes, but he still said softly to his son: "Xiao Xuan, that is the patron saint of our Daxia!"

"In the future, you will become a powerful being like this old grandpa!"

"Destroy the evil in this world!"

Chu Mingxuan looked at the hideous heads in the picture ignorantly, and nodded obediently, "Dad, don't worry!"

"Later! All these evil beings have to die under my sword!"

Chu Mingxuan raised the toy wooden knife in his hand and waved it in the air.

"Good!! Good son!"

The middle-aged man holding Chu Mingxuan seemed to remember something when he heard the words.

His eyes were fixed on the light curtain in the sky, and his eyes gradually turned red.


Tiansheng Academy.

"Old Palace Master?"

"How did he go to the Holy Spirit State??"

"Those heads??"

"All of them are evil saints??? Died in the hands of the old palace master??"

Xu Yuanling, who was dealing with intelligence information from various places in recent days, looked at the scene in mid-air with a shocked expression.

Not only him.

The eyes of all the powerhouses in the entire Tiansheng Academy were all attracted by the projection in mid-air.

Principal's office.

Hong Haochu looked at his father in the projection screen with a complicated expression, "You still can't help but take action."

"does it worth?"

"Do humans really deserve this?"

"Even with the assistance of the Holy Soul Lamp, you can at best fight that gluttony, right?"

"The power you spend, the lifespan of the source that dissipates!!"

"Is Blue Star worth it?"

Hong Haochu clenched his fists tightly, his mood was not calm.


Heavenly Marrow Spirit Pool.

in the stone house.

Xia Lao, who had just dealt with the backlog of Tiansheng Academy's problems, looked at the silver projection in the air with complicated eyes, and couldn't help sighing.

"Old Xia, this is the teacher's own choice, isn't it?"

Yuan Zishan's eyes were equally complicated, but she had long known that Master would do this.

"Hong Yuansheng this bastard!"

"If you don't die this time, what will happen when you come back?"

"I just learned a little bit of the rules and controlled some fur of the power of time!"

"Just rush to the Holy Spirit State to be a hero!"

"If it weren't for the fact that I planned with him to get the holy soul lamp!"

"He's a crippled now!"


Xia Lao said a little excitedly.

He suddenly began to cough violently, and black and red blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Elder Xia, you..."

Seeing this, Yuan Zishan's expression changed drastically, "Who is it?? How could you be so seriously injured?"

"Don't be angry, Master will never have an accident this time."

"Since he made a move this time, he is naturally fully prepared!"

"It's time for you!"

"Who is it? Dare to hurt you? When the master returns, he must die!"

Old Xia waved his hand and said calmly, "Already dead."

"Just a bunch of little mice."

"Yuan Sheng spent so much power to project the battle screen over the entire Blue Star!"

"I just want to awaken the fighting spirit of mankind!"


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