Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 160 Compassion Of Heaven And Earth, Time Reincarnation

Not only the evil body of this Heavenly Holy Land Nether Evil Wolf was stagnant by the power of time.

"I, Hong Yuansheng, come to tell you that human beings cannot be humiliated!!!"

They found that their evil body was rapidly aging.

"You are not a heavenly saint!! You are a half-step heavenly emperor??"


The six evil saints felt their own changes, and their scarlet vertical pupils were filled with fear.

A gigantic silver sword light shone across the world, and the rules of time filled it.

Further transform the power of the source contained within itself into the rules of heaven and earth!

As a saint who dominates the sky, he was killed by the indigenous humans of a planet to his nest.

"Give it all to me!"

It is Hong Yuansheng who has transcended his current realm!

The only possibility!

This evil body with an evil head will be corrupted into 10%.

Haven't waited for these six evil saints to fully condense their own world.

Every second passed.

"Is it because I haven't shot for so long that you have forgotten your fears!"

Hong Yuansheng's face was full of suffocation, and the world of silver light suddenly lit up.

Red chains pierced his head.

Knife light flickered.

"He can't last too long!"

"Good day!!"

The swinging sound of the red chain sounded.

"You can obviously kill me directly!"

Many evil saints who had just woken up saw Hong Yuansheng dragging the heads of many of the same clan recklessly in the air.

More than a dozen evil saints were beheaded, but their heads were hung in the air and insulted.

Back and forth, over and over again!

"You go and help awaken the Holy Venerable, and we will besiege Hong Yuansheng together!"

The holy realm integrates the "source", and the emperor's realm holds the "rule"!

A strip of silver lines appeared beside him, blending into the simple long knife clenched in his hand.

Blood splashes the world.

"I don't believe that he has no limits!"

"Although the source of time is the source power of the top five in the sequence, it is also extremely powerful in the consumption of holy power!"

The Seven Desires Sage has all his thoughts gone, and there is only one thought in his heart!

The six-headed evil saint's evil body weathered in the air, and the power of time obliterated everything.


"Waiting for you for a long time!"

Several evil thoughts are hidden in the space and communicate continuously.

"Why do I keep suffering like reincarnation!"

so that they cannot dissipate.

The second hand in the golden clock spins rapidly.

More and more evil saints are recovering from their slumber.

"tell me!"

After killing sixty-four evil saints in a row, the remaining evil spirit on his body almost solidified the space.

"You called me a madman back then!"

Six crystal golden clocks appeared above the heads of the six evil saints that had just appeared.

The Nether Evil Wolf's last consciousness watched his headless body rot and dissipate.

A touch of silver light flew up to the sky with the head of the ghostly evil wolf.

The source world of evil desire in front of him is collapsing, and the breath on his body is getting weaker and weaker.

"Remember the fear now!"

The silver light world above his head erupted with shining silver light again.

That is the Heavenly Emperor Realm!

But all that is a luxury!

Completely escape into darkness.

Hong Yuansheng raised the simple long knife in his hand flatly.

Once he runs his own holy power, the time rule will be touched.

The joy of rebirth!

"Controlling the power of time rules!!!"

"Am I dead?"

Whenever the limit is reached.

"Today, as a 'madman', I will let you so-called evil saints!"

String all the huge evil saint heads together.

The heads of these six evil saints were kept by Hong Yuansheng alone, solidifying their faces before they died.

The same is true for the nether energy shock he just sprayed out.


"Dare to attack and kill my disciple?"

In just a few minutes, he endured the pain of dying countless times.

"How dare he be so arrogant!"

The sadness of the rabbit and the fox floated in their hearts.

Even if the Holy Venerable wakes up, it is impossible to help him get rid of this mysterious power of time.

The vitality in these evil saints is rapidly draining!


"Bury him!"

"Why do you, a humble native, control this kind of power!"

Those six golden clocks are like a countdown to life failure.

"Kill me!!! Kill me..."

The shrill roar of the Seven Desires Evil Saint resounded through the space.

"Ha ha......"

Everywhere he walked, ordinary evil spirits whose cultivation base was lower than the Heavenly King Realm all exploded and died.

Life is dying, life is dying!

He wants to let all the evil people watch!

"Ah ah ah ah ah......"

The mysterious and powerful power of time instantly shrouded these evil bodies.

"How can you possibly control the power of rules!"


That is a happy death!

The murderous aura on Hong Yuansheng enveloped all the evil saints around him.

Until the heads of forty-nine evil saints with hideous faces flew!

"He can't die! He won't die!"

Start speeding up their time rotation!

The seconds start to rotate counterclockwise.

Let him feel a glimmer of hope and desperately resist the power of Hong Yuansheng.

A golden hourglass in front of them was turning upside down, as the gravel fell.

Humans cannot be deceived! ! !

More rage!

A total of six nightmare-level evil saints, who had reached the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Holy Realm, appeared together in front of Hong Yuansheng.

"Time Reincarnation Slash!"

Heaven and earth seem to condense with compassion.

This human is simply dying.

"I'm done waiting..."

Step by step, he stepped towards the Evil City of Seven Desires and fell into the air.

"Where did you send my disciple to?!"

Let the power of time that has just stagnated re-run, and once again erode his evil world and evil body.

Breaking the world with a single thought is the power of controlling the rules of the world!

Hope shattered despair!

There was a hint of happiness in Hong Yuansheng's eyes, and a cold laughter sounded in the ears of Seven Desires Evil Saint.

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

He knew that he could not escape the terrifying rules of time.

With the strength of their Heavenly Saint Realm Nine Stars, it is impossible to stop them at all.

Hong Yuansheng said nothing, standing outside the palace where Seven Desires Evil Saint was.

It turns out he is the real clown!

All perish!

The silver light world above Hong Yuansheng's head has already covered them!

Unite the power of the evil saints of various races and kill them towards Hongyuan Sheng.

Ignore their defenses, ignore their attacks.

Fifteen Heavenly Holy Realm evil heads were dragged by Hong Yuansheng.

Hong Yuansheng killed the murderous aura accumulated by the sixty-four evil saints, and instantly enveloped the evil saints of seven desires.

The mentality of the Seven Desires Evil Saint was completely shattered in this infinite time reincarnation trap.

The center of the six golden clocks.

"Kill him! He is insulting my holy clan!!"

"Now! Am I crazy enough?"

Hong Yuansheng has already been red-eyed, and he no longer saves his holy power.

In the silver light world of Hong Yuansheng at this moment, there are already a few time rules.

He quickly approached the Evil City of Seven Desires.

Let the power rich in their evil bodies all disappear between heaven and earth.

The power of time that has eroded the world of evil desires and his evil body will begin to reverse.

Over time.


Hong Yuansheng dragged a red chain with sixty-four hideous heads in series.

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