in the Holy Spirit State.

Time is accelerating frantically, making his world start to run a thousand times faster.

Coupled with his terrifying power, Saint Hong Yuan will surely die.


Even if you don't die, you have to be hit hard!

Suppress the shattering source world of evil desires.


That is, today's Seven Desires Evil Saint.

The world of evil desires, which was mixed with seven different desires, suddenly appeared in front of him.


It seems that he has seen the appearance of Hongyuan Sheng's death in his mouth.

These evil faces show all kinds of desires.

Only the Venerable Evil Saint can obtain an independent fief named after his title.

The crisp snap of fingers suddenly sounded.

Licking his toes.

"Stop for me!!!"

The soft sound of the power of time filled the entire Seven Desires Evil City.

This change caused his world of evil desire to collapse several times in an instant.

The silver light above Hong Yuansheng's head shrouded his area, and the evil body of this ghostly evil wolf suddenly stagnated.

The only goal is!


Desperately slow down the changes in your own origin world!

One end of the chain was tied by Hong Yuansheng around his waist, dragging the heads of these evil saints.

The way of growth among the lustful ape clan is the talent to devour similar objects.

The simple long knife in his hand kept rising.

Hong Yuansheng's indifferent eyes swept across the surrounding space, and most of the evil saints in the entire Holy Spirit State were recovering.

The silver light world above the head is filled with the mysterious and ethereal power of time.

Outside the city of Seven Desires.

Hong Yuansheng's murderous voice came through the space.


The eyes of these slaves were numb, and their expressions did not change at all when they heard the evil laughter of the Seven Desires Evil Saint.

His face was cold, and he didn't care about the evil sage blocking him.

Each fief is a small evil kingdom.

It started to collapse gradually.

No one can stop Hong Yuansheng's sword!


Full of evil spirits of different shapes.

Run wild in the skies of the Holy Spirit State!

The evil body of the eight-armed evil explosion bear suddenly stagnated in the air.

The pinnacle of evolution is to control the seven desires and become the evil ape of the seven desires!

String it on one end and be dragged by Hong Yuansheng.

One after another evil saints fell in all directions, and the source world of evil energy they condensed has not been fully revealed.

The Evil City of Seven Desires is a mountain that is nearly a thousand meters long, and a huge palace stands on the top of the mountain.

The silver knife light instantly fell on the neck of the eight-armed evil explosion bear.

The Seven Desires Evil Saint was almost severely injured, but he was unable to stop Hong Yuansheng's power of time from raging.


In his view, with the fragile flesh of human beings.

"Escape! Go and wake up the Holy Venerable!!"

This is the race of the Seven Desire Evil Saints: Desire Evil Ape.

And then accommodate the desire to control the other party!

The distance between the two is close at hand, and the next second Hong Yuansheng will be enveloped by his ghostly impact.

"Seven desires! You will die today!"

Looks like he should speed up.

Suddenly, a silver light flickered.

Accelerated by the force of time.

A figure walked through the space with silver light, and rushed towards the location of the Seven Desires Evil Saint.

There was a hint of pleasure in the eyes of this ghostly evil wolf.

The complexion of Seven Desires Evil Saint changed drastically, and a mouthful of dark green blood spurted out from his mouth.

The evil body of the eight-armed evil explosion bear is rapidly aging and decaying.

A ghostly impact suddenly spewed out of his mouth.

Including arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust.

"Hong Yuansheng???"

The heads of the evil saints that were beheaded by Hongyuan Sheng were connected one by one by this chain.

Except the mind can function, the whole body is out of control.

The fief rules are also changed by their own ideas.

"Sacrificing for the holy clan is the glory of the evil and charming clan!"

There was a roar in the space, and the surrounding space could hardly bear this terrifying power.

Blocking the spirit above their broken heads, they kept the look they had before they died.

"you wanna die!"

Hong Yuansheng turned his head slightly and stared at the ghostly evil wolf in the heavenly holy realm with the eyes of an idiot.

"Death!" There was a hint of excitement in the eyes of the eight-armed evil explosion bear.

The power of the evil explosion world covered its eight fists, and smashed it towards Hong Yuansheng's back.

The Seven Desires Evil Saint, who was still silent in his own world, suddenly felt the threat of death enveloped him.

All the evil saints who appeared in front of Hongyuan Sheng had their heads cut off.


Even their body is the same, the head is separated from the body.


A ghostly evil wolf in the heavenly holy realm with eight stars in the perfect realm suddenly appeared behind Hong Yuansheng.

"Although you have paid a Xiemeiyuan person of the Nine-Star Perfection Realm of the Earth Emperor Realm, so what?"


"Jie Jie Jie..."

A red chain made of a special material appeared in the hands of Hong Yuansheng.

A terrifying silver knife light pierced through the space, ignoring the world and falling towards the location of the Seven Desires Evil Saint!

"How dare he leave Daxia??"

When they become slaves of evil people, they lose the meaning of life.

"This is the Holy Spirit State, he can't kill me!"

The evil sage is the great ruler in his own kingdom.

These evil spirits each have ugly heads of different colors, and the evil bodies are covered with thick hairs of various colors like apes.

You can do whatever you want and no one can stop you.

He transformed into a human form, and several famous slaves knelt in front of him beside him.

The red chain on Hong Yuansheng's waist automatically floated up, piercing the head of the eight-armed evil explosion bear.

The knife light exploded, and the silver light spread, covering the evil body of the eight-armed evil explosion bear.

A brown-red, eight-armed evil-exploding bear whose cultivation had reached the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Sacred Realm suddenly burst out of a space.

"No... your power, how can..."

In the city of seven desires.

"No one can stop it!"

Not only that.

Spread across the Holy Spirit State.

Become a two-desire ape, a three-desire ape...

The world of evil desires in front of him suddenly tore apart most of it under the silver blade light of Hong Yuansheng.

Without being hindered in the slightest, the head of the eight-armed evil explosion bear in the early stage of the Nine Stars of the Heavenly Sacred Realm was cut off.

The holy energy in Hongyuan Sheng's body was vented frantically.

The silver knife light suddenly shone, covering most of the space.

The Seven Desires Evil Saint felt that the world of evil desires was collapsing faster and faster, and his face became more and more hideous.

Hong Yuansheng didn't look back, just raised the simple long knife in his hand gently.

Consciousness returns to the body in an instant.

A sword light suddenly appeared in the air.


The mysterious and ethereal power of time invades his world of lust.

Kill the Seven Desires!

The power of the source of time covered this long knife.


Devoured by the power of time of Hong Yuansheng, they quickly wiped out their vitality.

"Finally killed that disgusting human ant."

At this time.

It collided with the silver sword light that fell from the sky.

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

Life is better than death is describing their current state.

Seven Desires Evil Sage suddenly widened his eyes, and the power of Evil Sage poured out wildly.

It symbolizes the supreme power of the Seven Desires Evil Saint.

It was instantly smashed by the silver sword light cut out by Hong Yuansheng.

"Hong Yuansheng!!!"

A tooth-crushing sound rang out.

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