Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 143 The State Is Fully Open! Rampage Di Junlin

E-knives are overwhelming!

There is no space left.

Let Di Junlin dodge.

The five-star perfect coercion of the Exu weather zone, and the evil and dark aura completely shrouded it.

There was no killing intent in his eyes.

It was as if he had seen the scene where Di Junlin was torn apart by his jawbone.

As a nightmare-level existence, he has madly devoured the advanced stage of the Evil Evil Tortoise Clan since he was born.

Powerful five elements talent, plus evil and dark talent!

Let him almost never meet an opponent in the same rank.

What are the human ants in the Heavenly Venerate realm in front of me?


"Blood Li."

"Have you felt it?"

"The evil spirit in front of me is very strong, stronger than before!"


"It's so exciting! I don't want to suppress my power anymore!"

Di Junlin's red and gold double-colored pupils reveal a crazy color.

His body was shaking with excitement!

Feel the powerful power of Exu.

Let the enthusiasm in Di Junlin's bones be directly ignited!

The fighting spirit rises!

This is the fight he wants!

he wants......

Kill him! ! ! !

Facing the sky full of seven-color jaws.

"Xiang Yue, open!"

"Demon Wings, open!"

Di Junlin burst out laughing wildly.

Xue Li and Alyphis each appeared beside him.

The magic sword fell into his hands, and the bloodthirsty breastplate of doom emerged on his body.

Fever Ring, Bronze Riding Boots, Doom and Madness Shoulders, Doom and Madness Mail, Doom and Madness Leggings, Holy Spirit Warrior Necklace, Lost Ring, and Yin-Yang Taiji Bracelet wrapped his body all over the place.

A pair of black wings with the meaning of demon depravity spread out behind him.

Each black feather is condensed with terrifying magical thoughts.

The moment the demon wings emerged, his whole body seemed to melt into the space.

The effect of Xiangyue's activation has also become a blessing for flying speed.

"Blood Rage, Kai!"

Di Junlin took a slow step.

The blood in the whole body began to be violent!

The brand-new gray energy began to boil, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly increased!

An orange-red sheen covered his entire body.

"Blood prison block, open!"

"Anti-stab armor, now!"

"Runaway, open!!!"

"Ancient giant elephant, congeal!!!!"

Di Junlin took another step.

The power of blood prison condensed into a huge blood-colored barrier to cover his body.

A transparent and spiked shield covered his entire body.

The 66,000 ancient giant elephants in the body roared together in the sky at this moment.

A stalwart and terrifying ancient giant elephant phantom appeared behind him, and looked at the Exu in front of him with anger.

at last!

A terrifying and tyrannical consciousness engulfed Di Junlin's final sobriety.

His left hand turned completely bloody!

A bronze ring appeared on Di Junlin's left wrist, and a blood-colored chain wrapped around his body.

The majestic blood energy in the chaotic body is all surging at this moment!

The light of Shen Xi lit up on the surface of his body.


"Foul ants!"

At this moment, Di Junlin, who is in full swing, has a very violent face.

Like a devil descended into the world!

The violent power filled his whole body, including his soul!

Suddenly, he looked up at the seven-colored jaw that fell from the top of his head.


"Break me!"

A look of arrogance appeared on Di Junlin's face.

In the face of the seven-colored jaws attacking from all over the body, he didn't care at all.

The demon wings behind him shook!

Instantly disappeared in place.

It turned into a black light and rose into the sky!

"Clang clang!!"

Black light flickered in the air.

The violent collision sounded incessantly.

The seven-colored E-blade issued by Exu with all his strength accommodates his seven different worlds.

At this moment, it was all smashed into pieces.

Yet Di Junlin was unscathed!

Even the blood prison barrier shrouded on the surface of the body was not broken!

"how is this possible??"

The seven heads of Exu were filled with horror.


next second!

An incomparably violent blood evil spirit shrouded his evil body.

Di Junlin actually appeared directly in front of Exu.

"Hand of Soul Eater!"

"The blood on your body must be delicious!!!"

Di Junlin's wild laughter resounded in E Xu's ears.


Exu still couldn't understand what Di Junlin meant.

An irresistible suction force erupted in the palm of Di Junlin's bloody palm.

Let the evil body of Exu suddenly shake.

His head, which symbolized the talent of the "Wood" department, was pulled and held in his hand by Di Junlin's bloody hand.

The blood in the body was sucked and pulled by a terrifying phagocytosis.

Towards Di Junlin's bloody hands.


A loud bang.

A head of Exu was hit by terrifying blood evil energy!

Thunder! bright!

Two powerful forces of heaven and earth covered his head.

Thunder's powerful destructive power and light's powerful restraint on evil.

This head filled with Exu.

Like a smashed watermelon.

It burst in the air, and dark green blood splattered everywhere.

The moment Alyphis and Xue Li saw the dark green blood.

They opened their hands together and devoured all the pure blood energy contained in them.

It is rapidly transformed into Yuan force and accumulated in Di Junlin's body.

At the same time, it also maintains the rapid consumption of his energy at this moment.


"How dare you hurt me!"

The other six heads of Exu opened their mouths together, and six beams of light with different energies shot out.

Countless spikes emerged from his evil body and shot straight towards Di Junlin.

These thorns are the accompanying evil weapons of the Evil Turtle Clan!

The power of heaven and earth gathered in it, and it increased its power several times!

Di Junlin is now beside Exu, it is impossible to avoid!


"Even roaring?"

Di Junlin stared.


Why should I hide?

He felt the surging power in his body!

The giant elephant phantom formed by 66,000 ancient giant elephants suddenly roared behind him.

Di Junlin's blood-red left hand and five fingers form a fist together, with the waist and abdomen as the axis.

He punched the black spikes he saw in front of him!


The terrifying power shook the space, and the sharp thorns of the turtles that were visible in front of them were shaken into powder.

The six powerful beams carrying different energies were also punched out by Di Junlin.

The huge evil body of Exu was even hit.

The tyrannical and full of the power of the four worlds erupted in the body of Exu!

His evil body was blasted hundreds of meters away and collided with the ground.

The trees in the entire jungle were crushed by the huge evil body of Exu.

A deep pit formed above the ground.


"Do you have this power?"

The magic sword Alyphis fell into Di Junlin's hands.

The blade of the magic sword suddenly changed, and the purple-black blade turned bloody.

The magic eye in front of the hilt suddenly opened, and the dust-covered magic energy filled the body of the magic sword of Alyphis.

Zi Yao's magic flame was burning.

"This power!! Master, you are a demon..."

Alice felt extremely excited when she felt the power of the source flooded by her body.

But Di Junlin ignored it.

His blood-colored pupils stared at the Exu that fell into the ground.

The scarlet tongue licked the chapped lips, "Interesting."

"Very resistant ants!"


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