Hong Yuansheng: "King's Landing?"

Xia Lao: "Nonsense!"

Hearing this, Su Anguo also frowned.

"Jun's Landing, I know that your combat power is strong, and it is not difficult for you to challenge yourself!"

"But the nightmare-level evil spirit named Exu on the opposite side is born to control seven special talent skills!"

"Exu in the Heavenly Venerate Realm even comprehends these seven talents into 'potential'!"

"Once he explodes these seven different powers of heaven and earth! His strength will instantly increase several times!"

"With the powerful evil body of the Evil Evil Turtle Clan, with your current strength, maybe even his defenses can't be broken!"

Elder Xia pulled Di Junlin to his side and said earnestly.

Da Xia finally appeared a real enchanting genius.

Never let him have any accident.

He is far from grown up.

"Teacher Xia, let me come!"

"I have a hunch that an unprecedented opportunity has appeared in the ancient ruins this time!"

"There is a strong attraction to me there!"

"Even if we humans can't get it, we must not let the evil clan get it."

Di Junlin said firmly.

Whether it is for ancient ruins or to complete system tasks.

The evil one on the other side must die!

After controlling the bloodthirsty and soulthirsty Demon Sealing Slash, as well as the brand-new physical supernatural power.

He is very self-sufficient about his own strength.

The "potential" and flying ability of heaven and earth that the weather realm should have!

He doesn't lack!

The Chaos Divine Body also accommodates two source powers, plus the blessing of the 66,000 ancient giant elephants of the God Elephant Suppressing Prison!

His physical body is compared with the evil body of Exu.

Definitely not weak, even stronger!

Even his other skill imprints did not reach the current limit.

It should be enough to deal with that Exu!

Absolutely impossible to lose!

Maybe even kill him!

The fighting spirit in Di Junlin's eyes lit up, and he looked at Old Xia.

Hong Yuansheng frowned slightly, his eyes turned from the evil saint of seven desires in front of him to Di Junlin.

The hourglass of time deep in the pupil quickly reversed and reversed.

There seemed to be many mysterious fragments in front of his eyes, which were shrouded in silver light.

As soon as the breath time appeared, it was shattered by the power of the rules of the world.

The power of this rule blasted directly into his body.


Hong Yuansheng groaned and his body trembled slightly.

In the depths of the dantian, the surface of the time source core actually appeared several cracks under the impact of the power of the rules just now.

But there was a gleam in his eyes.

"it is good!"

"Jun's Landing, it's up to you to fight!" Hong Yuansheng said calmly.

When Elder Xia heard Hong Yuansheng's voice, his eyes widened, "Yuansheng, are you crazy?"

Hong Yuansheng shook his head gently, motioning him to stay calm.

"I believe in King's Landing, his strength is stronger than we imagined!"

"It's just that after this time, Xie Xun will probably kill King's Landing at all costs!"

"We have to be prepared."

His voice resounded in Old Xia's ears.

The exchange between the two was only for a brief moment.

"Teacher! Can I kill Exu directly in that space?"

Di Junlin pondered for a few seconds, then suddenly asked.

He is still in the Heavenly Venerate Realm and does not know the technique of sound transmission.

Everyone present heard him.


"I didn't expect such an arrogant kid among you humans!"

"Cultivation is only the nine stars of the Tianzun realm?"

"Well, no, it turned out to be entering the realm of the extreme way?"

"But so what?"

The disdainful laughter of the Seven Desires reached Di Junlin's ears.

It also has a special source power that affects his thoughts and desires.


Hong Yuansheng stood in front of Di Junlin, and the faint silver light completely blocked the power of desire.

"King's Landing, you can kill that Exu in the Void Arena!"

"This is a battlefield formed by Blue Star's rules of heaven and earth, and no one can interfere!"

"What's more, with me, no one can move you!"

Hong Yuansheng said incomparably domineering.

Grabbing Di Junlin's arm, he took him directly to the outside of the Void Arena in mid-air.

A platform completely formed by the rules of the Blue Star Heaven and Earth appeared in front of the two of them.

Di Junlin stepped straight up.

The platform lit up slightly, and Di Junlin disappeared on it.

appeared again.

It is even in the jungle of the special world of the Void Arena.


The Evil Saint of Seven Desires has been staring at Di Junlin, looking for an opportunity to prepare to shoot.

But Hong Yuansheng didn't give him a chance at all.

He turned his head and gave a death order to Exu beside him, "Kill that human being!"

"Go back and you will get more resources!"

The seven pairs of vertical eyes of different colors in Exu suddenly lit up, "Yes, my lord!"

"That human being is nothing but Heavenly Venerable Realm!"

"I only need two seconds to swallow it alive!"

The Seven Desires Evil Saint nodded in satisfaction, "Go! Come in, let's fight quickly!"

He took Exu to the regular platform of the Void Arena, and after Exu stepped onto the regular platform.

is sent directly into it.

"I didn't expect Daxia to send someone out to die?"

"What gave you confidence?"

The Seven Desires Evil Sage disdains the authentic.

Glancing at Hong Yuansheng, he saw that his expression did not change.

An ominous feeling surged up in my heart for some reason.

Hong Yuansheng ignored the Seven Desires Evil Saint and quietly watched the scene in the Void Arena.

His heart was not at peace either.

In those illusory pictures, there are too many possibilities.

He didn't want Di Junlin to fight if he could.

But Da Xia is even the entire human race of Blue Star.

Can't go on like this.

If you let the evil spirits get the things in the ancient ruins.

Humanity may not be far from extinction.

This battle must be won!


Void than in the battlefield.

Exu falls in the grasslands thousands of meters away from Di Junlin.

A battle field condensed by the rules of the Blue Star World.

It is not much different from the ordinary small world.

The energy in it is also very abundant.

It does not limit the strength of both sides.

Di Junlin has already opened the ancient double eye, and looked at the Exu falling from the sky.

Big guys image?

The color of the horns at the top of each skull in Exu is different.

The continuous power of heaven and earth gathered at the top of the head of Exu.

Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Evil, Darkness!

Seven completely different world trends unfolded.



Exu's huge body rose into the sky, and the speed of the flight was completely inconsistent with his body size.

A seven-color vortex condensed in front of him.

The power of heaven and earth is full of them!

Most of the space is shrouded in evil spirits.

Hundreds of seven-color jaw knives condensed and shot towards Di Junlin's position.

The sharpness of gold, the scorching heat of fire, the vitality of wood, the rapidity of water, and the stability of earth!

The five forces of heaven and earth suck and pull the power of heaven and earth and fall on the blades of the jaws.

Completely block where Di Junlin is standing.


(PS: Today's five-star praise has accumulated twenty-five-.-)

(The next few chapters are going to ignite. Don't forget to send free gifts, thanks~)


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