Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 144 The Turtle Shell! Crazy Bloodthirsty! ! (Picture)

"Come and try my magic sword!"

"The power of the devil! It's been a long time..."

"Silver Light Falling Blade!"

The demon wings behind Di Junlin shook again.

It turned into a black streamer and appeared thousands of meters above the Void Arena.

The gray energy of the whole body accommodates the power of blood prison and fills the magic sword Alyphis in his hand.

The sword power above the magic sword is accumulating.

Endless power is furiously reviving!

The power of light, the power of thunder, the power of death, and the power of blood prison absorb the power of heaven and earth at the same time!

Let the blade of the magic sword Alyphis grow bigger and bigger!

Thunder light, golden light, black light, and blood light divide the entire sky.


Di Junlin's ancient double pupil hole penetrates the current location of Exu.

The devil's wings unfolded at a high speed and fell instantly from a height of several thousand meters!

At this moment, the magic sword Alyphis has expanded into a 50-meter-long giant sword!

Di Junlin's bloody hand suddenly threw it out and shot towards the figure fleeing frantically in Exu.

"Block me!"

"How could a Heavenly Venerate human be able to kill me!"

"Evil Evil Shield!"

The hideous scales and armor of Exu's whole body suddenly lit up, and the power of gold, water, fire, earth, evil and darkness enveloped his evil body.

The evil spirit full of negative states condensed a huge energy barrier above his head.

A wave of delusions arose on it.

As long as that human being hits these delusions, he will suffer delusions from invading the soul space.

This is their most essential evil spirit talent!

Just when Exu opened the energy barrier.

Fifty meters long and nearly ten meters wide, the huge magic sword fell with an unprecedented terrifying sword momentum!

It was suddenly connected to the barrier above Exu's head!

"Boom rumble..."



A terrifying four-color shock wave was formed on the ground, radiating toward the surroundings with Exu as the center.

The explosion of thunder, the golden light of the power of light shines!

The invasion of the power of death, the fury of the power of blood prison!

Almost the entire jungle was razed to the ground, and the Evil Evil Shield above Exu's head was no surprise!

Broken directly!

Ziyao demon flame instantly enveloped the huge evil body of Exu.

The blade of the magic sword easily pierced through the powerful evil body of Exu, and directly pierced one of his golden heads!

"Give up resistance!"

"You can't defeat the great Demon God!"

"Have you felt the power of the Demon God?"

"This supreme terrifying force!"

Demonic thoughts flooded the evil soul space of Exu, disturbing his sanity.

"The devil?"

"strong power?"

Exu's eyes suddenly became dull, and the evil body that was about to resist gradually relaxed.

Alyphis controls her own body.

Gathered strength and blasted away the fire attribute head of Exu!


Another head exploded, and the arc splattered with golden light.

A demonic mark was formed on the side of the evil body of Exu.

A demon soul from ancient times awakened and began to frantically devour the power in Exu!

Dark green blood continued to pour out from the gaps in the three heads of the Exu that had been chopped up.

Totally in a state of bleeding!

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Exu, who had just been affected by the magic thoughts, suddenly woke up.

I felt that two heads were shattered again, and the incomparably severe pain came from all over the body.

The Zi Yao Demon Flame has softened the scales on his body.

The remaining four pairs of vertical eyes in Exu became extremely scarlet.

Why is the weapon in front of you so powerful? ? ?

Where did that human go?

What happened in this world?

A human being in the Heavenly Venerate realm makes me have no ability to fight back?

Am I dreaming?


His momentum just now was skyrocketing, it must be a human secret technique!

As long as I can hold on for a while, I can definitely kill it easily.

His innate delusions should take effect.

Why is there no reaction at all?

Exu himself did not find it.

His mentality has completely changed.

Confidence from the beginning has turned into a panic.

I don't dare to expect to kill the human beings in front of me in a short period of time.

Exu quickly retracted the remaining four heads into his body.

The shell of the tortoise filled with the "potential" of the soil condenses.

The scales on the body surface that had softened suddenly became harder.

In addition to their unique talents, the Evil Evil Turtle Clan also possesses supreme defensive power.

Only the existence above the third level of his own realm has the opportunity to break.

Alyphis's Zi Yao magic flame is directly isolated from the shell of the Elephant Tortoise.

And the terrifying impact caused by the falling blade of silver light.

It was also completely blocked by the turtle shell.

"Damn human!"

"Wait until the effect of your secret spell ends! That's when you die!"

"I will crush and devour all your flesh and blood!"

Exu controlled his evil body and began to roll, and his heart became more and more tyrannical.

Let out an angry growl.



"A trash hiding in a turtle shell!"

"You dare to speak madly?"

A silhouette with flying silver hair suddenly appeared on the tortoise shell of Exu.

The bloody hand clenched his fist and smashed it hard on his turtle shell.


A sonic boom exploded.

The entire body of Exu was directly smashed into the depths of the ground.

The surrounding trees were once again crushed to pieces by the violent shock wave.

The delusions on the shell of the Elephant Turtle were inspired by Di Junlin's punching power and began to invade!

A special sense of confusion filled Di Junlin's mind.

Want to disturb his will.

But an even crazier tyranny devoured all these delusions.

Make the runaway state stronger!



"You can't break my tortoise shell!"

"However, my delusions have no effect on you?"

"You must have other secrets! He will become my trophy!"

Exu could feel how terrifying the power of this human being in front of him.

His turtle shell could only offset 80% of its impact.

The remaining 20% ​​went directly through the defense of the worm's shell.

Shake his organs.

But it is not unbearable for Exu, which has the blessing of the "potential" of soil.

He sneered wildly.

"good very good!"

"Just a living target!"

"Just let you feel my true power!"


The fighting spirit in Di Junlin's eyes was burning.

The two pupils of different colors were instantly covered with bloodthirsty!

The demon wings behind him dissipated.

The phantom of ancient idols merged into Di Junlin's chaotic body.

One thousand and eighty-one acupoints began to roar, and the thunderous sound of blood surging came out of the body.

The gray energy in the dantian is like a dynamite that is about to be ignited, more violent than the state of blood rage!

The imprint of the origin of thunder and the imprint of the source of light in the sky are completely illuminated.

Thunder swirled above Di Junlin's chaotic body, and the Holy Light turned into a halo behind him.

The power of the blood prison surged with blood energy, condensing into a substantial blood light next to him.

At this moment, Di Junlin's sensitivity to blood has reached the extreme.

The space where Di Junlin and Exu were located was covered in blood.

All the power of heaven and earth rushed towards Di Junlin's body.

The gray energy rushed towards his left hand along the meridians!

"Ha ha ha ha......"

"The smell of blood..."

"Are you ready? Ants?"

"Soul Eater and Demon Seal!"

I took this picture, right?


(PS: Daily report, today's five-star praise has accumulated to 38, and it is 42 to 80 plus more~)

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