Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 141 New Engraving! Bloodthirsty, Soul Eater And Demon Sealing

"It seems that this skill engraving can only be used as a hole card!"

After fully absorbing the bloodthirsty inheritance information.

Di Junlin pondered for a while, then looked at another skill, Imprint Bloodthirsty Demon Sealing Slash.

Now the spirituality of the Hell Blood Demon Tree has become stronger and stronger with the improvement of Di Junlin's cultivation.

It's not like it used to be.

All of a sudden, the inheritance information was directly inserted into his mind.

Rather, it is after waiting for oneself to control the inheritance information engraved by a skill.

Then send the inheritance information of the next skill engraving.

Giving Di Junlin a buffer.

"bring it on."

Di Junlin thought together.

The Prison Blood Demon Tree automatically appeared behind him.

The information of the inheritance of bloodthirsty and demon-slaying suddenly appeared in the depths of Di Junlin's soul.

The scene in front of him changed again.

appeared in a chaotic battlefield.

In the center of the battlefield stood a one-armed figure, his face full of madness.

The terrifying breath sucked and twisted everything around.

Surrounded by strange-looking creatures, he was staring at the one-armed figure.

One of the larger, weird Holy Spirits suddenly roared up to the sky.

The strange creatures standing in the entire space let out a roar and charged towards the one-armed figure with a mutilated body.

The bodies of these creatures turned into monstrous gray weapons.

The energy in the space is instantly swallowed, and the speed increases suddenly.

Seeing this, the corner of the mutilated one-armed figure raised a trace of disdain.

His eyes swept over all the creatures in front of him.

A few words came out of his mouth.

"Soul Eater!"

"Devil Sealing Slash!"

The voice just fell.

The entire space is shrouded in blood!

Invisible and powerful swallowing power fills the blood-shrouded area!

All living beings instantly lose the ability to control their own bodies.

Souls were attacked by mysterious power, and blood-colored vortexes filled their soul space.

Devour their soul power!

Blood light pierced through their entire bodies!

The bodies of these creatures were all sucked and pulled away by the raised arms of the one-armed figure.

"Devil Sealing Slash!"

A huge blood sword inlaid with countless magic lines was condensed in his eyes.

This blood sword suddenly appeared above the heads of those creatures!

Cut towards their bodies!


A roar!

The surrounding space made an overwhelmed shattering sound.

The bodies of those creatures were engulfed by the bloody sword of the demon pattern, and a shocking slash completely melted their bodies!

Everything is like a phantom!


Countless orange-red light spots were swallowed by the figure's arm.

Turned into a soul-devouring brand!

Make his whole body more violent!

Di Junlin watched all this quietly, when the figure split out of the Demon Sealing Slash.

It directly translates into the first perspective of the one-armed figure.

The soul-devouring and demon-sealing slash just now was as if he had cut it out by himself.

The mystery of it is fully realized in the heart.

The soul power and blood energy absorbed by the Soul Eater and Sealed Demon Slash have all become the nourishment of the Demon Blood Sword!

Let the power of the magic blood sword reach its limit.

Then cut out to cut off the vitality of these creatures and annihilate their souls!

This is Soul Eater and Demon Sealing Slash!

Similar to Soul Eater's Hand, these creatures killed will also turn into Soul Eater Brand to increase their own strength!

After the entire space was disillusioned by a soul-devouring demon seal.

The figure reappeared.

The strange creatures that had just appeared were also re-condensed.

It's just that the person who controls the body now has become Di Junlin.

The inheritance information of Soul Eater and Demon Sealing Slash is almost several times that of bloodthirsty.

It also involves attacks on the soul level.

Incomparably mysterious.

Di Junlin directly raised Soul Eater to Level 40!

The inheritance information also analyzes how to integrate the power of heaven and earth into the Soul Eater and Demon Seal.

Equally complicated.

He looked at the strange creatures around him who were rushing towards him.

He recalled the way the one-armed figure used the Soul Eater and Demon Sealing Slash just now.

The source of thunder, the source of light, the source of blood energy, and the source of blood prison were mobilized together.

According to the strange way of operation, it began to be integrated with the gray energy as the leading force.

Di Junlin's left hand suddenly lifted!

The power of the blood prison exploded instantly, wrapping all the creatures around it.

The powerful and special phagocytosis sucks the bodies of those weird creatures!

Start devouring their souls and blood!


A blood-colored magic-grained giant sword flashing with the power of thunder and light descended!

A gray light swallowed all the light in the entire space!

The evil bodies of all strange creatures were instantly annihilated!

next second.

Everything in the space is back to normal.

Di Junlin once again cast Soul Eater and Sealed Demon to destroy all living beings!

A hundred times...five hundred times...a thousand times...

Until tens of thousands of times to use the Soul Eater to seal the demon, all the creatures in the inheritance space will be killed!

All of Soul Eater's skills were completely turned into Di Junlin's muscle memory.

With just one thought, you can cut out and destroy all the creatures around!

The inheritance space then dissipated.

Di Junlin's consciousness was kicked out by a gentle force.

back to reality.


the other side.

"Relic Contract Presented!"

"The void should be more condensed than the battlefield!"

The Seven Desires Evil Saint had a wicked smile on his face.

The situation in the sky over the entire Demon City was changing.

The power of heaven and earth gathered towards the place where Hong Yuansheng and others were.

One after another invisible rules enveloped the entire space.

"The contract rules are established!"

"Please send their respective challengers to enter the Void Arena!"

"Three minutes, the countdown starts!"

An ethereal, emotionless voice resounded in the ears of everyone.

The power of heaven and earth in the sky above the magic city inhabited the land, inspiring the rules of space to form a place of nothingness.

A small world is formed in front of everyone's eyes.

This is a special fighting space with dense jungle and full of toxins.

"Something's wrong."

"I didn't expect the Seven Desires Evil Saint to be so decisive!"

"Does this mean that we, Daxia, will not be able to find our opponent within three minutes?" Su Anguo said helplessly.

He found that he even broke through to the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

I still feel powerless at this time.

Daxia has just experienced turmoil, and people are panicked for a while.

Now there is no right person to fight.

The challenger sent by the other party has reached the five-star perfection of Tianzun Realm!

Still a nightmare.

This is how to do?

Not only Su Anguo felt a headache, but Old Xia was also very helpless.

At present, the one who barely meets the requirements in the summer is Chen Minghui!

Under the restriction of the 22-year-old Yuanyuan's order, he is the only one who has the strength to fight against the Nightmare-level evil.

But news just came from Tiansheng Academy.

Chen Minghui is now at a critical moment of breakthrough, and if he interrupts the breakthrough process, it will definitely affect the future.

Except for Chen Minghui, the combat power of others is completely insufficient.

"Yuan Sheng?"

"Are we going to give up the ancient ruins this time?"

Old Xia asked Hong Yuansheng's voice transmission a little unwillingly.


"I have a hunch! The ancient ruins this time are very important to us!"

"Never give up!"

Hong Yuansheng replied without hesitation.

At this time.

Di Junlin, who had already mastered two brand-new skill marks, walked out from behind Xia Lao.

Looking at Hong Yuansheng, he said calmly, "Teacher!"

"Let me come!"


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