Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 140 The Secret Realm Mission Settlement! ! Flesh Magic! (Picture)

[Ding, the task is being settled...]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission: extreme rescue! 】

[Quest reward: One god-level lottery card, 300 Origin Crystals, one Qualification for Physique Baptism, 30,000 Origin Points! Posted to personal space! 】

[System Remarks: Physical baptism takes a long time, so use it with caution! 】

Just when Di Junlin focused his consciousness on his own skill tree.

Several more system prompts sounded.

At the same time, there are a few more things in the personal space.

"Mission completed?"

"Three hundred Kaiyin source crystals! There are also god-level lottery cards! Eligibility for physical baptism? Origin point 30,000?"

Di Junlin almost forgot he had such a mission.

All the evil spirits were beheaded in the secret realm before.

Later, the secret realm of the newcomer was broken and was brought here directly by the cheap master.

The task is not showing as complete.

Didn't expect it to be settled until now.

But the moment he saw three hundred Kaiyin source crystals.

My heart suddenly rejoiced.

His cultivation has improved too fast, resulting in the level of skill engraving that he has opened has been unable to keep up.

Now these 300 seal source crystals are enough for him to improve one or two skill marks!

Raise it to the current level 40 limit.

As for which skills to upgrade.

It does need to think about it.

Di Junlin did not care about other rewards for the time being.

Whether it is the qualification for physique baptism or the lottery, it will take a certain amount of time for the drawn items to be converted into the current strength.

The evil sage on the opposite side came like this, it must be time not to prepare for human beings.

He has learned from Su Anguo's mouth part of the contract between humans and evil spirits.

Among them, the entry quota for the ancient ruins is indeed contested through the battle of the new generation between the two sides.

The most important point is!

As long as one side submits a battle application!

Then the other side must send a challenger within three minutes.

If no challenger appears, the heaven and earth contract signed through the Blue Star World Origin will automatically determine the victory of the evil side.

"hurry up!"

Di Junlin didn't dare to waste time, and immediately looked at the newly illuminated skill engraving pattern on the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

Immediately bright!

Lv0. Bloodthirsty: The demon god is bloodthirsty, extreme frenzy, bloodthirsty attack!

[Turn on this skill engraving and enter a state of bloodthirsty frenzy, without fear of death and pain! During the duration of the skill engraving, when using the blood energy series skills on the enemy in the bleeding state, the combat power will be greatly improved! (The initial increase is 25%, and the increase is increased by 2% for each level of increase! It can be superimposed with the runaway effect!)]


Lv0. Devouring the Soul and Sealing the Devil: The ultimate devil, eating the soul and swallowing the devil, one slash to seal the sky!

[Using this skill engraving can attract all enemies within the range of the blood prison to the close range and make them enter a bleeding state! Then slash the Demon Sealing Soul Devouring Blade, inflicting fatal damage to the enemy! (This mark has a forced absorption effect, which will forcefully absorb surrounding enemies through strength judgment, and this mark can only be used when [Blood Rage] has been cast)]

"It turned out to be these two skill engravings!"

Di Junlin quickly scanned the skills in front of him.


"one left!"

Lv1. Devil's Wings: The magic leaps into the sky, flutters the wings and supports the wings, it is for extreme speed!

[Idol Suppression Force breaks through a certain level of powerful physical supernatural powers that automatically emerge, and you can gain extreme speed by using demon wings! 】

"The supernatural powers of the flesh formed after the breakthrough of the God Elephant Suppressing Prison Force?"

"Isn't it possible to upgrade through the Kaiyin source crystal?"

"In that case!"

"Then directly raise the two brand-new skill marks of Soul Eater and Demon Sealing and Bloodthirsty to level 40!"

Di Junlin immediately decided on the use of the Kaiyin source crystal.

Mind a move.

The three hundred open-print source crystals obtained just after completing the mission.

And every twenty-five minutes condensed and accumulated dozens of Kaiyin source crystals shattered together!

All the Kaiyin source crystals of Di Junlin converged into two huge red beams in the air.

Rush towards the two powerful skill imprints of Soul Eater, Demon Sealing Slash and Bloodthirsty!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Two bright golden lights were suddenly lit up on the Prison Blood Demon Tree.

The huge legacy information spewed out of Di Junlin's mind.



A terrifying figure bathed in blood appeared in his soul space.

The body of this figure became extremely transparent in front of Di Junlin's eyes.

Every meridian, every blood, every energy surge.

All displayed in front of its eyes.

Bloodthirsty is actually a special explosive forbidden technique!

In order to gain more powerful strength, burst out one's own blood energy, make oneself enter a special state, and improve one's own sensitivity to blood!

At the same time, it even more frantically affects the blood in the bleeding target's body!

Melt into his own blood prison, making the strength further erupt.

The figure now appearing in front of Di Junlin is demonstrating the technique of entering a bloodthirsty state.

Di Junlin watched the entire transformation of the figure in front of him with all his attention, his eyes twinkled with golden light, opening the ancient heavy eyes to see everything!

The idol in the body is revolving, and it controls the gray energy of its own to surging according to the operation of the figure in front of him.

At the moment when Di Junlin's own energy was surging.

He suddenly felt a mysterious force.

It is independently pulling the Yuan force in his body and helping him to complete it!

More smoothly into the bloodthirsty state!

"I see!"

"That's right! That's it!"


In Soul Space, Di Junlin is aided by a mysterious force!

Instantly comprehend the mystery of the bloodthirsty state!

The key to the bloodthirsty state is the outbreak of anger!

As long as you control your own anger to blend with your blood, and run according to a special route!


Di Junlin's whole body shook suddenly.

Blood light floated beside him, and his pupils all turned blood red!

A madness reverberated in his mind, and his sensitivity to blood was raised to a limit!

There was a burning sensation in his palm.

Several blood-related skill imprints on the Hell Blood Demon Tree are flickering frantically.

Di Junlin found out!

Raised to the forty-level bloodthirsty state!

It seems that he has also integrated into the power of heaven and earth that he comprehends!

In addition to the power of blood prison for him to increase, the source of thunder and the source of light are also providing him with powerful power!

in this way!

The bloodthirsty state has almost increased his strength by 300% in a short period of time!

That is three times!

"Is this the power of the weather realm?!?"

"After raising the skill engraving to level 40, you will be able to gain an increase in the power of heaven and earth!"

"It's equivalent to using the power of heaven and earth to double your strength!"

"If I complete the task of the ultimate trend released by the system."

"How much increase can you get from the ten worlds?"

Di Junlin simply experienced the power of entering a bloodthirsty state.

back out immediately.

Although the bloodthirsty state is powerful, the energy that can be consumed is as terrifying as blood energy.

According to his current background, he can only last for six seconds!

Then next...


(PS: Damn, I have accumulated 15 five-star praise today, you guys are too fierce, if there are so many every day, I will have to add more soon-.-)

(What do you think of the pictures provided in the skirt of the little friend?)

【Coordinates 125, 246, 621 are waiting for you! 】

Little Blood Li -. -

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