"There's still half a year before it opens there!"

"Do you think that the speed at which King's Landing improves his cultivation can't reach the realm of heavenly kings?"

"I'm even afraid that he accidentally breaks through to the Emperor Realm!"

Hong Yuansheng's face was calm, but his tone contained a trace of uncontrollable excitement.

Xia Lao was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and said quietly: "Yuansheng, do you mind having more masters in Junlin?"

Hong Yuansheng: "Get out of here!"

"Lao Xia, what can you teach Jun's Landing?"

"Want him to be a Layover?"

Xia Lao glared at Hong Yuansheng, "What? My Holy Light Element has no means of attack?"

"Do you want to practice?"

"you sure?"

The silver light flickered in Hong Yuansheng's hand, and he stared at Old Xia with excitement in his eyes.

Apparently he had waited a long time for him to say this.

"King's Landing!"

"you're awake?"

"The old man will discuss something with you."

When Elder Xia saw the silver light in the hands of Hong Yuansheng, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

The power of the time source of this dog is really not about martial arts!

Suddenly feel Di Junlin's breath change.

Seeing that he was completely awake, he immediately came to his side.

"Old Xia? I heard you just now."

"However, this is after the master's consent, you see..."

Di Junlin glanced at Hong Yuansheng who was standing not far away, and said without hesitation.

Just now he was just controlling his own power, what was said between Old Xia and Hong Yuansheng.

He heard it clearly.

The old man in front of him looked like one of the top leaders of Tiansheng Academy.

He even has a close relationship with his own master.

When Elder Xia heard Di Junlin's words, he could only hold back all the words he wanted to say.

"Alright, alright."

"Jun Lin, this old boy will be your second master from now on."

"Although he is not as powerful as a teacher, he is much stronger than me in other aspects."

"This time, when I go back, I will continue to retreat."

"If you have anything, I'll find you 'Second Master'."

Hong Yuansheng emphasized the words "Second Master" and looked at Di Junlin and Xia Lao with a smile.

"How can you be so naive at such an old age?"

Xia Lao couldn't help but complain.

Di Junlin didn't dare to interrupt, but thought that Lao Xia and Hong Yuansheng were very interesting.

"Jun Lin, you will be my direct disciple from now on!"

"It's also my close disciple."

"This is a specially-made communication jade that you take with you."

"In addition, you should also put away the top-grade Yuanli crystals these days."

"And the Lei Yuanshi and Shenguang Yuanshi you put away, you can use them to further control the situation of heaven and earth."

"And this..."

Elder Xia was too lazy to pay attention to Hong Yuansheng, and kept taking out various things from his storage space to give to Di Junlin.

As a teacher all over the world, he receives various resources from students every year.

Among them, things that could be used to improve Di Junlin's cultivation were taken out by him.

"Thank you Master!"

Di Junlin stared at the pile of cultivation resources in front of him and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The eyes almost look like "money".

The second master seems to be richer than the master!

I'm stuck with this thigh.

Check it out.

These things can only be exchanged for tens of thousands of points in the points mall of Tiansheng Academy.

Which is like now.

Give it to yourself directly.

I finally made it out?


It's nice to have money!


"A bunch of extras!"

Hong Yuansheng watched Lao Xia raise the favorability of his little apprentice in a fair and bright manner, and couldn't help snorting coldly.

scheming summer!

He surged the power of the source of time in his body.

A three-dimensional crystal condensed in his hand, and an incomparably delicate silver-white hourglass was engraved in the center of the crystal.

The hourglass in it is slowly falling, affecting a strange and mysterious power.


Hong Yuansheng's complexion turned pale, and a full quarter of the time source power in his body was withdrawn.

It was completely injected into the three-dimensional crystal in his hand.

The silver light flourished, and the surface layer of the three-dimensional crystal in his hand began to fall off.

Only the silver-white hourglass with magical power remained.

Surrounded by a faint silver-white power of time, it is slowly flowing in it.

"Jun's Landing, put this away."

"Your physique is special, and at the same time, you have also comprehended several different 'potentials' of heaven and earth!"

"You may not be able to understand the power of time."

"There is also the power of space left by Evil Saint Kongyuan!"

"Maybe you can comprehend it too!"

Hong Yuansheng took a step lightly and came to Di Junlin's side.

He put the silver-white hourglass in his hand and said with a deep gaze.

Under the power of the source of time, he saw several fragments of Di Junlin's future.

If an ordinary person is distracted and comprehends many different 'forces', he will definitely reprimand them severely.

But Di Junlin is different.

His path was different from all of them.



Di Junlin was about to speak.

"Okay, King's Landing, put away that hourglass."

"Yuansheng must have seen something, you don't need to ask more."

Xia Lao saw the doubt in Di Junlin's heart at a glance, and immediately interrupted it.

"Yuansheng, the matter in the magic capital is over for the time being."

"Daxia Academic Degree Mansion, Daxia Town Magic Bureau Headquarters, and Daxia Military Headquarters will send people to fill the vacancies in each position."

"The people behind the evil spirit sect are deeply hidden, but most of the forces have been strangled this time."

"Many students and teachers in the Magic Capital Academy are involved."

"This time, two-thirds of the teachers are missing, and the remaining teachers are unable to teach students at all."

"Do you want to ban the Magic Capital Academy and reassign students to major universities?"

Xia Lao glanced at the information received by the smart watch on his wrist and asked Hong Yuansheng.

"Cancel it."

"The remaining students are all re-assessed and assigned to major universities."

"Our Tiansheng Academy can also recruit another batch."

"Most of the students in the sophomore and freshman year were cut down by King's Landing."

"Start now, and issue mandatory tasks to all colleges and universities!"

"Don't worry about the energy problem in all colleges and universities, all open the loyalty test for me!"

"It must be tested once a month, Daxia does not need to be greedy for life and fear of death!"

"Although those evil spirits have left this time, the war zones will face heavier pressure."

"Every student who reaches the realm of Heavenly Venerate must enter the war zone to fight!"

Hong Yuansheng said solemnly.

This time, although I seized the opportunity to kill two evil spirits in the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

But to the evil spirits of Blue Star, the evil spirits of the two Heavenly Holy Realm are nothing at all.

The evil clan is only afraid of something, and dare not directly destroy the human race.

In the future, the evil clan's offensive against Daxia humans will only get stronger and stronger.

Continue to erode the living space of Daxia human beings.

Let Daxia be green and yellow.

eventually perish.

As the strongest person in Daxia, how could he not think of the real purpose of the evil spirits.

It's just that he couldn't stop it at all.

There is no way to leave the territory of Daxia.



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