Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 136 Heavenly Venerate Extreme Realm! The 4 Worlds That Have Been Controlled

"How to do?"

It will make his combat power sublime!

Become wider, deeper, stronger!

"Did you let King Landing, who only has the Heavenly Venerate Realm, go in and seek death?"

[On-hook upgrade module starts to upgrade...]

A giant vortex envelops Di Junlin's body.

Old Xia and Hong Yuansheng looked at each other and said in shock.

Want to try to break through!

"It has already condensed its own 'potential'!"

"The energy contained in those few pieces of Heavenly Sacred Origin Crystal, King's Landing can fully bear it!"

Xia Lao immediately retorted.

"These are the powers of 'potential'?"

"Blood rage!"

"Only people under the emperor's realm can enter that place!"

"Wait, how old is Jun Lin!"

Hong Yuansheng's gentle voice rang in Di Junlin's ear.

Di Junlin opened his eyes and looked at Lao Xia and his teacher gratefully.

He didn't check it for the first time.

The Heavenly Venerate Realm can only control the energy in a small space.

The sound of chains tangling and colliding resounded in Di Junlin's dantian!


At this moment, the dantian river has become a vast ocean!

On the Prison Blood Demon Tree, a skill engraved pattern lights up.

Instead, he is carefully comprehending the power of the Heavenly Venerate Ten-Star Extreme Realm.

Look at the "potential" condensed in Di Junlin's hands.

And have it completely under control!

[Currently comprehended: the power of thunder is 100%, the power of light is 100%, the power of death is 10%, and the power of blood prison is 100%! 】

When Hong Yuansheng heard the words, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.



Let his own momentum suddenly increase several times.

"This is!"

"It is opened once in a hundred years, and all the people who go there are the perfect existence of the Nine Stars of the Heavenly King Realm!"

The agglomeration of these four 'potentials' immediately affected Blue Star's power of heaven and earth.

It's just that with Di Junlin's current cultivation realm, it cannot be fully realized!

[The 'Potential' Comprehension Information Module of Heaven and Earth is open! 】

"Are you crazy?"

"My current physique is too perverted."

Instantly collided with the four pole shackles.

Heavenly Venerate Realm Ten-Star Extreme Realm!

It stubbornly blocked the onslaught of gray fog energy.

[Task content: As the host, you should condense the invincible power of heaven and earth! Please at least fully comprehend the ten trends of heaven and earth, and integrate them into the prototype of the ultimate chaos, so as to break through the weather realm! 】

When the weather condenses the 'potential', you can use the power of heaven and earth!


to make!

[Ding, it is detected that the host has broken through the ten-star extreme realm of the Supreme Heavenly Venerate, and the power of the world has already started to refine the Chaos Divine Body on its own! 】

A gap is created every time it hits.

Xue Li, Ethereal, and Alyphis are also helping Di Junlin absorb these pure energies!

Primordial power, which was originally like a river, began to transform!

at this time!

It was obviously a sign of Di Junlin's failure to enter the Ten-star Pole Dao.

[Ding, new mission released: The ultimate trend! 】

The four pole shackles revealed on the surface of the dantian began to become more illusory.

Completely incomparable with the weather conditions.

Xia Lao suddenly remembered Di Junlin's age, and was even more surprised.

"Golden energy is not enough!"

A lot of energy into the dantian!

Blood energy and Yuan force riot at the same time!

Di Junlin still controls the gray Yuan force formed in the body, and attacks the four pole shackles that faintly appear in Dantian!

Let the Yuan force in his body undergo a huge change not to mention.


"The next step is to break through the weather!"

"The demand for energy is so great!"

A series of system prompts sounded in Di Junlin's ear.


This golden energy beam on his body made the idols who were about to stop and the bloodthirsty breastplate of doom start to devour energy frantically again.

Di Junlin slowly opened his eyes, and in his hands were four powers with completely different attributes: Thunder, Light, Blood Prison, and Death.

There will be another mysterious force to fill the gap.

The gray energy that contains the power of chaos and all things fills Di Junlin's dantian!

This time into the extreme.

Quickly condensed into substance in his body!


It also made him understand the blood prison that he has always controlled!

There is already the idea of ​​giving up, and there is no way to succeed without energy support.

With huge energy as a backing.

I want to completely condense the four pole shackles.

Di Junlin thought wistfully.


Over time.

[System remarks: The road to invincibility starts from now on, rush! It is also recommended to comprehend the basic power, otherwise the Demon God Blood Prison will not be able to fully integrate! 】

Without any hesitation, he immediately controlled all his power!

[Quest rewards: A Li's old enhancement machine, a trip to the origin of the world, a super god-level lottery card, 500 Kaiyin source crystals, and 500,000 origin points! 】

Di Junlin nodded quickly and closed his eyes to look inside his dantian.

[Ding, the on-hook upgrade module has been successfully upgraded! 】

In fact, it is a special field!

The gray Yuan force and the majestic blood energy contained in the chaotic divine body rushed towards the four pole shackles above the dantian!

Let your combat power reach an unprecedented increase.

Not just him!

Di Junlin's side shines with golden light!

"If you want to break through the ten-star extreme realm of the Tianzun realm, you need so much energy!"

"Now he has completely absorbed that energy and has directly reached the peak of Heavenly Venerate!"

A beam of golden energy, which is even richer than before, enveloped his body as shown in the figure!

However, the opportunity was seized by the energy-rich and endless gray Yuan force!


[Ding, the task is being generated...]

"I want Jun Lin to try that place!" Hong Yuansheng lowered his voice, and the smile on his face subsided slightly.

His breath began to skyrocket!

The power of heaven and earth began to temper Di Junlin's body!

And there's more than one.

The sound of the bottle opening resounded on Di Junlin.

"I missed this time. If I want to manifest the shackles of the extreme way again and enter the ten-star extreme way of Tianzun, I don't know how many evil spirits I have to kill or get a lot of energy crystals."

"Jun's Landing, you just need to break through! The two of us will protect the law for you."

"Under seventeen!"

The power of heaven and earth began to converge towards Di Junlin's location.

The four illusory pole chains are shining brightly!

This time!

The momentum of Di Junlin's whole body skyrocketed several times.

It seems to have broken through a layer of diamond "membrane".

The golden energy beam above his head, pouring into Di Junlin's body became even faster!

[The current on-hook upgrade speed is increased by 50 times! Current on-hook upgrade speed: 5000 points/hour! 】

But the four pole shackles are like copper walls and iron walls.

"Just entered the Tianzun ten-star extreme realm!"

Di Junlin's cultivation level also increased suddenly at this moment!

Every time you enter the extreme!

That small gap immediately began to recover.

"His current physical strength is probably stronger than the ordinary weather realm, I don't know how much!"

"Good boy!"

The four illusory shackles of the poles were also broken by Di Junlin!

Follow the crack and "top" into it.

He also felt the power of heaven and earth that Hong Yuansheng said!

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