Gao Wu: Beginning With A Chaotic Body, Becoming A Blood Demon God In Prison

Chapter 138 Aftermath, 7 Desires Evil Saint! (Picture)

If he leaves Daxia territory.

"Hong Yuansheng!"

"must be careful!"

Everyone's body seems to be pressed against a mountain.

Humanity will rise.

A dark human figure condensed not far from Di Junlin and the others.

The magic capital settlement that has just returned to peace.

"Teacher, who is this?"

"The things banned by the Magic Capital Academy will also be handed over to you."

There is no ability to resist!

"Seven Desires Holy Venerable?"

If Hongyuan Sheng felt something, he looked towards a place where the Demon City was inhabited.

(PS: Guys, this chapter is full of 80 five-star reviews, and it will start accumulating again today~~)

And Hong Yuansheng himself was severely damaged, and it took decades to recover.

"Except for you, the country you guard."

Xia Lao couldn't help but sigh.

When Elder Xia heard this familiar voice, his face was solemn.

The realm that accommodates the source of time, constantly accelerating time, wants to make that evil realm degenerate and collapse.

I really want to open a double knife and directly hack him to death.

The sky above the entire Demon City was suddenly shrouded in an evil and wanton realm!

"Seven desires!"

"You are very majestic today!"

The terrifying Shengwei shrouded the Daxia human beings in the entire Demon City!

(Please ask for a free gift, the support of the big guys is the driving force for me to write a book~~~)


A lot of miscellaneous thoughts suddenly appeared in my mind.

Old Xia explained solemnly.

As a result, almost all of the top powerhouses in Beautiful Country, Maoxiong, and Ophie Country fell.

"It is absolutely not allowed to have the existence of betrayal of mankind, and then come out to stir up right and wrong!"

Rush towards the major resource points in the magic capital settlement.

A huge realm like a world of silver light suddenly emerged.

"Especially high-level resources!"

The harsh laughter sounded again.

Now, he may have been hurt by his own emotions.

"Do you really think that I can't keep you in Daxia?"

I am afraid that the entire Blue Star's evil spirits will frantically besiege Hong Yuansheng.

Old Xia also said solemnly: "The Devil City suffered a great disaster this time! The biggest reason is the betrayal of the three major families!"

"Anguo, you have finally reached the Heavenly Sacred Realm."

Many humans with low cultivation bases were controlled by their own greed for a while.

"It seems that I can give you the magic capital with peace of mind."

"Yes! With his talent, if it weren't for that incident back then, he would have reached the Heavenly Sacred Realm long ago."


All over the body of this figure, there are seven strange marks of desire flashing.

"From today, the magic capital will be handed over to you."

This newly promoted Heavenly Sacred Realm boss is a relative of Su Xuan?

There are too many Heavenly Sacred Realms bred in the evil spirits.

Xia Lao was slightly startled, and quickly responded, "That boy Anguo broke through?"

The moment Di Junlin appeared in the black realm just now.

Block the silver light out of the realm.

A piercing roar of laughter rang out in everyone's ears.

Immediately open up your sacred realm of light and protect Di Junlin within it.

Su Anguo looked solemnly at the two old men in front of him.

A silver light shone above everyone's heads.

Silver light and darkness divide the sky.

There is no way to suppress those evil thoughts.

"Who else can fight against the Holy Race?"

A figure wrapped in a faint blue light appeared in front of Hong Yuansheng and Xia Lao.

"We humans must not become evil!"

They have paid enough for Daxia and for mankind.

A sinister face appeared in front of everyone's eyes.


It's just that the pupils don't have a trace of white.

"As long as you are willing to join my holy clan, why not give it to you from all the humans of Blue Star?"


"It seems his obsession has dissipated."

"This is the Seven Desires Saint Venerable, one of the top powerhouses in the evil clan!"

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The various desires of people have been infinitely amplified under the strange power.

And the realm of the mysterious evil saint is constantly exuding a strange golden light.

"As a result, in recent years, there have been fewer and fewer human beings wanting to break through to the Earth Emperor Realm or the Heavenly Sacred Realm."

Hong Yuansheng and Xia Lao looked at each other, and both could see the gratification in each other's eyes.

"Hong Yuansheng, you really reached that step."

There are also many human beings who are controlled by their own lust, and even pounce on the opposite sex around them.

"The distracting thoughts that floated in your heart just now are the result of being affected by the evil qi of seven desires!"

There is a strange holy light flashing in this realm, which seems to have the power to provoke emotions.

In the end it ended in failure.

Even his unyielding will hangs over Di Junlin's soul space.

Depression, terror, irritability, anger...

If it weren't for the own realm, it would focus on defense!

Hongyuan Sheng looked indifferently at the Seven Desires Holy Venerable in front of him, and the holy power in his body had begun to surge.

Under the influence of this evil realm, it became even more chaotic.

"But this world can't let you break through!"

"That kid from the Su family broke through?"

It constantly affects the desires of human beings in the magic capital settlement.

The two huge realms fell into a certain balance in the air.

Hong Yuansheng snorted coldly, looked up at the black realm in the sky, and a dignified color flashed in his eyes.

The two powerful and extremely powerful forces collided constantly in the space that no one could capture.

Di Junlin looked at the figure curiously, and found that his face was somewhat similar to Su Xuan.

It collided with the evil-filled realm in the air.

Di Junlin looked at the evil spirit in this Heavenly Sacred Realm, and for some reason a trace of tyranny surged in his heart.

"Has the severe damage to the source suffered fifty years ago recovered?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......"

At one time no one could do anything to the other.

But compared to this evil spirit, it turned out to be like a land emperor.

"Be careful!"

Daxia will not disappear!

Inexplicable emotions are surging in the hearts of the human beings in the magic capital settlement.

Thinking of this, Su Anguo assured Hong Yuansheng and Xia Lao with a serious look, "Xia Lao, the old mansion master! Devil City, there will be me in the future! I'm fine!"

"As expected of the most powerful human beings in the world."

Even directly slaughtered all the settlements in Daxia.

"Alas, human beings have too few resources."

Is it.

"Old Palace Master, Elder Xia."

Make it impossible for the force of time to penetrate the boundary wall and enter it.

All the losses suffered by the magic capital this time are worth it.

Su Anguo's face flushed: "????" (I just ran out of the Heavenly Sacred Realm and the Nine Stars Consummate?)

Last time, he united several of the world's most powerful heavenly saints and provoked a shocking war.

(Since everyone wants to see pictures! Then I am here! Hehehe~)

The human-shaped evil body of the Seven Desires is actually not much different from a real human being.

Su Anguo's expression also became serious, and he found that he had broken through to the Heavenly Sacred Realm.

If it weren't for Xia Lao expanding the sacred light realm to protect it.

"Qiyu, you are not dead!"

At the same time, it moved towards the human beings in the magic capital settlement.

Hong Yuansheng nodded lightly at Su Anguo, came to him and patted his shoulder.

"Would you like to join my holy clan?"

There is another Heavenly Sacred Realm in Daxia.

It's just that it is blocked by Lao Xia's bright sacred realm.

"The realm of cultivation has reached the perfect existence of the Nine Stars in the Heavenly Sacred Realm, and the power of the source it controls is desire!"

Di Junlin may be out of control by now.

At this time.

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