Both Xing and Huo Huo looked at Pei Guang, who nodded: "Please lead the way!"

Under the leadership of Qingque, the group came to a small room. There were ten shining boxes in the small room. Pei Guang was still very calm at first and wanted to see what Suiyang was up to. But after seeing these treasure boxes, Pei Guang couldn't calm down at all. He had to admit that Sui Yang was indeed a good player at playing with people's hearts.

At this moment, not only did Pei Guang feel that he was out of control, Xing also felt that his heartbeat was speeding up, as if he had seen the most wonderful picture in the world. After all, it was Qingque who placed treasure boxes all over Luofu after the Fairy Boat incident. Suiyang created this treasure box array based on Qingque's memories.

It is guaranteed that the players will get one hemp, one hemp, and two hemp pairs. Now Pei Guang and Xing became excited when they saw that this was a treasure chest.

Huo Huo: "Ah Guang! Xing... this is fake, it's an illusion..."

Pei Guang shook his head vigorously: "It doesn't matter whether it's a fantasy or not, what's important is that it's a treasure chest!"

Star: "That's right!"

Seeing Pei Guang and Xing take the bait, Qingque waved his hand: "This is the refreshing service that our Luofu Emperor Jade Group will provide to poker players all over the universe, unboxing."

"Players randomly open the box and have a chance to get the Qiongyu card that is missing in the card type. One draw can determine the outcome!"

Pei Guang no longer knows how to complain about this gameplay. Why is this krypton gold system so familiar?

Pei Guang: "Do you want to set different recharge levels of 6, 30, 98, 198, 328, 648? Do you also want a 30 yuan monthly card? Do you find out every day?"

Qingque touched his chin: "Huh? Your suggestion is good and can be used. But my box is not simple. Every box is opened, and there is a chance of golden legends inside."

Pei Guang lost his composure at this moment. Can the box here emit golden light? Although it sounds like bragging, it seems okay to give it a try, right? There are so many boxes that cannot be opened, which makes Pei Guang feel itchy!

Moreover, Qingque has said that there is a chance of producing golden light. He does not ask for ten consecutive companies to produce gold, but only for these ten companies to produce purple or blue props that he can use!

Pei Guang: "Very good! Let's try it out~"

Qingque: "This is a big gamble, my friend!"

Pei Guang was about to take action. Xing saw Pei Guang take action and followed him. The two opened the box at the same time. As the box opened, a dazzling blue light emerged from inside.

Chapter 343 White Food Stall Plastic Chair

Sui Yang himself knew clearly what was in the box, because this illusion was created by Sui Yang based on Qingque's knowledge and what he saw and heard. As Suiyang, he doesn't know why Pei Guang likes boxes, but since he likes them, just use the box to make him fall in love.

Therefore, Suiyang built ten boxes here and sewed a setting of ten consecutive draws. The purpose was to make the pioneers fall into the trap of the boxes and become part of it!

I don't know what kind of magic power Pei Guang has. It is clear that through various people's memories, various people know that Pei Guang is very powerful, but they just don't believe in evil and want to take Pei Guang as their own.

It can also be said that Suiyang is in a certain way... a twisted version of Pei Guangchu?

Suiyang felt that his plan was perfect, but when Pei Guang and Xing opened the box, an accident happened.

The blue light is not a garbage bag containing the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu brand, but a fateful material that is glowing with blue light? The so-called destiny materials refer to those special materials formed by the residual power of the Star God. Such materials can allow destiny walkers to better understand their destiny and thereby enhance the power of their destiny. They can also make various powerful weapons.

It’s okay to get destiny materials in the outside world, but can you also get destiny materials in the fantasy world? And it’s still true?

Now there are countless question marks on the top of this Suiyang's head. Whenever it tells other Suiyang that it wants to create real things in the void in the illusion, or that it has something to do with the Star God, let alone others, other Suiyangs will feel it. It's crazy.

But the question is, are two people really allowed to drive out now? The most frightening thing is that when Pei Guang and Xing were unpacking the box, Sui Yang clearly felt that his strength was less and he had become much weaker.

After Pei Guang and Xing opened the first box and saw what was revealed, their eyes lit up. Looking at the remaining eight treasure boxes, pure murderous intent erupted on the scene.

Tails: "I'm going, I have murderous intent!"

Tai Wei didn't want to talk today, he just wanted to quietly ask Ming Ming's weak Suiyang, but the murderous aura erupting from Pei Guang and Xing still shocked him.

Taiyi looked at Pei Guang and Xing. At this time, the two people's eyes were focused on the box. Both of them were waiting for the other to make a move. Although it was stronger to strike first, making a last move would allow them to remain unchanged in the face of ever-changing changes.

Huo Huo was also dumbfounded: "A Guang, Xing, are you... affected by Sui Yang?"

Pei Guang shook his head while staring at Xing: "No, it's just that I don't want this guy to open my beloved treasure chest!"

Star: "That's right!"

Obviously there are two people who share everything, but the problem with opening treasure boxes is that the more they play, the happier they are. For Pei Guang and Xing, opening too many treasure boxes is just that, but now they can't get out of Jin Guang's heart. Not even much of a swing.

If you don't have friends, then even rare things will gradually lose their feeling after a game, but if you have friends, it will be different.

For a material, close friends who really understand each other will fight in the game because they are enjoying the process.

Of course, if some friends don't like this way of fighting, they won't play in this way. Pei Guang and Xing Gan competed against each other because they knew each other too well. This feeling was the same as that of their god-sister and their god-sister. They were both releasing murderous intent, but one was killing the target while the other was killing boredom. time, kill the boring time, then the remaining time will be interesting.

Huo Huo didn't understand this kind of thing. She looked at the two serious people in front of her, took a deep breath and squatted down holding her head: "You guys have fun, but don't fight, don't fight."

Pei Guang: "Don't worry! We are civilized people."

Xing: "That's right, there is no one in the entire universe who has higher moral standards than us. This universe knows that our moral standards must be rewarded for us."

However, Pei Guang did not talk about martial ethics this time. When Xing explained, Pei Guang took action first.

"Haha! The rest of the treasure chests are mine."

Xing was shocked: "Damn Aguang! You actually attacked me, a one-month-old baby, while I wasn't paying attention!"

Pei Guang complained: "Does your family look like this in a month?"

Xing: "That's right! My family looks like this in a month."

Pei Guang and Xing started working on the remaining eight boxes. There were ten boxes in total. Pei Guang and Xing opened nine blue lights and one purple light. There were no particularly good items, all of which were fate materials.

While Pei Guang and Xing were happily unpacking the box, Suiyang suffered a serious crime. It felt that one-tenth of its strength had disappeared, and the entire Suiyang was in a weak state.

This sudden weakness and what happened at the scene allowed Qingque's consciousness to regain the high ground, but now Qingque and Suiyang formed a wonderful balance. Under this wonderful balance, Qingque found that he could actually be in this illusion. Let’s take advantage of some of the things Suiyang did.

When Qingque figured it out, this guy had done so many things with his body, he still had to collect some interest. Looking at Pei Guang happily opening the box, Qingque suddenly had an idea.

After putting away these materials, Pei Guang looked at Qingque: "Qingque? Isn't your box good? Ten boxes for one purple light? Is it guaranteed to be four stars for ten consecutive draws? This is not possible. What is not good about learning to draw cards? tour?"

When Pei Guang asked Qingque, Qingque said with a smile: "Oh? Not enough? There must be something wrong with the drop rate. I will increase the probability of the golden legend now."

Qingque had just understood how to operate this illusion, so while he was suppressing Suiyang, Qingque made ten new treasure chests and adjusted the probabilities.

She wanted all ten to be golden legends, but after debugging, she had an intuition that told her that this would not work. If all ten were not possible, she would just have nine or eight. After repeated attempts, Qingque finally only picked one ten-company that would definitely produce golden legends.

Qingque had just finished adjusting when she heard Suiyang's roar.

"Okay, okay~ You've been playing with my body for so long, and you even made me miss the opportunity to use the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu card to torture Lord Taibu. I'm just doing this, and you're still stopping me?"

While the conscious world was communicating with Sui Yang, Qingque in the illusion also made a gesture of invitation to Pei Guang: "Come! Give it a try, a golden legend will appear every ten times. Do you want to come one by one? Ten in one go?”

When Qingque introduced it, the boxes that were originally opened completely disappeared and were replaced by a batch of new boxes. These boxes looked like they were glowing with white light, but Pei Guang could vaguely feel the beauty of these boxes.

Pei Guang: "What's your suggestion?"

Qingque: "That's it, my friend!"

Although Qingque didn't say it directly, both Pei Guang and Xing understood what Qingque was talking about at this moment, which was to open ten boxes at once and play a stud game.

Pei Guang and Xing looked at each other, and then they put their hands on the box. They decided to complete this ten-game draw together!

Seeing Pei Guang and Xing about to open the box again, Suiyang in Qingque's consciousness was in pain and shouting that it wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong! It originally wanted to use card draw to restrict the Blazer, but who knew that the Blazer was not a thing, and the card draw actually sucked its energy.

This time, the golden legend must be drawn. If the golden legend comes out, won't he be dead? In order to survive, Suiyang decided to give up Qingque's body and let Huo Huo take him back.

If you don't run away from this situation, your many years of business will be ruined!

But something terrible happened. When it wanted to escape, Qingque used its power to restrain it.

Qingque: "Oh~ You're here now, so don't leave~ Let me tell you, it will be good for you in the future if you ask A Guang to give you good things."

Sui Yang: "Why? Why can you use my power?"

Qingque: "After I woke up, I got to know your environment a little bit. This illusion was created using my consciousness as a carrier. Although I can't trap you forever, I can still hold on until Aguang and the others open a box or something. You can do it, come on Suiyang~"

This is a lie. Qingque doesn't know why he can control this illusion. Maybe he is influenced by Pei Guang? Or is it really as you guessed? Anyway, I dare not say more, but she can still do things like asking Suiyang to stay away for a while and bringing up the box he prepared for Pei Guang.

While Qingque and Suiyang were communicating, Pei Guang and Xing also opened ten boxes at once. The ten boxes were opened, and white, blue, and purple light rushed out of the boxes.

Xing: "Huh? No golden light?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No! Yes, look at that!"

Following the direction of Pei Guang's finger, Xing saw a white light that did not dissipate. Under Xing's gaze, the white light that did not dissipate turned into a golden light.

Xing: "Can you play it this way?"

Xing was dumbfounded. In the past, whatever light was opened in the box was what it was, but this time, a white light turned into a golden light? "

Pei Guang nodded: "Gold plating, some games have a guaranteed mechanism. Since Qingque said that ten consecutive draws will definitely be gold, then if ten consecutive draws do not produce gold, the guaranteed mechanism will definitely be triggered. However, this feeling of guaranteed delivery is really unpleasant! "

Pei Guang said he was unhappy, but he was actually very happy. He found a golden recipe in the box brought back by Mao Gao, found a golden skill on Yan Qing, and mailed back a trash can that looked like a golden quality infinite trash can part.

Now there is another golden light, it's so cool, isn't it?

Pei Guang was so happy, but the Sui Yang in Qing Que's body was really going to die. Now this Sui Yang has stopped moving. The only thing Qing Que is sure of is that this guy seems to be alive?

But it's not a big problem, as long as he is not dead, Pei Guang should be able to do anything with this Sui Yang.

Pei Guang didn't care about Sui Yang's life or death at all. What he and Xing were most concerned about was what was in the box.

Pei Guang and Xing excitedly came to the box with golden light, and looked into the box. Xing was a little confused.

"A Guang? What is this thing?"

There was a plastic chair lying in the alley. Xing was full of questions when looking at the chair. Huo Huo, who came over curiously, was also a little curious when he saw the white plastic chair.

"Hey? Is this the... Golden Legend you often talk about? It looks... so unique..."

Huo Huo believed in Pei Guang's ability, but because of that belief, she was confused when she saw such a white plastic chair. How to describe this plastic chair? It has a kind of beauty of street stalls.

Compared to everyone who didn't understand what it was, Pei Guang felt a kind of beauty of hair standing up and full of power the moment he saw this chair.

He took out the white plastic chair and checked its properties.

[Food stall chair: This is a chair full of power. When the chair is placed normally, people who see the chair and can sit on it will sit on it involuntarily. Players can actively choose invalid targets. People who sit on the chair will be full of power, and the bonus will be invalid after leaving the chair]

[Note: This is a chair that looks full of power. No one can resist the temptation of the chair. Please explore the specific effect by yourself.]

Looking at this chair, Pei Guang's eyes gradually deepened. When ordinary people see this chair, they will definitely think about how to use this chair to increase their strength and make the most powerful attack in battle.

But when seeing this chair, Pei Guang felt that he was going to go further and further on the road of being inhuman.

What is the effect of this chair? Units who see the chair will sit on the chair involuntarily. This skill is simply a concept skill. The only thing that makes Pei Guang feel is that this chair is too small. If it is bigger, can't it be used to catch the star god?

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Pei Guang's equipment is matched with the Holy Light skill he obtained before, which is simply pushing the inhumanity to the limit.

When fighting with others, especially in singles, once the chair is placed, wait for the opponent to take the initiative to sit on it. After sitting on it, the Holy Light will be fully turned on, and this person will die honestly.

But then Pei Guang thought of a terrible thing: "Wait? Incontinence when sitting on this chair... Then can I still have this chair? "

Pei Guang quickly gave his answer to this question. The answer is that he can have it, but he just doesn't want to sit on it. Besides, this prop doesn't say that you can't put anything on the chair, so it's just right to catch people.

And Pei Guang is not afraid if there is something on it. His storage space can accurately take away the designated items. As long as he doesn't take away the residue on the chair, then this chair is a good chair.

After looking at this chair and understanding its characteristics, Pei Guang explained: "This is a powerful chair, but I don't know if it is useful in the illusion..."

Pei Guang put the chair on the ground while speaking. Looking at the white food stall chair on the ground, Xing poked it curiously: "I feel that there is no effect? ​​Is our golden light fake? After all, it's an illusion..."

She was very happy to see the golden light, but seeing such a broken chair, she always felt that this thing didn't have any fancy effects.

However, when Xing was complaining, Qingque's body showed abnormality. A drained Suiyang flew out of Qingque's body. This Suiyang floated to the side of the chair and then the whole Suiyang fell on the chair.

Looking at this scene, Xing turned to look at Pei Guang: "I take back what I said just now. This thing... seems to be very strong..."

Pei Guang nodded: "It is very strong, and this is a prop, and it is a prop that we can use at will."

At this moment, Xing understood what Pei Guang meant. If this prop is placed in the public storage space, then even if they are separated, everyone can use this prop anywhere.

And Pei Guang looked at Suiyang flying over and thought: "It seems that this prop is effective even in this environment..."

Xing: "After all, it is something we got in the illusion, eh? Wait? This Sui Yang has been arrested, does that prove that…”

Xing’s mouth seemed to be enlightened, and when she said this, the illusion disappeared and the group returned directly to the real world.

“Everyone is here~”

Returning to reality, Qingque was the first to greet everyone. Although in the fantasy, Qingque relied on her own will to do something in the end, but after Qingque saw Fu Xuan, she decided to pretend to be stupid.

Seeing that Qingque returned to normal, Fu Xuan asked worriedly: "Are you okay, Qingque? Do you feel anything is wrong? Have a headache? Nausea, strange dreams or something."

Qingque: "Hey~ I seem to have had a dream. In the dream, I prepared many boxes for the two pioneers, and asked the pioneers to get powerful props."

Pei Guang: "It's not a dream. Thanks to you or the blessing of Sui Yang, we have gained a lot this time!"

Fu Xuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Qingque was fine: "It's fine."

But soon Fu Xuan thought of how she looked in the illusion, and she became very angry. For Fu Xuan, cutting the rope could be regarded as an experiment, but she was discovered when it was too small. This kind of thing made her tone... He immediately became unkind.

"Don't let me catch you napping during work hours again. Go and clean up the library."

Fu Xuan patted Qingque's head and left. Although the experience in the fantasy was a bit unhappy, the fantasy was still a fantasy. These were just some of Qingque's own fantasies. Who hasn't fantasized about some strange things in private? Woolen cloth?

After Fu Xuan walked away, Qing Que looked at Pei Guang: "Hey~ I didn't expect that this time I would be possessed by Sui Yang~"

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