Qingque blinked at Pei Guang. Seeing the way Qingque blinked, and recalling Qingque's last behavior, Pei Guang raised his head and glanced at Fu Xuan's position before speaking in a low voice: "Have you regained consciousness long ago? "

Qing Que shook his head: "Don't talk nonsense, I just regained consciousness, but the golden light you fired, Ah Guang, is really dazzling~ This Suiyang is really powerful, he can actually make it for you to get props The treasure chest is just too stingy to give you such a low probability."

Qing Que raised his head with a hint of pride. Seeing Qing Que's appearance, Pei Guang said, "Indeed! Although Sui Yang is stingy, he is generous. The golden light that is sure to yield gold in the tenth company makes people feel comfortable all over. I am in a good mood today." , Shall I treat you to dinner?”

Qingque: "Okay~ But what about next time? Hey~ If you continue to fish without doing any work today, you will definitely make Master Taibu angry. If she is angry, life will be difficult in the future."

Pei Guang: "No problem, I owe you first. Whenever you want to eat something, call me and I'll treat you."

Pei Guang and Qingque looked at each other. Although they didn't say anything, they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes. For Qingque, he has a stable poker partner when he is short of three in the future, but for Pei Guang, Qingque actually helped him obtain the golden legend? This is simply a great favor! ! !

But since Qingque said that he would wait until later, he would repay her properly later.

As for this Suiyang? Huo Huo took Pei Guang and Xing to seal Suiyang to Suiyuan. According to Qingque's previous hint, he was able to open the box thanks to Suiyang, but Suiyang's probability was very high when he drew the card for the first time. Low.

But it doesn’t matter. Since it can draw cards, it proves that it is a useful Suiyang. Give it to Tutu and let Tutu train this Suiyang well and strive to make it become a social animal with a craftsman’s spirit and a workaholic. Such a talent can You must give the best treatment, because good treatment can give you more gold coins.

While Pei Guang and Xing were working with Sui Yang to obtain the best props, March Qi, who was taking photos of the Milky Way in the Star Dome Train Hall, suddenly noticed something extra in the public storage space.

"Huh? What powerful props did A Guang and Xing get again?"

This food stall chair was placed in the top row of the public storage space by Pei Guang. According to Pei Guang's classification, general materials are placed at the bottom, and the most useful things are placed at the top.

But March Qi looked at the food stall chair and couldn't see that it had anything to do with its usefulness. However, out of curiosity, March Qi took out the chair and put it on the ground.

She took a camera and took a few photos of the white plastic chair, but she couldn't find anything special about it.

"Huh? What Aguang put on the top is proven to be a very useful or very interesting thing, but why does it look like an ordinary chair?"

March Qi was still studying. While March Qi was studying, Pam holding a broom came over with small steps. Seeing Pam coming with a broom, March Qi hurriedly explained: "This is not garbage. , this is the prop obtained by A Guang, but..."

March 7th also wanted to explain what this thing was. After all, the chair and the train didn't match. If she didn't explain it and let Pam throw it away as garbage, there would be no place to cry.

But before March 7 could finish explaining, Pam directly bypassed March 7 and sat down on the chair.

Yes, the special effect of the chair was activated, because March Qi did not select the invalid range when using this prop, so when the chair was placed here, it was effective for everyone except March Qi by default.

No, Pam saw this chair when she was cleaning the hall, and then walked over with small steps and sat on it.

Seeing Pam sitting on it, March Qi was stunned for a moment, while Pam was holding the broom in her left hand and put her right hand on her lap, looking calmly forward.

"Passenger March 7, what's the problem?"

March 7 shook her head vigorously. She subconsciously took out her mobile phone and took a full circle of photos of Pam sitting on the white plastic chair of the food stall. She showed a satisfied expression on her face.

After sitting for a while, Pam felt full of strength and left. While Pam left to continue working, Walter came to the hall and had something to do. However, when he saw this chair, he silently pushed up his glasses.

Although his Earth was not the same as Pei Guang's Earth, his Earth had similar themes. When he saw that the white plastic food stall chair was placed improperly in the train hall, Walter also sat down on it.

On this day, everyone on the Star Train felt the power and Pava. On this day, March 7 also collected the dark history photos of Pam, Walter, Ji Zi, and Dan Heng.

And when March 7 looked at the all-round powerful photos of everyone in her camera, March 7 felt the power of this chair.

“This prop is really fun and useful!!!”

Although Pei Guang didn't talk about the function of this thing, looking at everyone's reactions, March Qi guessed the purpose of this thing. Looking at the photo and the chair, March Qi suddenly had a bold idea.

Chapter 344: The Dark Fire Archduke who went to war with the pioneers

After Suiyang took him in and arranged a suitable job, Pei Guang, Xing and Huo Huo returned to the Star Dome Train after having a good meal at the Luofu Fairy Boat.

However, when the two returned to the Star Dome Train, the scene in the hall made Pei Guang and Xing silent.

In the center of the hall, a white plastic chair was placed exactly in the middle. There was no one in the entire hall. Pei Guang glanced at the small map and everyone turned off location sharing.

There is no information in the system log that anyone has entered combat status, which also makes Pei Guang feel at ease.

Although trains are safe houses, it is common knowledge in various games that safe houses are not safe.

Xing looked at the big chair in silence for a long time and then said: "Aguang, is this the chair we are driving out? Why is it here..."

Pei Guang: "Qi'er took it out to play with...but then again, haven't we enjoyed this chair yet?"

Xing nodded: "Yes! Just right, let me sit on it and try it."

Xing took a few steps forward and sat on it. When she sat on it, Xing felt that her body was full of power. She couldn't help but take out the bat and the flame spear. She held the bat in her left hand and the flame spear in her right hand. At the same time, she subconsciously reached out and brushed her bangs upward.

Seeing Xing's skillful performance, Pei Guang fell silent. After a long silence, he asked, "Are you also working in the ward?"


"It seems that you are not a prostitute, but you are extremely talented..."

Looking at Xing who had his bangs covered and exposed his forehead, Pei Guang took out his best wooden sword in the village and stood behind Xing. After keeping the distance, Pei Guang spoke in the tone of a documentary narrator.

"June 15th, 4:04 pm."

If ordinary people heard this sentence, they would subconsciously turn around and wonder what Pei Guang was doing, just like March 7 who was secretly observing with her mobile phone. She didn't understand what Pei Guang and Xing were playing, but she I know that I will definitely have something good to watch next.

Xing, who was brought up by Pei Guang, didn't know what Pei Guang was doing, but her intuition told her that something interesting was going to happen next.

Pei Guang: "Hey, Xing! The days of you grabbing my trash cans are over. All the trash cans are mine."

As soon as this sentence came out, March 7, who was observing secretly, almost choked.

"Ahem, cough, cough, as expected of Aguang...his words are amazing..."

March Qi, who was secretly observing at the corner of the stairs, suppressed laughter and complained, while beside her, Jizi and Walter came over at some point.

Ji Zi: "What...are they doing?"

Walter pushed up his glasses: "Maybe they are reenacting some famous scenes they have seen. Let's not disturb them..."

Walter's tone was full of interest. Since Xing and Pei Guang got on the train, he felt that the train and the pioneering mission were full of laughter. At least with Pei Guang here, I can play openly and openly. Don't ask. If you ask, you will be influenced by Pei Guang.

At this time, both Pei Guang and Xing had entered the state. Although Xing was just a baby who had just turned one month old, she spoke subconsciously as a pioneer.

"If you want it, you have to get it yourself! You already know this."

Xing stood up. She put away her flame gun and bat and put on a big Lieba. She looked at Pei Guang with an expression like "I am the boss."

Pei Guang also had an extra loaf of bread from Beloberg in his hand at this time, and pointed the loaf at the star: "In my memory, every time we opened the treasure box, we were grabbing it, Hum~"

Pei Guang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and Xing also showed a scornful smile at this time: "Humph!"

The two people who cherished each other rushed towards each other at the same time.

Pei Guang: "It's time to settle things!"

Xing took a big bite of Daliba and smiled while chewing: "I will not give you the trash can. The trash can is only for the strong."

Pei Guang and Xing started fighting with the Big Lieba. Needless to say, the quality of Beloberg's Big Lieba was really good. One of them wielded the Big Lieba as a sword, and the other used the Big Lieba as a bat. , the waving tiger generates wind.

Every time Lieba collided, countless fragments flew out. When the fragments flew out, Pei Guang and Xing Ze performed for the spectators what it meant not to waste food.

Pei Guang: "Let you see my Pava!!!"

However, it was just a duel between Da Lieba. Pei Guang, a guy with no martial ethics, bit Xing's Da Lieba directly and bit off Xing's Da Lieba.

Seeing Pei Guang's actions, Xing's eyes widened: "What kind of Pava are you doing!"

Pei Guang: "I love you Pava! Cat Pava!"

Star: "Oh~ I just say embarrassing things~"

March 7: "?"

The pause time for the two of them was very short. Since they were already in the state, they would not stop until there was a fight to win or lose.

Two people here started fighting with Big Lieba. I watched the two people wield Belloberg's specialty bread as weapons and eat while fighting. The second one even yelled something like [Dimensional Slash] [Phantom Invisible Sword]. [Phantom Sword Dance].

Affected by Pei Guang, Xing Ze shouted: "Pava! Love my Pava, more Pava!"

In the train hall, under the light of swords...Lieba's light? The two of them fought quickly. Inspired by Pei Guang's wicked methods, the two men's fighting methods gradually became more wicked.

At first they were fighting each other, and then they started to nibble at each other. Don't get me wrong, they are biting each other's big ribs.

In just five minutes, only the palms of the Leba were left in their hands. Just when the two almost hugged each other and chewed the big Leba in each other's hands, March 7 jumped out.

"Stop fighting!"

As soon as the voice came out, the expressions of Pei Guang and Xing, who were having fun, suddenly froze. The two people who were already lying on the ground clinging to each other for Leba looked at the direction of the sound at the same time. Not far away, they saw March 7th. Looking here with the camera, Walter and Ji Zi also followed March Qi calmly.

At this moment, Pei Guang and Xing's bodies froze. They lay on the ground and looked at March Qi. After a long silence, Pei Guang spoke first: "Qi'er... when did you come here?"

March 7 put her hands on her hips: "I have been here and watched you come back. I was originally curious about what kind of expression you would show when you saw this chair, but I didn't expect..."

A bad smile appeared on March 7th's face, she picked up the recorded video and started playing it.

As a man and a woman said: "Pava! I love you Pava!" and other words came out, Pei Guang and Xing's faces turned red instantly.

The two of them didn't care about the eyes of outsiders at all. They usually played whatever they wanted, but the humiliating clips recorded by March 7 were played directly. Even the two of them couldn't bear this feeling of social death.

Playing games and going crazy with friends is enjoyable, but there is a friend or even a sweetheart who doesn't go crazy and records the scenes of going crazy and being in the second grade and rereading them over and over again. Even Pei Guang is a little shy.

The two people got up from the ground in an instant. Pei Guang looked at March 7th: "Ahem! Well, we are a little tired today. Let's go back and rest. After all, we have to play on a new map tomorrow."

Star: "That's right!"

Pei Guang: "Let's go! Huh? By the way, send us a copy of the video."

Star: "That's right!"

Pei Guang and Xing turned around and ran away. Looking at the backs of the two of them, March Qi playfully played what they had just played again. With the sound of the two powwows, they left the hall and returned to their respective rooms. Room.

Although he was shy, Pei Guang expressed that he wanted to keep such a precious scene. As for spreading it? Don't worry at all. There are no outsiders here. How could it be spread?

Liuguang Yiting's messenger said that what Pei Guang said was right. But having said that, the messenger felt that it was a wise choice to kneel to Pei Guang quickly. If he had not knelt quickly enough, he would not have become a dedicated docking person. I can't even see such an interesting scene.

Pei Guang returned to his room. As soon as he returned to his room, he received a video from March 7th.

Looking at the performance of himself and Xing in the video, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction. These are all beautiful records in the game. Although they are shameful, they are also part of the experience.

Pei Guang watched the video of himself and Xing, not enough to watch it twice, but as he watched, Pei Guang suddenly received a message from an anonymous user.

"Hello, are you the famous pioneer? I heard that you bombed the planet where the Archduke Pluto of the Annihilation Gang lived a few days ago? Do you have anything to do with it?"

Pei Guang was stunned by this sudden message. As a player, Pei Guang also highlighted a question that he must answer.

"Yes, it is my mortal enemy. I want to kill it. Do you have any news about it?"

Anonymous user: "Hello, I have here some information about Avrit, the Archduke of Hellfire..."

An anonymous user also sent a video to Pei Guang, and Pei Guang opened the video.

"The star of the event, Pinoconi, the cradle of dreams, the resting place of the weak."

As the sound rang out, Pei Guang saw Archduke Minghuo, who was standing in the desolate wilderness and giving orders to a few people who had escaped from the Star Destroyer star blast attack.

Its hometown was shattered by Pei Guang's Star Destroyer after the jump, and its family fortune was basically wiped out. Because of this, it can only hold pre-war meetings on a desolate planet.

"The family holds a banquet, and the guests are invited. The golden blood of destruction will flow down together, igniting the bodies of the unknown guests, and using their flesh and blood to offer a grand sacrifice to Him."

The Archduke of Hellfire gritted his teeth when he said this. He knew that this was an attack from the unknown guest, but he couldn't defeat the Star Dome Train directly. I happened to hear that the unknown guest was coming to attend the Pinoconi Festival, so killing the unknown guest at the festival was indeed a very good choice.

But as followers of Nanook, although their purpose of destruction is impure, killing a single pioneer is not its purpose. It has more noble and ambitious ideas.

Looking at the first-person perspective of Duke Minghuo in the video, Pei Guang felt a very strong pressure. This pressure felt like a big boss in the wild. Just from watching the video, Pei Guang could feel that this boss was definitely a red danger-level boss. It was a powerful existence that players at his current level could not touch without using ce or using mods.

And this enemy is direct enough to set fire to the bodies of their pioneers and use them to sacrifice to Nanook?

Pei Guang touched his chin and thought. He always felt that this line was implying something.

"Use us to sacrifice Nanook? Oh! I understand. Nanook can be sacrificed just like Lan. As long as the sacrifice is good enough, you can gain power? So how about using this boss as a sacrifice?"

The more Pei Guang thought about it, the more excited he became. Anyway, he planned to kill Archduke Minghuo. Then it would be a good idea to use their heads to sacrifice to the sky. What's more, after defeating the Breeding Order at that time, he also gained the characteristic of dropping items when killing enemies. Pei Guang was very curious about what the Dark Fire Archduke could drop for him.

While Pei Guang was thinking, Avrit, the Archduke of Hellfire in the video, continued to beep.

"Children of the Fire..."

Pei Guang's eyes narrowed when he said this sentence, because this sentence can confirm that there should be several elite monsters in this wild boss. How many are there? Four? Seven or nine?

While Pei Guang was thinking, the video was playing.

"This is your coming-of-age ceremony..."

Pei Guang watched the video, but as he watched it, he was in awe of the Grand Duke of Hell Fire. In the video, the Grand Duke of Hell Fire had four children in the wilderness, and he asked his children to go to Pinoconi. Wage war against all forces.

War on harmony, war on happiness, war on memory, war on preservation.

Pei Guang looked at this scene and couldn't help but complain: "Good guy, where did you find this great devil? Why don't you declare war on everyone if you are so awesome? Wait? Including the opening, you also declare war on us? And this guy... "

Pei Guang finished watching the video. In the video, except for Grand Duke Minghuo's own fire, the only other entities in the video appeared were voices and two figures. The status of the remaining two could not be seen at all.

After watching the video, Pei Guang asked the anonymous user: "Do you want me to kill Archduke Minghuo by sending me this video?"

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