But because she wasn't sure, she just posted a message on a recently popular supernatural website to give it a try. Unexpectedly, this attempt brought out Pei Guang and Xing, so it was certain that Qingque was definitely possessed. .

Pei Guang showed a thoughtful expression: "That's it! Where is the Qingque man?"

Fu Xuan put his hands on his hips: "She is talking with her colleagues in the library room, imagining a bright future. Let's go, I guess you will be interested."

Under the leadership of Fu Xuan, Pei Guang and Xing came to the door of the library. At the door of the library, Qing Que was talking with several colleagues. When Pei Guang and Xing approached, they happened to hear their conversation.

The onlookers asked: "Qingque, I heard that you plan to resign?"

Serious fortune teller: "I never thought that one day I would hear Qingque discussing the meaning of life..."

The fortune teller who was enjoying the fun said: "Hey, Taifu, is this going to change the sky?"

At this time, Qingque spoke eloquently as if he had seen through life: "Looking back at the past, my life has only been wasted, and I have woken up! I see the road of destiny opening up to me!"

Qingque began to talk about big projects that earned tens of billions and the meaning of life.

Xing looked at Qingque, who was full of momentum, and said with some interest: "Hey? That's okay! Qingque is so motivated, and he started projects worth tens of billions as soon as he opened his mouth, Aguang! Do we have tens of billions now? ?”

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, we only have a few billion that we can use at the moment, and I will use the rest to buy materials."

Mei needs materials to study on the space station, and the earth's technological development also requires materials. Therefore, every time he has extra credits, Pei Guang directly exchanges them for materials. For example, every time the Aftershock Space was divided into Pei Guang, he would directly send resources to the Earth.

For players, money is useful if it can buy top-quality equipment and props. But obviously the only gadgets that can be bought with credit points are gadgets that improve the gaming experience, not the best ones. Therefore, Pei Guang has no habit of keeping credit points and basically changed them.

Fu Xuan: "Did you see it? The way she is now makes me a little scared. A Guang, do you have any way to get her back to normal?"

If Qingque is willing to struggle, Fu Xuan even feels that Qingque can become a Taifu in fifty years at most, but now it is obvious that he is not fighting but is possessed by a ghost.

It is the simplest and crudest method to bake Suiyang directly with the three-flavored real fire, but looking at the state of Suiyang, he should be a very hard-working Suiyang. This kind of Suiyang must have at least [craftsman spirit] and [work] Crazy] [Social Animal] One of the three attributes. With this attribute, it is simply top-notch when used for work!

Apart from anything else, his number one Suiyang wage earner, Tutu, was absolutely happy to have this Suiyang group. In order to have a higher-level wage earner, Pei Guang decided to use more peaceful means this time.

Pei Guang: "It's really fast to use my three-flavored true fire, but if I can free myself from Suiyang's control, it will be of great benefit to me!"

In response to Pei Guang's words, Xing also nodded: "Yes! There are great benefits!" As for who this great benefit is for? Although Pei Guang didn't say anything, Xing knew who he was talking about when he looked at Pei Guang's serious expression.

Pei Guang continued at this time: "We can use things that Qingque is interested in to restore her consciousness."

Fu Xuan: "Interested?"

Pei Guang: "Look at me!"

Pei Guang took out a huge container from his storage space, got into the container and found a set of Imperial Palace Qiongyu cards.

After taking out the Emperor Yuan Qiong Jade Card, he said to Xinghe Fuxuan: "Come! Sit down! Let's play a game of Emperor Yuan Qiong Jade Card first."

Fu Xuan: "When are you going to play a game of Emperor Yuan Qiongyu Card? Wait? You..."

Fu Xuan's mind didn't turn around at first, but then she suddenly understood what was going on, and she smiled: "Very good! Let me come and meet you."

Fu Xuan took his seat, but there were only three of them, so one spot was missing.

Pei Guang: "Oh~ Three are short of one? The diviners over there? Which one of you has time to play a game of Emperor Yuan Qiongyu Cards with Master Taibu during working hours?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the originally excited people fell silent for a moment. When they saw Fu Xuan sitting down and picking up a card, all the diviners swallowed their saliva.

"Lord Taibu?"

Fu Xuan looked at these people calmly: "You don't have to be afraid. Although it is working time now, I allow one of you to play a game of Imperial Palace Qiongyu Card with me."

However, when Fu Xuan said these words, the diviners at the scene became even more frightened.

"Huh? I remembered that I didn't finish my work."

"Oops? I have to get off work? I'm leaving."

"Enough rest, it's time to work!"

Fu Xuan sincerely invites everyone to come and play. After all, one of the three is missing. Besides, if the matters within the department are not resolved, it will cause panic and affect work efficiency.

But what I didn't expect was that everyone at the scene ran away the moment they saw Fu Xuan. It felt like your immediate boss or class teacher saw you playing games at work or class time, and then invited you to play together. Maybe your boss and The head teacher really invites you to come and play, but most people don’t have the guts to pick you up.

Everyone at the scene ran away. When everyone ran away, Qingque's eyes turned here, and there was struggle in her eyes when she saw the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu Pai.

Xing: "What should we do if three are missing and one is missing? Let her come?"

Pei Guang pointed to the door: "No, look! Isn't Huo Hao coming now? Let Hao Hao come in!"

At the gate, Huo Hao was running here in a hurry. When she saw Pei Guang and the others sitting here, she was caught by Pei Guang and pushed to the stool when she was about to speak.

Huo Huo: "Hey? What are you doing?"

Pei Guang: "Don't be afraid. We are playing the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu card and there are three missing ones. You come up."

Huo Huo: "Ah? I'm not very good at this..."

Pei Guang shook his head: "Isn't it important? The important thing is to play. Suiyang and other things are not important. Let's play a game of Emperor Yuan Qiongyu."

Huo Huo could tell that this was Pei Guang's special method to capture Sui Yang, so Huo Huo nodded: "Okay, okay, but I'm not good at it..."

Huo Huo sat down completely in the three-missing-one position, and when Huo Huo sat down in the last position, the green bird's pupils were shocked by Sui Yang's upper body. Sui Yang, who was on top of her, was shocked at this moment. She didn't even have the energy to resist when he was on Qingque's body and controlled her body.

He obviously has the will to drive it out, but he just doesn't do anything, and his consciousness itself is ruined.

What now? After seeing Huo Huo sitting there, Qing Que's will began to go berserk, but fortunately it only went mad for a moment, and Sui Yang quickly suppressed it.

But the scene that happened next made Qingque's consciousness start to go crazy.

There were four people at the scene. I don’t know whether it was intentional or accidental. Everyone else was playing single cards, and the four of them were playing cards to break up combinations.

Forget about splitting the combination, you have to split it if you can use it or not. One second you split a card, and the next second someone plays a card that you can fool without splitting it. Seeing this scene, Qingque, who was controlled by Suiyang, felt that his demonic body was about to commit a crime.

Her consciousness shouted loudly: "Stop! One hit, one hit! Oh, oh, oh, oh! Why 30,000?"

Now Qingque can't wait to do it himself and let these people see what it means to be a master of the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu Pavilion.

Fu Xuan noticed Qingque's changes: "It works!"

Huo Huo: "Then let's work harder!"

Pei Guang: "No problem!"

The four stinky chess players didn't care about winning or losing, they just beat them up, and Qing Que was getting more and more uncomfortable as he watched.

Suiyang felt that Qingque was about to escape from his control, but could Suiyang just let Qingque go? Suiyang's dignity does not allow it to be expelled.

At this moment, Sui Yang increased her strength, and green will-o'-the-wisps appeared around Qingque. At the same time, her consciousness was suppressed by Sui Yang's power.

Xing looked at Pei Guang on the side: "Qingque seemed to be normal just now, why did it suddenly fail?"

Pei Guang touched his chin and thought, "Maybe Qingque felt it was too troublesome to wake up when Suiyang exerted force, so he chose to continue dreaming?"

Seeing this scene, Fu Xuan stood up suddenly: "Is this so?"

Huo Huo: "It doesn't matter. I brought the Tongxin Fire Bell. Let's enter her inner world of illusions."

There are two kinds of fantasy worlds created by Sui Yang. One is the fantasy world that directly affects reality. Only the powerful Sui Yang can do this. The other is to create an illusion in the mind, which requires the help of magical weapons to let people's consciousness enter the illusion.

If one's personal will cannot resist Suiyang, the Shiwangsi's method of rescuing people is to awaken the victim by entering other people's consciousness to expel Suiyang.

With the sound of the magic weapon, the four of them entered Qingque's illusion at the same time. It was a room full of people. Many people didn't know what they were queuing up, and there were also 'Cloud Riders' in the queue to maintain order.

And among the noisy crowd, Pei Guang saw a familiar person.

When the four of them entered the dreamland of Qingque, the sharp-eyed Pei Guang discovered an interesting person.

"Huh? Fu Xuan? Look, is that you?"

After entering the illusion, Fu Xuan subconsciously looked in the direction Pei Guang was pointing. Fortunately, Fu Xuan was furious. She saw herself at the front of the team, like a maid, entertaining guests and explaining something to them.

Did she never expect that in Qingque's eyes, she was just a maid? She is Taibu Si Taibu after all, right? Even if you really add yourself in the dream, it must be a small manager, right?

Fu Xuan was so angry. Looking at the angry Fu Xuan, Pei Guang comforted him: "Don't be angry. This is just an illusion created by Sui Yang based on Qingque's consciousness. Aren't people allowed to have outrageous dreams?"

With Pei Guang's comfort, Fu Xuan calmed down: "What you said makes sense."

Huo Huo: "But where is Miss Qingque? If we can't find her, we can't catch Suiyang back."

Xing looked at the fake Fu Xuan in front of him: "No, there is no Master Fu Xuan. Let's ask what Mr. Fu Xuan said~"

Fu Xuan stared at Xing, and she clearly felt that there was something in Xing's words.

But what happened next caused Fu Xuan's brain to shut down.

Pei Guang looked at Fu Xuan not far away and suddenly looked at Hao Huo curiously: "I have a question. Do the people who appear in the illusion have the same body structure as me?"


This sentence stunned Huo Huo Wen. She didn't understand why Pei Guang asked this, but she still thought about it and replied: "Illusions cannot be separated from the cognition of individuals and Suiyang. If one is possessed, Things that neither humans nor Suiyang know can exist in this illusion."

Pei Guang: "That's it..."

Listening to Huo Hao's explanation, Pei Guang became even more curious. As Pei Guang's accomplice, Xing also knew what Pei Guang was thinking at this moment.

Looking at the state of these two people, Fu Xuan had a bad feeling: "What bad ideas are you two thinking?"

However, Pei Guang and Xing didn't give Fu Xuan a chance to speak. They saw the two of them walking towards the illusion Fu Xuan. When the other Fu Xuan saw Pei Guang and Xing, he spoke directly: "I recognize you, Mr. Qing before he became famous. acquaintances.”

Pei Guang: "Huh? Master Taibu still knows us?"

Another Fu Xuan said: "I am no longer a fortune teller. Please don't call me that. I am just an ordinary handyman under the Luofu Emperor Jade Group."

Pei Guang: "I see. Let me ask you a question, Fu Xuan. Do you still remember what I did to you?"

This sentence came out before the other Fu Xuan spoke, and the real Fu Xuan's face turned red for a moment.

The other Fu Xuan sensed the changes in the real Fu Xuan's inner emotions, and she responded accordingly: "Huh! I don't want to pursue what you did to me back then."

After hearing these words, Xing said seriously: "This is not a question of whether you pursue it or not!"

Another Fu Xuan: "If you do this again, I'm going to go crazy!"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "It seems like I really don't know, but this makes me even more curious..."

Xing: "Then take action?"

Pei Guang: "Come on, come on! Give it a try!"

At this moment, Pei Guang took out the scissors from nowhere. When he saw the scissors that Pei Guang took out, the two Fu Xuan shouted at the same time: "How reckless!"

Pei Guang was not used to it at all. He saw Xing grabbing the fake Fu Xuan. Pei Guang grabbed the rope behind the fake Fu Xuan and cut it with scissors. Then he pulled out the rope and the rope holding the clothes was completely removed by Pei Guang. The light was pulled down.

Fu Xuan himself looked at this scene and opened his mouth and was speechless. He recalled what happened when he saw Pei Guang in Taibosi. At that time, Pei Guang also cut the rope on his clothes so skillfully.

Just to avoid encountering rude people like Pei Guang in the future, the ropes on her clothes were made of special materials so that they would automatically fit together even if they were cut.

Seeing that his clothes were about to fall off, Fu Xuan rushed forward and snatched the rope from Pei Guang's hand.

"Aguang! What are you doing! Stop staring at me and cutting the strings on my clothes."

Fu Xuan gritted his teeth and said this, while Pei Guang looked at the other Fu Xuan who was also blushing and hugging his chest: "Aren't you curious what Qing Que thinks of you? And Huo Huo just said, Dreamland Will there be anything we haven’t seen or thought of before? We also want to try it out. Do you think the broken section of the rope is familiar?”

Fu Xuan: "???"

Fu Xuan looked at Pei Guang with questions, but Pei Guang's words also reminded Fu Xuan that she was a little curious about what Pei Guang thought of herself.

However, she still subconsciously looked at the broken rope. At this look, Fu Xuan also discovered something was wrong, because she just saw that Pei Guang had cut the upper part, but the rope was broken in the middle, which was not the same as when Pei Guang had cut it. The exact same spot where Hikaru cut her rope.

Fu Xuan's eyes widened at this moment. Her eyes widened not because of how amazing this scene was, but because this was what Pei Guang was thinking about at this time? She felt like she was really going to lose to Pei Guang.

But maybe she was influenced by Pei Guang. Out of curiosity, she turned her back to everyone, blocking everyone's eyes. While making a gesture of helping to thread the rope, she secretly took a look at the other person's clothes. After looking at it, Her face grew darker.

"Damn green bird!!!"

As a Taibu Sitaibu, Fu Xuan doesn't have the comparison mentality of normal people. Whether he is big or small depends on his genes and his destiny. But the problem is that Qing Que actually underestimated himself by a whole circle!

A circle! It's not so big in the small circle, it's just a tablet!

Although she didn't care about this kind of thing, she was shocked when she saw Qingque thinking about her so much.

Fu Xuan skillfully put on the rope on her other self's clothes and tied it up. Then she shook her other self vigorously: "Damn it! Damn it! I'm not that miserable!"

Seeing Fu Xuan's appearance, Xing Ze looked at Pei Guang curiously: "What on earth did she see? Why does she feel a little bit off guard?"

Pei Guang: "Perhaps you feel wronged when you see yourself in another person's eyes? But it's not a big problem. I just wanted to try it on a whim. I thought she would be angry because of our behavior, but I didn't expect that she would be angry because of her own behavior." Defense. But it’s not a big problem. Let Fu Xuan play with him. Let’s go find Sui Yang and get Sui Yang out of Qingque’s consciousness.”

There are only two rooms in this illusion. After leaving this room, Pei Guang and his party entered an illusion like Sichen Palace, where Qingque was giving guidance.

Around her, employees were discussing more ways to play the Emperor Yuan Qiongyu card.

While they were studying, Qingque noticed Pei Guang and his group, and when she saw Pei Guang and his group appearing, she took the initiative to come over.

"You must have heard of my success, and have you come to join me in my great cause of promoting the Emperor Yuan Qiong Jade brand to the galaxy?"

Qingque was all excited, and looking at the excited Qingque in front of him, Pei Guang said calmly: "I heard, it's okay! He turned out to be the big boss, and you have a good position for us here. For a moment?”

Qingque looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Of course! If I hadn't met you many years ago, I wouldn't have the courage to resign. How did you say that? The gears of fate began to turn. In order to repay you, I decided Give you a chance to change your life, come with me."

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