As a player, you can play games without knowing code, but in the game, what players and NPCs can build has little to do with whether they have learned code or not.

Throughout the history of games, the methods of repairing various vehicles are simple and crude. Just twist with a wrench, and you can fix anything. Swinging a hammer in front of a projection, the projection becomes real, breathing to restore blood, and medical kits to heal all wounds, is even more popular.

Xing: "That's right! Since it's just talk, it's absolutely no problem. You have to remember that you have to have imagination, and you can do these things with imagination."

Xing no longer wants to complain about Pei Guang's thinking power. Anyway, what Pei Guang said and did were the daily operations of players, and Pei Guang was a player. Isn't it normal that he can do these operations?

However, what Xing wanted to complain about the most was Pei Guang's fluctuating strength. After getting along for a long time, she also found that Pei Guang was really strong when he met a strong and weak when he met a weak. He could fight with anyone and win, and the rhythm of winning was almost the same.

But on second thought, this is normal. At least in the mobile games that Xing played, some of the game protagonists are like this, and their strength fluctuates according to the needs of the plot. In the previous second, he was holding an RPG to kill people, and in the next second, he was stuck in the corner with a knife in the plot! Qingni didn't understand these, but Pei Guang and Xing's words seemed to have magic, making her decide to give it a try. Anyway, the pioneers have been invited, and her own things have been done, so she might as well go all the way and move towards the goal of the strongest pilot! Since Qingni asked Pei Guang, a player, for help, her life was destined to deviate from the original trajectory. For the player, she became an NPC in the player's game process. Especially for NPCs who are cultivated, there is a cultivation for NPCs in the game? Basically, most players will take out their best state to cultivate. Whether it is cultivating a daughter, a lover, or an enemy, the player's motivation is full. Every time they cultivate even an ordinary monster, the player will take out the best things on him that will not affect his game experience to this NPC. Pei Guang is in the same state now. Since Qingni wants to be a pilot, as a player, she must use everything she can and teach Qingni all the skills she knows to make her the strongest pilot.

Pei Guang: "Come on! Choose parts! Remember to be imaginative!"

"What? How to install it? Can't you just knock it with a hammer?"

"It's broken here? Twist it with a wrench."

"Come on! Do it again!"

Qingni was confused at first, because Pei Guang used trash can parts to repair the Star Raft? Or did he just knock it with a hammer? The people in the Engineering Division would probably doubt their lives after seeing this.

However, according to the character of the people in the Engineering Division, they might also study the principle of repairing the vehicle with a hammer?

Unlike Pei Guang, who took out ordinary parts, Qingni took out some special things when she took out parts.

"What is this...?"

Qing Ni's heart almost stopped when she saw the piece of flesh and blood she had taken out of the trash can. Pei Guang also came over curiously when he saw the black and red meat. When he took it in his hand, he was shocked.

[The trash can fragment that wants revenge: The trash can on the planet invaded by the rich evil creature. On the day when the rich evil creature crushed the bucket body with one foot, this trash can swore to be irreconcilable with the rich evil creature! The rich evil creature tarnished its lofty ideals and trampled on the dignity of the trash can. When the garbage in the black garbage bag was scattered all over the ground, it did not feel pain because of its broken body, because it wanted to let those evil creatures know the anger of the trash can, and it wanted to let the rich evil creature witness the justice of the trash can. 】

Looking at the notes of this material, Pei Guang didn't know how to complain, but Pei Guang was used to the materials having notes. For example, the fate materials he opened for no reason had various notes and entries.

After Qingni found this fragment, Pei Guang touched it several times again. They were all ordinary trash can parts, but Qingni touched it again and found a trash can fragment destroyed by the rich evil creature. After a long time, Qingni found enough fragments and parts to repair the Xingcha. Looking at the Xingcha repaired with the trash can parts with revenge, Pei Guang was a little emotional. "It seems that our bucket will have different materials according to different people? What an interesting prop!" Pei Guang could see that these trash can fragments and parts with revenge entries should be exclusive to Qingni, but Pei Guang didn't know why Qingni made so many revenge entries, or to avenge the rich evil creature. Could it be that the trash can destroyed by the rich evil creature wanted to take revenge through Qingni? Or did the rich evil creature kill Qingni's mother? Let Qingni resonate with these trash cans with revenge entries? Pei Guang didn't know how to complain about this matter. In the past, there was a garbage can for preservation. Now there is a garbage can destroyed by the evil creatures of abundance. Will there be a hunting garbage can? If there is a hunting garbage can, will there be a garbage can for every destiny in the future?

Wait? This world is not a huge garbage can, right?

Pei Guang's mind was full of crazy thoughts, which meant that others didn't know what Pei Guang was thinking, otherwise, some destinies might have been affected by Pei Guang, and the garbage can envoys would appear.

Since these special materials were opened by Qing Ni, Pei Guang was also ready to teach Qing Ni how to use these materials to repair the Star Chariot. If the Star Chariot really couldn't be repaired, it was not impossible to use these parts to assemble a vehicle.

After all, he and Xing had worked it out, so there was no reason why Qingni, a special NPC who could find special parts, couldn't use it.

With Pei Guang's help, the damaged Xingcha was repaired. Because Pei Guang didn't have what he needed to repair the Xingcha, he installed a few trash can parts on the Xingcha and started it up.

With the first experience, Qing Ni's performance was better in the second competition. Pei Guang and Xing jointly attacked but Qing Ni avoided it. But when Pei Guang and Xing turned around and drove back, the extremely talented Qingni even started to fight back in Xingcha.

Contest, damage, compete, damage.

During the continuous repairs, there are more and more parts of the trash can that want to take revenge on the abundant evil creatures. This starship is still a starship, but in the process of continuous repairs, the body of the starship has been replaced by the fragments of the trash can. .

As more and more fragments of revenge were obtained, Qingni's whole body seemed to be infected, and her will became stronger and stronger. She wants to become a battleship pilot, to touch the sky, shed blood, support justice, and destroy those fertile evil creatures!

Is she afraid of death? It is a lie to say that you are not afraid. There is no life without fear of death. But if her sacrifice can bring happiness to Xianzhou and the dawn of this universe, she is willing to die.

Her will did not reach the level of attracting the Star God's attention, but her will ignited the broken trash can fragments on the Star River, and their justice, unwillingness and anger were ignited.

And this firm will from the trash can has attracted the attention of the Star God. In the galaxy, the fragments and parts of the trash can are floating here, and the hunting Star God in the distance looks at this batch of trash can fragments and is silent. .

He has watched countless people, and even given many people the power to patrol the road of destiny. Lan can accept the appearance of trash cans on the road of life. After all, he protects the two trash cans on the road of life.

But what the hell is a pile of trash can debris in front of me?

That is to say, Lan is a Star God and cannot speak or complain. Otherwise, he would definitely grab Pei Guang's lapel and loudly ask why other Star Gods are complete barrels and his own are fragments! Even if you are a player, you can't treat them so differently!

For a brief moment, Lan's gaze disappeared, and on the way of the hunting expedition, a pile of trash can fragments appeared. These fragments are not as good as their eldest and second brothers, who have become existences at the forefront of their lives as soon as they are born.

However, the gaze from the hunting star god still gave them the powerful power to hunt. At this moment, the fragments on the star raft burst out with the power of hunting.

With the blessing of the power of the trash can, Qingni and the Xingcha are changing. Whether it is Qingni, the trash can fragments or the Xingcha, they are all getting stronger.

While Pei Guang was training pilots, Yu Kong, who was taking a break after completing his work in Sichen Palace, received a message from his subordinates.

"Lord Yukong, someone reported that there were stars flying at sea..."

Biao Xingcha? When Yukong heard this report, she couldn't help but think of her own youth. Although she was no longer flying, her experiences in her youth were also...

However, when she was about to recall, she suddenly realized that something was wrong. Her subordinates knew best. There was no need to report this kind of racing case to her, just deal with it directly.

If you tell her specifically, it must involve something special.

"What could it be? Could it be those pioneers again?"

She knew what the pioneers were doing in the Luofu Immortal Boat. No one except the pioneers would dare to soar in the Mingzhi Clan's territory.

The fact was what she thought. Seeing the appearance of Pei Guang and Xing in the video, Yukong breathed a sigh of relief. If he was a pioneer, many things would be much simpler.

Regarding the special existence of Pei Guang, the senior officials of the Immortal Boat Alliance have specially analyzed his personality and ability characteristics. He is that kind of special existence that is very capable and will not bring chaos to Luofu Immortal Boat.

Even if he does something that seems to violate the laws of Xianzhou, matters related to him will be handled directly by Jingyuan or Shiwangsi on a special basis.

Originally Yu Kong planned to report this matter to Jing Yuan, but what she saw next made her hands and body tremble. In the video, Pei Guang and Xing were seen driving a trash can on the sea at high speed, and behind them, he saw a tattered trash can that seemed to be filled with the flames of revenge? ? ?

Can the trash can take revenge? What the hell is this? No wonder some employees have placed some special trash cans near their workstations these days. It turns out that trash cans can also take revenge?

This trash can starship is already in tatters. How dilapidated is this starship? Everyone could see the driver inside. Because of this, Yu Kong's body was trembling, his expression was frozen, his heart was filled with anger and pain, and his heart stopped.

She now only has one word to say: "6!" At the same time, she has truly felt the power of the Trail Blazers. At this moment, Yu Kong even wanted to take out a bottle of quick-acting heart-saving pills, but unfortunately there was no such thing here. At the same time, Yu Kong's heart was fine before seeing this scene.

Chapter 340: Caught Yukong mother and daughter

Yukong felt as if his heart had stopped. These two pioneers actually brought their daughters to Xingcha? It looks like...still training?

Yukong took a deep breath to adjust his emotions. The most important thing now was to call Qingni back in person and have a good chat with her.

But Yukong could already guess what Qingni was saying. As the daughter of her best friend, her talents and thoughts were so similar to hers, but when she thought of that person, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. In the past The pain coiled in her chest and made it difficult for her to breathe.

While Yu Kong's mentality exploded, Qing Ni on the other side gradually became a qualified pilot under Pei Guang's training.

She does not have the ability of players to continue to open even if there is a seat left as long as there is a drop of blood, but under Pei Guang's training, she can take the hunting trash can fragments at any time and any place. Repair the Xingcha with a hammer and wrench.

At the same time, the trash can fragments she took out were also given to Qingni by Pei Guang, and Qingni also gradually became familiar with the player's rhythm through continuous training, and mastered the special Xingcha driving skills on her own.

Seeing that Qing Ni had mastered almost all the flying skills, Pei Guang also decided to take the training to the next step.

"Now that you are proficient in driving and repairing Xingcha, you will have to undergo the last stage of special training!"

Pei Guang's words made Qing Ni a little confused: "Huh? I can already drive the Xingcha skillfully, and I can dodge, counterattack and even repair the Xingcha in battle. Is there anything else I need to learn?"

Qing Ni had some doubts, but compared with the unreliable feeling she had when she just met Pei Guang, she was only a little bit doubtful now.

There is no way, everyone who meets Pei Guang will first doubt it and then believe it. Although Pei Guang's ability is incomprehensible, and even many of his words sound like fantasy, after personally contacting him and clearly feeling the benefits to him, he will definitely choose to trust him.

Especially in this world with Star Gods, everyone knows about the power of the Star Gods, but most people only know some of the Star Gods. This power seems to be the joy of the Star Gods. Pei Guang is still He claims to be a player, but it seems okay to treat him as an envoy of joy?

Aha expressed his approval for this idea, but it was a pity that he wanted Pei Guang to become the Messenger of Joy, but Pei Guang was not interested in his profession! Even if he is not interested, there is still a pioneer trying to steal people from him. Aha is really shameless.

Pei Guang nodded: "Of course! You have to understand that an archer who cannot melee is not a good archer. As a pilot, you must be able to drive a vehicle to annihilate the enemy. If the vehicle is damaged, repair the vehicle. If you don't have a vehicle, you can't do it. If you can kill the enemy! By the way, I also have a skill that teaches you skills. Come here and let me give you a buff."

Qingni: "Huh?"

When Pei Guang helped the little girl who was missing from the sky, he acquired the skill of teaching Tao seeds. He could pass on his skills to any NPC. At the same time, various restrictions can be placed on this skill during the teaching process to ensure that this skill will not trick players themselves due to various accidents.

Pei Guang was planning to teach Qingni a skill before the training was completed. This skill was none other than the Shamisen True Fire he used.

For Qingni, this skill is definitely the most practical, because the Immortal Boat Alliance has to fight against the abundant evil creatures. If it is simply fighting against the legions, then this skill is useless. Even because of lack of physical strength, Qingni couldn't display the power of this skill at all.

Apart from anything else, let’s just say that Pei Guang relies on a large amount of consumables to be able to activate Wushuang or to roast powerful enough units for a long time. Qingni doesn’t have any consumables, so she might burn one or two if she sets a fire. Xu Zu fell down completely.

but! This skill is a miracle if faced with abundant evil creatures. Because in previous attempts, Pei Guang was sure that his three-flavored true fire-roasted abundant evils were all recovery props, which were less than 1% of full attribute recovery, better than ten, dozens, or even like Huanhu. It is not a dream for special units to lose all their attributes and recover them.

If Qing Ni has this skill, if the star crashes among the abundant monsters, she can rely on this fire to roast and eat, recover while eating, and then fight out.

Just like Pei Guang said, as a pilot, being able to fly and practice is the foundation, and it must be able to function even when you can't fly.

Qingni had mastered the Three Flavors True Fire. When she looked at the flames condensed on her fingertips, her eyes straightened. What does this mean to me? Was he given the power to become an envoy? The pioneer's envoy? Are you a trailblazer now?

Qingni's little head was full of random thoughts, but Pei Guang didn't care what the other party was thinking. Seeing that Qingni could use his own flames, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction.

"Very good! You can study this flame slowly, but I can tell you some characteristics before using it. This flame will not cause damage to friendly troops. At the same time, ordinary units can be cooked in ten minutes, and the attack is considered magic damage. Also , the things baked by this fire-roasted fertile creation can add attributes. As for how to use its power on the battlefield, it’s up to you.”

"I've taught you everything I can! I believe you can definitely become a qualified pilot with these."

Hearing Pei Guang's praise, Qing Ni smiled on her face: "Thank you very much... I feel that this time I can be fully recognized by my mother and become a pilot..."

She had learned about the specific training of pilots, and it was no exaggeration to say that the training Pei Guang gave her was far more terrifying than normal pilot training.

Qingni's approval made Pei Guang nod with satisfaction, and then Pei Guang asked excitedly with a smile on his face: "In this case, my mission is completed, right? Reward~reward!!!"

Star: "That's right! Since you think the mission is completed, then! Reward!!!"

Xing also became excited, and she was looking forward to what kind of rewards she would get next.

Qingni: "There are some! But the gift I prepared for you is a bit too big. I didn't bring it over. Please come with me. I don't know if you are satisfied with the reward I prepared. I also heard from others that you Those who like these things…”

Qing Ni took out her mobile phone and showed Pei Guang and Xing a photo of a treasure box.

Because the treasure chest was too big, Qingni temporarily put the treasure chest in her home. Qingni was not sure whether she could become a pilot, but even if Pei Guang and Xing worked so hard to help her, she would not treat them badly. personal.

The gifts she prepared for Pei Guang and the others were prepared after many inquiries and confirmations. When asking the relevant personnel, the reply given by the relevant personnel was: "Pioneers like treasure boxes very much. You can make a treasure box and stuff it yourself." Just give your favorite and most valuable things as rewards to the pioneers. The pioneers are not short of material things, what they want is their heart~"

Because of this, Qingni prepared a big treasure box! The treasure box contains various snacks, drinks, her favorite books and her pocket money. The treasure chest is very large, more than one meter high and two meters long, and was carefully collected by Qing Ni.

She wasn't sure whether Pei Guang liked this or not, but this was indeed the best reward she had prepared.

Qing Ni was also a little unsure whether Pei Guang was satisfied with the reward, so she looked nervously at the expressions of Pei Guang and Xing.

When Pei Guang and Xing saw the treasure box in the photo, their expressions were serious and serious.

Pei Guang: "Treasure box! Is it a real treasure box this time? Am I right?"

Xing pinched Pei Guang: "It doesn't hurt if I pinch you. It's just a dream. I just said, how could someone give a treasure box in an ordinary mission."

Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "Is there a possibility that it was me you pinched?"

Star: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The two people chatted here, and after teasing each other, they fell silent for a long time, and both of them looked at Qingni excitedly at the same time.

Pei Guang: "I like it! I like it very much! Where is the treasure box? Quick! Give me the treasure box."

Xing: "That's right! I can't imagine what the best rewards are in the treasure box! Aguang, do you think this treasure box can yield the best rewards?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know? But looking at the quality of this, it is similar to the treasure box obtained at the space station. After all, this is not a guide for novices. I think the treasure box can be shipped, even if it does not produce the best branch like this, it can still produce some Fun toys.”

Xing: "Then what are you waiting for? Take us to get the treasure box quickly! But having said that, such a simple task is given to such a big treasure box. A Guang, do you think there will be any pitfalls in this task?"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "You are the only one who talks a lot! If you get poisoned by the poisonous milk, I will hang you up and spank you tonight!"

Xing said coyly: "Really? Do you prefer to fight without clothes or with clothes on?"

Pei Guang: "?"

At this moment, Xing put his hands on his hips proudly: "Hmph!!! Ah Guang, you are scared."

Pei Guang: "Now is not the time to dwell on this issue. In order to avoid your grandma getting hit, let's just get the treasure box! With the treasure box in hand, no matter what comes out, we will avoid having a lot of nightmares. Qingni~ Since you think the task has been completed, Then let’s take the reward now?”

Qingni nodded and agreed: "No problem!"

Qingni was about to take Pei Guang and Xing to get the reward. When they went to Dandingsi and were about to leave through the Xingcha Ferry of Dandingsi, Qingni's footsteps suddenly stopped.


Feeling Qing Ni suddenly stop, Pei Guang and Xing both raised their heads and looked forward. When they looked up, they saw Yu Kong looking at them.

It's just that Yu Kong's expression was very bad at this time, as if he was very angry, but Pei Guang noticed that the eyes were not on him and Xing, but on Qing Ni?

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