Just when Pei Guang was about to say something, Qingni silenced Pei Guang with one word.


This cry of mother caused three questions to pop up in Pei Guang's head. He looked at Yukong and then at Qingni. He didn't expect that Yukong was Qingni's mother?

At the same time, Pei Guang's head suddenly popped up with a lot of thoughts at the sound of "Mama". He whispered to Xing in a low voice: "Yukong is Qingni's mother? She wants to become a pilot, but Yu Kong doesn't want to Let your daughter become a pilot? What a family ethics drama!

Star: "How did you know?"

Pei Guang: "Guess, and it's not difficult to guess... To be precise, it's much easier to guess than the ordinary plot, but..."

Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "But your poisonous milk is gone. It seems that we can't get the mission reward."

Star: "Why do you say that?"

Pei Guang: "According to this situation and routine, we may have to mediate family conflicts next? Even if I am Master Qingtang, I can't mediate family conflicts?"

Xing: "What should we do? Do we have to resolve family conflicts before we can get the reward? Such a big treasure chest..."

Xing couldn't forget the treasure box in Qingni's photo. From the first moment she saw the treasure box, she knew it was the chest of her dreams. What? garbage can? Move the trash can far away, don't let the treasure chest misunderstand you.

Pei Guang: "It's not a big problem! We can arrest them all and let's keep an eye on them and chat. As the saying goes, there is no poison in telling the truth. If we don't explain things clearly today, we won't let them leave. I feel that this kind of problem makes them If you explain it clearly, then half of the problem will be solved.”

However, Xing continued to pour cold water on it at this time: "Then here comes the problem. What if it is still not resolved after the conversation?"

Pei Guang: "It's very simple. If we don't do anything later, let's just find the treasure box, carry the treasure box and leave."

When Pei Guang and Xing were complaining about each other, Yu Kong and Qing Ni were still looking at each other in silence. Because both of them focused on each other, no one noticed the exchange between Pei Guang and Xing and the specific actions of the two. What.

Mother and daughter looked at each other in silence for a long time. Yu Kong broke the silence.

"You promised me."

Hearing this, Qing Ni became even more silent, but then she wanted to refute, but before she could speak, Pei Guang and Xing came to Yu Kong and Qing Ni respectively.

Pei Guang held a cup of coffee and comforted Yu Kong: "Master Yu Kong! She is your daughter, right? Hey, why are mother and daughter so serious? Come, have a drink to calm down. We won't do anything about your family affairs. I won’t interfere in your family affairs, but as the saying goes, being angry is bad for your health. What’s more, being angry will mess up your brain. It would be bad if you say something that makes you regret and makes your family miserable, don’t you think so?”

Xing on the other side was also holding a cup of coffee: "That's right, calm down first, come on, take a sip~"

Pei Guang and Xing stood between the two of them. Looking at the black coffee handed over by Pei Guang and Xing, Yu Kong took a deep breath to adjust his mood: "Thank you."

Yukong admitted that she really needed to calm down, but she wanted to refuse Pei Guang's drink. However, when she looked down at Pei Guang's drink and was about to refuse, she was attracted by the deep brown liquid.

This cup of coffee seemed to be telling her: "Drink me~ I can have a good rest~"

It looked like an ordinary cup of coffee, but Yu Kong couldn't help but pick it up.

After taking a sip, Yukong nodded approvingly: "The bitter taste lingers in the mouth, and then gradually fades away in the mouth. It is simply the best coffee."

As she spoke, Yu Kong took another sip. This time, she felt her whole body calm down, and she even felt a...pleasurable feeling in her heart?

"It tastes good. After drinking it, I feel extremely peaceful inside. You are right, I should really calm down. But as a parent..."

Pei Guang looked at Yukong tenderly: "I understand, being a parent is all for the benefit of your children, and Master Yukong, you are well-informed and experienced, so you naturally know how to choose for your children, and you also know the pitfalls behind many things. "

Listening to Pei Guang's understanding, Yu Kong sighed: "Yes! Me too..."

Deeply in love, Yu Kong picked up the cup and drank the last cup of coffee. However, when he took the last sip, Yu Kong suddenly realized something was wrong.


She felt like she had completely calmed down because her consciousness had disappeared and her whole body had gone limp.

When Pei Guang succeeded on his side, Xing also succeeded on the other side. The two of them looked at each other while supporting the other.

I don't know how long it took, but Yukong woke up from a deep sleep. When she was awake, Yukong's memory was still a little blurry, but she soon remembered what happened.

At this moment, she frowned. She didn't understand why Pei Guang would do something to her... But her calm expression soon stopped because she saw Qing Ni being tied up in front of her.

"Qingni! Qingni!!!"

Yukong's tone was full of worry and fear, but she soon felt relieved.

"Mom? What's wrong? Huh? Is it dawn yet?"

Qingni's consciousness was a little blurry at this time. Her body's instinct made her think that it was time to get up at dawn, but when she woke up and found that she was tied up, Qingni recalled what happened.

When she was having a conflict with her mother, the two pioneers helped mediate and gave her some delicious coffee. But was this coffee a bit tonic?

Before the two of them could figure out what was going on, Pei Guang sat on a stool next to them and looked at the tied mother and daughter with a smile on their faces: "Master Yukong! Miss Qingni, what are you doing today?" The mother and daughter just talk in front of me. If we don’t talk today, no one can leave!”

Pei Guang has no way to deal with family conflicts. Again, Mr. Qingtang couldn't understand the family conflict. How could he, a bastard who plays games, understand it?

Although some games have plots about family conflicts, Pei Guang has basically skipped this type of plot, and there are only two types of plots. Family members cannot understand each other and have their own difficulties. In this case, it would be better to speak out. .

The other is simply self-centered, and wants to experience the feeling of power to control family members. This can also be discussed. Once you have thoroughly discussed the mission objectives, you will know what to do.

No matter which way it is, we need to talk. If we need to talk, don't wait for the two of them to quarrel over something fundamental and then find someone here and there. Simply catch both of them and let's talk together.

Whatever difficulties and dissatisfactions we had, we talked about them all in one breath today.

What kind of person is Yu Kong? Although Pei Guang's behavior was a bit excessive, she could guess Pei Guang's purpose after listening to Pei Guang's words and recalling what he did in Luofu Immortal Boat.

Yukong: "Pioneers, actually you don't do this. Qingni and I have talked about everything we should have talked about over the years..."

Pei Guang: "We've all talked? That was before! It was before, and now is now. You two will talk to me in person. If you don't tell each other your true thoughts today, I won't let anyone go. If you still don't say it, Then don't blame me for finding your diary and reading it out in public~ I still say the same thing, I will not interrupt your family affairs, but I will help Qingni find relevant evidence and information. I am the player Qingni and sent me a task. I must finish it, otherwise I won’t be able to get my big treasure chest.”

If Qing Ni hadn't shown Pei Guang the photo of the treasure chest, Pei Guang's attitude would never have been the same as it is now. The only fault is that Pei Guang and Xing saw the treasure chest prepared by Qing Ni. Don't worry about what's inside. For players, such a big treasure chest is already Enough to take risks.

In a normal game, such a large treasure chest would give at least 20 card drawing materials and various upgrade experience and props. For an ordinary treasure chest, the player will not even look at it, but for the precious treasure chest, the player can spend more than ten minutes completing tasks and decrypting them.

At this moment, not only Yukong was silent, but Qingni was also silent. The reason for Yukong's silence is very simple. She knows that Pei Guang has a very magical ability, that is, he can find "diaries" or various "evidences" from "enemies". What happened to the Mingchi Clan was that Pei Guang came from the Mingchi Clan. All kinds of evidence found on the people's bodies on the spot.

According to rumors, those members of the Vidyadhara clan did not know how Pei Guang took out the destroyed or completely non-existent but real 'diary' and 'evidence' from their pockets.

With this ability, it is not difficult for Pei Guang to know what he wants to know.

Thinking of this, Yu Kong took a deep breath. She knew that there were some things that she could no longer hide. She also knew that these things could not be hidden for a lifetime, but she did not expect that she would use this strange way here to tell Qingni about the past.

Chapter 341 Xing: "In terms of perversion, I am better"

Yu Kong took a deep breath, collected his emotions, and then spoke slowly.

"I don't know how to tell you about this, but now that it's like this, let me tell you why I don't allow you to become a pilot. Qingni, do you know? You are not my biological daughter..."

Yukong tells her reasons with a shocking opening.

She was originally a pilot. Her refusal to become a pilot was partly due to the influence of her best friend's last words, and partly because of her mother's love.

"I used to be like you, longing for the sky. I know what it feels like, sailing in the universe, surrounded by vast nothingness, and unimaginable landscapes in the distance. Like a lone boat among the sea of ​​stars. Drifting, some people call it loneliness, but we prefer to call it freedom. Your biological mother Cai Yi is also such a person..."

Yu Kong began to talk about his experience with his best friend, from being captured by Biao Xingcha and becoming a battleship pilot, to going to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​​​blood together, defeating the fertile beasts, and escaping from countless pursuers.

Yukong stopped until she mentioned the death of her best friend. Even after living for two hundred years, she felt that her emotions were a little difficult to control, but she continued talking.

"That day, the sky was the most beautiful I have ever seen, but I only felt unbearable sadness. I could only crawl on the ground like a damn ant, looking at it helplessly. In my dream, I died that day. "

Pei Guang and Xing were silent as Yu Kong recounted the events she had personally experienced. Pei Guang felt very bad now. He originally thought it was a cliché family ethics drama about mothers doing the best for their children and the children wanting to pursue their dreams.

But I didn't expect to give him a moment here. This time, I still feel like I am neither up nor down.

Qingni listened to her mother's story and was silent for a long time before looking up at Yukong: "This is the first time I hear you talk about these things... But mom, I am no longer an ignorant child. Become a Dou Being a ship pilot is a cruel path, and I have been prepared for it."

"But I will not back down. I am not afraid of walking the same path as her. If sacrifice can bring happiness to the people on the fairy boat, I will die willingly."

Yukong looked at Qingni tenderly, like, it was so similar, Qingni's appearance and Caiyi's were as if they were carved out of the same mold. Caiyi also looked like this when he was young.

"You are really like Cai Yi, so the better you get over the years, the more scared I am. I know you have been ready for a long time... but... I have never been ready."

There was sadness in Yukong's tone, because she understood that when she said this, she could no longer stop Qingni from making a choice. But it was precisely because she couldn't stop it that she felt uncomfortable.

When any mother knows that her child is going to do something that will lead to death, she hopes that the other person will not do it, but she knows that Qingni, who knows this, already has her own ideas, and she can no longer stop it.

"You know what? Those cruel things never knocked me down. Me, Caiyi, and your biological father Guangyuan, we were already mentally prepared when we first joined the army. But you know, the scene where Caiyi was taken away, How did we finally win the battle that cost us hundreds of thousands of comrades?”

Qing Ni: "Is it... the divine arrow of Emperor Gong Siming?"

Yu Kong: "Yes! Emperor Gong Si Ming's magical power was so great that he wiped out those evil creatures with just one blow! But just to stop them from advancing, we paid the price of hundreds of thousands of lives! If Di Gong Si Ming were to For us, crushing those enemies is as simple as breathing, so what does our sacrifice mean? Under the power of the Star God, the sacrifices of mortals are like a joke, nothing... nothing..."

Yu Kong's tone was full of heart-breaking emotions. Every time she recalled the battle more than thirty years ago, she couldn't calm down.

But listening to Yu Kong's words, Pei Guang, who had been silent, shook his head: "No! Your sacrifice is worth it. It is indeed a meaningless sacrifice. But coincidentally, I still know about the scene thirty years ago. Some. I don't care about your family affairs, but on the topic of whether the sacrifice is worth it, I have to speak for the troops who sacrificed their lives, because their sacrifices lasted until the attack of Di Gong Siming. , without their fearless sacrifice, the result would definitely be worse.”

Pei Guang understands Yu Kong's thoughts, but is her friend's sacrifice not worth it? Pei Guang disagrees. Let’s not talk about Di Gong Siming, but let’s talk about himself. When he plays various real-time strategy and strategic management games, when it comes to war, he often only knows which of his troops has been beaten when the system notifies him.

Sometimes the troops being beaten may seem insignificant, but in fact without the delay of these troops, the enemy might have stolen their home.

Xing was surprised to hear Pei Guang's words and asked, "You know all this?"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "At first glance, you didn't read the various documents and records carefully! Moreover, Dan Heng recorded all the important content we encountered along the way in the think tank. You can take a look."

Xing: "Oh? Tell me in detail! Tell me in detail?"

Pei Guang touched his chin and recalled: "If I remember correctly, the battle thirty years ago seemed to be..."

Pei Guang knew everything about the battle that Yu Kong mentioned. According to the information that Pei Guang obtained through boring research, that battle was an arrow shot by Siming, the imperial bow of the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Judging from the results, there was only one mortal troop left. The enemy who could not stop them even after sacrificing so many people was wiped out by the Emperor Gong Commander with one arrow, giving people the illusion that blocking was of no use.

But in fact, if these people hadn't desperately delayed the time until Di Gong Siming discovered the situation and shot an arrow, it wouldn't be that every combat unit would be out of ten. It would be estimated that one of the six immortal boats would have sunk.

Pei Guang told what he knew. After saying these things, Pei Guang also complained: "These things have not been announced to the outside world. It seems that only the generals and the various chief ministers know about it. As for why they are not told..."

Yu Kong looked at Pei Guang in surprise: "So...is that so? It seems that I know something I shouldn't know..."

Yu Kong understood why he and even all the Immortal Boat people except the general did not know about this matter. This matter... would indeed cause commotion in the Immortal Boat Alliance.

Asking Emperor Gong and Siming for help... This kind of thing is considered to be against the ancestral rules. And if this matter is announced, the living people or those who have not participated in the battle will think that they can defeat the evil creature of abundance even without summoning the Imperial Gong Siming. This kind of thing seems mysterious, but in fact it is very likely to happen.

Looking at the silent Yu Kong, Pei Guang waved his hand: "Don't think about it, you mother and daughter will continue, I'm just interfering in matters that are not your family affairs."

Qingni: "Mom..."

Yukong: "Qingni... I'm sorry, I shouldn't make decisions for others just because of my own fears, even if that person is my daughter..."

Although Pei Guang did not directly intervene in the emotional exchange between mother and daughter, Pei Guang's words had an impact on Yu Kong's words. She could understand the truth of what Pei Guang said, and she had even thought in this direction more than once in the past.

But people are very awkward beings. Although she had thought about this possibility, she still thought it was meaningless compared to the Star God's mighty sacrifice. If an ordinary person said this, she would definitely not believe it, but she knew about Pei Guang's relationship with the Xianzhou Alliance.

Pei Guang had a very good relationship with both the general and the Taibu Sitaibu, so it was not impossible to learn this information. Or... is this kind of information conveyed by the general to people like her through the mouth of the pioneers?

Yu Kong couldn't help but think about it, but no matter what, the knot in her heart was already showing signs of loosening. As for when it would be untied, it was a matter of time.

Hearing Yukong's apology, Qingni directly interrupted Yukong's next speech: "Mom! We are mother and daughter! You don't have to apologize for me, because I know that everything you do is for my good. You don't You are a bad parent who wants to control your child's life for the sake of your child. You are a good mother who really wants me to live a safe and happy life. You don't need to apologize. You really don't need to apologize."

She was also shocked when she found out that she was not Yu Kong's biological child, but Qingni didn't care whether she was Yu Kong's biological child. Her mother would always be her mother.

Under normal circumstances, this would definitely be a scene of mother-daughter love that would move people to tears, but the scenes at the scene were untouchable.

Seeing such a touching scene, Pei Guang took a deep breath: "Let's go! Let's stop listening and leave private space for this mother and daughter! They will definitely be able to solve their own problems at home."

Star: "Yeah!"

Xing followed Pei Guang, and Yukong and Qingni, mother and daughter, had reconciled. At the same time, because of this exchange, Yukong decided to help Qingni go through the procedures so that his daughter could realize her dream.

However, just when mother and daughter were deeply in love, both Yukong and Qingni discovered something was wrong.

They were arrested after being put down by Pei Guang and Xing, because they were so involved in the conversation that they both forgot that they were restrained. Not only did their mother and daughter forget, Pei Guang and Xing also forgot.

The two of them just wanted to spend the rest of their time with the mother and daughter, but they forgot that they tied them up.

When Yu Kong and Qing Ni reacted, Pei Guang and Xing were no longer at the scene.

Qingni: "Mom...we, mother and daughter, were thrown here..."

Yukong looked at the empty surroundings, and then at the way she and Qingni were tied up. She suddenly smiled: "It looks like this. I didn't expect that one day our mother and daughter would be caught like this." Together, it’s quite interesting to think about.”

Qingni: "Mom!!! Can you still laugh at this?"

The time they were forgotten didn't last long. After walking away, Pei Guang and Xing remembered that there were two people tied up here. After remembering this, the two of them quickly returned and let go.

Yukong returned to Sichen Palace to continue working, while Qingni took Pei Guang and Xing to bring over the treasure box he had prepared.

This was a square treasure box with the characteristics of an immortal boat. Pei Guang and Xing did not open the treasure box immediately, but took it back to open it.

Pei Guang and Xing walked away with the treasure box in their arms, but what they didn't know was what kind of terrifying existence they had cultivated Qingni into.

After all, in the future, only Qingni could do such things as driving a hunting trash can all over the world and hitting abundant evil creatures.

Pei Guang doesn't have much interest in Qingni's future. It's just a side mission. He's satisfied with having fun during the mission and being rewarded generously.

And now, Pei Guang is ready to open this treasure box!

This is the largest treasure box he has ever obtained. The player's intuition tells him that this treasure box will definitely be sold, and it is a very awesome and useful thing.

In order not to let their feelings fail, Pei Guang and Xing deliberately found a Feng Shui treasure place to open the box. Where is this Feng Shui treasure place? That was naturally the Belloberg Street where the two golden lights were originally illuminated.

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