He understood, he understood completely. It turned out that the reason why this NPC named Qing Ni asked him for help at this time was because she needed the help of the trash can! Although Qing Ni's task description was to teach her to drive the Star Raft, Pei Guang believed that the main purpose of this task was to make her a pilot. In his father's words, "The Star Raft is not important, what is important is to become a pilot!" After understanding this, Pei Guang looked at Xing on the side: "No problem! We have assembled a flying trash can, isn't it easy to make her a pilot? But the pilots of the Xianzhou Alliance have to fight against the rich evil creatures, so I feel that we should not only teach her to fly, but also teach her to fight. I think ours is good." Listening to Pei Guang's explanation, Xing's eyes brightened: "Great! Great! I didn't expect that our Trash Can Alliance would have a new member?" Pei Guang: "Since it is the first member, we I must teach you everything I know! Do you remember what is the most important thing in our alliance? "

Xing opened his hands and drew a rainbow shape in front of him: "It's imagination~"

Pei Guang: "That's right! Imagination~ We have the parts, what we need is to rely on imagination to make the trash can move! But if we just bring the trash can over, she will definitely think we are crazy, so we have to let this girl see how powerful the trash can is."

Xing: "How to do it?"

Pei Guang: "Of course..."

Qing Ni arrived at the agreed meeting place very early to wait for the Pioneers to appear. At this time, her heartbeat accelerated a little. When she thought of the superhuman abilities that the Pioneers showed with the Star Raft that day, she felt a kind of blood boiling.

Her body told her that she longed for the sky and wanted to fly in the sky on the Star Raft. She was ready to become a pilot, but she couldn't convince her mother.

She thought this was an opportunity. If she could learn something from the Pioneers, her mother would definitely not stop her, right?

Thinking of this, Qing Ni's heart surged even more.

However, just as she was surging, she saw two black shadows flying towards her.

She was at the Qilong Altar, which was the territory of the Chiming Clan. Normally, no one dared to drive a Star Raft randomly, but there were two guys driving... a trash can? ? ? ? ?

Qingni thought someone was driving a Star Raft, but when she saw the flying thing, she was dumbfounded. In the sky, Pei Guang and Xing were driving a trash can, and the other trash can was like a rocket with a person in it, ejecting forward.

When the two felt Qingni's gaze, they even started to show off their skills. Pei Guang drifted and drifted in the air~ Then a nitrogen acceleration, the blue flame made this tattered trash can instantly burst out at a speed far exceeding that of an ordinary Star Raft, and Qingni could see that this was not the limit of this trash can...

On the other side, Xing was riding a trash can cannon, and the speed of the flight was not as fast as Pei Guang, but the rotating trash can cannon brought an excellent visual experience.

However, Pei Guang and Xing's showing off their skills was not the point, the point was... the trash can went up to the sky! That thing that looks like a simple assembly of a trash can can actually fly? ? ? It flies faster than the Star Raft and looks more stable than the Star Raft? What the hell is the Star Raft that the Immortal Boat Alliance has researched? ! !

Qingni didn't know how to complain, she could only watch Pei Guang and Xing flying in front of her in shock.

Qingni had heard of a planet where you can have sweet dreams, but she remembered that Luofu Immortal Boat didn't seem to have this function? Then how did she have this strange dream of watching a trash can flying in the sky during the day?

Chapter 339: Patrol's gaze, flying in the sky: "6"!

Looking at the two people with such a unique vehicle, Qingni suddenly felt unreliable...

Just when Qingni was doubting her life, Pei Guang and Xing drove their trash cans around Qingni. After a few laps, both of them stopped suddenly and jumped out of the trash can at the same time.

"Qingni, right? Hello, my name is Pei Guang, and I'm a pioneer from the Starry Sky Train."

"Xing, Pioneer!"

Pei Guang and Xing introduced themselves, and looking at the two people who still had trash can lids on their heads, Qingni now doubted whether it was the right choice to ask the pioneers to help.

She wanted to leave, she wanted to use other methods to continue to fulfill her dream, but she was already here.

Pei Guang and Xing saw that Qingni wanted to leave, so they grabbed her from the left and right.

Pei Guang: "Why are you leaving? Do you think we are not serious because of what we drive? Don't worry, we are super serious, let's go! We will help you become a pilot!"

Xing: "That's right! Trust us, we are professional, don't be afraid! With A Guang here, I guarantee that you will become a top pilot within three days, but please don't forget our reward."

Hearing Xing take the initiative to mention the reward, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! It seems that your understanding of the game is getting deeper and deeper. That's it. If you accept a task, you must get a reward. If any NPC does not give material rewards or spiritual rewards, we should consider twisting the other party's head off."

Xing: "That's right! Twist it off."

Now Xing is getting more and more ruthless with Pei Guang's words, but the ruthless words said by these two people scared Qingni.

"That... I..."

Qingni heard that pioneers are easy to talk to, why do they want to twist people's heads when they just meet?

Looking at the frightened girl, Pei Guang patted her shoulder and comforted her: "Don't worry, we are easy to fool. As a reward or something, just give us something you think is valuable. If the valuable thing is also No, it’s okay to give us a good impression.”

Before Qing Ni could say anything, Xing turned to look at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang! Let's talk about it ourselves, isn't it appropriate for us to fool ourselves?"

Pei Guang turned his head and looked at Xing: "What's inappropriate? Once I was doing a task, someone said: "Only idiots can do this task." Then she changed her hands and gave the task to me, and then I Still did it.”

Star: "Pfft!"

At this moment Xing couldn't help but laugh. Although she had heard Pei Guang complain before, she found it interesting every time she heard Pei Guang's words.

She has been learning from Pei Guang since she woke up. Although Pei Guang's behavior is very wrong in the eyes of normal people, he is willing to help anyone who asks for help wherever he goes. He talks about rewarding him, but in fact even if He is a child's lollipop and even saying thank you to Pei Guang will do it with all his energy.

Pei Guang ignored Xing's laughter and held Qing Ni's shoulders: "Don't worry! Now that I have accepted your mission, I promise to complete the mission. The so-called pilot means flying on the Xingcha! Come on! ! Let’s start flight training now.”

Qingni: "Huh? Here? Could it be..."

Pei Guang: "Danger? Don't worry! When you are driving, Xing and I will accompany you throughout the training, and we also invited heavyweight guests!"

"Cough cough cough!"

Along with Pei Guang's words, three coughs from Bai Lu revealed her presence. Qing Ni looked over subconsciously when she heard the coughs.

"Lord Dragon Lord?"

Although Bai Lu had not taken over the Ming clan for a long time, as the daughter of Yu Kong, she still knew about such major political events.

The youngest Vidyadhara Dragon Lord, it is said that although she looks young, her methods are extremely cruel. On the first day she took office, she eliminated all dissidents and even mind-controlled other Vidyadharas!

This is a rumor.

The reason why the Mingchichi Clan obeyed Bai Lu's orders was because Bai Lu's fist was too big due to Pei Guang's command. He had received the support of Dragon Masters from other Immortal Boat Alliances, and he also had extremely powerful abilities against the Mingchichi Clan.

Of course, the above-mentioned force is only the basis. The real reason why everyone in the Vidyadhara clan is willing to listen to Bai Lu is that Bai Lu brings too much money.

These days, people have challenged the Loved Echo dungeon in the Linyuan realm several times. These challenges have made the Vidyadharas feel what it means to be happy! The first group of people who were most proactive and obedient were all given big houses, and those who wanted to open a store opened it directly, highlighting their wealth and willfulness.

In addition, there is another point, the medicine to reverse the demonic yin is in Bai Lu's hands. With money and the ability to cure diseases, the status of the Vidyadhara clan has soared, and Bai Lu's status is on a rocket.

In the past, the people of the Vidyadhara clan sent people to follow Bailu to keep an eye on her, but now they sent people to follow her to really protect her.

It is precisely because of these changes in the Vidyadhara clan that the outside world has learned some information about the Vidyadharas.

Hearing Qingni's praise, Bai Lu looked at Qingni proudly with her hands on her hips: "That's right! I am the current Vidyadhara Dragon Lord, hahahaha!"

Without Pei Guang here, Bai Lu would never be proud. Compared with before, Bai Lu pays more attention to etiquette now, but it is different with Pei Guang here. At this time, Bai Lu was like a wild horse that completely let herself go. In other words, only when Pei Guang was around could she truly let herself go and do what she wanted to do.

After feeling proud for a moment, Bai Lu looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "A Guang! Do you need me to do anything this time?"

This time, Pei Guang asked Bai Lu for something to do. Although he had to do something, Bai Lu always felt that he could have fun again this time.

Pei Guang gave a thumbs up: "Of course! We want to train this girl named Qing Ni to become a pilot, so we need your help, Bai Lu. Driving a vehicle is very dangerous, in case she has no talent and is clumsy. It would be bad if there was an accident, so I need your help~"

Bai Lu patted her chest: "No problem! Leave this matter to me, come here! The one over there named Qing Ni, I'll give you a buff!"

Bai Lu thoughtfully used the healing power of the Dragon Lord for Qingni. This power can guarantee that as long as Qingni remains human in the event of an accident, her life can be saved.

At the same time, Pei Guang also had full attribute recovery items. Combined with Bai Lu's life-saving ability, it would be really difficult to die.

Qingni was a little confused about Bai Lu's behavior. She had driven Xingcha before. Although this thing was dangerous, Xingcha itself had a very strong protection system. Collision between two starships at full speed can ensure the survival of the people inside. Besides, I can still pilot a starship, but my life is in danger just by asking for help from the Pioneer?

How is this possible?

But then Pei Guang's training methods made Qingni silent.

Pei Guang: "Very good! Everything is ready, let's head towards the pilots. The so-called pilots are naturally flying stars. Our first training is very simple. You fly the stars to catch up with and surpass us. The first The training is over and you will move towards the goal of becoming the strongest pilot!"


Qingni didn't react at all. Is this too fast? Why don't you understand your own situation first? Just come up and open the Xingcha?

Sensing Qing Ni's disbelieving expression, Xing Ze smiled: "Don't underestimate us. Although we are not driving a Xing Cha, we are very fast! Before we came, A Guang and I made a special effort to understand what a Xing Cha was. Pilot, so during the competition, we will attack you."

Qingni: "!!!"

Qingni suddenly felt the word "danger" appear above her head. She could suppress her fear and fear when facing the enemy, but when facing Pei Guang and Xing, she felt a biological instinct of fear.

Her mind was a little confused, but when her mind returned to normal, she found that she was already sitting in the driver's seat of Xingcha.

While sitting in her seat, her mind recalled the training content Pei Guang had mentioned before.

The first stage of training is very simple, Xingcha competition!

She drove from Qilongtan to Dandingsi and then from Dandingsi to Qilongtan, a round trip three times. As long as she could get first place, she would have completed the first phase of training. In order to avoid hurting innocent people, Bai Lu specially asked the Vidyadhara clan to temporarily close this road so that Pei Guang and the others could train to their heart's content.

Recalling the content of the competition, Qingni took a deep breath and showed a confident expression on her face.

She is very talented in opening stars. Although she saw Pei Guang's terrifying control method last time, she developed antibodies after seeing it once. She feels that she is sure to surpass Pei Guang this time.

But what happened next slapped her hard in the face!

As the referee, Bai Lu made a competition line with cute water rabbits, and as the referee, she started the countdown at the starting point.

"Countdown! Five!"

When the five-beetle countdown started, Pei Guang and Xing stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. Pei Guang's trash can sprayed out blue flames and rushed out of the sea, and Xing's trash can sprayed out dazzling light. The man with the bucket also ran away.


Seeing the two people flying away suddenly, Qing Ni was stunned. The countdown hadn't even ended yet, so why did they run away?

Faced with Qingni's doubts, Bai Lu explained: "Aguang said that you should strike first when fighting. The so-called flying warriors are monsters that fight against abundant evil creatures. When fighting against evil creatures, as long as the battle starts, there is no need to follow the rules. ! In other words, the moment the competition starts, you can actually start running. ”


Qingni's head was still a bit unresponsive, but looking at the two people rushing out in the trash can, Qingni suddenly felt like competing.

So what if I run first? She, Qing Ni, is also quite talented in driving the Star Chassis!

Thinking of this, Qingni gained confidence, and she rushed out in Xingcha.

She originally thought it was a pure speed contest, but when she started to take action in Xingcha, she saw that Pei Guang, who rushed out, did not simply run in circles, but took out his weapon.

This is not a racing competition, but a props competition!

Pei Guang's Trash Can Ares completed a 360° rotation while sprinting, and the drill was launched at the moment it faced Qingni.

Seeing Pei Guang's attack, Qingni's pupils narrowed, but she was talented in piloting Xingcha and instinctively controlled the Xingcha to avoid it. But after dodging a move, there were continuous attacks from Pei Guang and Xing.

Simple attacks are not the most suffocating thing. What really makes Qing Ni feel suffocated is that Pei Guang can turn and rotate without slowing down at all.

"How did you do it?"

Is it still possible to slow down when performing a spin attack and making a big turn? Does physics no longer exist in this world?

However, when reality did not give Qingni time to think about it, seeing Qingni dodge the first attack, Xing directly aimed the mouth of the trash can at Qingni's Xingcha.

"Garbage cannon! Fire!"

At this moment, the huge garbage bag was shot out. Looking at the black garbage bag with a diameter of more than one meter, Qingni's body once again instinctively avoided the attack. But this time Xing's attack was more wicked than Pei Guang's.

No! To be precise, the two people's attacks combined are the most evil. Pei Guang's attack made Qingni subconsciously think that their attacks were all direct, while Xing's attack seemed direct at first, but in the trash Behind the shells were long guns made of trash can fragments.

Qing Ni is indeed very talented. She avoided the bombardment of the garbage bag with a dodge, but was hit by the attack from behind the garbage bag. This blow hit Xingcha firmly and beat Xingcha. stopped.

The moment the Xingcha on which Qingni was riding stopped, Pei Guang and Xing, who were sprinting ahead, stopped at the same time and returned to the stopped Xingcha.

In Xingcha, Qingni was a little frightened. At that moment, she seemed to see the God of Death waving his hand. But at that moment, the power from the Vidyadhara clan and the player's wonderful characteristics did not cause her any harm.

For players, various racing and airplane racing games will indeed cause some accidents for the sake of authenticity, but Pei Guang is not driving Qing Ni to death, it is just training. I have never heard of killing teammates or NPCs in training matches in various games.

Regardless of the player's characteristics or the power of the vigilante, Qingni was guaranteed not to be injured. However, her first experience in combat made her body tremble a little.

At the same time, because of the blow just now, the starship was broken and could not be driven at all.

Qing Ni walked out of the cockpit. When she walked out, she saw Pei Guang and Xing who cared about her.

Pei Guang: "How do you feel?"

Qing Ni took a deep breath, and then looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "It has never been so good, but this Xingcha..."

Qingni looked at the Xingcha she was driving. The Xingcha was now smashed and looked completely uncontrollable. It was the first time she drove Xingcha to make it look like this, which made Qingni a little embarrassed.

Pei Guang waved his hand: "It's not a big problem. It's normal for vehicles to have problems. Come on! Repair the Xingcha next, and then continue the competition with the repaired Xingcha!"

Qingni: "Repair Xingcha?"

Pei Guang put his hands on his hips and said, "Yes! As a pilot, how can you not repair the Star Cha?"

Qingni: "But...but I can't repair Xingcha..."

Pei Guang: "It's okay. Just hit it with a hammer or twist it with a wrench and it will be fixed."

Qingni: "Ah? This is okay? What about the parts?"

Pei Guang took out a bucket that could take out damaged parts of various trash cans: "You can take out various parts from here. Although they are all trash can parts, if you can repair Xingcha with these parts, How can a qualified pilot not repair or even build aircraft?"

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