[The player successfully breeds offspring with the entry of the Guardian...]

Pei Guang determined that the creation of one person + one machine through mechanical means was a feature allowed by the game. If this was allowed, then the next thing to do would be much simpler.

After many experiments with humans and machines, the gadgets created will have a high probability of having corresponding destiny entries, and then combined with machines that have destiny entries, you can get units with more destiny walker entries.

Compared with forcing people to match each other, it is more efficient for people and machines to first create machines and then use machines to create quickly.

However, in the process of continuously inheriting entries, Pei Guang also discovered some shortcomings of this entry inheritance.

Each person can have up to four entries. Once you have four entries, you cannot add new entries by any means, and the entries you have already obtained cannot be removed by any means.

The inherited entries only have the original power, and this power cannot be improved.

To put it simply, the attribute was originally increased by 10%, so the inherited entries will always have 10% attributes. This inherited entry cannot improve the effect by any means.

At the same time, even humans and machines must be distinguished by gender. Although robots actually have no gender, as long as they are labeled with a gender, they will be considered to have a gender. In this way, creating new life in the same way as ordinary people creating robots is consistent with the characteristics of reproduction, and there is a probability of creating units that inherit entries.

As for the marriage certificate? After trying, Pei Guang confirmed that there is no need for a marriage certificate, as long as it can be confirmed that the label is a man and a woman, that's right. After Pei Guang confirmed, the real gender is not important at all. As long as the tag is a boy and a girl, the characteristics can be triggered.

After confirming this characteristic, Pei Guang has only one bad word to say. Although this setting is very consistent with the game logic, but with more real game experiences, Pei Guang has been affected by real experiences to some extent, and now he suddenly encounters a sufficiently personalized game. After the incident, Pei Guang didn't know how to complain.

"In other words, I need stronger basic units to fuse into powerful enough offspring?"

After this experiment, Pei Guang knew what to do.

To put it simply, if you want a unit with a powerful enough entry, except for the Star God, you can only use a command-level unit or some special beings, such as the Vigilantes.

That's right, this time Pei Guang is still eyeing the Mighty Dharmadhara clan. He is very curious about what the Mighty Dhamma clan entries will be. At the same time, he is also curious about what will happen if the Mighty Dharmadhara clan entries are added to the robot. .

This curiosity became Pei Guang's greater driving force...

Pei Guang has already made up his mind for the strongest entry in the early stage, which is fertility + destruction + preservation + any star god. Looking at the background setting, hunting has not yet been born. Without hunting, Pei Guang has no way to capture the destiny walkers who are hunting to obtain more entries.

Although there is no hunting, Pei Guang is also very interested in the power of the Vidyadhara. Pei Guang has also seen how powerful the Dragonborn is. Which one is stronger and weaker is the power of the Vidyadhara and the power of abundance. In Pei Guang's opinion, this is not a big deal. Easy to say.

Anyway, the Dragonborn's power can suppress the blessing of abundance, so it's absolutely no problem to use Ming's power to get one.

Among all the entries, Pei Guang was the first to like the blessing of abundance.

Compared to other star gods whose dragons never see the light of day, the Fertile Star God is definitely the most generous star god. At the same time, Pei Guang also learned about the situation in this universe.

Nowadays, the fertility creatures already exist, and at the same time, the Fertility Star God has also given many miracles. These miracles have also allowed some fertility creatures to make some noise in the universe.

Pei Guang set his sights on these abundant blessings, but catching these abundant evil things required a little hard power and a little development time.

Although the entry can be inherited through special skills, the current military strength is not enough. Since this time we are going to take the mechanical route, then we must have enough entry machinery to cover the sky and the sun before taking action.

Pei Guang: "If we develop like this little by little, it won't be long before I can capture all the Star Gods, right? Then how should we combine them?"

Pei Guang is very much looking forward to the final result. After all, in reality, he cannot harm the Star God like this. Even if he can harm the Star God, it is probably time to clear the game. But the question is, does he really have a chance to clear the game? The main journey of two planets and a space station only took so long. Who knows when it will be time to confront the Star God.

What's more, according to various game settings, Star God now seems to be forced to prevent the Star God from stretching his crotch if he keeps putting boxes on him in the future~

But these are all things for the future, and now Pei Guang quickly puts these things behind him after thinking about them. Because he has already begun to think about how to pair Abundance with Patrolling. If the pairing is successful, will Patrolling with the power of Abundance be very strong?

When the time comes, a glutton will be paired with knowledge, destruction will be paired with breeding, and a bug will be paired with joy, perfect! It's perfect!

Pei Guangke still remembers what Aha did before he left the last time he played Memory World. Although he is not an Aha, this does not prevent young players from coming back with revenge. He couldn't please Pei Guang and didn't care. Pei Guang only wanted to be happy for himself.

Chapter 336 Aha: "It's my turn to play"

Making trouble on a planet controlled by the company soon attracted the company's attention, but the company's actions were too slow.

Even if it took less than seven days from the discovery of the anomaly to the dispatch of military personnel, it was already too late, because Pei Guang completed control of the first planet on the first day, and the mechanical troops created on the seventh day were overwhelming.

Normally, such an ordinary planet cannot meet the demand for manufacturing so many machines, but the problem is that Pei Guang has an infinite farm and all basic resources can be produced infinitely.

It doesn't matter if it's just basic resources. The synthesis platform can also create various production lines. On the production line, you only need to add basic resources to synthesize advanced resources.

The most bullied person is that if there are resources that are not available on this planet, you can even synthesize resources that are not available on this planet by crushing and re-synthesizing them.

As for the synthesis station, any resources available in this game can be produced through matryoshka-style synthesis.

For example, use a synthesis platform to create a production line, and use the production line to create materials. Multiple materials can be decomposed and fused to create a material that is completely lacking on this planet.

As for the synthesis platform, as long as it remembers things that exist in the world, it can be synthesized.

In addition, the player's synthesis does not require the so-called production line at all. Even if it is slightly more realistic, it is still hitting the projection with a hammer.

When the company's people came to suppress the rebellion, Pei Guang had already developed a sufficient number of troops.

If it were an ordinary machine, it would be a bit troublesome to fight. But the problem is that Pei Guang got the Fate Walkers and got the Fate Entries. This is equivalent to whether all the troops under Pei Guang are Fate Walkers, or there are four types of Fate Walkers. The traveler.

The company doesn't know about this yet.

The commander of the company's external suppression force has already directed the troops to arrive on the planet.

Company Commander: "Intelligence agent, what is the situation on this planet?"

Company intelligence officer: "This planet does not have any interstellar navigation capabilities. At the same time, the resources of this planet cannot support interstellar-level operations. The people on this planet have no ability to resist us. We can use ships to sail in the universe. advantage to attack the resistance forces on this planet."

Company Commander: "Very good, find the rebels and let these rebels see the power of technology!"

As the company expands disorderly, there are more and more rebellions on various planets. Unfortunately, more planets do not even have interstellar navigation capabilities. The company's attacks on these planets are dimensionality reduction strikes.

According to the intelligence agent's investigation, this planet, like countless planets controlled by the company, does not have any interstellar navigation capabilities. It does not have weapons on the ground not to mention weapons against starships, or even weapons against medium and heavy ground units.

Generally speaking, planets that dare to resist have some basic weapons, but this planet has no basic knowledge at all, and it has been controlled for an Amber Age, but it suddenly rebels?

It seems that they have been deceived. Let the people here know how powerful the company is, simply intimidate them and re-strengthen their rule.

After the company commander's ship arrived at the designated location, it was about to start an attack. However, when the attack started, the captain sent a picture, in which the commander saw a terrifying scene.

I saw countless bionic and mechanical units floating in the orbit in low-Earth orbit. These units seemed to be floating like waste.

After seeing this picture, the intelligence officer quickly analyzed and guessed based on the existing intelligence: "These are outdated bionics and automatic machines, which pose no threat to our fleet! Maybe the people here throw them away as garbage. It’s really immoral to go to space.”

Company Commander: "Why do I feel like there's something wrong with your intelligence?"

Company Intelligence Agent: "Commander! Please believe me, I am a professional intelligence agent! You can question my intelligence, but you cannot question my professionalism."

However, before the commander's order was issued, a terrifying scene occurred. All units in low-Earth orbit looked at the leaping starship.

They are machines that have been born with perfect terms at this stage after countless times of 'breeding'. The power of preservation allows them to move freely in the universe, the power of destruction allows them to possess powerful destructive power, and the harmonious destiny allows them to While connecting to each other and sharing energy, information is quickly transmitted to all machines. Their abundant power gives them the ability to heal everyone.

There are also some machines similar to the entries of Greed, Joy, and Nothingness, but the buff advantages and disadvantages of these entries are too obvious, so these machines have special mission arrangements.

In fact, Pei Guang started to ambush the company from the time he added the entry. Pei Guang knew a little about the company's fighting methods, so he directly launched the machine into the orbit of the planet and waited for their arrival in an open and honest manner.

When these starships arrive, these people and ships will be his. As for how to capture them? It's very simple, of course it relies on pet balls. The people in these ships are all talents. What if there are a few destiny travelers? It would be too wasteful to kill them all, so we might as well capture them all.

It was precisely because of this order that when these ships appeared, the mechanical army that had been waiting for a long time launched an invasion of these ships.

Machines with extremely powerful hacking capabilities opened the way for their own units to enter, and then other machines broke into the spacecraft directly, throwing a ball every time they saw one, and ten if they failed to get one ball.

The machinery in low-Earth orbit cannot block the light shining on the planet, but it is enough to cover the entire starship so that the people on these ships cannot see the sun.

Along with the attack of the machines, the company commander on the command ship received nervous information from the intelligence officer.

"Commander, our intelligence is wrong! Our troops are disappearing like snowflakes!"

Company Commander: "What's going on?"

The company commander noticed that the small fleet he brought was being attacked. At the same time, on the radio, many people were saying that they and their companions were attacked by machines.

"Mechanical riot?"

This well-informed commander thought of a possibility. This commander also felt that he was very unlucky. He messed up his first important mission not long after he took office.

Company Commander: "Give me the order to force all ships to jump out of this galaxy."

Intelligencer: "Commander! Oops, the energy systems of all our ships have been attacked, and the energy of all our ships is no longer enough to support the jump!"

The company intelligence officer quickly explained to his colleagues that they called up a video. They saw huge machines lying on the outside of the ship, sucking the ship's energy. They were machines that had obtained the word "Glutton". They had this word. They can ignore any conditions and absorb energy forcefully. This can be the energy in the air or the energy of a designated target.

Now before these ships arrive, the machines with gluttonous entries have already begun to crazily suck the energy from the ships, and they also pass the sucked energy to all units through the homologous destiny entries, making them become Stronger.

Looking at this scene, the company commander was silent at this moment. After being silent for a long time, she slowly said: "We lost..."

The company commander did not expect that he would lose the first important mission that affected his life, and he would lose so completely.

At the same time, she also felt like scolding her mother at this moment. This intelligence agent was swearing when he spoke. It was her first mission to trust this intelligence agent, but in the end, she was in such a big trap?

No weapons against ships? So what are these things floating outside? Now all the ships have lost contact. If you are lucky, you will admit defeat and be captured. If you are not lucky, you will die.

What? persevere until the end? We are all employees, just making money, why are we working so hard!

While the commander was thinking, the mechanical troops from Pei Guang had already invaded the command ship. The personnel on the ship wanted to try to resist, but before these iron gadas could show up, they were met by high-speed pet ball.

That's right, Pei Guang has equipped all the main combatants with sufficient pet balls, and his fighting style also highlights his vulgarity. If he can throw the ball, he will be vulgar, and if he can't, he will fight in groups.

Pei Guang gave these machines only one core command: "Stay alive."

The machines couldn't understand how to survive, but the first android who met Pei Guang had an epiphany about the so-called survival. Therefore, under the command of this android, everyone's fighting style became extremely vulgar.

If the machine is really destroyed, the data will be transferred as soon as possible.

As for uploading data and retaining data? Perhaps due to the influence of unknown machines or Pei Guang, the machines believe that the data retained in advance is not their own, and only the completely transferred data is their true self.

Therefore, there is no mechanical option to retain data in advance, but with the blessing of homologous entries, most data can be transferred quickly.

In this state, the machines tried to use various records and tactics in the database, until they finally captured the entire fleet, with only a few unlucky machines damaged.

After the battle, Pei Guang's system log was also popping up various messages like crazy.

[Congratulations to the player camp for defeating the powerful enemy without death]

[Player Pei Guang has completed the occupation of the novice planet, please continue to work hard]

This victory over the company's fleet is enough to make the company dare not act rashly. Now that the company has just been established, the internal forces are complicated. A victory on Pei Guang's side can prevent the company from sending effective troops for support for a long time.

Pei Guang's side was a complete victory. A fleet was defeated not long after the jump was completed. Even the company's top management had to weigh it. This weighing process only took a few days to pass.

But for Pei Guang, this victory is a matter of course. After all, if an event copy cannot allow players to successfully pass various levels, it is a mistake in the setting.

However, clearing the level is one thing, but how to clear the level is another matter. Many game events can guarantee that all players will get all the rewards when they release event copies. However, while getting the rewards, players with ideas can also perform some special tasks. challenge.

Pei Guang is currently undertaking a special challenge. The content of the challenge is also very simple, and he can pass the level without death.

Obviously, Pei Guang achieved this achievement in his first large-scale battle.

Looking at the details of this battle, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, not a single unit died in the first large-scale battle. It's perfect. I didn't waste so much time on writing entries~"

Those who can be sent out are the most perfect four-entry units that Pei Guang has spawned. Pei Guang has sent out units with average entries or relatively low combat effectiveness to mine.

"Then what happens next..."

After reading the battle data, Pei Guang began to study the next development direction.

He looked at the star map and the various colors on it. Pei Guang felt very uncomfortable. As a picture, each star field actually has various colors? This is so uncomfortable.

Therefore, Pei Guang had an idea, which was to change the color of the star map to one.

The first is the basic base. No matter what, the basic base cannot be lost. This is the planet where he was born. As long as the people in his own territory do not engage in rebellion, Pei Guang will definitely protect the human beings in his own territory.

Players may do a lot of unreasonable things for the sake of early efficiency, but most players just want to be happy, saying that the pet is sick, throw it away and replace it, but if the pet is really sick, the player can sell all his possessions. Or traveling across mountains and rivers to get medicine.

In various development games, players are also more nostalgic. As long as it does not affect the player's game progress, many players can even donate the various characters they obtained in the early stage.

Just like Pei Guang's current planet, with the support of unlimited resource farms and a large number of machinery, Pei Guang has planned universal welfare, which naturally includes these machinery.

In Pei Guang's eyes, both passers-by and these machines are NPCs. These machines fight for him and can even capture a small fleet without dying. Naturally, he must give them the best treatment.

Of course, the player's kindness is always towards one's own people, but towards enemies and those who may become enemies, the player's cruelty will once again shock the entire memory world. Even those who are watching the live broadcast of the memory world will see Pei Guang's next behavior. All fell silent.

Time passed quickly in the memory world, and while Pei Guang was constantly making decisions, his system log was flashing crazily.

[The player decides to obtain the blessing of abundance and build enough large ships to find the children of the Fertility Star God and the Breeding Star God]

[Ask for blessings from the Fertility Pharmacist, and the Fertility Pharmacist gives the player the blessing of an adjutant, and the player has the entry of 'Herald of Abundance']

[Commander of Abundance: You can use part of the power of Abundance and Destiny, and you can move around the universe with your body]

After Pei Guang obtained the entry for the Envoy of Plenty, he did something that the whole universe found terrifying, which was to mass-produce the Envoy of Plenty.

While Pei Guang was mass-producing the Envoy of Fertility, the entire fleet returned to the starting point planet as quickly as possible. The starting point planet was already at war with the company's main force.

The fight was a bit anxious at first, but at least there was hope, but when the overwhelming fleet appeared, the company surrendered directly.

[When the Interstellar Peace Company saw countless Envoys of Fertility, it chose to surrender. No force other than the Star Gods could face the countless Envoys. 】

There are many people in the universe who have the power given by the Star God, but even if all the life in the universe unite, they will not be able to give birth as fast as Pei Guang's order, not to mention that Pei Guang's order is just an entry, except for the abundance order. In addition, you can still obtain other powers.

[Player Pei Guang found the Dragonborn and obtained the entry ‘Dragonborn’]

【Player Pei Guang...】

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