[Find breeding heirs and obtain the entry ‘breeding’]

Pei Guang obtained a large number of destiny entries, four entries for each unit, and when combined with each other, Pei Guang successfully obtained top-notch entries in the true sense.

And when the immortal entry appeared, Aha, who had always been watching but never appeared in the memory world, appeared in front of Pei Guang: "It's my turn to play!"

"No, if you have a child with one of my men, I will give it to you to play with."

Pei Guang didn't expect Aha to make this request, but then he thought that since the other party took the initiative to make the request, let him help him. As for wanting to play later? Play whatever you like.

Aha agreed to Pei Guang's request, found a random robot, and gave birth to an heir with the robot.

The unit with the entry "Happy Star God" was born. On this day, the Memory Star God felt that he had been shocked, because in less than a day in the real world, he saw all but some stars in his memory world. Apart from God, all living things have become the Star God of Joy.

At this moment, the Memory Star God felt heavy-headed, the Myth Star God was thoughtful, and when Aha saw the scene in the Memory World, all the envious masks showed expressions that were beyond recognition.

The whole world is the Star God of Joy. This is really an interesting decision, but it is a pity that I can't experience this gameplay. I can only watch my other self mocking myself while making the whole world look like Aha.

Immortal happiness, destruction of happiness, preservation of happiness, all the entries of destiny bear the symbol of the Happy Star God.

However, the Memory Star God also made sure of one thing. Under no circumstances should free-spirited players collude with the Joy Star God. In this case, the world would definitely be over.

At the same time, Pei Guang's two performances in the memory world also made Fu Li confirm one thing. For players, whether there are bonds and the 'game' mode greatly affect the player's choice.

At this time, Aha, who was watching his coloring in the memory world, felt Fuli's gaze. Aha's mask showed an innocent expression. His innocent expression seemed to say: "Look at him, don't look at me, I'm... Not pretty.”

Chapter 337 Trash Can Chariot

The world of memory. With the joint efforts of players and Aha, the entire memory world has completely transformed into what Aha looks like.

After all, the offspring they reproduce can bring entries to the Star Gods. One or two will have no impact on the entire universe, but when there are too many, even other Star Gods will not be able to withstand them.

As the combat power gradually expanded, what Pei Guang did here became more and more unscrupulous. For example, he sent a unit with the entry of Happy Star God in the galaxy to capture the Harvest Star God, and then brought the Harvest Star God all over the world. Find other star gods to breed with.

Today, the group of Aha went to find the trouble of Fengfa and pushed Fengfa to the ground. Tomorrow, the group of Aha went to find the trouble of Destruction and pushed Destruction to the ground. All star gods who were caught had their heads smashed by endless pet balls and became Pei Guang's pets. After becoming pets, there were more and more entries corresponding to star gods.

And as there were more and more Star God entries, Pei Guang also synthesized some? ? ? entries,

The guardian discovered that there was something going on and wanted to stop it, but as soon as he swung his hammer, he filled the universe with units with the Happy Star God + Immortality entries, which made Cripper feel his scalp numb.

Because of the inheritance of entries, today you see a group of Aha, tomorrow it will be a group of abundance, and the day after tomorrow it will be a group of destruction, until in the end even the protection can no longer withstand it.

As Aha, the first star god to actively join, Pei Guang thought of his kindness and ensured that all units had happiness entries. And what about Aha? If it were Aha in the normal world, he would definitely cause trouble.

But Aha knew that he was not real, he was fake. This was a false world, and he was just a false memory. It was precisely because of the falsehood that he had no intention of destroying Pei Guang's plan. On the contrary! He has greater fun in store before this world ends! A fun for gamers.

He did this not to deceive Pei Guang, but to deceive himself who was both real and false outside. So Aha tried his best to help Pei Guang in trouble, in order to complete the last "happiness" before the end of this world.

Of course, the 'Aha' in the universe is not the most frightening thing to the Star God. What really scares the Star God is that this world is played by Pei Guang in this way, and this memory world is becoming more and more stable.

It stands to reason that only the current Memory Star God can keep such a world of memories from collapsing, but as time goes by, this world of memories becomes more and more stable. Not only is the world itself becoming more and more stable, but something that is theoretically impossible even in any similar simulated world has been realized in this universe.

As for the beings in the universe of the memory world, they don’t know what terms are there, let alone pet balls. They only see an omnic crisis in the universe.

But many ordinary people in the civilized world still like this Omnic Crisis.

After all, most ordinary people can enjoy seven hours of work a day and two days off every week. The original two days of fully paid annual leave per month has become five days. There are also various holidays every month.

What? do not want to work? Power plants please! The player's special power plant will give you money corresponding to the amount of electricity you generate if you go in and sleep for eight hours.

Everyone can achieve anything they want through hard work and labor, including becoming a destiny walker. And with the supply of unlimited resource farms all over the universe, the supply of all basic resources can be completely guaranteed. Because he has obtained the entry to open up the Star God, there is no way in the entire universe that can hinder Pei Guang's progress.

Compared with the first simulation, Pei Guang's performance this time was more extreme and faster. After all, it was the first simulation experience, and the three buffs that came out randomly this time were indeed too strong.

Of course, the so-called benefits are all prepared by Pei Guang for the people on his territory. Compared with the company, Pei Guang's methods against rebels or hostile forces are more cruel.

Have you seen those fertile creatures that would rather die than obey? Throw them all into the mine, mine every day, and throw them into the fire to roast them when you lie down. You will either be roasted to death or die from exhaustion. Choose one.

Facing the army's empty soldiers, they were all stuffed into the biological power station to ensure that every life was utilized to the extreme.

In the world of memory, when Pei Guang completed the rule of the last planet and painted the planet with his own color, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Well~ All the planets in this universe belong to me, so this copy should be over~"

Although dozens of Amber Era have passed in the memory world, for players, many times that they don’t want to wait can be skipped directly. Therefore, Pei Guang’s physical experience is similar to when he played the Universal Insect Disaster before. It feels like starting from scratch. The feeling of being civilized and clearing the level in one go.

For players, especially strategic players, achieving things that are simply impossible in reality is what every player wants to do, and Pei Guang was satisfied when he saw the happiness of the entire universe under his rule.

But at this time, Pei Guang felt a little tired, and it was time to log off and go back to his room to have a good sleep. It would be even better if he could find March 7 or Xing Sui Yisui to bring him the power.

While Pei Guang was looking at the final result with satisfaction, Aha came to Pei Guang's side: "Oh, my great commander, are you about to leave this world?"

"Leave? Right? After all, the game is over and this is just a copy. But is it appropriate for you to keep trying to break through the fourth wall like this?"

Aha: "What's inappropriate?"

Pei Guang: "Okay, it's up to you~"

Because of Aha's participation, it was very refreshing to play in the later stage, especially fighting with the Star Gods. When countless mechanical units with Star God affixes launched attacks on Star God, Pei Guang experienced a joy that he had not experienced during the insect plague.

When there is an insect infestation, you still need tactics and you need to consider targeting, but you don't need that here at all, just F2+A and you're done.

But it was obvious that Pei Guang had forgotten one thing because he was having so much fun, and that was that Aha had tricked him severely when the last insect plague in the universe ended. But this time, Aha still prepared a big gift for Pei Guang.

Just when Pei Guang was about to log off and go back to rest, Aha's mask suddenly pounced on Pei Guang.

"Aha~ Great Commander, dear Emperor, you are mine~"

Following Aha's perverted speech, all the masks pouted and pounced on Pei Guang. Originally, Pei Guang was ready to withdraw, but when he saw so many masks pounced on him at the same time to have sex with him, he was completely Everyone is down.

At the same time, Pei Guang also suddenly remembered something. Although Aha and his unit had bred units with Star God entries, Aha, the Star God, was never captured by the pet ball from beginning to end!

However, Pei Guang reacted quickly. As soon as he realized something was wrong, he chose to quit.

At this moment, all the scenes in front of him disappeared, and the messenger from Liuguang Yiting stood in front of Pei Guang.

"Ahem! Welcome back to the Garden of Oblivion. How does it feel to experience this time?"

The messenger spoke very calmly, but she herself laughed to death after seeing the last scene. Although the star gods in the memory world were all simulated star gods based on memories, looking at what Aha did at the end Because, she had no doubt at all about the possibility of this happening.

Happy Star God, this is a Star God who can theoretically do anything for fun, but I didn't expect that even He in the memory world could find out that he was false, so in reality... how terrible it would be.

Upon hearing the messenger's question, Pei Guang nodded and praised: "This experience was good, but it's the end~"

Pei Guang shuddered when he thought of the abnormal appearance of those masks at the end. It was at this moment that he suddenly remembered one thing, that is, Aha took the initiative to join in and participate in the inheritance of the entry.

This also led to the fact that when he later captured Star God, he always regarded Aha as one of his own completely, but what about himself? Pei Guang was indeed forgotten.

This kind of thing is a very normal phenomenon for any player, especially when playing this kind of business-type game. It may not be until the middle and late stages of the game that you realize that you have a few units left there without taking care of them, or that they are almost over. I found that I didn’t get something.

To put it simply, Aha used the player's thinking to avoid being caught, and once again successfully tricked Pei Guang at the end of the game.

Pei Guang touched his chin and recalled his experience in the game: "It seems that if you come here to play again in the future, you should be on guard against Him!"

Pei Guang didn't feel much about Aha's behavior. The game was almost over anyway, and he didn't ruin his achievements, so it didn't matter.

Although players talk about slavery and efficiency all day long, in fact, players like Pei Guang are just talking about it. They are very serious about playing it. As long as the process is happy and the result is what they want, occasionally some NPCs That's the fun of the game if you make a little pit yourself.

But fun is fun, and Pei Guang has not forgotten the most important thing: "The dungeon has been cleared! Reward! Reward! By the way, one more thing. I used the light cone to synthesize it before. You said that the light cone can be replenished. Yes, the light cone should be repaired together?"

Because Aha really scared him in the last moment, Pei Guang didn't think about the reward for a while, but now that his condition has recovered, the first thing he thinks about is the reward.

Messenger: "Because you have completed the challenge of the Memory World very well, Master Fu Li has found the lost light cone for you. However, because you have completed the memory world so well this time, Master Fu Li is in the process of settlement, so The reward will be delivered to you later.”

This is not a deliberate card reward from Fuli, but what Pei Guang did this time is really ruthless. Many memories can be made into slices and saved, and the Memory Star God is trying to store these memories, because these memories will bring him Come to a huge increase in strength, this increase in strength is enough to make him more prepared for the future.

But because Pei Guang did it too hard this time and the player's power was too difficult to control, Fu Li needed a few days to absorb it.

Of course, in addition to Fu Li absorbing memories, the myth of the mysterious star god also received some inspiration from Pei Guang's experience this time.

The history of the previous imperial war had some deviations under his hand, but now with Pei Guang's experience, he can change this history beyond recognition, and even add fragments from the world of memory to this history.

Pei Guang has no idea what Star God wants to do. As a player who wanders around the world without a main storyline, this dungeon experience did not make him fall into the electronic sheep tail state like the last time, but in the end Aha came. This experience really frightened him.

In order to comfort his weak and fragile heart, Pei Guang was ready to come to March Qi's room as soon as he returned to the train and find March Qi to comfort him.

However, Pei Guang had just arrived at the door of March 7th. Xing, who was walking back happily holding the trash can, saw Pei Guang in the corridor.

At this moment, Xing's eyes shone brightly: "Aguang! You came back at the right time! Come on, Tongzi gave us a gift! In the gift, he also specially told me that I must see you again. Open!"

Pei Guang, who originally wanted to inhale March Qi and gain energy from March Qi, became excited when he heard that there was a gift, and it came from a bucket.

Pei Guang: "Let's go, let's see what's in this bucket!"

Although Xing was holding a trash can that looked very old and contained a black garbage bag, Pei Guang's instinct told him that it must be a good thing.

But when he thought about his inseparable relationship with trash cans for such a long time, he always had the feeling that when he went to Pinoconi, he would encounter more trash cans and have more stories with more trash cans?

But when he thought of this, Pei Guang's expression froze, and the trash can became the main line or even the main content. Whether this kind of thing was placed in a game or a novel, Pei Guang felt like he wanted to complain but didn't know how.

So Hu Xing held the trash can in front and Pei Guang followed and happily went to Xing's room. At this time, March Qi in the room heard the sound outside the door.

"Aguang? Are you here?"

But when March 7 opened the door and looked into the corridor, he found that there was nothing in the corridor.

"Hey? Did I hear it wrong? Forget it, let's continue organizing the photos~"

On March 7, he just thought he was missing Pei Guang and thought he was hearing hallucinations, so he didn't take it seriously.

In Xing's room, Xing put the trash can on the ground. At the same time, she looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "The letter on the trash can says that you can only open it if you are here! A Guang! Open it, I can't wait!"

Along the way, Xing really wanted to open the trash can, but Xing is a person who is above vulgar taste. Since she said she would wait for Pei Guang, she would definitely wait and not peek in secretly!

With Xing's excited anticipation, Pei Guang opened the trash can, and the moment he opened the trash can, Pei Guang received information from the system.

[The last trash can: The special trash can has witnessed the pain and despair of the trash cans during its travels in various worlds. These trash cans entrusted themselves to it before dying, and it thought of its creator. It believed that only Only their own Creator can play their final role! 】

[Players can obtain trash can parts from this prop. Players are asked to explore the specific effects by themselves. 】

Pei Guang: "Ah~ This is a prop given to us by Tongzi. Trash can parts appear in it every day."

Xing: "Huh? What are the trash can parts used for?"

Xing likes trash cans very much, but what she likes is complete trash cans. The vicissitudes of the trash can are proof of its strength, but if it becomes a part, can the trash can still be called a trash can?

In response to Xing's doubts, Pei Guang didn't say much but directly moved his hands. He took out some trash can parts from the bucket. Looking at these parts, Pei Guang seemed to have opened the Ren and Du's second channel.

Pei Guang took out a bucket body, and then took out four small buckets with broken bottoms. After combining the bucket body and the small buckets, a trash can chariot appeared in the sight of the two people.

Looking at the trash can chariot, Pei Guang and Xing were silent. After being silent for a long time, Xing suddenly stood up and sat on the body of the trash can chariot. Then an even more silent scene happened.

I saw this trash can chariot assembled from trash cans, and it started to move with a creaking sound. At this moment, the eyes of the two silent people showed the same wisdom as the goddess of wisdom.

Chapter 338: Trash Can War God, Sky Controller’s Daughter Qingni?

The trash can chariot moved. The moment the chariot moved with unknown force, Pei Guang and Xing jumped up excitedly at the same time. The two of them were like primitive people surrounding the moving trash can. Jumping excitedly.

The chariots assembled from simple trash cans also made a creaking sound at this time. These trash cans were also happy that they could play a role after being dilapidated.

After the two atavistic things went crazy for a long time, Xing looked at Pei Guang with gleaming eyes: "A Guang! You are really a genius!"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No, I'm not a genius. I'm just using my imagination. You can use yours too~"

Pei Guang stretched out his hands to make an arc, and at this moment Xing seemed to see a dazzling rainbow, and at this moment she understood.

Looking at the stars, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction and praised: "As expected of you! You easily understand the importance of imagination in this kind of completely open game. Since you can spell this thing, I think we can definitely spell something out." Interesting gadget!”

Xing: "What about us next?"

Xing had some ideas, but she felt that her inspiration was a bit erratic. She wanted to see what Pei Guang did and let him provide her with some inspiration.

Pei Guang: "Of course..."

Now that they are all formed into a garbage can truck, what if we don’t put some weapons on the truck? Pei Guang installed a smaller bucket directly in front of the front, and a drill bit assembled from a broken trash can was installed on the bucket.

Pei Guang has also been modified in the barrel. In addition to rotating at high speed, the drill bit can also be shot out. The high-speed drill bit that is shot out is a consumable. According to Pei Guang's imagination, this junk drill bit should be able to drill through most armor.

If the drill really fires, then the trash can truck will turn into a garbage cannon. In Pei Guang's expectation, this garbage cannon can launch garbage at the enemy to attack.

Pei Guang felt that this was not enough. In order to add a sense of technology to this garbage truck, he added two cylindrical trash cans behind the butt of the car. This is the nitrogen acceleration of this trash can.

Nitrogen acceleration from the player's assembly can be charged by simply drifting. When full of energy, it can greatly increase the speed and accelerate the rotation speed of the front drill bit.

As for the speed of this garbage can truck? According to the records of Pei Guang's system, this garbage can truck has a speed no less than that of the Battle Star Cha in normal conditions, and in the nitrogen acceleration state, it can far exceed the speed of the Battle Star Cha at full speed.

What? Why use Xingcha as the standard? Because in this world, Pei Guang has taken temporary trains such as the Star Dome Train, the Beloberg Orbital Train, and the Luofu Xianzhou Xingcha.

Even if the player wants to build something, it cannot be completely separated from the player's cognition. The Beloberg rail train is not within Pei Guang's choice, and the star dome train is even more unreasonable. Instead, it is a trash can with star speed. In Pei Guang's opinion It's very common sense.

When Pei Guang completed the transformation of the trash can truck, the original trash can truck had grown to an amazing level. Looking at the trash can truck assembled from damaged trash cans, Xing couldn't help but praise: "Great Handsome... Such a handsome trash can makes people’s hearts flutter. ”

Pei Guang said proudly: "That's right! You have to believe in my aesthetics! Look at this handsome barrel, this powerful drill and the acceleration device at the tail. How can there be such a perfect tank in this world? Besides, this one In addition to the functions you see, the trash can also has some special functions.”

Xing was shocked: "Special function?"

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