In Pei Guang's view, appearing at this point in time is a head-on confrontation with the disorderly expansion of the company, but it doesn't matter, as long as the fun last time is not played happily this time.

Pei Guang opened the Memory World gift package, which was still a three-piece set of novice rewards.

[Pet Ball: After use, the target can be captured and turned into a pet according to the strength difference between the enemy and ourselves. The weaker the enemy's will, the higher the probability of success. After capturing, the player can release the pet. After the pet is free, the player will completely lose control of the pet. Please be careful not to use this prop on people, as this behavior is very inhumane. 】

[Synthesis Table: A synthesis table that can be made from wood and can be synthesized according to the recipe table]

[Perfect Pet: After getting a pet, you have a chance to obtain various entries, and the entries can be inherited through breeding]

In Pei Guang's opinion, the so-called real-life experience of this copy is a standard internal test of some functions. Many long-term operating games will do this. Some activities will be provided for players to experience, and some new settings and gameplay will be released based on the player test results.

Looking at these three props and skills in hunger, Pei Guang remained silent. Although it was a special copy-limited ability experience, looking at these three gadgets, Pei Guang always felt that it seemed to be more playable this time.

Pei Guang checked these three props or skills. Pet balls are divided into levels. The most basic ones can be made with wood or stone, but the effect is unknown. The most advanced one is made with the power of the Star God. The specific effect is not described, but Pei Guang can roughly guess the effect based on his many years of gaming experience.

Take a look at the synthesis table. The synthesis of things in it is simple and crude. There are various factories that provide jobs for pets, and there are unlimited farms with basic resources such as stone, wood, and iron. Further up there are synthesis tables of various furnaces and assembly lines. Step by step towards interstellar civilization is not a dream.

Finally, let’s look at the passiveness of this perfect pet. The pets obtained have various entries. Different entries have different effects. Some can improve work efficiency, while others have negative entries that will reduce work efficiency.

As an efficient player, Pei Guang thought of countless ways to play in his mind. These ways of playing may not be so humane, but Pei Guang calls them efficient.

This time Pei Guang is ready to let himself go completely. As a player in this dungeon where there is no danger at all and he can do whatever he wants, even Pei Guang cannot suppress the other side of his heart.

What? save the world? Sorry, Pei Guang just wants to have a good time this time.

In fact, acquiring skills several times in a row has already given Pei Guang some special ideas, but as a perfect ending to the game, the player's will will definitely not be shaken. Even if it is not released by any means, for the player to continue until the game is completely over. It's not that difficult.

As a player, if you want to do something, you can definitely do it. Whether it is formal or informal means, players always have some wonderful ways to achieve their goals.

Just like the two sides of the Star God's actions in the eyes of life, players can naturally have extraordinary will in order to maintain a single game. However, if there are some completely indifferent event dungeons in a single game, the player's nature will also change. Total liberation.

In a completely false world, players will completely indulge themselves. Being able to distinguish between the real and fake world is basic common sense for all players. In reality, there are players who cannot distinguish between virtuality and reality, and have done sad things in reality. But this kind of extreme is a person, not a thing. Even if such a person is not a player, he will go to extremes in other aspects.

As a normal person, Pei Guang can distinguish between reality and falsehood in this world.

Since this is a false world, then let go of your shackles completely and indulge yourself completely.

At this moment, Pei Guang's own restrictions were completely lifted. At the same time, the messenger who saw the change in status in the outside world was also heartbroken. She had a feeling that she would see a scene she shouldn't see next.

Several star gods outside the memory world also watched in silence the scene that was about to happen in the memory world. In the past, Pei Guang was a lawful scene in the eyes of intelligent creatures, but this time, what could Pei Guang do who fell into chaos? Do not know at all.

Pei Guang in the memory world took action. He first found the landscape trees on the street, cut them down and demolished the roads, and used them to make the most basic pet ball.

After making the pet ball, Pei Guang started his crazy behavior.

"Holy Light!!!"

Pei Guang raised his hands high, and at the same time, he used the new skill Holy Light at this moment. However, other people's Holy Light was for healing, while his Holy Light was for killing people.

People within ten meters are affected by the holy light and die instantly. In order to expand the range, Pei Guang used holy light and moved quickly. In a few blinks, the death of human beings on the street had already made some people faint in shame.

Facing these ordinary people who had lost their resistance, Pei Guang used the pet ball.

Some people went in immediately, and some people were caught successfully after Pei Guang threw a few balls. However, due to the relatively realistic physics engine, those who entered after a few balls had big bumps on their heads.

After capturing hundreds of ordinary humans, Pei Guang, who was originally happy, showed a dissatisfied expression.

"What the hell is a weak constitution?"

"What's overhand?"

"Three highs and being unable to breed are okay, they are awesome!"

"Good guy, the so-called negative entries are related to personal status? How many people can have good entries in this situation?"

Pei Guang looked at the pets he had obtained and was not happy at all. Most of the people caught on the street had negative entries. Most of the remaining people had no entries, and a small number had positive entries.

But these entries are nothing more than [not peeing on the bed at three years old] [will roll in five days] [primary school students in kindergarten]

These entries have attribute bonuses, but the bonuses are so rubbish that Pei Guang lost interest in them.

The weakness of these entries has nothing to do with the system or the Star God. The entry obtained by pets is entirely related to their own talents and abilities. The planet where Pei Guang is located is still a planet enslaved by the company.

Although most people seem to live a decent life, in fact everyone starts working twelve hours a day to pay off their debts. Everyone owes the company money from birth until death.

The talented ones have long been taken away from the planet by the company, and the rest are the most basic workers, working hard to make money every day. Although they are alive, they are completely unable to survive due to the debts they owe for hundreds of years.

In this case, it’s a blessing that the person arrested doesn’t have any negative entries. If there are even a few positive entries, it’s already considered a fish that has slipped through the company’s net.

Pei Guang is not satisfied with this result, but as a player, he understands that sometimes some settings are made by the company to make players more like individuals, and on the other hand, such settings are also in line with the characteristics of the game itself.

But among the people he arrested, Pei Guang really discovered a special guy.

【Bionic Man】

This bionic man has two entries: [Dreaming of Electric Sheep] and [Working Bionic Man]. One is to improve his rest efficiency by 20%, and the other is to improve his work efficiency by 10%.

Pei Guang's eyes widened when he saw these two entries.

Pei Guang: "Very good, really good! I didn't expect that this pet ball is not allowed to catch people not because it is inhumane, but because people have no attributes, so you can find an excuse to say it is inhumane?"

Pei Guang complained while looking at the attributes of this android with admiration. Increased rest efficiency + work efficiency? Although the improvement was not high, it gave Pei Guang a direction.

"It's true. Since humans can't do it, then use robots. As for other people..."

Although Pei Guang does not plan to arrest these guys who have no good entries in the future, it does not mean that Pei Guang will let them go. This is the labor he captured, and he plans to rely on this labor force to quickly strengthen his side. It's growing.

At the same time, Pei Guang also has some experiments he wants to do. He wants to try to see if the human beings of the adverbial entries can be cultivated into regular entries and then passed on. Think about it. In the future, all his subordinates will be more efficient at work. Thirty, everyone feels happy.

However, this wave of experiments also laid the foundation for Pei Guang's idea of ​​only capturing elites in the future. Firstly, ordinary people's attributes are too poor, and secondly, too many people are a waste of time. It is more valuable to capture more elites than a large group of ordinary people.

If it was an ordinary game, Pei Guang decided to consider letting them work until they died, and when they were about to die, dismantle the parts, sell them, and then replace them with a new group of employees.

Although the memory world is false, it retains human thinking logic, reactions and conversation methods. In this case, even if Pei Guang completely abandons human nature and pursues efficiency, he is not willing to use the method of working to death, because this method, The efficiency is too low.

There are infinite mines in Taichung for synthesis. The resources in the mines can be synthesized little by little to synthesize more advanced resources. If the space is limited, naturally the more efficient the people in your hands are, the better.

But Pei Guang, who has a lot of experience in survival games, saw the entry of bionic people and concluded that simply having no brainstem is the least efficient. During the last experience of the universal insect disaster, the Zerg people calculated how normal humans in the universe should allocate work with the highest efficiency. .

To put it simply, it is a seven-hour work system, with two days off every day, two extra days off every month, and unified seasonal leave and one week's holiday around the orbit of the sun.

In addition, there are many policies. Pei Guang cannot remember these contents, but Pei Guang's system log has records. There are many things that Pei Guang can use directly after they are developed.

According to the Zerg's original calculations, even if each person's work efficiency is reduced by 50% according to the calculated figures, this work model can produce more work than simply squeezing individuals.

As for saying it's such a loss? This may be a loss from the perspective of capitalists, but it is a gain in the eyes of players. Although the player is more cruel than the most vicious capitalist and the most cruel slave owner, as long as the player's needs are met, the player is also the most generous existence in the world.

However, the price of this is the rapid expansion of the population. In the later period, not counting the expansion rate of the Zerg at that time, the expansion rate of human beings alone can fill a planet in a year, but Pei Guang does not care.

What? L? There are so many planets in the universe, just let them expand. He's just a player who doesn't care about the population expansion. Let's talk about the universe bursting in the future.

Besides, this is the world of memory, why consider whether it will explode this problem?

Now he just wants to make more pet balls and catch more people. Pei Guang also wants to try to see if the Star God can be caught by him in this dungeon. A temporary dungeon that makes players mindless. If it can't even bring trouble to the background board, Pei Guang will give this event a bad review! ! !

Let the star god become a pet, it’s exciting just thinking about it~

Chapter 335: The destiny entries are merging with each other

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time and the steps must be taken step by step. Although Pei Guang has set a very far-reaching goal, he also knows that this kind of thing cannot be achieved all at once.

According to the normal process, he needs to collect many companions and finally challenge this demon-like existence.

No, for his ultimate goal, Pei Guang started taking action from his original planet.

Since human attributes were not good, Pei Guang set his sights on beings like androids. Not to mention that after catching a few, Pei Guang found that both androids and pure robots had good attributes.

There are entries for increasing various attributes, and there are even entries like [Military] that increase team cohesion. In constant practice, Pei Guang also discovered something that is a bit scary for ordinary people.

"It turns out that I can let my pets catch them for me..."

Pei Guang has tested that if he gives his pet ball to others, others can also use the pet ball to catch people, and the person caught still belongs to him. If you open your mouth, you can free others. If you don't open your mouth, you can only act according to his orders.

Because the lowest level of pet balls is too simple to make, Pei Guang started directly from the birth point and made a large number of pet balls, and then let the androids, machines, and ordinary people he captured use the pet balls to catch all kinds of pets in the city. Talent.

Pei Guang is not interested in ordinary people because the entries are too poor, but some people are different, such as the employees of the company that controls this planet.

On this day, the manager of this planet became the target of Pei Guang's hunting.

There is no entry for catching ordinary people, so Pei Guang sets his goal a little higher. If not, the planet's management organization will be invaded by Pei Guang.

As for how to invade...all members within ten meters were killed. In order to avoid various accidents, Pei Guang thoughtfully threw a pet ball. After receiving the pet ball from these potentially harmful people, Pei Guang continued to move forward.

It only took Pei Guang, the government agency of this planet, less than a day to take down, because Pei Guang's speed was too fast. Although Pei Guang had caused some commotions, because of the pet ball, those who saw the commotion were The enemy has become one of our own, and there is no problem if our own people explain it and then give feedback to others.

Then there is no problem.

If placed in a normal game, conquering a planet so quickly would be a bit too fast, but in Pei Guang’s opinion, conquering this planet is at best a tutorial experience for this new mode of small dungeon, and let’s talk about a small game that is separated from the main line. That’s it, if it’s so complicated and troublesome, no player will be happy.

After taking over the political organization of this planet, the next thing to do is much simpler. Let people in high positions come to hold a meeting. When he arrived at the meeting place, Pei Guang didn't even turn on the Holy Light. He could easily transfer these through the pet ball. People take it.

Of course, some of these people are strong-willed or have quick reactions and failed to win the first wave of sneak attacks, but this will only make them experience a real nightmare.

Pei Guang took the pet ball and threw the pet ball at the head of the first person who failed to win. Pei Guang calculated that the most determined person on the planet could win by throwing ten.

As for being good at running away? That's miserable. Being caught without being honest means not giving the player face and directly activating the Holy Light with 100% efficiency.

Comprehensive incontinence and brain shutdown, even if you are a destiny walker, you have to explain here today.

When Pei Guang arrested all the people he could, looking at the data information of various important characters in his system panel, Pei Guang showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"It's great, it's really great. The only place where you can use skills happily is in event dungeons."

Pei Guang, who originally researched the latest method of using the Holy Light, found that there were too few places where he could use the skills. From the beginning of the main plot until now, he had only faced a few enemies. He could use them but was not happy.

According to this mode, you will not face many enemies in the future. If you are not a living thing and cannot control these things, then this skill is actually the same as a useless skill.

But here, it’s really fun! Use it however you want. What? Morality? I am moral.

Starting from government agencies, Pei Guang captured all the powerful beings on this planet. Again, ordinary people Pei Guang are not interested. The only resources they can provide themselves are friendly NPCs.

But these special talents in various fields are different. Whether Pei Guang wants to hang out with him or not, he has to become his talent today.

When Pei Guang was acting here, Pei Guang's system also began to record Pei Guang's behavior. After all, it is a memory world and not a real world. When Pei Guang acts in this false world, he can do what he can do in the real world even if he has the ability of a player. some things.

While Pei Guang was enjoying the world, the player's system log was also recording the player's behavior.

[Congratulations to the player for collecting 100 pets, but some people think you are very inhumane for your behavior of capturing humans. 】

[Congratulations to the player for collecting 1,000 pets, but for your behavior of treating humans as pets, many people think that you are not human. 】

[Congratulations to the player for completing the arrest of the planet's authority. You have redefined what it means to be a human being. 】

[More than 80% of players’ pets are mechanical units. Players obtain the achievement ‘Lord of Machinery’ and the probability of capturing mechanical units is increased. 】

Pei Guang's system is frantically recording Pei Guang's behavior, but what about Pei Guang's side? He also fully brought out the inappropriate person to the extreme.

However, compared to arresting people, Pei Guang is most interested in arresting various androids and robots, because the various high-level officials captured by humans only have one or two positive achievements, and most of them have negative achievements.

For example, [corruption] [corruption] [infighting] In this planet that is colonized by companies and has no freedom at all, people in political institutions have been covered by such terms.

However, there are also many people who have terms that all players like [Integrity], [Integrity], and [Being dedicated to the people]. These terms do not add much to personal abilities. However, Pei Guang who has these terms is based on his personal abilities. Attributes have undergone a wave of improvements.

Although the entire planetary management organization has become his, it will be much easier with these people until all the things on the synthesis platform on his side are lit up. Besides, even if new technologies are lit up, management talents are still needed. .

For players, the ability of an NPC is never simply based on data, but on its talent. If there is an entry, isn't the positive entry a symbol of talent?

In addition to these ordinary people, Pei Guang also caught some fate walkers. Pei Guang liked these guys very much.

On this planet, Pei Guang captured a total of ten Destiny Walkers. Just looking at the main entries of the Destiny Walkers, Pei Guang always felt that something was not right.

Three out of ten people have happy lives? Is this a bit high?

"Good guys, I played a dungeon once and gave me a lot of happy lives. Are you targeting me?"

Pei Guang was also thinking about one thing when he was complaining, and that was whether he would also encounter a large group of guys with a happy destiny that he didn't even know about in the main plot? Pei Guang even felt that he might be targeted by the Happy Star God who was one of the background panels in the main storyline.

After all, according to the nature of the Happy Star God, it is natural to target players.

But it doesn’t matter, Pei Guang doesn’t care about this kind of thing. In Pei Guang’s opinion, the entry of the Destiny Walker is a sparkling legendary entry. Compared with the entries that ordinary people can obtain, Pei Guang decided to mass-produce this kind of entry. entry.

"Since it is said that the offspring of breeding can inherit the entries, then don't blame me for being rude..."

As a player, Pei Guang will do what he most wants to do that is best for the player, but how much does his true perception affect some of Pei Guang's choices, forcing them to breed together?

No, no, no, as a good player, you must learn to exploit loopholes in the rules. What is the efficiency of pressing two people together? Of course, it is efficient to press the human and the robot together.

After all, my ability is to breed offspring and inherit the entries. People breed in human ways, and machines breed in machine ways. If people and machines are together, then according to logic, it is feasible to use human methods or machine methods. So Pei Guang tried it in a simple and crude way.

First, build an automatic factory. The automatic factory only needs to press a button to assemble a robot. Pei Guang brought over the Fate Walkers he had captured, and each of them was given a robot, and the man and the robot were given a marriage certificate.

Then let one person and one machine press the build button together, and then a new machine is created.

At this time, Pei Guang's system log also began to refresh its content.

[The player successfully breeds offspring with the Destruction Walker entry...]

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