
Pei Guang looked at Esta. Feeling Pei Guang's gaze, Esta blinked curiously: "What's wrong? Is there anything you need me to do?"

Pei Guang: "You really don't know anything?"

Hearing this inquiry, Esta put her hands on her hips and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I will hide some things when I encounter them, but I will not lie to others, especially you, Aguang. Just as you trust me, so do I." will trust you."

Pei Guang: "That's him."

Pei Guang now turned to look at Viritas, who had been silent since being taken care of by him. Viritas looked at Pei Guang with interest. He could tell from Pei Guang's eyes that Pei Guang had doubted him.

But unlike his suspicion of Pei Guang, Pei Guang's suspicion was as if there was some conclusive evidence and he was full of confidence.

But Pei Guang's next words made Viritas silent again: "I just have a question, are you an enemy?"

Viritas fell into thinking. He immediately understood the meaning of Pei Guang's words. Pei Guang had already seen what he already knew. He even knew that the disappearance of the space station personnel this time had something to do with him.

Does Pei Guang know what exactly happened? It's obvious from this look that he doesn't know. Everything he does is in a state of guessing and reasoning, and he just guesses something based on existing clues.


Veritas looked at Pei Guang, and this time he said calmly: "No!"

There is no need to explain too much, just two simple words express his position.

Pei Guang: "No? Then it's okay. Then let's just wait. Wait for more people to disappear and wait for the person behind the scenes to make the next move."

Esta: "Do you know something?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know? There are no clues, not even an action target. Just wait! Someone will definitely tell us what to do next."

The long wait began. Esta and Viritas were waiting with Pei Guang in this room. The waiting time was boring. When Viritas was sitting in the corner of the room, Esta came closer. Beside Pei Guang.


Pei Guang: "Na na na~"

Esta: "Pfft~~"

Looking at Pei Guang's reaction, Esta smiled, and then she asked in a low voice: "Do you think...the person behind the scenes who did these things...will target me?"

Pei Guang spread his hands: "I don't know? But it is indeed a very good choice to deal with you, because you, the webmaster, look very weak~"

Esta looked at Pei Guang with her hands on her hips dissatisfied, but then her tone softened: "I am so weak, but I am still in a high position here, do you think I will be the last one to disappear? What if I disappear? , or die...will you feel sorry for me?"

Esta's inner emotions are a bit complicated. According to Pei Guang's previous speculations and analyses, both she and Pei Guang may become each other's targets. Compared to Pei Guang, she is just a rich person, not as good as Pei Guang. With such great power, if the other party really catches his eye, he will definitely be dead, right?

When she thought about the possibility of death, she felt scared in her heart. Since Pei Guang was the only acquaintance here, she could only communicate with him in a low voice to relieve the tension in her heart.

Not only was Esta nervous at this moment, Pei Guang was also confused. He tried his best not to let the flag appear along the way, but Esta suddenly waved the flag in his face? Close to the face and open up? You look down on him and want to give him a knife without telling him?

Even if Xing could bear it, Pei Guang couldn't. Pei Guang sat on a stool, tilted his head and thought seriously: "If something happens to you, I will be very, very sad, right? Especially if something happens in front of me, it will definitely be me." A lifetime of regret and pain.”

This is Pei Guang's truest thought. If something happens to Esta, he will definitely be in great pain. The friends you make in the game are also friends. Even if you watch an NPC you know and have a high opinion of dying through the screen, it will be painful, let alone in the real world.

Although it can't reach the pain of the world collapsing when March Seven and Star died, it definitely hurts deep in my heart.

Hearing this reply, Esta had some thoughts in her heart: "That's it..."

For some reason, Esta felt an indescribable feeling in her heart at this time. Pei Guang was also a rare friend she met.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Pei Guang raised his spirit to the extreme: "Don't be afraid. If you are afraid, sit closer~ Don't feel bad, this is to better protect you."

Esta: "Yeah~"

Esta came to Pei Guang's side, and Pei Guang's invitation was not to get close to Esta, but just when Esta raised the flag, he realized that something was wrong. The character raised the flag during the mission, and it was so sudden. Sooner or later, he would have to Something happened.

Let her get closer, and at the same time concentrate more on yourself, so that you can better protect Esta. Pei Guang still likes Esta. It can be said that if there is a chance to take the harem route in the future, Esta will definitely be the target in the early stage.

Darkfire Archduke Avrit of the Annihilation Gang, who secretly evaded Xing's search and observed everything here, remembered what Pei Guang said. He was responsible for the affairs of the space station. As a believer who follows Nanook, what he pursues is The destruction of satisfying desires.

It originally wanted to cause conflicts in the space station, playing with people's hearts and destroying the space station like the King of Annihilation who caused trouble in Luofu, and even blamed the incident on Pei Guang, who defrauded the Annihilation Gang of a large sum of money.

That's right! The Annihilation Gang has already found out the results of Pei Guang's fraudulent funds last time. It really didn't expect to meet Pei Guang here in just a few days.

Today, it will settle all the old and new grudges together. It wants to let Pei Guang see the power of the Annihilation Gang and let him know that those who cheat the Annihilation Gang will not end well.

Moreover, in its understanding, Pei Guang has a good relationship with the Xianzhou Alliance, and the Xianzhou Alliance has just dealt with the Extinction Lord they believe in! In its view, since Luofu Xianzhou has humiliated the Extinction Lord, it will let it humiliate or even destroy Pei Guang to let the Xianzhou Alliance and even the pioneering forces know the power of their Annihilation Gang.

For this, it is preparing.

It's just that there is a little embarrassing place now. Now this space station is affected by some unknown force, and the people thrown out by itself can't be thrown out of the space station at all. As for the things outside coming in? They can't come in either.

But it's not a big problem. It found some interesting things in the space station. I don't know who left the coordinates. After activating these coordinates, it can summon the legion's virtual soldiers.

This coordinate was left by the Silver Wolf. As for why the virtual soldiers outside can be brought in? Because the coordinates were left before the space station was strengthened, after the strengthening, the coordinates were judged as internal by the barrel characteristics, so the virtual soldiers in these coordinates can still be brought in.

Because strictly speaking, these virtual soldiers teleported by the Silver Wolf have not left the space station, so they can come back, but affected by the power of the barrel, the virtual soldiers in these coordinates cannot leave from the coordinate position in other ways. If they want to leave, they can only leave from the Black Tower Space Station. This is what the Grand Duke of the Annihilation Gang found.

Not to mention, there are really a lot of them. There are five tramplers, and there are fifty or sixty virtual soldiers in total.

It feels that even if these fifty or sixty virtual soldiers can't deal with Pei Guang, it doesn't matter, it still has a plan! It has to wait for Pei Guang to investigate, and when he finds out the location of these people, it will directly summon the virtual soldiers of these legions at these people's locations through these remaining coordinates.

Let Pei Guang watch these people die with his own eyes, watch Esta, whom he cares most about, die. Although it is difficult to do so, he needs to use more power of the origin to support it, and even if there is any accident during this period, his origin will be damaged to a certain extent.

But it doesn't matter. It feels that this action is foolproof and there will be absolutely no accidents. Even if Pei Guang reacts quickly and can kill those virtual soldiers, it can also escape from the space station when Pei Guang is caught in the battle.

But in fact, what it doesn't know is that its plan is all accidental, not to mention Pei Guang. Just say that Veritas has long discovered some coordinates left by Silver Wolf in the space station. The triggering method of these coordinates is very special. He can trigger and solve them, but the space station will solve the problems of the space station by itself. He just left some insurance measures at these coordinates and ignored them.

As for the means of the Grand Duke of Hellfire? Veritas also has some precautions. He dare not say more, but Veritas himself is sure to save the lives of these people.

Facing the Grand Duke of Hellfire Afrit is indeed not sure, but it is still easy to face a wisp of flame that enters the space station and attaches to the strange object. I dare not say more, just say that the purpose of this Grand Duke is absolutely impossible to achieve.

Because he modified the transmission coordinates, if there is danger, it is not these virtual soldiers who are transmitted, but those creations of Ruan Mei.

Grand Duke of Hellfire does not know this, it is still preparing for the next move, but before it takes action, it has some sense of ritual, such as sending a notice first, and then suddenly taking action when no one expects it.

When Pei Guang finds something wrong and finds people, he summons virtual soldiers to kill these people. When he thinks of Pei Guang's painful expression at that moment and the collapse of trust in the space station, he feels the same aesthetics of destruction as Huanlong.

Grand Duke of Hellfire does not know that at this moment, it is dancing on the edge of a knife, that is, Huanlong does not know its thoughts, but if he knows its thoughts, Huanlong will laugh to death.

Although Huanlong does not know its thoughts, Huanlong knows that something big may happen next. It is very simple. In addition to the three guys who are always in the power furnace, there are actually two more guys.

Wearing a funny mask: "Everyone! I just got the revelation of our boss in the wine glass. He told us that there will be a lot of fun next. As long as we are here, we will witness interesting things happening!" At this moment, everyone in the Star Destroyer was as lively as if it was the New Year. Even Huanlong and her former colleagues were looking forward to it. They couldn't practice their aesthetics of destruction here. The only interesting thing was to watch what was happening outside through this TV. Although these guys here are unreliable, these guys have interesting things happening again, which is definitely exciting. While preparing here, when Ester's phone rang in the space station, Ester became nervous. Picking up the phone and seeing the latest video, Ester looked at Pei Guang: "A Guang, there is new news, come and see." Hearing this, Pei Guang came to Ester's side and looked at the video in her phone. "Ms. Black Tower single push news! Insert an urgent news, insert an urgent news!" The news about the Black Tower was played on the phone. What Pei Guang and Esta didn't know was that someone was watching them. When Afrit saw them reading the latest news, he knew he had to act. He decided to destroy Pei Guang's will at the most shocking moment.

The news report continued.

"The attack on Ms. Black Tower has finally been resolved. The Annihilation Gang claims responsibility for the incident and will take the next action."

At this moment, the video from Archduke Avrit of Hellfire began to play on the screen.

Looking at this scene, Pei Guang's eyebrows twisted up: "The Annihilation Gang? The Grand Duke? Good guy, my guess was right, it's really the Annihilation Gang! Didn't I just pick up a little bit of their wool?"

I hate Pei Guang for complaining about Everett! That's called a little bit? Even if it was just a small amount of money brought by a few people, Pei Guang's unscrupulous person did not know where he got the IOU, and the Annihilation Gang owed an astronomical amount of money.

It doesn't matter which faction you belong to, as long as you have the name of the Obliteration Gang, all the assets that can be frozen will be frozen.

This is not about harvesting a little bit of wool, this is about killing them all. In this case, the Annihilation Gang must teach Pei Guang a lesson.

Pei Guang still didn't know that he had been targeted, so he continued to complain: "This Grand Duke of Annihilation is quite unique in appearance. He looks like he is on fire? It looks like he has good energy."

What kind of destruction does this Grand Duke talk about! What a gift! Pei Guang didn't listen to a word. Anyway, the Annihilation Gang was offended, and these people were not good people in the universe. He just wanted to kill them when they met him.

Esta: "It's really the Annihilation Gang, these guys..."

Pei Guang: "It's just a bunch of little monsters. I looked at some settings, and I also communicated with relevant personnel. Even the Lord of Extermination looks down on them."

Pei Guang communicated with Huanwu once after he provoked the Annihilation Gang. What should I say? Although Huanlong refused to cooperate, she still looked down on the Destruction Gang.

Just four words can describe the "insufficient purity" of the Annihilation Gang. If you want to give a definition of this purity, it would be worse than a baby breaking a vase.

Yes, Huanlong has read this comment from Dr. Yuan, and she still finds it quite interesting.

Originally, Grand Duke Minghuo was still waiting for the best opportunity, but after hearing Pei Guang's comment, its anger was ignited, and it wanted to let Pei Guang know how powerful it was.

In an instant, blue flames appeared on Esta's body. The moment the blue flames appeared, Esta was stunned for a moment: "Fire?"

She looked at the flames on her body and felt fear in her heart. At this moment, she subconsciously reached out to Pei Guang beside her.

Chapter 321 Give Duke Minghuo a shot

The moment the flames appeared, Esta felt fear in her heart. She lowered her head and looked at her hands, which were already covered in blue flames.

As the blue flames appeared, she heard strange sounds and felt...death.

She almost instinctively stretched out her hand towards Pei Guang. If Esta had not raised the death flag before, even Pei Guang would be stunned by this sudden attack. But fortunately, Pei Guang started to focus on Esta when Esta raised the flag.

Pei Guang reached out and grabbed Esta's outstretched hand, and then pulled her towards him with a strong pull.

However, the flames covering Esta's body did not disappear. Pei Guang knew that it was qte time. As long as his qte failed, Esta would disappear or die.

Pei Guang pulled Esta and used teleportation instantly. The teleportation target was on the train. However, while transmitting, Pei Guang discovered that the blue flame looked a bit like Sui Yang, so without any hesitation, he used a torch to cook the blue flame and returned to the train.

The roasted version of Suiyang with the ability to teleport +1, and the roasted version of Xing's mission props +1.

At this moment, Pei Guang and Esta left the space station and arrived at the Star Dome Train. Today, everyone was resting in the lobby of the train. The sudden appearance of Pei Guang and Esta made several people who were resting look over.

The first one to look over was March 7. She was happy when she saw Pei Guang, but her expression froze when she saw Esta in Pei Guang's arms.

"Oops! Aguang learned to kidnap girls and came back. It's so scary!!!"

Ji Zi, who saw this scene, joked: "Huh? Xiao Sanyue is nervous?"

March 7: "No, no! I'm very nervous. But... Aguang and Esta are like..."

March 7th noticed Esta's expression. The change from fear to relief at that moment was not an act, that is to say! ! !

Detective Ful Qi has a bold guess!

But before she could finish her guess, Pei Guang spoke first: "Everyone, Esta was attacked. The specific details..."

Pei Guang looked at his system log. Just when he was attacked, he was also attacked because he held Esta. However, because the teleportation was fast, the attack did not take effect.

[Player Pei Guang suffered a special attack from Darkfire Grand Duke Avrit. 】

Listening to Pei Guang's explanation, everyone became serious. At this time, Walter fell into memories: "The Dark Fire Grand Duke Avrit, I have heard about his deeds, but why did he focus on the Black Tower this time? The space station?”

Pei Guang shook his head: "Maybe it's because I offended them and has a good relationship with the space station? I think it should be safe on the train. After all, the train is a safe house..."

March 7 nodded solemnly: "Yes, it's safe on the train, so long do you plan to hold her?"

Hearing March 7th's question, Esta suddenly realized that she seemed to be in... Pei Guang's arms? When Pei Guang was just dragging him over, he lay down in his arms. After the teleportation, because this embrace was so reassuring, and because she had a really good impression of Pei Guang, she couldn't help it.

Um! I just couldn’t help myself.

Esta explained this in her heart. While she was explaining it to someone in her heart, her body reluctantly left Pei Guang. But the moment she left, Esta's face suddenly turned red.

This was the first time in her life... like this... while recalling the warmth just now, she...

Esta felt that her brain was a little down, but it was not only Esta but also Pei Guang who was down. Although the system did not display the specific favorability value, Pei Guang's heart became more solemn when he looked at Esta in front of him.

Pei Guang was sure that as long as Esta's eyes had hearts popping out of her eyes, he would have no choice but to pursue the path of pure love.

"Damn it! It's really sewn all over! It's so disgusting!!!"

As a player, if you want to clear the pure love route, the first NPC you meet will almost have a crush on you? He even really feels good about her, and it's up to him whether he can stay alone at night.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang looked at March Qi with emotion in his eyes. If March Qi had not interrupted in time, who knows what plot would have followed.

March Qi, who was a little unhappy at first, became even more unhappy when he saw Esta's expression, but then when he saw Pei Guang's excited, happy and even somewhat praising eyes, March Qi was dumbfounded.

She has also watched some romance novels and idol dramas, and she has seen bland and unrestrained ones, but it is Scorpion Baba who is the only one who is so grateful.

Leaving Pei Guang, Esta turned and looked at him gratefully: "Thank you so much. If you weren't here, Aguang, I don't know what would have happened, but..."

"Are you worried about the space station? At the moment of teleportation, I roasted the thing that attacked you, but I can't guarantee whether there is such a thing in the space station, so you stay here first! Compared to the space station, The security is better here.”

There are not only train people here, but also Liuguang Yiting's messengers. Now he and Liuguang Yiting and even the Memory Star God have a close cooperation relationship. Let Liuguang Yiting's people keep an eye on Esta and don't let her be taken away. No problem at all.

After arranging Esta, Pei Guang was ready to go to the space station, but when he was about to take action, March 7 came over: "How is it? Do you need our help?"

Pei Guang: "No need for the time being. Although I have solved Suiyang who attacked Esta, I will go back and check on the specific situation. Esta, just stay here for now~ When everything is over, I will Send you back to the space station.”

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