Esta: "Yeah~"

Pei Guang left. Pei Guang returned to the space station to investigate who attacked where and what happened to the previous people. At the same time, on a planet, Kafka, who was "hunting for star cores", received a message from Elio. Information.

"Huh? What? Like this? I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Silver Wolf, who was playing a game on the side, asked curiously: "What happened? The tone is so serious?"

Kafka: "There are changes in the future."

Silver Wolf: "Huh? Haven't we already followed the script? How..."

Kafka said in a low tone: "We played the roles we were supposed to play according to the script, but some people offended the people we shouldn't have offended and did things we shouldn't have done. It doesn't matter. In order to avoid what we don't want to see." In the future, Elio has told me what to do next, but it’s not me who will be busy next, but you.”

Silver Wolf: "Oh? Do you have any mission?"

Kafka: "It's very simple, find its location, determine its coordinates, and you can do whatever you want with the rest."

Silver Wolf watched Kafka send a message about Darkfire Grand Duke Avrit and complained: "Is this guy? I know a little bit about it. There is a lot of property in his account, but these properties are no longer his. By the way, can you tell me what happened?

When I helped Pei Guang check the property of the Numi Gang, I really found out a lot of this guy's property. Because of this, Silver Wolf paid special attention to the information about it. Now it is very simple to check his things.

Facing Silver Wolf's curiosity, Kafka said softly: "The beautiful and rich NPC you liked and gave you many rewards, and even could be with you, was killed."

Silver Wolf: "I'm going!"

This sentence almost made Silver Wolf swear, but Kafka smiled and said: "But according to the script, it is just a near miss without him, but he doesn't think it is a near miss."

Silver Wolf: "Stop talking, I know what's going on. I can only say that this guy... is dead. It won't be long before he will contact me..."

Not to mention Pei Guang, even Yinlang himself felt a pain in his heart when he heard Kafka's description, and Yinlang also started to curse.

"Do you have nothing to do? If you have nothing to do, just go to a few planets to play with. Why are you provoking him?"

Yinlang knows very well that no matter how generous a player is, he can be petty, especially when facing someone as capable as Pei Guang.

No, the cautious Pei Guang started taking action after returning to the space station. Bu Pei Guang returned to the previous room, looked at Viritas who had not left yet, and asked directly: "Where is the mastermind behind the scenes? Don't tell me you don't know where it is!"

Veritas looked at Pei Guang's murderous look and explained directly: "It? The ray of flame that entered the space station is dead and was burned to death by you."

Viritas could see very clearly that when Esta was attacked, Pei Guang's flame directly cooked the flame controlled by Avrit. Heck, it was the first time that he could see the flame being cooked, but no matter what What the hell, he was sure that the ray of consciousness in the space station had disappeared.

Pei Guang: "Dead? Just like that?"

Viritas: "It was not it that died, but the ray of consciousness that it invaded the space station and used this phase spirit fire. As for the other people it targeted, you don't have to worry, they are safe now."

People are safe and the enemy is dead, but Pei Guang is very unhappy now. Especially after knowing that the opponent had a real body, Pei Guang thought about whether he should do his best to give the opponent a shot. So how could he do what he could?

Pei Guang looked at his Star Destroyer. The internal energy of the Star Destroyer was very sufficient. Although the Star Destroyer had accumulated enough resources during the days it stayed on Earth, because the distance between Earth and here was too far, there was currently no round trip of resources. problem, but one more shot wasn't enough.

Moreover, this enemy is related to the main plot at first glance. Pei Guang estimates that the means available now will definitely not kill the opponent. Just like some plots have plot killing, this plot should also have plot protection.

But it doesn't matter, even if he can't shoot the opponent, Pei Guang is still ready to disgust the opponent.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang directly contacted Yinlang. Among the people he knew so far, Yinlang had the most channels. At the same time, she had previously been involved in incidents related to the property of the Annihilation Gang. Pei Guang thought that she should have information.

So Pei Guang took out his mobile phone and contacted Yinlang.

Pei Guang: "Are you there? Something happened!"

Just when Pei Guang sent this sentence and was about to type the second sentence, Yin Lang sent several messages in succession.

Silver Wolf: "I know what you are going to do, are you being bullied by the Grand Duke of the Annihilation Gang? It doesn't matter, I just have the coordinates of the planet where it is now, so let's get it done."

If this guy did nothing, Silver Wolf really wouldn't be able to find its location, but the problem is that this guy just sent a provocative statement to the entire universe. Its hiding methods are very good, and ordinary hackers and even advanced hackers cannot locate its location.

But unfortunately, it was facing Silver Wolf, and Silver Wolf herself was a little angry after hearing Kafka's description, because she had also experienced the character she had cultivated being killed. Although she could go back, It's reopening, but it's not the same taste.

How dare anyone do this now? She, Yinlang, would do anything to help.

Pei Guang, who received the message from Silver Wolf, sent her a like: "Okay! I love you so much~ There is no other life, right! If I don't give it a shot today, I don't have a clear mind!"

Silver Wolf: "Tell me how to give it a shot?"

Pei Guang: "Haha, you will know when the time comes. I will set off fireworks for you later."

At the same time, in the territory of the Annihilation Gang, the flames on the body of Lord Darkfire Avrit fluctuated. Just now, it was disconnected from the consciousness of the space station. It was clear that he had a lot of cruel things to say to Pei Guang, and even more She wanted to kill Esta in front of Pei Guang and make him feel the pain, but when she acted, she was completely disconnected from that ray of consciousness.

Because this fire added a little bit of its original power, its origin was also damaged. What's even more terrifying is that it found that the missing part of itself seemed unable to be restored by any means. At the same time, this little bit of the missing origin seemed to be transmitted. Got... the smell?

It is an elemental life similar to Suiyang, and it has a smell on its body, which makes it don't know what's going on. As for what happened? The principle is very simple, because the gang has a little bit of its origin, and at the same time, this power was roasted by Pei Guang, which led to the judgment that it was roasted by the three-flavored real fire, leaving the smell of the three-flavored real fire on its body.

Perhaps due to the influence of the player's plan, the smell left on it is a smell that players absolutely hate, including stench, filthy smell and fishy smell. However, due to the uniqueness of its own body, the effect of this smell is much worse, but it can still be smelled.

"Damn guy, next time I meet you, I'll let you die without a burial place!"

Duke Ninghuo was angry, and with his anger, the flames on his body also burned brightly. But obviously, before it takes revenge on Pei Guang, the revenge from the players will arrive faster.

When it was planning what to do to Pei Guang, the sky suddenly turned dark. It subconsciously looked up at the sky and saw a scene that made it feel suffocated. A huge battleship appeared in the sky.

This battleship was approaching the planet as if it was about to hit it. This battleship was none other than Pei Guang's Star Destroyer.

Pei Guang learned about this planet. This planet is completely the territory of the Annihilation Gang. When the Star Destroyer arrived at the planet, Pei Guang used the Star Destroyer's life detection function to detect it. The Star Destroyer followed Pei Guang's instructions. According to the moral concept, some undercover or hiding people are directly included in the ship.

Pei Guang even took some barely surviving lives onto the Star Destroyer. Pei Guang liked the function of the Star Destroyer very much. After rescuing these lives that had been destroyed by the Annihilation Gang, Pei Guang put them into the power furnace. Throw in a 100% recovery item.

That's right, Pei Guang's plan is very simple. Since the current power is only enough to go back and forth, then if Huanhui eats the full status recovery items, won't he be able to go back and forth and shoot one shot?

For this guy, Pei Guang could feel that he definitely had a way to escape, but it didn't matter, he didn't care.

In the power furnace of the Star Destroyer, Huan Wu, who had been drained of all her strength, collapsed weakly on the ground, but then she fell silent after seeing the recovery items sent in by Pei Guang.

She remembered clearly that this thing... seemed to have fallen from her body? Although she is also an elemental being like Sui Yang, her previous physical body was her most powerful. Now that it was destroyed, she still wants to let herself eat this?

"I will not eat!"

Huanlong showed her stubbornness, but when it entered the power furnace, it was not up to her whether to eat it or not. The two who were able to move held down Huan Wu's energy body, and one directly stabbed it into Huan Wu's body.

At this moment, Phantom's power was fully restored, and as her strength was fully restored, the Star Destroyer began to gather strength. Huan Huan's power was drained out, and just when she thought she was done, she saw Pei Guang stuff in ten more.

Seeing these one hundred recovery props, Huanhu's expression froze. Yes, Pei Guang had very few 100% items in his hands, and more than 50% items were even rarer items.

But 10% really comes with whatever you want. Pei Guang directly took out a hundred 10% recovery items and prepared to play a big one.

Huanhuang was about to cry at this moment: "What evil have I done!"

Even as the Lord of Extermination, she felt that Pei Guang's behavior was a bit extreme. If Pei Guang took pleasure in it, it would be okay. The problem was that Pei Guang pursued efficiency, and his mentality was scary even if he was hazy.

On this planet, the members of the Annihilation Gang who still remain on the planet are all looking at the giant battleship in the sky, and some brave ones have even boarded aircraft to fly up.

But just as they were about to fly up, the Star Destroyer, which was larger than the planet, was continuing its energy. The remaining members of the Annihilation Gang on the planet could feel the pure destruction on this Star Destroyer. force.

Before the Star Destroyer was launched, Pei Guang turned on the wide-area broadcast.

"Grand Duke Avrit of Hellfire, you are just a basket case. I will scold you here today. Not only will I scold you, I will also blow up your planet."

"Duke Minghuo! You are the younger brother among younger brothers. I am protecting Esta. You dare to touch her. If you have thoughts about her again, I will turn your fire into a singer. Go in and play with your excrement on the fire! You are a younger brother!"

"Your soy milk is in vain at my hands."

With his last words, Pei Guang ordered the Star Destroyer to open fire. The Star Destroyer, which had absorbed the power of the phantom, launched the destructive power concentrated to the extreme at this moment.

When this pure power from the path of destruction is emitted, it does not appear like a beam of light coming down from the sky like a laser weapon, nor does it smash people away like throwing rocks at people.

Now all the non-enemy lives on the planet that are not members of the Annihilation Gang and meet the player's moral cognition are on the star destroyer, so Pei Guang has no burden to blow up.

At this moment, the Underworld Grand Duke felt the extreme destructive breath in the sky, and its flames fluctuated violently. After hearing the broadcast, it knew that it must be Pei Guang's doing.

"I will kill you sooner or later!!!"

The Underworld Grand Duke's angry flames fueled, but at this time it only dared to show off its power, because under this extreme destruction, it was sure that if it didn't run away, it would die.

Saying the most cruel words, the body honestly began to run away. At the same time, it felt awkward about Pei Guang's cruelty. It thought Pei Guang was a villain who took advantage of Luofu's power, but it didn't expect that he really had the ability to do it, and he was the kind of person who would kill your whole family after I tricked you.

Where did this person come from? Even if they were in the Annihilation Gang, they didn't say that they would kill the whole family after being tricked.

As for the other members of the Annihilation Gang? It doesn't matter. Now it's important to be alive.

Just as Pei Guang expected, it ran away, but it did not escape without paying a price. Under the influence of the ultimate destructive fate, other powers will be weakened to a certain extent. It escaped from the planet at the cost of entering a weak state.

But unfortunately, most members of the Annihilation Gang were not so lucky.

The pure power of destruction descended on the planet, and the planet exploded like fireworks. The bodies of all the members of the Annihilation Gang on the planet were directly destroyed from the material level to the consciousness level.

At the moment of the planet explosion, the Star Destroyer also returned to the earth in an instant. Pei Guang was very satisfied with the powerful power of the Star Destroyer. But because of its powerful power, Pei Guang was sure that not only Luo Fu himself could not use it directly. In the next main plot, it is estimated that the Star Destroyer can only be used as a basis for the other party to talk to him, which is helpful for the mission but not the main help.

That is, this kind of important role is enough to affect the future branch but does not affect the main mission. It’s cool!

Pei Guang: "I feel relieved~ It's really fun to blow up a ball for fun! Hmm? You can save a life on this star destroyer? Forget it, let Alicia take care of it~ I'm going back~" Pei Guang felt relieved. He didn't bother to take care of the lives he brought along. Anyway, he had a capable adjutant, so he let Alicia take care of it. Pei Guang happily returned to the space station to look for the clerks that Veritas said he had rescued, but when Pei Guang felt relieved, he didn't know how big a deal he had made. Because he turned the broadcast effect to the maximum, now not only the people of the Annihilation Gang received the broadcast, but all civilizations in the entire universe received it. Chapter 322 Ester's Fantasy World, Brave Cat Cake Pei Guang explained the aftermath and prepared to leave. He had to return to the space station to deal with the follow-up of this task. After confirming that there was no problem, he would take Ester back. For Pei Guang, this time was a great experience. The feeling of personally blowing up a planet was much more exciting than clicking on the screen. The only thing that made Pei Guang feel sorry was that although this was a star destroyer with a collection function, there was not enough manpower and space to collect resources from an entire planet.

But it didn't matter. With the planet sent by Esta, Pei Guang looked down on this barren planet.

Pei Guang continued to do the task. The player's straightforward destruction and revenge were enough to attract the attention of the star gods, but unfortunately, when Pei Guang chose his first job transfer, Akivilli's train gun was first, which resulted in Pei Guang not being able to get any attention from the star gods before he opened his second job or the second job transfer.

To be honest, all the star gods now hope to make Pei Guang their messenger and the walker of their destiny, but unfortunately the new job has not been unlocked yet.

But it doesn't matter. According to the next process, Pei Guang will get a new job transfer opportunity at the next stop, Pinoconi...

The planet where the Grand Duke of Hellfire was located was bombed. For the life of the entire universe, the bombing of the planet is not a big news. In the blink of an eye, countless planets in the entire galaxy were destroyed, and countless civilizations were born.

But what really made the brains of people in the universe buzz was a wide-area broadcast, which was clearly heard by almost all civilizations that could receive information.

After receiving this message, some planets that did not yet have the ability to navigate the universe fell silent. Limited by their own technological level, they only roughly interpreted the wide-area broadcast sent by Pei Guang.

What is killing! Blowing up and so on, the civilization that has not yet left the embrace of the mother planet felt the threat from the universe for the first time

For Pei Guang’s words, many people don’t know what’s going on. Who is Ester? Why did he broadcast all over the universe to follow Ester?

But those who knew Ester were dumbfounded after receiving this message. What? Ester is that... Ester? It’s okay if they have the same name, but if it’s the person herself...

Look, Ester herself didn’t receive this broadcast, but her mother contacted her.

"When will you bring him to me~"

"Mom, I support your free love."

"It doesn't matter. If the other party doesn't want to marry into your family, just marry him directly, but don't let yourself be wronged."

"Is the pocket money enough? If you are in a relationship, the pocket money you get every week is definitely not enough, right?"

Looking at the message sent by her mother, Estelle was confused, but when she received the content sent by her mother, her breathing became heavy.

"No wonder I was misunderstood, but..."

Esta looked at the content that Pei Guang posted in the universe. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this content was a confession, and how many girls in this world could enjoy this kind of confession at the universal level?

Thinking of these, Esta couldn't help but fantasize about what it would be like when she and Pei Guang were really together. Will the first child be a boy or a girl? How about a twin brother and a girl?

Esta entered the fantasy time, but after fantasizing for a while, she hurriedly shook her head: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible. Aguang's words definitely didn't mean this. Maybe he is simple... but the players seem to be very carefree. But it’s just a fantasy~think about it~think about it~”

As a girl, Esta also has her own fantasy time. Sometimes she knows that some things are impossible. She can see that the bond between Pei Guang, March Qi and Xing is unbreakable. At the same time, she also knows that she has feelings for Pei Guang. I didn't have that kind of thought before, but I felt a little shy when I heard such words?

But no matter what, it doesn’t matter if you think about it~

Thinking of this, Esta once again had a smile on her face. She didn't have to do anything but fantasize about the plot that would appear in the story. Even she felt her heartbeat speed up.

While she was imagining, the appearance of a voice interrupted his fantasy.

"Esta? Esta~~~"

Pei Guang's appearance broke her fantasy, and because the person in her fantasy suddenly appeared in front of her, Esta also had some disturbances in her heart.

"Huh? It's you! Is everything over?" Her heart beat a little faster, but after her fantasy was shattered and reality came to light, she quickly calmed down her emotions.

Pei Guang: "It's done, your mission has been completed~ And I have good news for you. None of your missing staff members are in danger of life. They are just a little weak from being locked in one place for a long time and are too frightened. Generally speaking, fine."

This sentence made Esta excited: "Really? Everyone is okay? That's great..."

While she was happy, Esta felt a little lonely because she knew it was time to leave the train. In her opinion, it was a very good experience to be able to stand on the train and look at the entire universe and dream about impossible things. Now It's time to get back to work.

The staff needed to be comforted, the necessary supplies needed by the space station needed to be dispatched, and all kinds of things were waiting for her. But for her, the space station is a place to realize her self-worth, and she still feels full of motivation.

But at this time, she had another idea. Thinking of this, she turned to look at Pei Guang: "Can I issue you a permanent task that is exclusive to you?"

Pei Guang's eyes lit up: "Mission? Permanent mission? Quick! Tell me!"

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