Someone actually dares to steal my reward? If the other party doesn't give a reasonable explanation, Pei Guang will definitely let it know what cruelty is.

But Pei Guang also started to think: "Who did it? Looking at this posture, it is obvious that some of them are targeting us."

If what Esta said is correct, the people who caused trouble in the space station this time were basically targeting him and Esta. Have the people who opposed him disappeared? Maybe even dead? This is almost like calling him by name to compete with him.

Esta: "I don't know either, but now Ms. Black Tower's doll is also missing... That would be really troublesome..."

Pei Guang spread his hands: "What are you afraid of? Heita is still in her office~ I'm here to talk to her about this matter. If anyone makes trouble for her, she will definitely deal with it."

Pei Guang was thinking about how to avoid class in this task. According to the current plot, let Black Tower and Screw Gumu directly solve the problem, which would save time and effort. As for the task reward?

Pei Guang felt that he had gained enough things from Esta. Now that his favor was enough, he no longer needed to use tasks to gain more favor. It would be troublesome if he really maxed out his favor. The focus now was on controlling the favor.

That's right, Pei Guang didn't dare to brush up too much for someone like Esta whose favor was about to explode. What would be the explanation if he really maxed out March 7th? If I don't explain it, I'll be in tears.

But when I think about the fact that I have been holding on to the pure love line for so long, and suddenly it was broken, this unpleasant feeling makes me feel uncomfortable all over.

It's like playing Butterfly to clear the first line. I have persisted in playing for seven or eight hours. In the end, I failed. Although I can load the file, this unpleasant feeling is very uncomfortable.

Pei Guang contacted Heita while thinking about it.

"Your doll is missing!"

Heita: "Huh? Missing? It doesn't matter. You happen to be at the space station. You can find who did it."

Pei Guang: "Aren't you angry?"

Heita: "Angry? I have something important to go to the company now. I don't have time to manage the affairs of the space station during this period. You can do whatever you want in the space station. I will give you permission to play with you as you like. If you see any doll that you like, you want to take it away. Just take it, but remember to tell me where you got it.”

Pei Guang: "Okay~"

Pei Guang put away the phone happily, but after putting it away, Pei Guang's expression froze, because he wanted to skip class and solve this task in one go, but instead of skipping class, the task became completely his?

But it doesn’t matter, since I can’t skip class, I’ll find it bit by bit.

This task seems to have no logic, but in fact, according to the game routine and realistic logic, you can probably guess who did it.

Pei Guang began to think: "You want to target me? That's a guy who doesn't have a high opinion of me or a guy who is hostile to a force that has a high opinion of me."

"Who are the enemies? The legion, the Medicine King's secret biography, the company?"

Is it the Medicine King's secret that is causing trouble? It doesn't look like it. If it were really the Medicine King's secrets or Fengsao people, they might not be able to keep an eye on this place. There are too few things to eat.

company? It's impossible here, and Heita has to go to the company to do something. Even if the company has a grudge against him, it's impossible for him to do it here. Besides, he and Esta have such a good relationship, no matter how cliquey the company is Lin Li, according to the basic settings, would not be able to take action against the geniuses supported by the company and the daughter of the company's top executive.

Then there is only one possibility in the end, Legion!

"It's really possible. This method is quite similar to Huanlong's method, playing with people's hearts from the inside to bring about destruction. But Huanlong was caught by me? Xu Zu doesn't seem to have the brains? Or Suiyang?"

Pei Guang has killed a lot of virtual pawns. Except for the Great Lord of Extermination, these virtual pawns are really the purest form of destruction and will not play these tricks at all.

It's not impossible for Sui Yang. There is someone similar to Sui Yang on the space station, and Pei Guang has seen it before.

In the end, Pei Guang set his sights on things related to Suiyang and Legion, but soon Pei Guang suddenly thought of something: "The Annihilation Gang? Could this operation be the Annihilation Gang?"

Pei Guang thought of the Annihilation Gang. A few days ago, he was on a mission in Luofu to deal with the members of the Annihilation Gang. At that time, he also called Beloberg's people to harvest wool. The Annihilation Gang also follows the Star God of Destruction. The space station has been invaded by the Legion, so it is not impossible that the Annihilation Gang will come and take a stab at it after the Legion is destroyed.

Isn't it okay to get involved and cheat yourself at the same time?

Thinking of these, Pei Guang looked at Esta; "I probably know who it is, either the guys from the Annihilation Gang, or Sui Yang. The only ones I can think of are these two groups of guys, because I haven't come into contact with anyone else who can do it." , my lack of contact proves that they have no reason to do anything.”

Hearing Pei Guang's guess, Esta's eyes lit up, but before she could speak, applause came from behind the three of them.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

Hearing the sound, Pei Guang followed the sound and looked over, only to see Veritas Latio appearing behind several people at some point. He was wearing a plaster mask and applauded the three of them with great interest.

Seeing his praise, Pei Guang said with some embarrassment: "It's just so-so. This is just an analysis based on my plot experience, and it may not be accurate."

Veritas looked at Pei Guang, who was getting proud, and said speechlessly: "You are an honest person, but is there a possibility that you are the one who did these things, and you are shouting to catch the thief?"

Pei Guang looked at Viritas in front of him and touched his chin and recalled: "I said, I also gave you props to increase your favorability. Do you doubt me even if you have a favorable impression?"

Viritas's plaster head fell off, and he looked at Pei Guang seriously: "In terms of reason and your experience, I personally believe that you would not do such a thing. But people who engage in academic research will always change. It’s hard to believe something. On the contrary, it’s easy to question it. What’s more, you and your companions are the only ones on the entire space station who have demonstrated the ability to make people disappear instantly, right?”

Listening to Viritas's doubts, Pei Guang nodded in approval: "What you said is correct. In terms of ability, I do have this ability, but if you say that, I will also say that you did it. ?”

Viritas calmly replied: "You can question anyone. Since you question me, I will provide you with evidence that is not mine later, but I was the one who raised the question first. Please also provide evidence that has nothing to do with you." "

Pei Guang: "Evidence? I have an alibi."

Veritas: "You have an alibi, but she doesn't."

Veritas pointed at Xing, who was rummaging for something not far away. Xing had been looking for the missing strange objects in the Black Tower since yesterday, and it made Xing sad that he couldn't find them until today.

At this time, Xing, who was rummaging around, suddenly sensed something and turned her head subconsciously. When she saw Pei Guang and his group, her eyes lit up: "A Guang? Why are you here again?"

Pei Guang: "Because of some things, something happened on this space station. I have an alibi, do you have one?"

Star: "No!"

Xing said confidently: "Question me? If you question me, just think that I did it."

Pei Guang: "That's good! What are you going to do next?"

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "I don't know? A Guang, can you give me some advice?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "Then let him see what we should do if we take action?"

Star: "I think it's okay? Where to start?"

Pei Guang pointed at Veritas and Alan: "Let's start with them."

Alan: "Don't look at me! I believe you will never do such a thing."

Viritas: "?"

Xingze looked at Pei Guang: "But isn't this bad? What if the Black Tower is blamed..."

Pei Guang: "What's wrong?"

Pei Guang took out his mobile phone: "Look! Black Tower said we can play whatever we want~"

Xing glanced at the phone. The moment he saw the phone, Xing showed excitement. Xing raised his head and gave Pei Guang a knowing smile at the first second. The next second, a trash can appeared in Pei Guang's hand and a rope appeared in his hand. .

Pei Guang: "In the name of the trash can!"

Xing: "Name? Destiny is determined!!"

Pei Guang: "What do you mean?"

Xing: "I don't know, I'm just yelling."

Before the third second came, the trash can was already placed on Viritas' head. Then the two people kicked him skillfully. Viritas fell to the ground without reacting, and then the two people skillfully kicked him to the ground. The two of them were tied up. While tying them up, Pei Guang introduced Ke Ke.

"I'm telling you, if we take action, there won't even be a single person on the space station who can breathe."

Xing: "That's right! Let you see the power of our pioneers today!"

Veritas, who was tied up with a rope and stuffed into a water-filled trash can for a few seconds, was completely silent. Although he was not a genius in the genius club, he thought he had a pretty good mind, but he did not follow Pei anyway. The rhythm of light. But he can be sure of one thing. No matter from which angle he questions them, Pei Guang and Xing cannot be questioned by him, because there is something wrong with these two people.

Although he was caught roughly and unable to resist, Veritas smiled at this time. Although he questioned Pei Guang, he knew that it was definitely not Pei Guang who did it. Even if he didn't know the truth, he was sure that it was not Pei Guang who did it.

He just wanted to try to see what means this brave man or hero would use to prove himself when he was questioned. Now it seems that the means used are a bit unique.

In his opinion, this is the most interesting thing. He is neither a mediocre person nor a genius, relying on his own experience and ability to silence everyone. As for being arrested? This is what you should do.

Not only does he dislike others, but he also dislikes himself. He actually approves of being dealt with by someone like Pei Guang.

Because people like Pei Guang are neither geniuses nor idiots. He has his own behavioral logic and thoughts. He makes guesses and analyzes based on his own experience. The most important thing is that he has saved countless people with his own abilities. .

But one code is another code. Believing is one thing, appreciating is one thing, and questioning is another. Even if time could be turned back, he would still say it to Pei Guang's face when he questioned him just now.

And Pei Guang's performance also made him make a decision. He would not interfere or guide the affairs of the space station at all. Let's see what this special guy can do.

What? Is it embarrassing to be stuffed into a bucket full of water? No! He didn't have it at all now. On the contrary, after soaking in the water, he felt that his heart was extremely clear. The cold and moist feeling made him feel that his thinking had been improved.

Being able to get along with such a pure person made him feel like his 'stupid disease' had been cured.

Chapter 320: The Archduke of Hellfire seeking death, Esta on fire

On Pei Guang's side, Veritas was also released by Pei Guang.

"Do you believe it this time? Although we have the ability to do it, it is not our hands."

Xing Ye echoed: "That's right! Besides, I'm still on a mission to find rare objects. Even if I have to do it, it's not now."

Esta was shocked: "That means you have thought about treating everyone..."

Pei Guang changed the topic directly: "It's not a big problem! At most, I just want to think about it. After all, you and the Black Tower are here, and I won't make a move against you! But then again, where did I say it before?"

Xing: "Even if I attack them, I won't touch them."

Pei Guang: "Oh! Now that I think about it, I can probably guess what we are going to face. Suiyang may be the Grand Duke of the Annihilation Gang."

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "Do you think it's possible? Both of them have to face it?"

Pei Guang turned to look at Xing: "Can you think of something better? It's troublesome to face two enemies in every mission! I am Wushuang and can only kill small monsters. I still have to take the elite monsters seriously. What’s more, we are running out of consumable items!”

When these words came out, Xing's expression became solemn: "Isn't it enough? I remember there are many?"

Pei Guang: "There aren't many left! Now each consumable is only close to a hundred."

This sentence frightened Xing: "What's going on? Why did it disappear so quickly?"

Pei Guang: "You have the nerve to ask me this? We faced the big boss of the True Insect twice, and we ate everything we could eat after quickly recovering to full condition! And when we faced that giant True Insect, each of us had a lot to eat. knock."

At that time, in order to beat the giant stingworm so that it could not escape, Dan Heng and Walter directly used all their strength, which was the charged version. Pei Guang is not doing much better here. His three-flavor true fire can be maintained in a small area, but in a large area, he relies on taking drugs to maintain it.

In addition, when facing the breeding order this time, he had eaten almost all the consumables that he had stripped off Huan Lu. Of course, there were still some pieces of meat that could be cut into more consumables, but Pei Guang was reluctant to part with them. Many of them are very distinctive parts of Huanlong's body and have great ornamental value.

Pei Guang's words made Xing take a breath. After taking drugs for several days, she experienced the joy of having consumables. Now that these were all that were left, she was a little reluctant to part with them.

"Forget it then, just fight an enemy. Let's eat as little consumables as we can..."

Pei Guang: "But you have to eat what you have to eat. Damn it! Why couldn't Huanhuang live a little longer? If I had lived a little longer, I might have been able to get more props."

Xing: "How about we release Huanhuang and beat him again?"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "Promise me, we won't seek death!"

Xing: "But here comes the problem. If we don't let it go, what will happen if it runs away on its own?"

Pei Guang: "You should stop being so sweet!"

While the two were teasing each other, Pei Guang's cell phone suddenly rang. He picked it up and saw a message forwarded by Esta.

This is a video. Pei Guang opened the video and looked at the content carefully.

This is a piece of news. The news picture is of the Black Tower doll. Pei Guang didn't know what evil purpose this person had to put a black mosaic on the Black Tower doll's eyes?

"News from Ms. Heita's single tweet - Good evening, fellow black fans! Here's an urgent piece of news."

"Currently, the whereabouts of Ms. Black Tower #83 of the Great Genius Club are unknown after being attacked on the space station. As of now, no organization is responsible for this incident."

Then the scene changed, and when he saw the person in the scene making some movements, Pei Guang always felt a strong sense of sight, but for a while he couldn't figure out where he saw this scene.

Pei Guang: "Hey guys, the fans of Black Tower are called black fans. Have they all been fans of Black Tower for two and a half years? And only one doll is missing. It makes it look like Black Tower was attacked. My comment I just studied journalism.”

While Pei Guang complained, Esta on the side whispered: "It seems that many department members are dissatisfied now... but we haven't found out who the murderer is yet..."

Pei Guang: "Let me ask a question, is this news legitimate? Isn't it a prank by your department staff?"

Esta affirmed: "Although the content may not be true, it is indeed a regular column of the company... but they knew it so quickly? And it became news so quickly..."

Pei Guang: "There is a traitor. Just watch. It won't be long before someone claims to be responsible for this. But before that..."

Pei Guang glanced around. The fact that he could receive this news proved that everyone in the entire space station could receive it. The staff around him looked at this with different emotions after reading this news.

People who have been helped by the pioneers trust Pei Guang and the others to some extent, but...

Pei Guang: "It seems that this is not the place to talk. Let's go to other places to communicate! It just so happens that it also allows us to think about each other's next steps."

Xing: "Then get busy! I believe you, Aguang, can easily complete this task. As for me, continue to complete the task of the Black Tower. That strange object is actually quite troublesome. According to the Black Tower, it is Suiyang? It seems like it's still there Quite interesting.”

Pei Guang waved his hand: "Go ahead! This task lets me use my not-so-smart brain to think of a solution~"

After hearing Pei Guang's remarks, Veritas asked, "Oh? Do you have any useful ideas?"

Pei Guang: "Let me analyze based on my experience. Although empiricism is not advisable, when there are no clues at all, personal experience is a good way to break the deadlock."

Pei Guang thought about this matter carefully. It seemed that this matter was aimed at himself or the space station. So is there a similar game plot?

It really does happen, like one person disappears after another, let alone games, there are many suspense novels and animations, so according to the settings of various suspense literary works, when there is a disappearance without any clues, then the most important clue or He said that the person who knew the truth about this matter must be by his side.

star? She knows a hammer, but now she only wants to complete the task of the Black Tower quickly. She has been doing this task for almost two days.

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