The others didn't speak, and they just listened silently.

Himeko: "According to the records of the train think tank, Pinoconi was originally a prison star used by the company to exile criminals, at least that was the era when it was recorded. However, after the star core exploded, it fell into the arms of Shippe, and it is said that it was transformed into The land of extremely prosperous dreams.”

Jizi paused and then looked at everyone and continued: "The family is holding a banquet there, and they sent an invitation to the train. I was curious about what would happen there, so I accepted the invitation and waited for Pam to finish preparations. , we can set off.”

However, at this moment, Pam walked out with small steps: "Everyone! Sorry, we can't go to Pinoconipa for the time being."

This sentence made everyone focus on Pam. March 7th said in a shocked tone: "No way? Is there anything else we need to deal with? Aguang! Use your invincible prophecy to predict a wave. !”

Pei Guang rolled his eyes: "How many times have I told you, I'm not predicting, I'm guessing based on experience, and also! I'm not invincible, don't blame me. But having said that, what exactly is going on?"

Originally, Pei Guang was looking forward to the new world, but when Pam said he couldn't go, Pei Guang felt somewhat unhappy.

Although his real experience was only a little over a month, it felt like a year! Especially when he came to Xianzhou, the time seemed very short, but it gave him the feeling that he had spent several months.

Feeling the resentment on Pei Guang's body, Pam said embarrassedly: "I'm very sorry, the train has some problems due to unknown reasons and needs some inspections, but please don't worry, the train will go to Pinocon after the inspection is completed and there are no problems. Nipa~”

Listening to Pam's explanation, Jizi showed a serious expression: "Is there a problem with the train? It seems that it does need to stop for some days, but it doesn't matter, there are still some days before the invitation date."

March 7: "Hey? It needs maintenance~ Okay~"

March Qi's interest dropped, but then March Qi looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Ah Guang! What do you think we will encounter on the next planet? You can guess what happened on the Luofu Immortal Boat this time. Yes, I dare you to guess it right next time.”

Pei Guang complained: "I can guess right because the existing clues are enough. At that time, Dan Heng confided in his heart, "This time there are no clues, and I can't guess it either? It's like our first planet, where we didn't get there If I don’t know that it is an apocalyptic planet, I don’t know how to guess~”

Although Pei Guang has always acted like a prophet, in fact, he has enough clues every time to dare to guess. Take Belloberg for example. After knowing that this is an apocalyptic world, it is too easy to guess how the managers here will treat the players.

In various apocalyptic worlds and traditional urban arts on the verge of destruction, people would rather die than believe what the players say, and even say that when the players go there, people in high positions will be directly blackened. The same goes for Luofu. With the information provided by Dan Heng and Star Core Hunter, he can naturally make some random guesses.

At this time, listening to the conversation between the two people, I suddenly became interested.

Xing rubbed his little hands excitedly: "Guess, I believe you can guess something, Aguang~ Jizi has already told some key information~"

Pei Guang: "Okay, since you are interested, I will make a random guess."

According to what Jizi and Walter said, the next planet we went to also had a star core erupted, and after the star core exploded, it fell into the arms of Tonghe. According to my understanding, this so-called star core also has a destiny. So could it be that someone on this planet made a wish with the star core, and then the star core responded to his wish, making the planet appear to have joined the Harmony? "

"Then based on this prediction, and since it is the company's planet, there will definitely be people from the company on the next planet, and the people from the company may work with us because they have different purposes from ours."

Hearing this, Ji Zi's expression became serious: "Company? It seems that we have to be on guard."

Pei Guang waved his hand: "Just a guess! A guess! But if we really do it..."

Hearing that March Qi was getting excited, he saw Pei Guang suddenly change the topic and reminded Pei Guang: "Then what? Then! Guang, guess again, what will happen next!"

Pei Guang: "Then! Then? I don't know? I can't say that envoys from all the forces will appear on our next planet, right?"

Pei Guang complained seriously. If the next planet sends out more envoys at once, he can't even imagine what kind of enemies he will face in the future. Could it be that in the future there will be a king of annihilation on every planet?

It does seem possible! Thinking of these, Pei Guang couldn't help complaining: "If there is another Lord of Extinction on the next planet, then I dare say that we will definitely cut down the seven Lords of Extinction in the future, and finally get out Nanook and kill Nanook." Another existence more powerful than the Star God appears."

As soon as this sentence came out, Ji Zi's expression turned serious, and March Qi shook her head vigorously: "It is more powerful than the Star God, how is it possible..."

Himeko: "In this galaxy... anything is possible, but you won't encounter the Lord of Death in Pinoconi. For now, there are no legion operations in Pinoconi."

Pei Guang: "Yes, it would be too boring to have another King of Extermination fight again, but I guess! There may be a few envoys who may interact with us."

Ji Zi: "Oh? Why are you so sure?"

Pei Guang complained: "Guess! If Qi'er didn't ask me to guess, then I'll guess. Besides, Jizi also said that he was transformed into a dream kingdom. I'm sure someone will go and see the dream kingdom out of curiosity. What kind of country is it? Anyway, I’m quite curious.”

March 7: "Hey, hey, hey? What do you think of the Kingdom of Dreams, Aguang?"

Pei Guang: "Good guy, I am Cheng Yuanfang? You want to ask me what I think? My evaluation is to see with my eyes, but my intuition tells me that we will definitely be exposed to some interesting things in the next world. Although I I have also played some games related to dreams, but the types of these games are completely different, and there is no reference experience. Only if we have personal contact will we know what they are like. But if the story is interesting, I guess this star core explosion may be. It's a simple abnormal accident, it may be a child's words or a person's beautiful dream. Anyway, if the star core of this world explodes like Beloberg and Luofu, I will be dissatisfied with the plot of the next world! "

Listening to Pei Guang's unreasonable analysis, March 7th began to look forward to it: "Hey? After hearing what you said, Aguang, I started looking forward to it~ I really hope we can go to Pinoconi as soon as possible. Ahhh~Pam~Pam~Hurry up and run the train! I can’t wait any longer!”

Pei Guang looked at March 7 and complained: "You look exactly like players waiting for version updates!"

March 7 looked at Pei Guang: "Huh? You are a player, and you said that I am exactly the same as a player. Rounding it off, we are also a player, but when I think about having nothing to do during this period, I feel uncomfortable."

Just when March Qi was complaining here, a voice appeared in everyone's ears: "If Pei Guang and March Qi don't want to do anything, why don't you come to our Liuguang Yiting to play ~ Fu Li according to Mr. Pei Guang’s memory has created a grand world, and I would like to invite Mr. Pei Guang and everyone to experience it.”

This voice was heard by everyone present. Hearing this voice, Ji Zi's expression became serious: "Liu Guang Yi Ting?"

The messenger of Liuguang Yiting walked out of the broken mirror that no one could see: "As expected of the navigator of the Star Dome Train, he guessed who I was at once~ Let me introduce myself, I am the messenger of Liuguang Yiting , I invite you all to experience the memory world created by Mr. Fuli himself!”

Facing the messenger, Ji Zi smiled: "Oh? It's actually a memory world created by Him himself? Could it be for..."

Ji Zi's expression was unkind. She would never allow anyone to stare at everyone. She had heard the name Liuguang Yiting many times. These guys would really do anything to remember it.

The messenger hurriedly introduced: "Miss Jizi, don't get me wrong, I don't have any ill intentions at all. It was a transaction between Mr. Pei Guang and Master Fu Li, and through this transaction, Master Fu Li recreated a section of the Milky Way. Memory, and based on this memory, I created a completely independent world. I want to use the power of Mr. Pei Guang to gain a completely different memory that belongs to this world. "

Hearing the messenger's explanation, Ji Zi looked at Pei Guang, and Pei Guang nodded to Ji Zi and asked: "What is it specifically?"

Pei Guang's speech made the messenger breathe a sigh of relief: "This is how it is. Master Fuli has recreated the locust plague in the world. He wants to invite you to enter this world of memory. I look forward to what you can do in this memory." What kind of changes will it make? In order to make you have a happy time, Master Fuli has reproduced many things in your memory, allowing you to experience this memory easily and happily, and create new memories!”

When he said this, the messenger felt that he was very lucky. It seemed embarrassing to kneel down so fast at first, but he had gained a lot. There is even a chance to witness the birth of a completely different memory. Is there anything happier for their messengers than this?

Pei Guang: "Tell me more, what did you add from my memory?"

Messenger: "These things you showed to Lord Fuli can be realized in this world of memory. Lord Fuli is the star god of memory! Everything in memory is under his control. And this experience will not let you down. Experience it in vain, when you fully participate in the entire process of the birth and death of the Breeding Star God, we will give you and other participants a special light cone.”

Even the Star God in this universe is not worthy of memory. The Star God went to great lengths to experiment with the memories of what happened in this universe, but Pei Guang has the qualifications.

Pei Guang has the qualifications to change the entire universe. Because of this, he wants to deduce what would happen if Pei Guang participated in the major events in the history of this galaxy.

Among these major events, the first one he brought up was the universal locust plague. He took this because Pei Guang had experienced this in the simulated universe. Although the insect swarm at that time was directly killed by Pei Guang, it was not a big problem. At that time, the wisdom The Star God didn't interfere at all, he just wanted to see what would happen.

But this time He will intervene with Pei Guang and prevent him from directly opening this invincible trick. Although Pei Guang can activate this trick by himself, Fu Li wants to see if Pei Guang really appeared back then instead of opening the trick and clearing the level. , what will this world look like.

Not only the breeding of the Star God, but also every major event in the universe after that, he wanted to see what would happen with and without Pei Guang.

The reason why Fuli did this was not only because he wanted to obtain this information, but more importantly, his cooperation with Pei Guang was making his destiny wider. And this key information can also make this universe a better place.

After all, Fu Li can't guarantee whether the world will perish, but if an accident happens one day and Pei Guang is gone, the recorded experience of Pei Guang will be of great help to the future.

Chapter 258: The Simulation of Memory, Zerg and Zerg Swarm

On a planet, Pei Guang felt the surrounding environment and couldn't help but complain.

"This feeling is so real! Can you quit?"

Pei Guang had PTSD about whether he could quit. However, when Pei Guang had this idea, Liuguang Yiting's messenger appeared on Pei Guang: "If you want to leave, I can take you away at any time~ Well~ With your help You can easily leave this world if you have the ability, but please don’t force yourself to leave, otherwise this world will be destroyed.”

At this moment, Pei Guang has been brought into this world of memory by Liu Guang Yi Ting's messenger. In Pei Guang's perception, this world is exactly the same as the real world. If Liu Guang Yi Ting's messenger hadn't been by his side, he would even have doubts. I traveled through time again.

This time Pei Guang entered the world alone. It wasn't that March Qi and Xing didn't want to come, but that Pei Guang rejected them because this time Pei Guang was planning to play a big game.

Anyway, this is the world of memory, it’s fake and fake. If you don’t indulge yourself a little, is this worthy of your status as a player?

Pei Guang: "Finally, let me ask you, is it okay for me to do anything in this world?"

The messenger nodded: "Yes! These people will only act according to the memory. As long as you want to do it, you can even destroy the entire world. And Mr. Fuli has reproduced something based on your memory. What is it specifically?" I don’t know, but He said you can feel it just by going into this world.”

Pei Guang complained at the side: "I really feel it..."

Pei Guang noticed that his system had received the email, yes! My system actually received the email! When I opened the email, I saw it was a big gift package from Fu Li.

[Memory World Gift Pack]

For each new action after use, you can choose a prop in your memory.

This is a gift package of memory, and after opening this gift package, Pei Guang's system gave new hints.

"It has been detected that the player is in a special game world. Every time the player restarts, he can obtain three random characteristics based on the selected basic props. Please enjoy the game."

It’s not the real world anyway, and the system has completely let itself go, not to mention that it’s not a good thing to keep players holding back. Players may care about the real world because they don’t dare to mess around in the first game, but if they hold it in for a long time, who knows what they will do? It's better to let players have a good time in this simulated world. As for whether it will affect the real world?

Not at all. Pei Guang is destined not to mess around in the world because of his bond. Pei Guang knows that he is a player. While practicing the player's path, he also knows that the world is real. The real world will compromise with players to a certain extent. At the same time, players will not bring bad things in the game into the real world.

Players can distinguish what is real and what is false. Although they will incorporate some things into the game because they are players, when it comes to reality, players will never mess around.

As long as March Qihexing and the people on the Star Dome Train are fine, then Pei Guang can tell clearly that something happened? Then we have to see if the world can conjure up a second cycle for itself. What's more, the second-week players are not as easy to talk to as the first-week players.

Looking at the prompts on the system, Pei Guang's expression gradually became serious. Looking at this information, he was sure of one thing. This time, he could really be carefree and happy.

Pei Guang: "I can do anything?"

Messenger: "That's right! And to facilitate your actions, you can speed up and pause time at any time according to your needs. This is just a world of memory. You can do whatever you want in the world until you don't want to experience this world. But Just a reminder~ In this world, in the past ten years, this planet will be destroyed by overwhelming insects~ Of course, if you are not satisfied, you can also choose a time point and region to start over, and choose your birth again. Location. But please note that your previous experience will affect your choice of next experience.”

To put it simply, if Pei Guang reaches a bottleneck in his development for a period of time and no longer wants to play, he will reload the file and this experience will be retained. When the next save reaches this point in time, the save will be automatically loaded.

During the experience, what you do in the previous archive will affect the next archive. Although it has an impact, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, making it more exciting to play.

"We will keep your play and development for a period of time, and then we will bring everything together at the end, and you can create the perfect ending that you like."

The messenger paused and continued: "If you don't force quit, we can even save your progress and let your companions play with you."

It can be said that the Courier handles Pei Guang very steadily. In the Courier's opinion, players are very easy to handle, but being easy to handle does not mean that they are easy to use. As long as the player is treated with the word "honest", the rewards gained from the player will be several times higher. ten times.

Messengers are not stupid, and this kind of thing is simply the best thing for a messenger like her who always upholds fair dealings.

Hearing these words, Pei Guang became excited. Not only can the game be played however he wants this time? Can it even be archived? At this moment, Pei Guang smiled.

The game begins

It wasn't until what was about to happen that Pei Guang took out something from his backpack. Since the game has so many functions this time and can load and save files, Pei Guang is ready to play it seriously, or even play a big one.

[Ten worker bees: The collection units of the zerg, which can grow into the basic structure of the zerg through mutation. Players can cultivate more powerful bugs for further development]

Pei Guang first chose units from StarCraft. StarCraft bugs may not be the strongest, but their development potential is definitely not low. What's more, he knows something about the breeding insect swarms. Although these insects are also evolving and developing, they are essentially divided. Judging from the strength of the units in StarCraft, as long as they do not come into contact with the Breeding Star God and his envoys, the bugs in StarCraft are completely worthy.

What Pei Guang wants most is actually the Warhammer's insect swarm, but this thing is not a basic item in the Memory Star God gift pack, which is very uncomfortable.

However, Pei Guang also noticed that although this worker bee came from StarCraft, it had more functions and could even develop more evolutionary directions on the original basis. It would not be a problem to point out a few queens of blades.

These alone were not enough to fight against these bugs, so Pei Guang looked at the three random characteristics given to him by his system.

[Reproduction: Players have special reproduction characteristics. Having enough food between two lives can quickly reproduce new lives. Life cubs have enough satiety to accelerate their growth. This is only effective for non-intelligent life or life that cannot reproduce naturally. . The life born will randomly inherit the talents of both parents. 】

[More geniuses: Under the influence of players, more and more talented people will come to you. The construction speed, production speed, and research and development speed of player forces will be improved to a certain extent, and talents will be more rationally utilized. 】

[Efficient resource conversion: Players can always obtain efficient resources from the enemy, and their own troops can search for more available resources from the enemy forces]

Pei Guang looked at the three characteristics that came out and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! These three characteristics can be said to be very suitable for the development of the insect swarm. Very good! Let me develop bugs in this world and use bugs. Fight the bugs!"

Pei Guang was on a planet where people lived and developed, and on this planet, Pei Guang began to develop rapidly.

Although many people and things in the memory world can be made real, in order to facilitate Pei Guang's experience, Pei Guang chose to speed up many things directly.

Pei Guang's system has a log function. In the past, this log was only used by Pei Guang to review the plot, but now this log has become an important prop to help Pei Guang develop, because through this log, Pei Guang can directly know this period of time. What exactly happened, just skip some pointless plot.

Ever since, time began to speed up.

[In the first month, the ten worker bees worked hard, collecting resources, laying a carpet of bacteria, and the worker bees were breeding with each other. 】

[In the second month, resources are collected, bacteria carpet is laid, and worker bees and worker bees are breeding]

[In the tenth month, resources are collected and the worker bees are transformed into a hatchery. 】

For ten months, the worker bees have been collecting resources, and using the resource conversion feature to convert ordinary resources into the resources needed by the worker bees, and then using the reproduction feature, the worker bees give birth to more and more resources, and the more resources they collect. When resources are sufficient, the worker bees begin to build a hatchery. With the hatchery, Pei Guang will have the most basic combat units.

While the hatchery was being built, Pei Guang saw some more useful information.

[The emergence of hatcheries has aroused fear among humans in this world. This is a world of feudal autocratic monarchy. This is a divided world. The people do not have enough to eat or clothing to keep warm. 】

Looking at this information, Pei Guang knew what he should do.

Population, Pei Guang needed population, and he happened to have the characteristic of resource conversion. Using this characteristic, Pei Guang obtained a large number of resources, and came to a village that the worker bees detected.

This is a dilapidated village with only a few dozen households. This village has just been forcibly taxed, and the remaining rations for most people are not enough to survive.

When Pei Guang came to this village, the first thing he did was recruit people.

"Everyone! I have a job here that needs people. I have no money, but I will make sure everyone has enough to eat and drink!"

The farmers in the village didn't believe it when they heard this, but they were already starving to death. As long as they worked, they would have enough to eat and drink, and some of them worked together.

"Do it, do it!"

Pei Guang led a group of people back to his base,

[Through efficient resource conversion, worker bees obtained enough food to feed a thousand people for a month, and recruited the first batch of workers in a village through food]

These people were frightened when they arrived at Pei Guang's base, but when Pei Guang took out the food and gave everyone a large bowl of rice, the rice was even covered with two large pieces of pork. .

[The workers were frightened by the appearance of the insects. Many workers thought they were going to be eaten. Pei Guang came out to explain the situation in person. The workers thought they would starve to death if they returned, so they stayed. 】

[A planting genius was found among the workers. Under the leadership of the planting genius, Pei Guang's crop harvest increased by 5%. ]

In the farmland, the farmer who was about to starve to death knelt on the ground looking at the abundant harvest in the field. In his eyes, Pei Guang was the only god. He was about to starve to death, but was brought to this place full of insects by Pei Guang.

At first, he felt that these insects were very scary, but now he just felt that these insects were very cute.

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