Before leaving the Scale Source Realm, Dan Heng looked back at this place for the last time, and then he turned and left, because there was nothing worth remembering here.

It is true that the train cannot carry him through this life, but he also believes that on the train he can leave precious memories belonging to Dan Heng as Dan Heng, and that is enough.

Dan Heng is preparing to return to the train. He still needs to maintain the think tank. This time Luofu Xianzhou has encountered too many things. Summarizing these things and adding them to the think tank is also a very large amount of work.

At the same time, Pei Guang's side.

Pei Guang was inviting friends to play in Luofu, but due to Dan Heng's influence, Pei Guang originally traveled to the fairy boat alone to invite. As a result, there was a little follower Bai Lu. Pei Guang took Bai Lu to eat while looking for friends to invite them to play.

No, when Dan Heng returned to the train, Pei Guang also received a message.

Take out your phone and take a look, what a guy! Jing Yuan actually formed a group, but there were only four people in this group: Pei Guang, Xing, Yue Qi, and Jing Yuan.

Jingyuan: "Everyone~ I have finished training~ I will continue working tomorrow~ If I guessed correctly, the Star Dome Train will leave Luofu Immortal Boat soon, right? Before leaving, on behalf of Luofu Immortal Boat, I have a big gift to give Everyone on the train crew, everyone on the train crew must come to Shence Mansion tomorrow. I don’t know the contact information, so please help me contact them.”

After Jing Yuan sent it, the message on March 7 appeared on it: "Hey, hey, hey? Tomorrow? If you think about it carefully... it will really be the day when the train starts?"

March 7 looked at the information on the screen at this time, recalling the experience during this period, good guy! In less than a week, Luofu has experienced so many things.

Things were rushing and people were rushing around. Even though the train had only stopped for seven days, she felt like she had been struggling for three or four months.

On average, one big thing is solved a day, and there is no idle day.

Xing: "Is it so fast? I haven't had enough fun yet!"

March 7: "Okay~ There is teleportation, we can go back and forth at any time, and play as we want~"

Pei Guang: "Yes! But having said that, General Jingyuan~what is your gift?"

An emoticon of rubbing hands was sent on the phone. It can be seen from this emoticon that Pei Guang attaches great importance to the gift.

Jingyuan: "Hahahaha! I won't go into details here. I guarantee you will like it. Of course! In addition to the gifts given to everyone on the train crew on behalf of Luofu Xianzhou, I also have an exclusive gift for you~ You There are three hundred and fifty jars that can reveal treasures!”

Pei Guang was originally looking forward to the gift Jing Yuan mentioned, but when he saw the number Jing Yuan sent, he was stunned.

After a moment of silence, Pei Guang jumped up excitedly: "How much?"

Looking at the numbers above, Pei Guang jumped up and down with excitement. After a while, Pei Guang spoke in the group: "No more words, I'm already looking forward to understanding!"

Xing: "I'm looking forward to it too, three hundred and fifty! At worst, there can be two golden lights, right?"

Pei Guang: "I said, can you say something auspicious?"

Xing: "Only one can come out?"

Pei Guang: "If you only get one out of these three hundred and fifty, I will kill you!!!"

Xing: "Oh~ You can't say this kind of thing secretly~ I'm shy around outsiders."

Pei Guang: "?"

March 7: "?"

Jing Yuan has left the group chat.

At this moment, Jing Yuan looked at the vigorous speeches of the three pioneers in the group and didn't know what to say. Looking at the content on his phone, Jing Yuan could only sigh: "As expected of young people, they are really good at playing."

After all, Jingyuan is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves, and there are also some young people on the Luofu Immortal Boat who are more playful. This kind of thing can be understood.

In response to Xing's rude remarks, Pei Guang and March Qi came to Xing's room and had an in-depth communication with Xing.

After a group of three people had a rough time, the three of them got together and made a total calculation.

March 7: "What do you think General Jingyuan's gift will be?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "If you ask me to guess, it will be proof that we have a friendly relationship with Luofu."

March 7: "Hey! Are you so shabby?"

Pei Guang reached out and knocked March Qi on the head: "No! This is the best gift! I guess what we have done along the way in the main line has already filled up Luofu's favor. The next step may be to form an alliance or something else. , and then give us a gift that is more commemorative than practical.”

Xing: "That's right, what A Guang has opened on this journey is more useful than anything else. It's tomorrow! I'm really looking forward to it~ I'm so anxious."

March 7: "Hey~ Let me tell Ji Zi and Uncle Yang about this good news. By the way, there were a lot of people going to Luofu at that time. Do you want to invite them all? After all, this is a gift to our train crew. It should be There needs to be a sense of ceremony, right? Do I have to dress up properly? No, no! Luofu has just experienced a catastrophe, and it’s not a festival this time..."

Pei Guang: "It's okay, we will have a festival soon, and you can dress as beautifully as you want~ Hey, after you said that, I suddenly remembered something, it looks good~~"

March Qi took a breath of air. She looked first at Xing and then at Pei Guang: "I'm telling you! Are you going to tell me this in front of her?"

Pei Guang: "Huh?"

Pei Guang understood, he understood everything. He grabbed Xing's face and turned her face to the side. Then Pei Guang said, "I want to see something good~ This time it won't be in front of her!"

March 7: "I really lost to you!"

Xing: "Hmph~ What's there to look good at~ Isn't it just beautiful clothes, or~ Hehe~"

Xing showed a bad smile~ And March 7th stretched out his hand and knocked Xing on the head: "It must not be what you are thinking in your head. If it is, I will directly drag A Guang into the house. How can it be so What nonsense?”

March Qi said nothing when she said it casually, but when she said this, her whole face turned red: "Huh? What did I just say? Ahem, I didn't say anything. That's right! I just want to Show A Guang my carefully selected holiday dress! Heng Heng originally wanted to show it to A Guang secretly."

Hearing this, Pei Guang held March Qi's hand: "Qi'er, don't do this kind of thing secretly, do it openly. Only me can see it. If this happens, Xing will definitely cry again." Crying again!"

Xing retorted loudly: "I won't cry!"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "Does this mean you will cry and make trouble?"

Xing puffed out his chest proudly: "That's right!"

March 7: "No...what are you proud of?"

Xing: "That's right! I'm proud!"

Because it was a private scene, both Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 were very open-minded. In the process of teasing, joking, and gossiping with each other, the relationship between the three people also underwent subtle changes.

After some fun, the three people told everyone on the Star Dome Train about the incident.

On the second day, Pei Guang, Xing, Yue Qi, Walter, Dan Heng, Xi'er, and Yin Lang, who came to the Luofu Immortal Boat and made a lot of troubles on the Luofu Immortal Boat, all came to Shence Mansion.

When a group of seven people arrived at the entrance of Shence Mansion, Fu Xuan, who had been waiting for a long time, greeted everyone.

"Are you here? I didn't expect it to be so early."

Pei Guang: "How do you feel?"

Fu Xuan looked at Pei Guang: "Do you want to be an acting general? It's very tiring, but it doesn't matter. This time I also know my shortcomings, and next I also know what I should do."

Halfway through, Fu Xuan thought of something and looked at Pei Guang: "Huh? Why did I say it here? You go in quickly! The general is already waiting for your arrival."

Pei Guang: "Let's go in now."

Entering the Shence Mansion, Jing Yuan saw smiles on the faces of the group of seven people who came. When everyone came over, Jing Yuan said: "Everyone! We are called here to reiterate that Luofu Xianzhou has no name for the train group. Thank you for your kindness.”

Jing Yuan recalled what happened in Luofu these days, including the star core crisis, the secret story of the Medicine King, and the Great Lord of Extermination. In addition to these major events that harmed the Luofu Immortal Boat, such as the rectification of the Mingchi Clan, the revival of Jinren Lane, and the Yuxiang Space Project, These matters, which were not trivial to Luofu, were all solved by those present.

From the fairy boats in Luofu to individuals, too many people in Luofu have been helped by the pioneers.

Because of this, Jing Yuan's eyes were a little warm when he looked at Pei Guang and his group. If possible, he wished he could get on the train and travel around the galaxy as an unknown guest, but he still had many things to do...

Thinking of this, Jing Yuan looked at everyone and continued: "I think that what you have done is far from being repayable. Therefore, on behalf of the Yunqi Army, I give you a jade omen that symbolizes [the friendship of the alliance]."

Pei Guang looked at Jing Yuan excitedly: "Is this the favor reward given to us by Luofu?"

Jing Yuan smiled and nodded: "That's right! But this jade omen is not that simple. Thousands of years ago, the alliance was established, and all the immortal boats swore an oath together, and engraved the jade omen as evidence. The world was in panic, and it was not This is my oath. The same goes for this jade omen. It records the commitment of the Luo Fuyun Cavalry to everyone in the train group. At the same time, it is also a beacon. Holding it tightly will send a message to the paired jade omen in my hand. After a long journey, Luo Fuyun's cavalry will meet up with the train to complete what you have entrusted."

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this gift and knew how heavy it was, especially March 7, who couldn't help but sigh: "This is really a big investment!"

Pei Guang looked at Jing Yuan curiously: "Huh? Does that mean you can contact me through this if you have difficulties?"

Jing Yuan: "Yeah~ OK!"

Pei Guang: "Very good! Don't worry, General Jingyuan. If you have any crisis in the future, just come to me. If you don't have any crisis, it's fine. No matter where I am in the universe, I will take over your mission~"

Jing Yuan: "?"

Why did he feel like what he wanted to say was taken away by Pei Guang? But thinking of Pei Guang's performance along the way, Jing Yuan smiled and said: "No problem! If you have any difficulties, A Guang, you can contact me at any time. Even if you face the Star God directly, Luo Fuyunqi will be at your call!"

Pei Guang: "Don't worry, we won't treat this thing as a toy."

After speaking, Pei Guang looked at Xing and explained: "Let me tell you, this prop looks very awesome, but according to my experience, there must be a limit to the number of times it can be used."

Silver Wolf on the side nodded and said: "That's right! According to traditional arts, this kind of thing can only be used at the most critical moment to achieve its greatest effect."

Listening to the exchange between Pei Guang and Yin Lang, Jing Yuan was deeply pleased. The speeches of these two people also proved that his observation was correct.

Jing Yuan took a deep breath and looked at Pei Guang: "In addition to this gift given to the train crew on behalf of the entire Luofu, I also have a gift from Luofu to you."

As he spoke, Jing Yuan clapped his hands, and a projection appeared in front of Pei Guang: "This is a cargo ship. The Luofu Immortal Ship has stuffed all the bottles and cans you can use into it, a total of three hundred and fifty. I'm really sorry, because of the secret of the King of Medicine, one batch was damaged during transportation, and these are the only ones left. These things are not valuable, but they also represent the feelings of everyone in Luofu."

It was okay that Jing Yuan didn't speak, but when he spoke, Pei Guang's breathing quickened.

"Good people! Good people! You people in Luofu are so kind! This is the first time I have seen such generous people in so many years."

Xinghe March 7 didn't quite understand Pei Guang's feelings, but Silver Wolf understood it particularly well: "Since I walked to the Milky Way, this is the first time I've seen such a generous person, Ah Guang! Sure enough, I have more prospects hanging around with you. Waiting for the Star Core After the hunter series mission is completed, I will form a team with you."

Walter also lamented: "In any game, no one would dare to give so many rewards, three hundred and fifty draws..."

Star: "At least two golden lights!!!"

Pei Guang: "Don't be clumsy! I have decided to draw these rewards after I take a shower and change clothes!"

Xing: "Xuan Bu changes his fate!"

Silver Wolf: "Krypton can't save Fei!"

March 7: "Why don't we open it now? I'm also looking forward to seeing if some good stuff comes out!"

Pei Guang shook his head: "No! Never! I have to wait until I have the best luck before I smoke! I will never touch it now!"

Looking at Pei Guang with an excited face, Jing Yuan knew that he had given the right gift. For Pei Guang, the most precious treasures in Luofu might not be as good as these bottles and jars.

As for gifts, it is better to give something the other party likes than to give something expensive. In fact, even Jing Yuan is a little curious about what Pei Guang can give.

Looking at everyone chatting, Jing Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: "Hahaha! Don't worry, everyone, there will be many more rewards in the future. Each fairy boat is also collecting what you need, Pei Guang. I will notify you when these arrive. , you can come and get it anytime.”

Pei Guang: "Stop talking. Luofu will be my home from now on. Anyone who dares to come to my house to cause trouble will be killed by me. Do you want me to help you chop down a few fertility tokens to add to the fun? Otherwise, you gave me this gift." It’s too big, I’m embarrassed to accept it!”

Chapter 257: The train that cannot move forward, the locust plague that is about to begin across the world

After listening to Pei Guang's words, Jing Yuan was silent for a moment and then spoke: "That's not necessary! This is just the gratitude of the Xianzhou Alliance. As long as you are satisfied, it proves that our gift is right. The future of Wumingke It’s still a long time. I wish the train a safe journey. Then, farewell.”

In fact, Jing Yuan was really moved. He was sure that if he told Pei Guang about this now, Fengrao people would be considered awesome if they could survive three Amber Epochs. There is no guarantee that Pei Guang will even be able to squat near the Fertile Star God in a few decades. He will bless one and Pei Guang will kill the other.

This temptation was too great, but Jingyuan resisted because he understood that Pei Guang had given too much to Luofu Xianzhou and Xianzhou Alliance. For players, these hundreds of draws are very important, but these few hundred draws and There is a huge disproportion between what the player has to do.

What's more, there are some things that the Immortal Boat Alliance can only do on its own. If it relies entirely on external forces, how will the Immortal Boat Alliance face other crises in the future?

Because of this, Jing Yuan refused, but he accepted Pei Guang's kindness.

Watching Jing Yuan leave, Pei Guang touched his chin and said, "Is this the end? Let's get back to the train next?"

Xingze looked at Pei Guang: "Then should we say goodbye to the friends we met during the trip?"

March 7: "But we can come back at any time?"

Pei Guang: "Yes! And they... I just met them yesterday, and invited them to attend the Aether Front Interstellar Peace Ceremony. It feels weird to say farewell suddenly."

It's not that Pei Guang doesn't want to say goodbye, but it's just that he just invited everyone to play yesterday, and today he said he was leaving, and then turned around and went back to find people to play with, which felt weird.

March 7: "Yes! There is Yuxiang Space. We can come back whenever we want. There is no need to be so sad. Hehe~ Even to the next planet, we can even bring the friends Luofu knows there to play. It's really It’s great.”

The more she thought about it, the happier she became, and a bright smile appeared on her face. However, when she thought about it, she became a little unhappy again. She took Pei Guang's wrist and muttered dissatisfiedly: "Really, if I could do it earlier, How nice it is to meet you~ In this way, we can see the scenery of many worlds and play in many worlds.”

Seeing March Qi's coquettish look, Walter smiled and said: "You will definitely have the opportunity to return to those planets again in the future and experience these worlds from a new perspective. This galaxy is very big, big enough to accommodate any possibility. "

The group of people chatted casually and then returned to the train. Seeing everyone coming back, Jizi said hello and asked: "Everyone, how are you?"

March 7 came over excitedly at this time: "Super awesome Jizi~"

Pei Guang: "This trip to the Luofu Immortal Boat is over, right?"

Star: "That's right~"

Walter also spoke at this time: "A journey has come to an end. Everything has an ending, and after the ending is a new beginning."

Listening to Walter's words, Jizi looked at Walter with interesting eyes: "Why don't you let Walter stay on the train next time, and I will take you to explore a new world together?"

However, before anyone else could speak, Walter joked: "When did the train have such a duty system?"

After saying that, the two people smiled at the same time, and Pei Guang asked Ji Zi and Walter: "So, our next stop~"

Himeko: "Pinoconi, do you remember? We were planning to go there before Kafka invited us."

Pei Guang: "Remember!"

Star: "Same as above!"

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