In life, worker bees can help him work, and springtails can hunt with him. And he took all his wives over. They had food, drink, and a comfortable life. This plant genius was ready to fulfill his dream, which was to increase food production.

And through unremitting efforts and the support of insects, he really succeeded in increasing food production. At this moment, the plant genius cried.

In this terrible world, people are eating people, but bugs actually help people survive. At this moment, this planting genius thinks what he should do. Farming cannot save more people, and more people need to be freed from the habit of cannibalism. The environment can lead to a better survival, and humans and Zerg must develop and prosper together!

In the human town of the Zerg, the former planting genius looked at the humans around him and shouted loudly: "Everyone! It is the great gods who keep us fed and clothed! They are the messengers of the gods! And Lord Pei Guang! It’s our gods! Fight for the gods!”

"Fight for God!"

The people brought by Pei Guang spontaneously awakened their minds and prepared to let more people fall into Pei Guang's arms.

As a result, new content appeared in Pei Guang's system log.

[The planting genius believed that farming could not save more people, so he took the initiative to let more people join the Zerg tribe, and the planting genius turned into a thinker]

[The thinker allows more humans to join the Zerg, and the humans spontaneously help the worker bees with their work. The worker bees give humans food to maintain their survival. Humans and the Zerg in your territory begin to coexist peacefully]

[More humans have joined the Zerg, and some deviations have occurred in human aesthetics]

The appearance of these people was slightly beyond Pei Guang's expectations, but it was not a big problem. Now, after several years of development, Pei Guang already has the basic land combat units of the Zerg. The emergence of these units has been able to crush this world, so Pei Guang has decided to unify the world and allow humans and Zerg to develop jointly.

It's not that he has not considered killing them all directly and only developing bugs, but after thinking about it, Pei Guang found that killing them all would not be efficient. Besides, wouldn't his bugs that kill all people be no different from the bugs they breed?

So Pei Guang raised his arms and took these well-fed and clothed people as well as a group of puppies, cockroaches, banelings, and saboteurs to happily conquer the planet.

Through continuous differentiation, fusion, and dimensionality reduction to combat general force oppression, all humans on the entire planet have become Pei Guang’s population. In this process, Pei Guang’s bugs have multiplied more and more, and with the reproduction, they have become more and more numerous. More and more, Pei Guang saw the experience tips on the log.

[With the continuous reproduction of the insect swarm, Pei Guang embarked on the road of breeding and opened up a new direction. Breeding is not mindless splitting and copying, but taking the essence and discarding the dross, and developing in a direction more beneficial to the continuation of the race. Prosperity with other life. The alert value of the Breeding Star God Taizyuros has been increased, and your insect swarm will receive the attention of Taizyuros]

Looking at this log, Pei Guang fell into deep thought. After pondering for a second, Pei Guang decided to continue to develop his own bugs. When the bugs for breeding star gods arrive, he will let the breeding star gods know what real breeding is. Who is it? This is the real insect swarm.

Chapter 259 The development of the Zerg and the joining of Aha~

[The player Pei Guang occupied this planet and named it Al, and the Zerg occupied Al]

[The overwhelming Zerg did not frighten the people on the Al planet, but instead they were calling for their only supreme being, Pei Guang! 】

[The player Pei Guang has ruled all humans on this planet, and humans and Zerg have begun to coexist peacefully and evolve together]

It took Pei Guang three years to successfully rule everyone on the planet. At this time, Pei Guang was looking at the system log and thinking about the next development.

"Based on this planet, we will begin to occupy the entire galaxy, and then gradually expand to the surrounding galaxies. The joint development of humans and insects is indeed very exciting."

This is not Pei Guang's nonsense. It is true to say that the Zerg are very strong, but in various games, the combination of Zerg and humans can often produce more powerful combat power.

The genetic technology of the Zerg is returned to humans, and humans use their own wisdom to create higher technologies that are fed back to the Zerg. The two complement each other.

Besides, in many of the games Pei Guang plays, he can only develop in one line without cheating, but now he can develop two or even three lines at the same time? Pei Guang's interest suddenly peaked.

Considering the need to develop together with humans, Pei Guang ordered a special genetic route for the Zerg. In the short term, this genetic route did not improve the Zerg in any way and even wasted a lot of resources.

But Pei Guang has a longer-term vision. The mainstream of this world is still intelligent creatures. Although civilizations can accept weird-looking existences, the cuter they are, the higher the acceptance.

[Pei Guang has carried out better genetic selection in the hatchery. No Zerg knows why useless and wasteful genes are added, but Pei Guang is their supreme supreme. They can do anything for the supreme supreme. They are willing Do anything for the Supreme Being]

[The new Zerg have incorporated the latest genes, and they will become cuter, but behind their cute appearance, they will greet the enemy with terrifying attacks. 】

[Humans like the new cute bugs, but some humans think that ferocity is what the bugs should look like. The first ideological conflict broke out between cuteness and ferocity]

[You stepped in to mediate this strange ideological conflict, because in your opinion, you want the cute one, and you also want the fierce one, and there is no conflict between the two. 】

Faced with the strange contradictions from the human side, Pei Guang just smiled, but according to the needs of the territory's life, Pei Guang produced different types of bugs in certain proportions according to the needs of the ferocious and cute factions.

The development of bugs is affected by their characteristics and they can reproduce asexually. However, considering the human side, Pei Guang still allows each type of bug to branch off into an evolutionary branch, which is to evolve towards human form.

According to the needs of the people in the territory, Pei Guang even implemented a true inclusive marriage. No matter how poor or rich, everyone can apply for a wife or husband from Pei Guang, and each person is limited to one place.

[The Zerg has opened a new evolutionary direction, and more larvae can grow into humans. 】

These wives and husbands are all evolved from insect genes, but their appearance is definitely in line with human aesthetics. If some people have special hobbies, they can even retain some organs for decoration.

As for whether life after marriage is harmonious? It was quite harmonious, because no one could defeat the Zerg. And no one can evolve into what the other party actually wants like the Zerg.

Sufficient food and perfect material satisfaction have allowed human thought in this world to begin to progress. Everyone regards Pei Guang as the only god in the world, and Pei Guang's words as truth.

[The offspring born from humans and Zerg will mainly have human genes, supplemented by Zerg genes. These descendants will have smarter brains, stronger bodies, and absolute loyalty to Pei Guang]

After genetic optimization, the life span of both humans and Zerg has been extended to a certain extent, and the average life span will reach 130 years.

[Under the command of Pei Guang, the Zerg became law enforcement members]

The public offices of the entire world are all replaced by Pei Guang's bugs. Under Pei Guang's targeted cultivation, these bugs have human thoughts and morals, are based on law, supported by morality, and carry out operations in accordance with the most basic values ​​​​of human needs. For official activities.

However, the Zerg occupies the public prosecutor's office and the army, all of which are carried out by the Zerg. The Zerg's emotions evolved at the request of Pei Guang, but the emotions they evolved have only one purpose, for the supreme supremacy.

They can understand human emotions and make judgments based on human morals and thoughts, but they will never tolerate humans, because Pei Guang gave them the order.

"Maintain human order and abide by social ethics"

This also results in Pei Guang's Zerg not rigidly executing orders like a machine, but constantly adjusting according to social conditions to better suit the needs of the common development of humans and Zerg.

In terms of government affairs, it is completely conducted by humans. The Zerg are responsible for a complex government review system. Pei Guang's Zerg are absolutely loyal. Under absolute loyalty, no one is corrupt. The government of this world has reached a relatively fair level. level.

And most people who enter government agencies have Zerg genes. They are smarter and can make more correct decisions in politics that meet Pei Guang's requirements.

Pei Guang also knows his own political limitations. As a player, all he has to do is to make any demands and NPCs can fulfill them. As for resource issues, players must find solutions. Players can also solve manpower and land issues.

The entire world is developing rapidly, and Pei Guang is constantly changing the evolutionary direction of the Zerg based on the information provided by the system log and his own ideas.

It stands to reason that Pei Guang could give the Zerg the ability to fly interstellar in ten years, but considering the longer-term development, it took Pei Guang thirty years to give the Zerg the ability to fly interstellar.

[Player Pei Guang built the first Leviathan. Leviathan has all the infrastructure of the Zerg and most of human basic technology. Leviathan will lead the humans and Zerg on Aiur to conquer this galaxy]

The planet named Al by Pei Guang is still developing. Although it took thirty years to fly out of the planet, at the moment of flying out of the planet, Pei Guang's troops were expanding at a terrifying speed.

[Through Leviathan, Pei Guang’s troops occupied the entire galaxy, and the El Galaxy belongs to Pei Guang from now on]

[The production of the second Leviathan is completed. Leviathan and Leviathan give birth to smaller Leviathan through better reproduction. The number of Leviathan is increasing. 】

Under Pei Guang's command and the support of resource conversion characteristics, the number of advanced Zerg units is increasing rapidly. In fact, whether you are building a Leviathan or breeding one, the resources required are almost the same, but breeding can directly inherit attributes, save a lot of time, and convert the obtained resources as quickly as possible.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that under the command of Pei Guang, these Zerg races are not mindless annexations, but know how to develop sustainably. They even use the energy of stars to start making Dyson spheres. Humans designed them according to Pei Guang’s requirements. The Dyson Sphere, while the Zerg continue to evolve and multiply and evolve themselves into a part of the Dyson Sphere, providing sufficient resources for the Zerg and humans.

With these resources, the Zerg are expanding at a faster rate, and the humans on the planet Al are also rapidly multiplying. In the process, the player characteristics that originally belonged to Pei Guang are also activated.

[Player Pei Guang acquires passive skills. Ordinary units of the force to which he belongs can evolve into elite units through constant fighting, learning, and exploration. Elite units can evolve into heroic units on this basis. The offspring of elite units have a small probability of becoming elite units and heroic units. The offspring must be elite units and have a small chance of being hero units. Elite units and hero units will lose all bonuses when they are separated from the player. 】

[One general becomes famous and his bones are withered, and his subordinate Kevin is promoted to an elite unit in the battle with the legion]

[Kevin killed a doomsday beast in the battle with the Legion, and Kevin was promoted to a hero unit]

[The force to which ally Jing Yuan belongs receives this buff]

[The force to which ally Bronya belongs receives this buff]

Yes, in the game, Pei Guang has acquired an exclusive passive skill, and at this moment, this skill is fully used by the forces that Pei Guang belongs to in reality.

Whether it is the heroes on the earth who have already fought against the legions that are coming again, Belloberg's silver-maned iron guards and mechs, or the cloud cavalry army of the Luofu Immortal Boat, they all feel the power of this force. Bless.

At this moment, the messenger who was watching everything happening in the memory world was dumbfounded. In less than an hour in real time, the player had gained new abilities and had gone further on the player's path?

Messenger: "If this continues, will Mr. Pei Guang come out and..."

The messenger's worries are unnecessary. With the limitations of the Memory Star God and the system, Pei Guang will not grow much.

The skill he obtained this time was just because Pei Guang was wondering if it was too much to not have elite units and heroic units. When he thought about this, he thought of the earth and his own territory, and Pei Guang came up with this skill.

In the final analysis, the emergence of this skill is due to the influence of reality. It is just that the memory world has advanced the time of thinking about this skill a little bit. The overall impact is not big.

Unlike the last simulated universe, Bo Shizun completely let go of Pei Guang's restrictions in the simulated universe, but this time Fu Li almost reached the limit, but even so, the speed of development of the memory world also made the messenger confused. shock.

But soon the messenger had no time to be surprised, because she saw that people from other galaxies had already arrived in this galaxy, and Pei Guang also planned to start attacking other galaxies. Now is the most critical moment, and the messenger must keep watching. Pei Guang's performance.

At the same time, Pei Guang also saw the update of the system log.

[A group of uninvited guests came to the Ayr Galaxy. They saw the threat of the swarm and decided to flee their homeland. They accidentally came to the Ayr Galaxy occupied by the zerg]

This was a fleeing fleet. When this fleet jumped to this galaxy and found bugs all over the galaxy, they thought they were doomed.

Flagship Captain: "It's over! This galaxy is also surrounded by bugs!"

Soldier: "Commander! Our fleet is surrounded!"

Signal Corps: "Reporting to the commander, we have received a message from the commander-in-chief of this galaxy... These bugs don't seem to be those bugs?"

After hearing the words of his subordinates, the flagship captain also observed the bugs in this galaxy. Unlike the insect plague that obscured the stars, the bug swarm in the Aiur galaxy was too orderly.

Leviathan neatly arranged fleets in various areas of the galaxy, and countless bugs were arranged according to size like soldiers waiting for a military parade. When their fleet appeared, the insects did not attack, but stared at them vigilantly as if waiting for orders.

The types of bugs are even more bizarre, including large Leviathans and small things about the size of people. In addition to bugs, they even saw a warship that was almost like a normal ship, but seemed to be made of bugs?

Look at the stars in this galaxy. Super large buildings have been built to draw resources from the stars? How did this bug achieve such a high technological level?

What the captain was sure of was that these were not bugs in the plague, but at the same time, as long as he dared to take any action, these bugs would tear their ship apart.

While he was silent, their fleet received a signal from Pei Guang's forces.

The old thinker: "Hello foreign guests, I am a diplomat from El Star..."

The exchange between humans on El Star and humans in other galaxies began. Pei Guang's force officially stepped out of its own galaxy and began to move towards the broader universe.

At the same time, Pei Guang's system log also started to be updated.

[People who fled from other galaxies were unwilling to stay in this galaxy. They were moved by the enthusiastic people and bugs here. They left key information. The insect plague from the breeding star gods is about to arrive in this galaxy]

[Player Pei Guang has obtained key information. Only some people can escape, and more people in the surrounding galaxies are left to die. 】

[Player Pei Guang went all out to produce Leviathan, and sent humanoid units from the Zerg to join humans to occupy territories in surrounding galaxies]

[Player Pei Guang occupied the Terra galaxy, a galaxy rich in minerals, and a galaxy with beautiful scenery]

In just a few years, Pei Guang's fleet quickly occupied the surrounding planets that had interstellar navigation capabilities but found it difficult for high-level officials to escape. Under Pei Guang's strong suppression, these planets became Pei Guang's territory.

Under the stimulation of carrots and sticks, most people choose to join. After all, joining will have no impact on their lives or even lead a better life. If they don't join, they may die.

In addition to this, there is another reason for the rapid occupation. The cute bugs sent by Pei Guang have done great work, especially the humanoid bugs, which can satisfy all kinds of xp for men, women, old and young. In a world with advanced technology, the rich and powerful can He ran away, but those who had the ambition not to run also chose to throw themselves into Pei Guang's arms after finding out that he was rescued.

For ten years, every month, Pei Guang's Zerg fleet expanded at a terrifying speed. In less than ten years, the thousands of surrounding galaxies had all become Pei Guang's territory. At the same time, Pei Guang asked his fleet to send broadcasts to the universe.

[Pei Guang sends broadcasts, coordinates, and important information to the entire universe]

Cosmic Broadcast: "Beings living in various galaxies in the universe, I am Pei Guang, the ruler of the El galaxy. The breeding star god Taizyuros has carried out destruction in the name of breeding. What he and his people have to do is destroy each other." There is only a piece of scorched earth. As the true leader of the Zerg, I cannot watch Taizyuros tarnish the glory of the Zerg. In the name of the leader of the Zerg, I will launch an attack on all the enemies in the universe. Planets affected by Taiz Yuros! When you face the evil bugs trying to invade your homeland, please send a distress message to our coordinates, and we will do our best to send out Zerg pioneers to save you."

"People in the universe who want to resist Taizyuros! We Zerg are willing to cooperate with you. As intelligent life forms, we are willing to develop and prosper together with humans. Anyone who wants to fight against Taizyuros can come To the Aiur system, we welcome every being who wishes to destroy Taiz Yuros."

As soon as Pei Guang's document was released, countless civilizations in the interstellar were in an uproar. Nowadays, many civilizations that can sail in the universe know about the breeding star god Taizyuros. Facing the power of the star god, how can anyone resist?

Countless civilizations are waiting for jokes, but at the same time, some civilizations that have received Pei Guang's message and are facing the danger of insect disasters regard this message as a life-saving straw.

The second hour after Pei Guang's message was released, a special 'person' came to Pei Guang's planet for an interview.

"Hello, Dear Emperor Pei Guang! Let me introduce myself. My name is Aha. I heard that you are going to crusade against the Breeding Star God Taizyuros. I want to be a witness and stay by your side in this memory. In this world, you are the only one who can bring me some happiness. Please allow me, the great Emperor Pei Guang, to stay with you~"

[Happy Aha applied to join Pei Guang’s force. Aha was not satisfied with the false and fixed future of the memory world. He condemned the memory world’s Aha for the actions of the memory star god. He believed that he could help more people. Fun, no fun repeating what has already happened. 】

[Pei Guang allowed Aha to join. Aha expressed that he was very happy and wanted to give Pei Guang some power. Pei Guang disliked Aha's power and gave it to his Zerg. A larva received all the blessings from Aha. , this bug was influenced by Pei Guang and Aha's blessing, and it evolved wonderfully into a beetle with a humanoid white head. When he saw this bug, Pei Guang named this special bug: Hollow Knight]

The world of memory is still developing rapidly, but the messenger who is watching from the outside feels a sense of fear at this time. What makes her afraid is not the rapid development of Pei Guang.

Instead, he saw Aha in the memory world. When he applied to join, one of his masks actually looked at him. Through Aha's mask, the messenger could clearly feel the ridicule from Aha.

The general meaning of ridicule is: "How can a bystander who can only watch from the outside be happier than Him who is personally involved? You can only watch ~ but not play ~"

However, this did not frighten the messenger, because next to her, a masked 'person' was raising his middle finger to himself in the memory world. While this person was mocking, his expression seemed to be comforting. she.

"Don't be afraid to keep doing it. I'm a good person. I just think it's interesting and come here to have a look. Don't worry~ It's just a look~"

Chapter 260: The light-holding Zerg in the world of memory~

In the world of memory, time is still advancing rapidly.

[Happy Star God Aha became Pei Guang’s subordinate. A Star God took the initiative to become a human subordinate. This made countless lives in the interstellar feel confused. No one but Aha knew what Aha wanted to do. Aha said that he didn’t want to do anything but be a loyal subordinate of Emperor Pei Guang. 】

[Pei Guang received a request for help from the Masked Fool. A certain planet was attacked by a swarm of insects from the Star God Taizyuros. The Zerg sent a fleet to support. Pei Guang’s Zergs and the Star God Taizyuros’ insect swarm. Confronted. 】

This time Pei Guang tried to start a war with the Taiz Yuros family members from an entire star system. Just as they started to fight, Pei Guang's Zerg scattered like snowflakes.

The enemies are very strong and numerous, and they are perfecting their genes in constant battles. But after fighting for a while, Pei Guang discovered that these bugs also had a flaw, and it was a fatal flaw.

They will optimize their genes to make themselves as bugs more perfect. They will divide their labor and evolve differently according to their division of labor. But they have no brains, no thinking, and no tactics.

Although Pei Guang's Zerg breed is less efficient than them, Pei Guang has brains, and his own bugs also have brains after investing a lot of useless resources.

Pei Guang's Zerg first sent out a batch of extremely strong bugs, but with genetic defects. This gene can enhance the physical strength of the body. For bugs with only instinct, they will think that this is a high-quality gene and will Evolve according to this gene. The fact is that these bugs, which only know how to live, have really evolved according to this idea.

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