Dan Heng threw out the cute pink rabbit in his hand: "Now I have a way to deal with you, Jingliu...be careful, you may be injured in the next shot..."

Jingliu: "Oh? Will I get hurt?"

Jing Liu's interest came. If it were the former Yi Yue, she would believe that the other party could win, but Dan Heng? She also had a brief understanding of Dan Heng's experience. Although the unknown guest who developed his power had experienced many battles, he was still far from the fighting on the battlefield.

Dan Heng: "Well... my shot will cause blood, so be careful..."

This is not Dan Heng's bragging. When he first met Pei Guang, Dan Heng was still a serious person. However, after getting to know him for a long time, he found that some of the abilities that Pei Guang brought seemed a bit...well...unacceptable, but The effect is extremely useful.

It is precisely because of this that Dan Heng is sure to kill Jingliu with one strike.

Jing Liu took the salted fish and looked at Dan Heng: "Since you have it, let's try it! I also want to see what level you are now. As for killing me? Just do it, this body has already experienced I fought countless times and was killed by you once..."

Jingliu wanted to say that it didn't matter if she was killed by Dan Heng once, but when she saw the cute pink rabbit in Dan Heng's hand, she hesitated.

It was true that she had a salted fish sword in her hand, but her intuition told her that Dan Heng's cute pink rabbit was more terrifying.

Looking at the hesitant Jingliu, Dan Heng pointed the spear in his hand at her: "Are you afraid? If you are, I won't use this move... In fact, this is the first time I have used this move. According to Ah To tell the truth...I will launch a powerful attack on you!"

Jingliu: "Afraid? How could I be afraid?"

Jing Yuan, who was watching the battle, heard these words clearly, but looking at Jing Liu who was so frightened that tears were hanging on his face, Jing Yuan's face showed no expression. He even felt a little itchy in his head, as if he was about to become a konjac.

Jing Yuan: "It seems that I need to ask Dragon Girl for some medicine to take care of my body.

Originally, Jingyuan had no hope for this reunion, and even in his opinion, this time was definitely the last reunion before they completely parted ways, but judging from the situation at the scene, they would definitely part ways, but everyone seemed to have a future. …

Jing Yuan took a deep breath and looked at the sky. In the future of this world, everyone's destiny is fixed. Everyone is a slave of fate. Even the star core hunters only chose them among countless destinies. Considered to be the best.

But the appearance of Pei Guang completely broke the fate that he should have. Pei Guang is like an observer who personally ends up, able to change everyone, and even change the fate of the entire world.

Luofu Xianzhou's experience was like this this time, and so was Jingliu, Blade, Dan Heng and even Bai Lu. He didn't know what the future would be like, but looking at the two people who were about to deliver the final blow, Jing Yuan smiled.

In any case, he and Luofu Xianzhou put their future on Pei Guang this time...

No, it should be said that in the possible future, Pei Guang is willing to take Luofu and the Xianzhou Alliance with him.

While Jing Yuan was thinking, Dan Heng and Jing Liu also made final preparations. Dan Heng took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions and looked at Jing Liu.

"One last reminder, you may die from this blow. This is also the first time I fight in this way. I am not sure how to control the force, and I may accidentally hurt you."

This move was once proposed by Pei Guang, but because using this move would waste a teleportation opportunity, and because he had never encountered an enemy who needed to rely on instant teleportation for a sneak attack, Dan Heng had never used this move. one move.

But facing Jingliu, Dan Heng knew that he would lose if he didn't use this move.

Seeing that Jingliu didn't say anything more and was just preparing to receive his blow, Dan Heng decided not to hide. This blow was not only to fulfill Zeng Danfeng's wish, but also to make Jingliu understand the difference between himself and Danfeng.

"Life and death are virtual and real, in just one thought..."

Originally, Jingliu thought it was just an ordinary attack, but when Dan Heng really used his power, Jingliu suddenly realized how terrifying Dan Heng was.

She originally thought that Dan Heng's weapon special effects were the same as hers, only changing the appearance of other people's weapons, and adding a meowing special effect when attacking. But after actually seeing Dan Heng using his full strength, she knew she was wrong, and How wrong it is.

Dan Heng's special effects are more advanced, more awesome, and more terrifying than his own! If his weapon had just turned into a salted fish sword that looked salty, felt salty, and licked salty, then the cute rabbit in Dan Heng's hand was absolutely alive.

Whether it is Blade or Mirror Style, its own power will not be affected by weapon special effects, but Dan Heng's power will be affected by weapon special effects and will completely change the surrounding environment.

Because when Dan Heng used his special skill, everything around him became pink, and the lazy sound of cats could be heard in the air, as well as the scene of cute pink rabbit fur flying all over the sky.

The power that originally belonged to the Dragonborn around Dan Heng's body became even more pink and tender. This pink tenderness made Jingliu, who was originally full of confidence, subconsciously take a step back.

It was too scary, it was really scary. At this moment, she finally understood the horror of the pioneer Pei Guang. Changing the appearance of the weapon was just the basis of the basics. The truly terrifying special effect was to change everything from the inside to the outside.

And because Kyoryu's mental strength and resistance had been improved, she deeply felt the spying from the cute pink rabbit.

Will die! He will definitely die. If he is hit by this blow, he doesn't know whether his body will die, but he will definitely die in the future.

The future Yunqi Army will definitely shout: "The head of a sword from thousands of years ago was stabbed through by a pervert with a pink glow all over his body with a cute pink rabbit."

His good disciple Jing Yuan would even sigh when he misses him: "Jing Liu, Jing Liu! Why did you get stabbed by this thing?"

There may even be rumors spread by the Masked Fool or the Riddler that he was killed by a pink cat.

Yes, if ordinary people use cute pink rabbits to kill people, it will never be effective, but Jingliu can feel that in the special effects of Dan Heng's weapons, it is not only the power from Pei Guang that can distort and change the world.

I even felt the attention of some special beings and the attention of some forces. These people were definitely just watching the excitement and did not consider it a big deal. They sent those who were killed or injured by Dan Heng to death in society.

Compared to society's death... Jingliu hopes that he will be infamous for thousands of years. After all, his deeds can be a warning to future generations, but if he really dies, he will really be laughed at until the world is destroyed.

Jing Liu became serious. When she was serious, Jing Yuan covered his face when he saw the serious expression on her face.

no! Even Jingyuan, who had lived for so many years and had seen countless cute people and things, was fascinated by Jingliu's cuteness, and even felt a heartbeat.

In fact, no one will reject the cute Kageryu. Its cold temperament combined with the cute expression. Such a contrast can make the already good-looking Kageryu even more popular.

But the cute Kyoryu combined with Dan Heng who is glowing pink...

At this moment, Jingyuan took out his wine and took a sip to calm down his shock.

"Looks like I have a day when I can't drink too much!"

Jingyuan gave up treatment completely. This was a private party anyway. Since it was a private party, while stabilizing the situation, he could indulge a little and take a look at the results of the previous competition with his companions.

As for danger? He is not worried at all, let alone Dan Heng. Even if he has a few consumables in his hand that are given by Pei Guang and can restore 100% of all attributes, it is a pity that these things cannot resist the demonic body. If energy production can resist the demonic body, If it were a ghost body, Pei Guang might have been invited away in a sedan chair by Marshal Ba of the Immortal Boat Alliance, right?

While Jing Yuan was thinking on this side, Dan Heng on the other side was also ready.

"The cave is transformed! Have a long sleep!"

Dan Heng's body moved, and Jingliu could feel Dan Heng's powerful power, but seeing the blow, Jingliu spoke: "If it's only to this extent..."

While Jingliu was speaking, she had already concentrated on Dan Heng. However, at this moment, she saw Dan Heng suddenly appear in front of her, and at the same time, part of Dan Heng's pink cute rabbit also entered her shoulder flesh. middle.

She looked at the cute pink rabbit that had half of its body entering her body. At this moment, the cute pink rabbit seemed to be taunting Jingliu.

"Are you stupid? I can teleport!"

Jing Liu felt like he had seen a ghost. Why were Dan Heng's weapon effects so taunting?

At this time, Dan Heng noticed that his blow did not severely damage Jingliu, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Sorry, it's my first time to use this fighting method, and I have some bad control..."

This is the truth. When Dan Heng used this move, he was prepared to hit Jingliu with one shot.

But fortunately, he has strong personal control, and Pei Guang's teleportation is really reliable. He can teleport wherever he wants without any deviation. This is why Dan Heng's blow did not hurt Jingliu.

Jingliu: "I...lost? Hahaha! I lost!"

Jingliu lost. At this time, the light in Jingliu's eyes had disappeared. Little Pearl seemed to be asking for no money. Of course, it's not that Jingliu wants to cry, it's that she can't control herself at all!

But not to mention, this little pearl's behavior made Jingliu's spirit ┗|`O′|┛ Wow~~ so much that Jingliu didn't know whether he should cry or not.

But if you think about it carefully, you have died enough times today, so this time is not the last time. It would not be a bad thing to boost your energy so that you can better resist the evil body.

Looking at Jingliu who was crying and dropped his little pearl, Dan Heng also fell silent. He knew that the special effects given by Pei Guang were very exciting, but this was too exciting! The cold temperament of the other party coupled with these tears, both men and women are killed! Anyone with feelings will be killed.

At the same time, watching this scene, Jing Yuan couldn't help but complain: "Looking at this scene, I always feel like Brother Dan Heng, you are an ungrateful person who plays with other people's feelings!"

Jing Yuan was trying to smooth things over, but the scene was really bad now. Dan Heng poked Jing Liu on the shoulder with a pink cute rabbit. Jing Liu looked at him and was thinking, but his red eyes were full of grievances, especially Looking at Jingliu who dropped the little pearl, Jingyuan didn't know how to complain.

What he regrets most now is not calling Pei Guang here. If Pei Guang was here, would he be able to collect this scene?

However, just when the cute pink rabbit poked Jingliu, Jingliu dropped the little pearl, and Jingyuan was thinking wildly, Blade, who had been killed by Jingliu and fell asleep, woke up.

Kageryu's sword is still so familiar, so familiar that it makes him feel at peace in his heart. Not to brag, this sword may have more impact on him than Kafka's sealing of the demon body.

At least now, I feel that my brain is very comfortable, and my whole person is much more relaxed.

So the sword that was lying on the ground silently got up. However, when he got up, he saw a scene that made his brain shut down.

Danheng actually poked Jingliu into tears with a cute pink rabbit? Damn it! ! ! etc? Why be hateful?

Blade's brain, which was not so bright, felt like it was going to be overloaded at this moment, and his body, which had finally calmed down after being slashed with a sword, was getting hot at this moment.

The demon's Yin body means that he can't control himself! ! !

However, because of Dan Heng, Blade already had a certain amount of psychological construction. At the same time, Silver Wolf also taught Blade two moves while chatting these days.

Recalling Silver Wolf's teachings and seeing the scene, Blade lay back silently and closed his eyes again. This Blade felt that his body was so relaxed and his consciousness was so indulgent. Holding his own weapon, Blade suddenly felt confident. Quite a few.

I don't know how long it took, but Blade got up again. When he got up again, the expression of Jingliu finally disappeared. Looking back again, I saw Kyoryu wearing a blindfold at the table not far away and saying hello to Blade.

"Wake up, come on! After drinking this glass of wine, we should part ways."

Blade stood up and looked at Jingliu: "Don't take off your blindfold."

Jingliu: "That's why I wear an eye patch now..."

After this battle, although Jingliu was disgusted by Dan Heng's cute pink rabbit, she also found that her cute expression special effects were really disgusting. Just thinking about fighting someone and killing them with a cute expression makes you feel chilly for the enemies you may face in the future.

When he thought about the fact that all the special effects for them were given by Pei Guang, Jingliu immediately came up with the idea not to offend Pei Guang in this life. Now that Jingliu thought about Pei Guang fighting her with these special effects, she felt like her cute body was about to be offended.

Dan Heng: "But having said that, Jingyuan, why don't you come up with a special effect? ​​Now you are the only one who is not one of them. I just know that A Guang has a useless special effect in his hand, even though it is a toilet peg."

When Dan Heng said these words, everyone was silent. Both Ren and Jingliu were imagining the scene of Jing Yuan pressing the toilet bowl. At the same time, imagine that the god's weapon becomes a toilet peg.

Thinking of this, even the blade couldn't help but smile.

Jing Yuan looked at everyone's expressions and toasted: "Okay! I'll have a chat with him when I get the chance. You all have it, why don't I look like I'm unsociable?"

After saying that, Jingyuan drank the glass of wine in one gulp, and Jingliu on the side also looked at Dan Heng: "Dan Heng, thank this unknown guest for me, thank him for allowing me... to finally experience... These things in the past cannot be undone, but in him I see the possibility of change in the future..."

Blade looked at Dan Heng: "This time it's over. The next time I see you, it will be your death."

Dan Heng took out the cute pink rabbit, and when he saw the cute pink rabbit blade, he roared: "Don't use this if you have the ability!"

Dan Heng: "Pei Guang gave it to me~ why shouldn't I use it!"

Blade: "Dan Heng! Do you know that you deserve a beating like this!"

Dan Heng: "I just put on this look on purpose. I just want to see the expression on your face that you think I deserve a beating but you can't do anything about me."

Blade: "You are looking for death!!!!"

Chapter 256: Rewards given to players by Luofu Immortal Boat

When the last glass of wine on the table was drained, Jingliu stood up with a smile on his face.

"Five Xiaos on the Cloud... It's time to say goodbye to each other... It's time for me to accept that it's my share of the price. Dan Heng, this time... thank you."

For Jingliu, this experience was a complete transformation for her, but she also understood that the good times would eventually end.

Ren didn't say anything but just looked at everyone, and at this moment Jingliu turned to look at Jingyuan: "There are both good wine and good memories. This party is really wonderful. But it is also sending me off to Xu Ling It’s time. Jingyuan…”

Feeling Jingliu's gaze, Jingyuan looked at Jingliu and said seriously: "The alliance's laws cannot be changed, but unfortunately, your next stop is not the Xuling Mausoleum, but the Jade Palace."

Jingliu: "What?"

Jing Yuan didn't say anything more, just smiled, while Jing Liu looked at Jing Yuan, paused for a while and then smiled: "You are still the same, always trying to break other people's plans, but this time... "

Jingliu thought of the special existence of Pei Guang. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, "I understand. I will cooperate with you this time. I thought I would only be on the winning side, but now it's unclear who wins and who loses." "

Watching the two people riddle here, Dan Heng stood up and said: "Since this party is over, I will leave."

Jing Liu turned to look at Dan Heng, and after a moment of silence he smiled again: "Goodbye!"

She originally had something to say, but these words turned into ordinary farewells.

Dan Heng: "Goodbye!"

Jingliu: "Get along well with your friends. You have changed a lot, but this is not a bad thing..."

Dan Heng: "You too, be careful to cover your expression. Not many people can resist your cute expression."

After saying these last words, Dan Heng stood up and prepared to leave. Since the party was over, there was no need to stay.

However, when Dan Heng was about to leave, the silent Blade looked at Dan Heng: "Dan Heng, the chase between you and me is not over yet."

Dan Heng: “I’m happy to accompany you!”

However, as soon as Dan Heng finished speaking, Ren changed his tone and said, "In Elio's script, you have a need to live. I don't mind making the revenge process very long. It might be more interesting this way." "

Dan Heng pondered: "In other words, you still want to chase me and kill me, but you just want to wait until everything is over? Will you have a new reason to give up the pursuit of me after everything is over? I understand. Yes, you are the legendary tsundere!”

When these words came out, the first person who didn't hold back was Jingliu: "Pfft~Tsundere~"

Jing Yuan: "Ahem!"

Although Jingyuan didn't say anything, the two coughs expressed his feelings, and what about the blade? He gritted his teeth after hearing this.

But after taking a deep breath to calm down, Ren didn't say anything, turned around and left. No matter what, he and Dan Heng would meet again, and he was looking forward to the next meeting.

Although every time he sees Dan Heng, he has to commit a crime of demon Yin body, but when he thinks of Dan Heng, Ren also feels mentally relaxed. Maybe for Blade, Dan Heng is already his only spiritual sustenance.

how to say? After chasing someone for so long, he still feels uncomfortable if he is not allowed to chase him.

Dan Heng left, and with Dan Heng's departure, the story of Yun Shang Wu Xiao also came to a complete end. Now the remaining four people all have their own goals and lives. They may get together in the future, but when they get together again, they will no longer be the five heroes on the cloud.

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