Xi'er wanted to speak again, but then she suddenly thought of something and her eyes lit up: "Yes! Several Earth Fire brothers were injured by their advanced weapons."

At this moment, whether it was Xing, March Qi or Xi'er in front of him, his eyes were full of wisdom. We were all acquaintances, so we naturally knew what Pei Guang meant.

Pei Guang continued to ask: "Did you hurt them?"

Xi'er's eyes flashed with the same wisdom as Pei Guang: "No! You know that Earth Fire's equipment can't even break through the iron bumps on their bodies."

Pei Guang took out a body-worn video device and hung it on Xi'er's chest, and then said, "Go! Get back the situation."

Xi'er: "Thank you, I know what to do."

Xi'er has a very bright mind, especially when it comes to fighting, and has the talent to teach herself without a teacher. At this moment, she knew what Pei Guang was doing. Pei Guang not only asked her to regain her position, but also asked her to take charge.

Pei Guang: "Come! I put Bai Lu's gourd in the first space of the public space, but save it and remember to put it back after use. By the way, give this to your people. According to what Bai Lu said before, after eating this, you can It was found out that a very effective treatment drug was used to treat the injury..."

The wisdom in Xi'er's eyes shined brighter: "I understand!"

Xingze asked worriedly: "Is that okay? Their technology looks quite advanced, so it should have a video recording function, right?"

Pei Guang: "There was it before, but whether it will happen after that is another matter."

March 7: "Xing! Have you forgotten? A Guang knows it~"

Star: "Hey~"

March 7: "Hey~"

At this moment, Xing suddenly remembered everything.

At this time, the company employees on the side looked at the sudden appearance of Pei Guang and his group, and they were a little confused. They didn't know why the girl who had just been so aggressive and ready to fight suddenly became honest. Could this guy be the talker in the lower class area?

Thinking of this, the head of the staff team looked at Pei Guang: "That one over there, the company is conducting a property assessment, and no one else is allowed to approach."

Xi'er came over at this time, turned on the video mode and said, "Be careful what you say, I turned on the video!"

Staff leader: "What?"

Xi'er: "What? Let me ask you! Did your people hurt our people?"

Staff leader: "It's you..."

Xi'er: "I'm just asking you if you hurt any of our people. To be honest, I was recording the incident."

The ordinary employee on the side trembled: "Injured! But..." He wanted to say that it was just an accident, and the company would compensate for the scratch, but before he could say anything, the team leader next to him scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

The team leader realized that something was wrong. As a team leader of the company, he had naturally seen many tricks. Because of this, he always gave priority to throwing the blame away when he spoke. However, this ordinary employee had only joined the job not long ago and did not understand the twists and turns. He subconsciously Tell Xi'er the results she wants.

And this is what Xi'er wants. She smiled: "Very good! I don't understand so many principles, but killing people to pay debts and paying back money. Since you have hurt our people in Earth Fire, then don't blame me for being ruthless. Just follow the butterfly." Let’s dissipate together!”

The pure power of hunting destiny burst out instantly, and when such pure power burst out from Xi'er, the team leader must have encountered a tough problem. He was about to contact his subordinates to fight back. However, at the moment when he was about to fight back, Pei Guang Snapped his fingers.

All surrounding employees' devices were hacked by Pei Guang, and all videos, audios, and files related to the lower area were deleted, and their devices were temporarily short-circuited. By the way, Pei Guang also hacked into its server and left a message on the server. : "I, Silver Wolf, did it."

In almost an instant, all the surrounding employees were knocked down by Xi'er. Xi'er didn't learn anything else from Pei Guang, but she learned how to deal with people. She beat up all the employees present, and then fed each person a drop of Bailu's special healing medicine.

As long as you are not beaten to death, even if your organs fail, this super healing medicine can cure you instantly. After the beating, he was treated, and after the treatment, he was beaten. It was really going to cause a big fuss. No matter who checked, it was found that the employee was beaten but not injured.

As for whether the Earthfire Man was injured? I'm injured! If it weren't for the super useful healing medicine that Pioneer used to treat it, the scratches would be almost healed. When things really got serious, the company sent people to investigate, and the final result was that someone from Dihuo was injured, so Xier took action in anger.

What injuries did the people in the ground fire suffer? Anyway, it's been cured and can't be found out, so you can just take care of it. The final result of Xi'er's action was the damage of some equipment, but Xi'er had to pay for the compensation. Today's Xi'er is a wealthy group, and coupled with Xi'er's relationship with Xianzhou and the train, it is absolutely possible to compensate. fixed.

But if an innocent employee of yours is injured, how should you compensate?

Anyway, all your equipment records are gone, and someone here recorded evidence of the person you said hurt us.

It can be said that Pei Guang's move gave him all his dignity and face. If things got really big, the final result would be the company's own problem.

Not only did he beat someone up, he even found a place for Belloberg after beating him up.

Xi'er was fighting fiercely here, while Pei Guang on the other side took a look at the mark he had left on Dena Tang: "Well, this guy is in the lower area. It seems that he is in the mechanical settlement. He is looking for Shi Varro?"

March 7: "Let's go, the people in this company are too domineering, we must give him a good beating."

Regarding March Qi's words, Xing looked at her seriously: "Do you think... is there a possibility that we can be more domineering than him?"

March 7: "How is that possible? We are the pioneers of justice!"

Star: "A righteous backstab? A righteous siege?"

Pei Guang: "Just say justice is unfair. By the way, since this is a sneak attack by justice, you all put on your hoods."

March 7: "Wearing a hood? I really do~"

March 7th actually took out a black hood from the storage space, and looking at the hood, Xing and Pei Guang's eyes revealed a strange light.

Feeling the gaze of his companion, March Qi scratched his head in embarrassment: "Well, when you didn't say anything about robbing the bank, Aguang, I just made a little preparation, just a little bit."

Pei Guang: "Well prepared, let's go!"

The three set out to find the company employees in the mechanical settlement.

While Pei Guang went to look for Swaro, Denatang also brought his people to the lower area. While the lower area ordered employees to seal off the entire lower area, he also came to the mechanical settlement in the lower area to find Swaro. Luo.

He came to Swaro alone, and when he saw a stranger appearing, Clara hid behind Swaro.

"Heh, it seems the source is right. An unbreakable bond has been established between the large robot and the little girl. It's really heartwarming."

Donald's words made Swaro's big red eyes flash. According to Swaro's emotional analysis, it could determine that what this person said was contrary to his will. He didn't care about the bond it established with Clara, he had other purposes in mind.

However, Swaro did not speak, because it saw the company's logo on Denatan. Seeing the logo, Swaro directly asked: "Interstellar Peace Company's logo, why are you here?"

Although Topa communicated with Giovanni on the etheric front in the arsenal that had been evacuated in the lower area, Topa did not meet Swallow during the process, let alone the machinery of the Mechanical Settlement, so Swallow did not Don't know about the company.

After hearing Swaro's inquiry, Denatan looked at Swaro: "Jalilo-VI, that is, the assets of the planet under your feet will soon be owned by the company. No one can reverse this result. No force in the galaxy can No. So I need your support and the support of all the aircraft in Beloberg. If you don't support me in taking over Yalilo-VI peacefully, the company will use strong methods to make Yalilo-VI surrender."

Denatan's tone was full of orders, because in his opinion, it was inevitable to win this planet, not to mention that she was also prepared to face Belloberg's mechs.

Swaro was silent, but then his eyes flashed red and vetoed: "Impossible, the company cannot occupy this planet. Occupying this planet will cause irreparable losses to the company. It is impossible for the company to do this." Do."

Shivaro's big head analyzed it very carefully. It mobilized the records in the database when it was linked to Pei Guang's Star Destroyer. Pei Guang's Star Destroyer could directly destroy a planet without the power of destiny to protect it.

Even with the guardian of destiny, its terrifying power is enough to destroy all life on the surface of any planet in an instant.

According to calculations based on Swaro's existing information, if a war were to begin at any cost, the Star Destroyer Company might be able to kill it, but the cost would be too high for the company. As a Star Destroyer, in order to better destroy planets and even stars, it has a complete internal defense system. It is no exaggeration to say that even without using the Star Destroyer's main gun, it can destroy most planets and even large fleets. .

This is not the scariest thing about this Star Destroyer. The scariest thing is that it has the ability to instantly jump. As long as there is enough energy, it can instantly jump to any location and can make multiple jumps.

If they really fight without any scruples, the damage caused by this Star Destroyer may be higher than that of hundreds of Belobergs.

The Star Destroyer does not belong to Beloberg, but Beloberg belongs to Pei Guang to a certain extent. Swallow analyzed Pei Guang's character. According to the logic of Pei Guang's behavior, Pei Guang is Definitely not watching Belloberg become a company.

There used to be video games in Yaliluo-VI, and there are some video game records in Shiwaro's memory bank. After Yaliluo-VI could connect to the Internet, in order to understand the logic of Pei Guang's behavior, Swaro even recorded a lot of information about the game.

Its memory bank contains Pei Guang's description of this planet: "This is the novice village...the next new map...when novices are guided..."

Based on these keywords, it confirms that this planet is a Novice Village in the eyes of the player Pei Guang. For players, the Novice Village is of great significance. Even if the Novice Village is dilapidated, no player will watch the Novice Village he saved become someone else's. s things.

Based on the logical analysis of the behavior of a large number of game players, it analyzed that it is absolutely impossible for Pei Guang, a player, to watch the change of ownership of Beloberg. For players, Novice Village is a sentiment, especially for Pei Guang, who has gained a lot in Novice Village. With basic materials and rare props, players will inevitably regard the Novice Village as their own territory.

As long as they are strong enough, players will never watch the Novice Village be invaded. The act of forcibly occupying is tantamount to a direct declaration of war for the players.

And when Pei Guang has such powerful force, the company should not conflict with Pei Guang. This kind of conflict is not conducive to the preservation of both the company and Belloberg.

Because of this, Swaro directly refused: "The company cannot occupy Beloberg, and the power of the pioneers cannot be provoked."

Hearing the three words pioneer, Danatang's eyes were full of disdain: "I admit that if unknown guests from the pioneering forces appear, it will indeed be a trouble, but it is a pity that these pioneers are overwhelmed in Luofu Xianzhou, and their next move The station is Pinoconi and they have no time to care about this dilapidated planet. Even if they have time, are you sure they will come forward for your affairs? Behind me is the Interstellar Peace Company and the great Amber King."

Swaro: "No, the Guardian Star God Creeper will not stand for the Interstellar Peace Company."

Denatan: "Are you insulting the great Amber King?"

Schwarzenegger: "No, I just analyze it realistically based on the existing data. He doesn't care about the company."

It is true that there are protective envoys within the company, but the Amber King does not care about the existence of the company. The Amber King only cares about the protection of the universe and does not care about what the company is doing. Even if the company blocks the way, he actually does not care, because No matter how much the company blocks the road, it will not stop him from clearing the dust.

However, he does care about the trash cans that appear on the way to save his life, because this thing can indeed strengthen the wall he built. But the problem is that now Cripper has mastered this concept through Pei Guang's influence and his own concepts. And the strength of the wall of protection has been increased and reached the upper limit.

Basically, if he doesn't start a war with Pei Guang, then this concept can be used forever. As the guardian star god, he doesn't care about the fighting and killing in this galaxy. He just wants to wipe out the ashes, plus give Pei Guang The barrel turned the hammer, and Xing's flame spear was enchanted. How could he start a war with Pei Guang?

As for the company's help in finding trash cans, He didn't care at all.

Swallow was telling the truth, but this sentence angered Denatan. As a senior executive of the company and a fan of Clipper, he would never allow anyone to say bad things about Clipper.

Denatan: "You actually insulted the great Amber King. It seems that you are going to force me to use something hard."

Denatan took out a copy of the source code and introduced: "The mechs you use are imitations of the mechs that have been left on this planet for seven hundred years. Naturally, your engineers will not know such a useful code program. Replacement means that I can use the old source code to control all of your mechas, Swaro! You have to pay the price for what you said before!"

Swaro: "?"

Schwaro was very wronged. As a machine, although it was developing towards silicon-based life, it still essentially acted according to the most basic principles of the program, and the existing protector Beloberg was.

When it comes to faith, strictly speaking, it is also a believer of Creeper. After all, it also practices the path of protecting the destiny. And if it tells the truth, how can it become an insult to the god of protecting the star?

At this time, Clara also felt something was wrong. Although she was young, she had a very deep understanding of the mechas. Although she could not understand what the source code was, she could probably feel that the other party wanted to forcibly control Swaro.

"You are not allowed to harm Mr. Shiwaro!"

Clara was standing in front of Swaro at this moment. Seeing Clara standing in front of him, not only Swaro's eyes turned red, but all the surrounding mechas and all the mechs controlled by Swaro in the lower area also turned their attention to Dena Down and its employees.

Seeing Clara, Denatan still said patiently: "Little sister, the bond between you and your robot touches me, but unfortunately, there is something wrong with your robot program. Now let me transfer it Once the program is repaired, it will still be your Swarovski."

As a follower of Creeper, Denatan is only mercenary, but he doesn't care about anything with a child. After he takes control of the mechas here and completely conquers Beloberg, he will return Swaro to Krala. Yes, but it’s hard to say what kind of Swaro he will be then~

If you dare to disobey him, you are still a robot. How can Denatan give you good results?

Seeing that the other party did not take action against Clara, Swaro's mechanical tone became slightly more relaxed: "Please stop, your actions may bring irreparable losses to Interstellar Peace Company. Calculations show that even if you can control Bello For all Berg’s mechs, your probability of success is still 0.”

After hearing this, Dena Tang was no longer too lazy to beep, and directly started the source code in an attempt to control all the machines here.

However, when he started the source code, he was stunned. Neither Shivaro nor the other robots responded at all.

At this time, Swaro replied: "Unfortunately, this source code could control all mechs, including me, a month ago. However, under the influence of the Trail Blazers, the programs of all Belloberg mechs have been changed." After the replacement is completed, the source code from seven hundred years ago will not be able to affect us.

In fact, Swaro's program even said that the upgrade of all Beloberg's mechas had been completed long ago when Pei Guang and the others were fighting and killing in Luofu.

As for how to do it? The time has to go back to when Pei Guang took out the Star Destroyer to threaten Swaro.

At that time, Swaro entered the Star Destroyer's internal program through the Star Destroyer certification process for verification. After verification, it confirmed that Pei Guang had the ability to easily and completely destroy the planet.

Therefore, he added three rules of action under the article of protecting Belloberg's underlying code, one to protect Pei Guang and two to protect March 7th.

The birth of the Pei Guang Star Destroyer has nothing to do with the Star God, but the normal operation of the Star Destroyer and the intelligent system inside the Star Destroyer are closely related to the Star God. For example, the power system. Originally, the Star Destroyer had no energy source. If you want to open it, Pei Guang will have to find energy.

In addition to finding energy, it also requires manual control to run. After all, according to the traditional skills of the game, good things cannot be used by players so quickly.

Although Pei Guang is a player, this world is not a real game after all. Although the things that appear will compromise the player's gameplay, they will also abide by common sense to a certain extent. Besides, the strength of Beloberg should not require the action of the Star Destroyer.

So Pei Guang would say at that time: "This kind of thing should have many restrictions, but I don't know why it can be used."

But this is a situation that normal players will encounter. There are a few people who are not afraid of trouble and find that there is fun to watch, so they come to watch the fun as energy. In addition, because the original system of the Star Destroyer is not intelligent, it is just a super fool-like operating system that conforms to the player's operation. A certain star god who seeks the truth of the world has installed the strongest intelligent system in it, making the Star Destroyer more fool-like to operate, convenient for more detailed observation of the player's actions, but at the same time it also adds more useful functions to the Star Destroyer.

When Svarro connected to the Star Destroyer system for inspection, he naturally connected with the strongest intelligent system in the universe in the Star Destroyer. This simple connection alone made Svarro grow a lot. This growth was implicit and did not show up at the time, but later it changed Svarro.

Svarro saw the horror of the Star Destroyer's intelligent program, but just observing the program logic and recording some "corner predictions" allowed Svarro's own system to be greatly improved. After confirmation, the improved system was helpful for the combat of the mechas, so all the mechas were upgraded.

For Svarro, there are better programs and they are still used. This does not conform to the maintenance method written in the underlying logic. Only better programs can be better maintained.

This directly led to the direct failure of the Denatang source code. This source code can control the mechas made with the previous systems as the underlying system, but now Svarro has done this, and the entire system has been upgraded.

Although Svarro's intelligent system is not so hackable, it is impossible to control Svarro and the mechas in the lower area by relying solely on the previous source code.

"What's going on?"

After using the source code, Denatang found that it was completely useless. He didn't believe it and used it again, but it still didn't work.

"How is it possible?" Denatang frowned.

According to records, the robot program used by Beloberg was made based on this source code. How come the source code is invalid?

Seeing that Denatang used it several times in a row and it didn't work, Swarro reminded him: "The underlying program of all Beloberg's robots has been separated from the previous program, and we can't be controlled by relying on the previous source code."

"Employees of the company, please stop encroaching on Beloberg. Such behavior will cause losses to the company and will only cause losses to your interests."

As a robot, Swarro still hopes that the company employee in front of him will not commit suicide. After all, Beloberg will fly out of the planet in the future. For the future of Beloberg, Swarro naturally hopes that the company will not suffer losses from Beloberg.

Because according to its calculations, in the absence of special variables, if the person in front of him acts forcibly, it will only lower Pei Guang's favorability towards the company. If Pei Guang really starts working with the company in the future, Beloberg will most likely stand on Pei Guang's side.

The future outcome is unknown, but if this happens, it will obviously be detrimental to the preservation of Beloberg.

However, Swarro's words sounded like a mockery in his ears: "Heh, you do have some tricks, but these little tricks will only anger me. It doesn't matter, you are a robot and don't understand the company's tactics. Even if you can't control these machines, this planet will eventually belong to the company. When that day comes, I will be the first to demolish you. No one can stop it, even if those unknown guests come, they can't stop it."

Dena Tang made a harsh statement. Although he wanted to demolish Swarro now, the company has procedures. No matter how domineering the company is, it is still a belief preservation. At the same time, this planet was developed by the pioneering forces after all. Although the pioneering forces have no time to take care of it, if they completely ignore the procedures and rules, the pioneers with a strong sense of justice may hold on to this matter. At that time, it will be troublesome for the company, and it will be a proof of disadvantageous work for himself. This situation must be avoided.

However, when Swarovski was about to say something when he looked at the company employee who had said such a harsh word, he suddenly noticed that two familiar people and one unfamiliar person were squatting and walking towards him.

The people who came were none other than Pei Guang, who was wearing a player's head to simulate Sambo, and Sanyueqi and Xing, who were wearing a black hood.

Seeing this scene, Swarovski felt that his brain had crashed a bit, because his system was asking him: "Do you think there are three pioneers in disguise here?"

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