Obviously, if it was a brainless mecha, it would definitely choose No, but Shivaro had changed. It had a brain, so it could naturally determine that there were three people here, and walked towards Dena Tang in front of it.

Whether it was Sang Bo, Xing or March Qi, it knew them all. It even chatted with Pei Guang and March Qi yesterday. But it didn't understand why Xinghe March 7 followed Sambo? Are they still wearing hoods?

The information about Sangbo is recorded in its database. According to the information in the database, this person is definitely not a good person. Why do the two unknown guests who often follow Pei Guang follow Sangbo?

After Swaro thought about it for a while, he realized it! Everyone realized that the person holding Sangbo's head was not Sangbo at all, but the pioneer Pei Guang.

Chapter 249 The counterattack against the company begins

Under the witness of Swaro, Pei Guang, who was holding Sambo's head, took out a sack and put it directly on the head of Dena Tang, who looked angry.

At this moment, Swaro blocked Clara behind him: “Children are not allowed to watch this.”

Clara: "Huh? I just..."

Swaro: "Sambo."

Clara said seriously: "It's Mr. Sambo, but those two people look so familiar..."

Swaro: "There is no record of relevant personnel in the memory bank. It is speculated that he is Sambo's companion."

While Clara and Swaro were communicating, Pei Guang said in a very normal tone: "Hey~ He was caught by me, every cause must have its consequences, and your retribution will be me. Company dog! Beat!!"

March 7: "Hit!"

Star: "Enemy! Fight!"

The three of them just wanted to beat him up because of his arrogance. Naturally, they wouldn't really beat him to death or cripple him. Although there were special medicines and recovery tools to treat serious injuries, but still, this thing is on its own. Pei Guang doesn't feel bad if he is used by others, but Pei Guang feels bad if he is used by the enemy.

In order to economize on use, the three of them naturally had to control their strength so as not to injure themselves as much as possible. As for a bruised nose and a swollen face? As long as it's not really hurt, what's wrong with the swelling?

Coupled with the previous experience of beating up scumbags, the three of them have learned how to beat people until it hurts, but the pain is not unbearable.

To put it bluntly, these three torture methods are much more sophisticated.

While being beaten, the employee struggled and shouted: "Stop! Stop!!! Help!!!!"

March 7: "He shouted for help..."

Pei Guang: "It's okay! Fight! If you don't give in, keep fighting."

After playing for a while

Pei Guang: "Do you accept it or not?"

Hearing Pei Guang's question, Denatang didn't understand for a moment. Why should he be convinced? What to take? I was beaten when I was in a daze, but the other party asked me if I accepted it?

Even if he is asked to obey, he still knows what to obey, right?

Dana Tang: "I don't..."

What Danatang wanted to say was that I don't know what to do, but as soon as he said these two words, Xing looked at Pei Guang: "So courageous? As expected of a company employee."

Pei Guang: "It's okay! Beat! Beat until you are convinced."

The three men continued to beat him for a while, and then stopped again.

Just as Pei Guang was about to ask, Denatang shouted first: "I accept it! I accept it!"

This sentence made Pei Guang suddenly shout: "Stop!"

Xinghe March 7 ordered him to stop and stopped immediately. Pei Guang took off the sack from his head. Denatang got up with a bruised nose and face. He looked at Pei Guang's blue-haired man fiercely. He said, "Who are you? How dare you attack me?"

Pei Guang: "Let me tell you! This Beloberg is protected by me, Sambo. If you want to acquire Beloberg, you have to ask my fist if it agrees. If you still play forced acquisition, you will threaten this planet." You're done. Give him the whole life."

Pei Guang looked at Xing, and Xingxin understood and walked up to Dena Tang arrogantly. Although she was wearing a hood, the mouth of the hood was exposed. Xing took out gum, chewed it, and then blew out a bubble that was twice the size of her head and as thin as a cicada's wing.

At this moment, everyone at the scene was silent. Whether it was Swaro or Dena Tang who was beaten, their heads were buzzing.

On the contrary, Clara, who was hiding behind Swaro, saw this scene and widened her eyes curiously: "It's amazing..."

Hearing Clara's compliment, Xing sucked the gum back into his mouth with force and chewed it while saying proudly: "That's right! No one can blow a piece of gum bigger than their head like me! This is mine Unique skill."

At this moment, Shivaro's eyes flashed red, and Denatan suddenly had a strange feeling. Is there something wrong with the minds of the three people in front of him? What's going on after being beaten by these three?

Pei Guang applauded with satisfaction, and then pointed at Dena Tang: "Sambo, remember, take care of yourself and your men, or you will not be able to reap the benefits next time you fall into my hands."

Hearing this sentence, Denatan gritted his teeth: "This is what I should say to you, don't let me meet you again, otherwise, for the sake of the great Amber King, I will definitely let you die without a burial place."

Pei Guang looked at Xing and Pei Guang, and said in a surprised tone: "Oh~ this person is quite capable! Are you the only one who is the great Amber King? Is this the Amber King you are talking about? Come on! Show us what we have of trophies.”

At this moment, Xing took out the Flame Spear, and the amber light from the tip of the Flame Spear enveloped the entire square at this moment.

Seeing this light, Danatang opened his mouth wide.

Employees above level 40 are already considered senior managers of the company, and as a fanatical believer in the Amber King, he naturally knows what this is. This is Creeper's miracle.

Pei Guang: "Do you see what this is? If you have the ability to come up with something more powerful than this, you will be a person, otherwise! You are just a daddy, don't babble for me here, no more babble When I see you, I, Sang Bo, will pull out my hair and straighten my tongue every time I see you."

Dana Tang: "You! You!!!"

Danatang's eyes widened. He looked at the flame spear, felt the pure power of protection on it and opened his mouth, unable to say anything.

Pei Guang: "Do you think we can threaten you with this thing? Okay, let's give you a chance!"

Xingxin understood and handed the flame spear to Denatan: "If you are a person, come and stab me with this flame spear!"

However, when Xing approached with the flame spear, Denatang subconsciously took a few steps back. Pei Guang took the flame spear and put the tip of the spear between Denatang's eyebrows: "You can't do this, right? You have no use for your chance! Since you are such a waste, just be honest and don’t let me make any trouble here, otherwise you will be doomed next time I see you!”

Pei Guang put away his flame gun, stretched out his hand and patted his face gently, then turned and left.

After Pei Guang turned around, March Qi also said: "If you dare to bully others again and use your company's name to threaten others, I will beat you up hard!"

After all, March 7th was a civilized girl and couldn't say Pei Guang's slanderous words, but she still threatened him in a way.

After March 7th threatened, she turned to look at Xing: "Come on! Say a few words too!"

Xing looked at Dena Tang seriously, her expression serious and serious: "Two words!"

March 7: "?"

March 7: "I asked you to say a few words, not just a few words."

Xing: "Yes! I said two sentences."

March 7: "Are you playing with me?"

Star: "Hey~"

March 7: "What are you talking about?"

Amidst the commotion, Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi left. After walking far away, Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi all took off their hoods.

March 7: "I'm so happy! But Ah Guang, will this guy... take revenge for the beating?"

Pei Guang: "Absolutely~ But, it's Sang Bo he's causing trouble for, what does it have to do with us?"

Star: "Poor Sambo took the blame~"

Pei Guang: "It's not pitiful at all. I think that guy is still enjoying it."

Although he didn't have much contact with Sangbo, Pei Guang was sure that he was a fun type of person and that he was not bad at all but hid his strength to play in this city.

According to what Pei Guang knew about the setting of this world, Sangbo must be a member of the pleasure force. Otherwise, how could he agree to his idea so readily?

March 7: "Really? But look at that guy. Whenever I see him, he always has a smile on his face."

Pei Guang: "Of course that's true. Besides, let's have fun and be very reasonable from beginning to end. As for this employee, since he has been offended, we will be ruthless next."

Xing: "That's great, but the thought of us still having to pay them back makes me feel uncomfortable."

Xing is not a careless person. If she can pay back the money, she naturally wants to pay it back. But when she thought of Belloberg's suffering for seven hundred years, she felt fine if those mechs were used back then. But according to her understanding, those mechs were not used at all and were put on top with flesh and blood. This made Xing subconsciously not want to pay back the money. I don't think it's accurate, but I probably don't want to return the money to the company so comfortably.

Pei Guang: "Of course it cannot be returned directly. The resources the company gave Belloberg were not used at all, so the money must not be included in the account. Again, if this resource is used, even if the company is in capital , then this money should be repaid, but these mechs were not used due to the company's reasons, and even led to the death of a large number of people and problems in the war. I don't think this money should be counted. "

March 7 said sadly: "But there is no evidence..."

Pei Guang: "Don't tell me about the evidence, we really have a way..., have you forgotten, Liu Guang Yi Ting?"

March 7: "Hey! But will they help us?"

As soon as these words were spoken on March 7, a familiar voice appeared next to him, and the messenger's figure appeared in front of the glass not far away: "Of course you will~ You are our big customers. When you have needs, we will Naturally, I will come to help, but this help is not free~Memory needs to be exchanged for memory~"

Pei Guang: "Good guys, your ability is very convenient. We just talked about you and you came here?"

Messenger: "Hey~ It's our honor to be able to serve you. Besides, it's a fair transaction between us. Fortunately, the split world on this planet records what happened in the past. I can easily find that place. A copy of the memory. I can give you the memory you want in any way you need. As a price, after the Garden of Memory is completed, can you please let us collect a copy of the new memory you create? "

In fact, if Pei Guang really wants to trade, a small part of his memory can be exchanged for a very good light cone, and this light cone can sell for a sky-high price. But when do players care about money? Again, if you are short of money, you can use it now, but you must not do tasks that are unpleasant to you.

In order to make himself happy, Pei Guang naturally wanted to get this key information.

Pei Guang: "No problem, a very fair deal~"

The memory Liu Guang Yi Ting wants is not taken directly from Pei Guang's memory. In fact, even if he wants to take it away, no one can take it away. They just want to copy such a unique memory in Pei Guang's open memory.

The Messengers have disembodied bodies, so for them, their unique memories are the best collection in the entire galaxy.

Now this messenger is quite proud. Although she fell to her knees quickly at that time, now and in the future, she will become the most unique among all messengers.

Messenger: "Okay~ I will give you the memory you need as quickly as possible~ Well, we will also make this memory into a light cone. With this light cone, no one will doubt the authenticity of this memory. sex."

While Pei Guang was preparing to take action, Danatang on the other side covered his face and looked at Swaro after Pei Guang and his party walked away: "Why didn't you stop them?"

Swaro: "I'm very sorry. The purpose of my birth is to preserve Beloberg and protect Beloberg's life. You do not belong to Beloberg's life. Attacking you is beneficial to Beloberg's survival." Protect, so I can’t take action.”

Originally, Denatan wanted to tear down Swaro, but after hearing what Swaro said, he wanted to kill him even more.

"Okay, okay! You all wait for me, and that Sambo!"

Denatan's tone became unkind. He was no longer ready to waste any more money. He wanted to directly ask Bronya whether she would sign the contract or not. If she didn't sign, would she be able to get the money? If he couldn't do it, he would Prepare to skip the second step of the originally prepared plan and directly enforce it.

In addition to enforcement, Danatang also cared about one thing, which was the flame spear that Xing had just taken out. The pure protective power of the flame spear made him desire.

Now he not only plans to complete the company's mission, he even wants to get this 'holy object'. He believes that as long as he completes the task of obtaining the trash can and obtains the flame gun full of the aura of the Amber King, he will get promoted! It is not a dream to become a company executive or even a candidate for the future board of directors.

As for those people who just beat him, he will use the law to severely punish them.

Sambo! He remembered this name, and he made sure that Sambo would not get any good results. He also found an opportunity to cut off all his hair.

However, what he didn't know was that before his revenge could come, there would be a counterattack from the Beloberg people.

He was about to go find Bronya, but when he returned to the lower area and saw the employees who were all knocked down by Xier and piled together, his expression changed.

"What are you doing?"

Xi'er knew who this person was. She remembered clearly that it was the person in front of her who gave the order to seal off the lower area. But when she saw this man with a bruised nose and face, her eyes lost some of their sparkle.

You can't help but lose your spirit. This man beats him like a pig's head. If you still look at him seriously, you will definitely laugh out loud.

Xi'er knew that not only could she not laugh, she would also be cruel to him.

"What am I doing? Hey, do you know what your people did? Your people hurt our people, tell me! How should we deal with this matter?"

Denatan: "Ha! It's empty words..."

Before he could say anything, Xi'er took out her phone and played the recorded video.

During the playback, Xi'er's voice and the voices of these employees were very clear.

"Which of you hurt one of our people?"


Hearing the voice and seeing the video on his phone, his eyes widened. Danatang knew that he was being plotted against. The person who plotted against him not only found someone to beat him, but even beat up his own employees.

The most important thing is that someone here has left evidence that his men hurt people, but he dares to say that even if his men do it, they will only get skin wounds at most. Such skin wounds can be covered up by the fact that some employees are resisting.

But Xi'er spoke directly as if she knew what he was thinking: "My man is seriously injured! If I hadn't had the special medicine from Luofu Immortal Boat Holding Medicine Dragon Girl, I wouldn't have been able to recover from this injury."

This is true, because if it were slower, there is no guarantee that some people's scratches would be healed.

"Luofu? The medicine-bearing dragon girl?"

Xi'er: "You don't believe it? Humph! Look what this is!"

Xi'er took out a token, and seeing the token, Denatan's eyes widened. At this moment, he was even more convinced that he had been cheated. What Xi'er took out was Luofu Xianzhou's token. This token was Luofu officials' recognition of Xi'er's identity.

This token is given to the Immortal Boat Alliance only when it helps them hunt for abundant evil things, and this type of token is only given to the Immortal Boat Alliance when it makes a significant contribution.

As for fraud? Just like no one dares to make lies about the company, no one in the entire universe dares to make lies about the Xianzhou Alliance. The Xianzhou Alliance is full of martial virtue, and offending the Xianzhou Alliance is much worse than offending the company.

However, it was precisely because Danatang knew the authenticity of this token that he knew that this time he was in trouble. The other party used the medicine named Dragon Girl. This medicine can be detected, but the wounds cured by this medicine cannot be detected.

And according to ordinary people's thinking, after taking such good medicine, he must have suffered a very serious injury. At the same time, the video in Xi'er's hand also admitted that his subordinates had injured the people here. If the investigation continues, he will be the only one unlucky in the end.

If this matter really escalates, I might not be demoted, but there is no hope of promotion.

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