When thinking about this, Bronya also remembered why she fought with her mother in the snowfield.

Not only for the survival of Belloberg and this planet, but also for everyone in Belloberg to have the freedom to choose the future.

Yes, Beloberg did face destruction, but Bronya remembered her thoughts at the time. If Beloberg was really destroyed, she hoped that the people of Beloberg would have the freedom to choose instead of being destroyed. Cocolia brought to the abyss.

And now, looking at this contract, I look so much like my mother at that time. If I really signed this contract, what would be the difference between me and my mother at that time?

Thinking of this, Bronya looked at the trash can where Pei Guang was. At this moment, she wanted to thank Pei Guang and all the pioneers. Without them, she would never have been able to make such a calm choice.

She also understands that Beloberg is not qualified to repay them now, but Bronya believes that when Pei Guang needs Beloberg in the future, Beloberg will definitely stand beside Pei Guang to support him.

Bronya thought a lot, and looking at the contract, Bronya took a deep breath.

"Mr. Denatan, the conditions offered by the company are very generous, but unfortunately, I cannot sign this contract."

After hearing these words, the expression on Denatan's face did not change, because there are many people on various planets who refuse to cooperate with the company for various reasons. He said unhurriedly: "Miss Grand Guardian, I suggest you Consider this plan. If Yalilo-VI wants to reconnect with the stars of the galaxy in the future, your credibility in the company is extremely important."

Bronya took a deep breath: "I understand, but it is not me who has the final say whether to sign the contract. Beloberg is not the Beloberg of the Great Guardian, but the Beloberg of every citizen living here. Loberg, please give me some time, I will ask for the opinions of the people, and will you be able to answer based on the opinions of the people?”

A kind smile appeared on Dana Tang's face: "Of course, Miss Big Guardian, but I need to remind you here that I still have a lot of things to do in the company, and Miss Big Guardian must make a decision as soon as possible, so Only in this way can we get more resources and better treatment for Beloberg. If the delay is too long and he is included in the list of dishonest people, the company will enforce the law. "

Bronya held the table with her hands and looked at Dena Tang helplessly. This helplessness was real, because she imagined that without Pei Guang and the pioneers, Beloberg would have a chance to face the company. Refuse or resist? No, not at all.

Seeing Bronya's helpless look, Danatang felt that he was bound to win, so he continued to speak: "Miss Grand Guardian, please think about it first. While you are thinking about it, my colleagues and I need to be in Belo Berg has carried out some necessary work and hopes that everyone in the upper and lower districts can cooperate.”

Before Bronya could speak, Denatan turned around and left. When he was approaching the door, Denatan turned around and glanced at the mission target, then looked at Bronya and said meaningfully: "You don't have much time left. I hope you can make the right choice quickly. You don't want Beloberg to be included in the list of dishonest people and be enforced, right? The executor is not as easy to talk to as me~"

After saying that, Danatang left proudly. Facing such a weak planet, the company has absolute strength. But Denatan believed that he was different from those arrogant and domineering colleagues. When using both kindness and power, threats and temptations at the same time, he believed that Bronya would agree.

Of course, if Bronya refuses and has a clear intention to repay, according to regulations, the company will give such a planet a certain amount of time to prove its ability to repay.

After all, I have been waiting for seven hundred years, and I don’t need a few years for Beloberg to prove his potential, but let’s do it! Regulations are regulations, and the existence of this regulation does not mean that this regulation must be implemented.

What's more, if he really had to do this, Denatan felt that he would be thankful not to be demoted, let alone promoted. This was obviously not beneficial to him, and it was not beneficial to the great Amber King. He had no intention of implementing the regulations.

What? Is using means good for the Amber King? Of course! Isn't it a benefit to provide Amber King with high-quality materials?

After walking out of Clipperburg, Denatan looked down at Belloburg City and spoke confidently: "No one knows how to get the job done better than me."

He smiled, he smiled proudly. He was going to visit and see what valuable things there were on this planet. After all, he wanted to occupy this planet. Knowing what was on this planet in advance would also bring more benefits to the company and the department. .

However, Danatang didn't expect to get any profit from this trip. The main purpose of this trip was still for those trash cans, but so on! If you want to get something, you can't let the people here see the importance of these things. In his opinion, the people here definitely don't know the importance of these building materials, otherwise they wouldn't put these things all over the streets. .

As long as Belloberg is taken down, then the company can't just take these things at will?

Of course, if Bronya really refuses, then he will let Bronya taste the power of capital.

Denatang left. After he left, Pei Guang, Xing and March Qi also climbed out of the bucket. March Qi stamped her feet and said angrily: "Damn it! They are all from the company, why did Topa The lady makes people feel good, but this guy makes people feel so hateful.”

Pei Guang: "Because he is the company's lackey, or company dog ​​for short, while Topa is an employee with dreams and a working man. How can a dog compare with a human?"

Hearing these words, March 7 gave a thumbs up: "Okay! Well done!"

Xing also said from the side: "That's right, I love to hear it in March, Aguang, please say a few more words~"

Pei Guang: "No, what I said was too rude. You have to be civilized!"

March 7 looked at Pei Guang in surprise: "I said...we are so familiar, do you still care about this?"

Bronya was trying to smooth things over at this time: "Aguang, what do you think of my performance before?"

Pei Guang gave a thumbs up: "Except for people who know you, everyone else will definitely take it seriously."

Bronya: "Huh?"

Pei Guang looked at Bronya's confused expression and explained: "When you really encounter difficulties, you either have the expression of 'I can't do anything' but 'I still want to do something', or you take firm action. It seemed like a pie chart emotional performance before, which was too fake for us.”

Bronya thought: "It seems that I still need to practice more..."

March 7: "Oh, no, no matter how hard you practice, it won't be of any use to our own people. To deal with outsiders, this level is enough. But this guy is so hateful, and his tone sounds very kind, very He’s easy to talk to, but inside and out he wants to occupy this planet. I really want to beat him up.”

Bronya was confused and asked: "Isn't this bad? If you beat him here, it will make him very angry..."

Pei Guang said thoughtfully: "Don't tell me, I really have a way to beat him up but I can't get over Belloberg's head."

March 7: "Huh?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Yes, Belloberg seems to be a closed planet, right? In fact, there are people from other worlds on this planet. I even suspect that this person's identity is not simple. You still know this person."

March 7: "Who is it? Is it Oleg! Or Natasha?"

March 7th thought about the people she met in Belloberg and analyzed them carefully, but after thinking about it for a while, she felt that these people were all from Belloberg.

Pei Guang said thoughtfully: "Of course there is, we had contact with that person yesterday."

On March 7th, I couldn’t remember who it was: “Who is it?”

Xing Ze looked at March 7: "Idiot, Sambo!"

March 7: "Huh?"

Pei Guang nodded: "Do you still remember our mark? As long as it is within the scope of our exploration, the marked person will appear on the mini map. However, during the days when we were free to move around in Beloberg, he disappeared. On the map His mark can be seen very far away, but it’s a place we haven’t explored yet.”

March Qi's eyes widened: "So, that guy is from another planet, but why is he here?"

Pei Guang pondered: "Judging from the fact that the products he sells are very interesting and high-level things, he is probably from the pleasure force, and he has good strength and status. At least he is a hidden unit."

Xing smiled: "I understand! Let's play Sambo and beat him up!"

Pei Guang: "No, no, no! This is too boring. If I blame him directly, I would be sorry for him. After all, he didn't do anything to us and still gave us so many good things. How can I blame him? Can we just go to him and ask if we can pretend to be him and beat someone up and frame him for the crime? "

As a player, Pei Guang also has principles. He can persecute an NPC but cannot harm one, especially a high-quality NPC like Sangbo who didn't do anything to him but gave him crazy shipments and even cooperated with him. I just can’t bear to cheat.

Hearing Pei Guang's words, March Qi asked in a low voice: "Would people agree to this kind of thing?"

Pei Guang: "I don't know! Go and ask. Anyway, this guy was just arrested and sent to prison. Go and ask in prison."

Star: "Let's go, let's go!"

As soon as they heard that they could cause trouble, everyone in Xingquan became excited, so the three of them asked Bronya for someone to take them to the prison.

Looking at the backs of these people, Bronya showed a helpless smile. She could tell that someone was going to suffer.

"We can't rest yet, there are still many things to do next..."

Since she wanted to ask for everyone's opinions, she had to tell everyone about this. She now summoned the builders and ministers to Clipper Castle. Bronya also called Seele who was building the lower area. , she was going to tell everyone the whole story.

She will tell everyone about the company's contract, but she will also tell everyone about the pitfalls she discovered in the company's contract. In addition to hiding the fact that Belloberg can afford to pay back the money, Bronya is not prepared to hide other things, just like Pei Guang As she said, she planned to use this time to determine what everyone thought and at the same time gather the hearts of Belloberg.

While Bronya was getting ready, in the prison, Sambo, who was happily finishing breakfast today and preparing to leave the prison to go out and play, suddenly stopped moving.

His intuition told him that something interesting might happen next. As expected, he saw Pei Guang and his party.

The moment he saw Pei Guang, Sangbo's eyes lit up: "Hey! Isn't this Mr. Pei Guang? Are you here? Do you want to touch the baby on old Sangbo? No problem! Feel free to touch it, old Sangbo I just like pioneers like you.”

Sang Bo is so happy now. Look at the appearance of the holy land of the Luofu Chi Ming Clan? He deserves a share of the credit for this, and looking at Huanhuang's state when he was humiliated, he also deserves a share of the credit.

Ask yourself, without him, Sambo, how could the Blazers have so many good things? Rounding this up, it’s like Sang Bo played a lot of pranks in the Scale Origin Realm and severely humiliated the Lord of Extinction. Which Masked Fool can be treated like this?

This must not let Pei Guang touch more good things. I guarantee that these things will play an unexpected role in Pinoconi. When the time comes, he, Sang Bo, will definitely take the other Masked Fools to appreciate it. Enjoying his envious and jealous eyes is simply amazing, okay?

Thinking of these Sambo squirming excitedly, this kind of behavior that does not violate his bottom line and can still lie at home and enjoy pleasure is simply wonderful.

Seeing that he was not excited enough about the storage, Pei Guang guessed that there must be something wrong with him, but Pei Guang didn't dwell on it. He looked at Sangbo and said sincerely: "Sangbo! I know that your identity is not simple. I want you here. Do one thing…”

Sambo: "Oh? The famous pioneer wants me to do something? Ahem! Although we have a close friendship, I also have principles. If you want to do something with me... you have to pay."

Pei Guang shook his head: "I'm not looking for you to do something, that's it. I want to pretend to be you and beat up the employees of the company. This employee's status is a bit high. He is an employee of the marketing department. After beating him, I will blame you. What do you think?"

At this moment, Sangbo was stunned. His brain shut down at this moment. He had imagined that he would cooperate with Pei Guang, and even thought that Pei Guang might entrust him to do some dishonorable things. He even thought that if Pei Guang wanted to do something, it must be done now, and then he would pass the blame to himself, but he didn't expect...

"Woooo~ Brother, you are my brother. I didn't expect you to have such a bottom line in doing things. You can clearly blame me directly, but you asked me if it is okay? If I refuse, will you not do it?"

Pei Guang thought seriously: "Of course I will. I respect my friends' ideas very much. Although we didn't get along so well when we met, I still gave you so many good things. As long as you don't become my enemy, you will be my enemy." friend."

Sangbo was greatly moved: "My dear friend! I don't care about anything else, just your sincere words. Use my identity to do it! No! Just pretend to be me and beat him up and then pass the blame to me. What will happen next?" What, I’ll take care of it for you!”

At this moment, Sambo had already thought of something very happy, so he went to beat him? No no no! That would be too boring. Let Pei Guang pretend to be himself, let all the evidence point to him, then he has a sufficient alibi and confront the company, and finally watch the other party fail. Is there anything happier than this?

Of course, Sambo will never lie during this process. If someone asks him if he did it, he will definitely answer truthfully. Just like Pei Guang did before, he would tell the truth throughout the whole process, so truthfully that they would think it was a lie.

Sangbo dared to say that even if he told the truth, the company people wouldn't believe his words. He would look at the expressions on those people's faces when they didn't believe the truth, but it was still the truth.

Thinking of the company employees who were fooled and frustrated at that time, this made Sambo excited.

Seeing Sang Bo's sincere expression, Pei Guang also said sincerely: "Very good! If the company really catches you and embarrasses you, just tell the truth that I did it."

Sambo laughed: "I understand! I understand! I, Sambo, swear that if I am really caught, I will never tell lies and answer everything truthfully, but I will not exaggerate."

Pei Guang: "Very good! Very good! Then my dear friend, we are about to take action. Can we give you some time to create an alibi?"

Sambo: "No, a friend of mine happened to come here and was going to do something. I just need to be with him."

Pei Guang: "That's fine. By the way, let me ask you again, are you short of these ten minutes? If not..."

Looking at the bottle of coffee that Pei Guang took out, Sangbo's eyes deepened. He picked up the coffee and smiled: "Of course, no problem. Cheers to our friendship~"

Sangbo took the initiative to pick up the coffee and drank it in one gulp. After the coffee went into his stomach, he once again fell into a baby-like sleep. In his sleep, Sangbo looked at the handsome black man smiling with his big teeth not far away. He Sangbo Beau had a smug look on his face.

Sang Bo fell asleep, and Pei Guang started to touch the corpse directly. This time, it may be because the interval between touching the corpse was too short. Pei Guang only touched a few basic firework special effects, but several of them were released at once, which also made Pei Guang feel more interested in Sang Bo. Bo was very satisfied.

And March Qi, who was listening to the whole exchange between Pei Guang and Sang Bo, looked at Xing with wide eyes: "Is this it?"

Xing Ze nodded with wisdom in his eyes, while March Qi continued to ask: "Don't you want to tell me your opinion?"

Xing pondered for a moment and then nodded: "Opinion!"

March 7: “…”

March 7 was silent. Xing was good at everything, but sometimes his brain did give people the feeling that he was not very smart.

And what about Pei Guang? After touching Sambo's body, Pei Guang happily took out the 'player head' he found from Sambo's body yesterday. After simulating the head of Sambo's head, Pei Guang directly equipped it.

After putting the equipment on, Sangbo's perfect appearance appeared on Pei Guang's face. Unfortunately, it was just a prop and not a mask. After putting it on, there was only Sangbo's iconic mean smile, but his expression did not change at all.

After putting this on, Pei Guang looked at March Qi and Xing: "Come on! You should also dress up so that no one finds out. Let's beat the company's sap today."

For more than ten minutes, while Pei Guang was walking on the sap road, Denatan was taking his men through the company's process asset evaluation, and Topa met with the sole investors of this Aether Front Interstellar Victory Celebration. She knew This was the Masked Fool, and because of this, Topa was very careful when communicating with him.

The man wearing a mask and dressed in gorgeous clothes looked at Topa and introduced himself: "Hello! Miss Topa, I am the sole investor of this interstellar victory celebration, Giovanni di Giorgio da Ap. Seron, a small investor from Epseron, is very happy to cooperate with Miss Topa, the last winner of the Star Finals Celebration.”

Topa: "Hello, my name is Topa. I would like to thank Mr. Giovanni for your investment this time. I don't know..."

Before Topa finished speaking, he received a message: "Sorry to bother you, a friend of mine named Sambo. He heard that I was coming and wanted to meet me, and he also wanted to meet the famous Miss Topa. , he is a very reliable person and will definitely help us make this celebration more interesting, I don’t know..."

After hearing what he said, Topa nodded: "Of course, no problem. Your character is trustworthy, and I believe your friends are also trustworthy."

Topa is not disgusted with the Masked Fool. It is true that the Masked Fool likes to have fun. The Masked Fool who can travel around the world has his own bottom line, especially this person named Giovanni. His aesthetics of joy It can be said that everyone knows that he will not allow other Masked Fools to cause trouble. Of course, if someone is willing to enjoy this joy with him, he will be happy to share it with other Masked Fools.

Chapter 248: Swaro started thinking about taking action against the company

After Pei Guang and his party followed Sang Bo and borrowed his head for use, Pei Guang took Xing and March 7 to the lower area.

Just as soon as he arrived at the lower area, Pei Guang heard the sound of quarreling.

"I'm asking you to get out of the way! This is our territory, don't force us to use force!"

As soon as they arrived at the lower area, Pei Guang and his party heard Xi'er's angry voice.

March 7: "Huh? Is this voice, Xi'er?"

Xing: "Did Xi'er encounter any trouble?"

Pei Guang: "Probably, let's see what's going on with her first."

Pei Guang and his party came directly to Xi'er. At the same time, Xi'er was confronting a group of company employees. These were employees brought by Dena Tang. After receiving the order from De Na Tang, Xi'er blocked all the passages in the lower area and prohibited People in the lower areas move around as they please.

And what about Denatan himself? Based on the information he already had, he was going to have a chat with the real machine in charge of the lower area, the Belloberg mecha controller Shivaro.

However, they blocked the lower area and the people in the lower area were unable to work normally. Because of this, Xi'er is stepping forward to help solve the problem.

If it were in the past, Xi'er would definitely take action, but after becoming a pioneer, Xi'er has calmed down a lot after going to the Xianzhou Alliance. If nothing else, at least she can't cause trouble to everyone on the Star Train.

"Xier, what's wrong?"

Hearing Pei Guang's voice, Xier showed a surprised expression: "Aguang, why are you here?"

Pei Guang: "Because something happened. These are company employees, right?"

Xi'er gritted her teeth and said, "Yes! These guys just suddenly came to the lower area, closed all the roads, and drove all the people in the mining area back."

Pei Guang looked at Xi'er intelligently: "Is anyone injured?"

Xi'er shook her head: "No one was seriously injured, it's just..."

Pei Guang's eyes were bright: "Is anyone injured?"

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