That is, if you sign in here, you will be qualified to challenge the Aftershock Space. And those with internal channels know that there are things that can be challenged in the Aftershock Space given by this lottery.

At the same time, they also heard that this quota has been sold through various channels. Three quotas are sold every week. Now they are crazy about it. It is said that various forces have been queuing up to grab this quota for three years.

It’s not that it can’t be extended, but as for Luofu, it will only be sold after three years.

Because of this, after these people knew that there was a high probability of getting this quota by signing in at Jinren Alley, some people also arranged for people to come in and sign in. The location where Pei Guang arranges to sign in is located at the deepest part of Jinren Alley, and the location will be changed every week.

When people who come to sign in pass by these vendors, they smell the fragrance in the air, and when they see the specialties they are interested in, they will buy more or less. Even if you have a mission, this sign-in mission is completely luck-based. It doesn’t matter if you arrive earlier or later, as long as you remember to sign, people passing by will also spend a lot of money.

In order to revitalize Jinren Lane, Pei Guang used these three methods, and the efficiency of these three methods is also visible to the naked eye.

No matter what the reason for coming to Jinren Alley, Jinren Alley has been revitalized with the help of Pei Guang and his team. This revitalization cannot last forever, but according to the president's estimate before his death, this prosperity can be maintained for another hundred years.

As for what it will become in a hundred years, it depends on what the people here do and whether Pei Guang will think of this place at that time.

It's just that this time, Mingxi, the person involved, didn't have any deep feelings about the efficiency of the players. On the contrary, Qingque, who had successfully caught fish, was dumbfounded when she came to Jinren Lane again.

"Is this here? Jinren Alley? I remember I was here just yesterday?"

Qingque looked at the crowded Jinren Alley, her eyes widened with an incredulous expression. She remembered very clearly that when she came to Jinren Alley yesterday to find an acquaintance to open a medical record, there were no people in Jinren Alley, but she was I also heard about what Pei Guang and the others were going to do here, but I didn't pay much attention.

Why do we have to queue up to even enter Jinren Alley today?

Not only Fu Xuan was confused, but the man named Xiaohan Xianzhou who came to take over Scott was also confused. He remembered that he came here yesterday to drink a bowl of bean juice and took a look at his father's shop that was about to close down. How to solve Changle It's a matter of cooperation. After catching Scott on bail, why did the Golden Man Alley undergo earth-shaking changes? What has happened to this Golden Man Alley?

How can we prosper and develop? Isn't it a bit too much for this day?

Chapter 214: Lord of Extermination, Earth Crisis

In Xing's room on the Star Train, Xing was lying on the bed looking away angrily, while next to the bed, Pei Guang was sitting on a chair eating an unknown melon from Xianzhou while looking at Xing.

"Hey~ You can't move~ Tsk, tsk, tsk, let me tell you, this melon is super sweet."

Xing's body fell into a state of exhaustion due to excessive use of star core power during the competition. The exhausted Xing lay motionless on the bed, and looking at Xing who could not move, Pei Guang was so happy.

Faced with Pei Guang's ridicule, Xing clenched his fists: "Ah Guang! Just wait. When I get some rest, I will beat you so hard that your face will look like a pig's head."

Pei Guang: "No need to wait, come now, come on! Hit me hard in the face!"

March Qi on the other side looked at the two bickering people and chuckled: "I'm really convinced by you. The last time I ate myself into a coma, this time I was exhausted compared to the cooking competition. I've obviously seen big scenes. It’s really interesting that the car always overturns in such a strange position.”

Pei Guang: "It's okay, it's your turn next."

Xing: "That's right! It's March's turn next."

March Qi looked at the two partners and put her hands on her hips: "Okay! I spoke for you, but you united with A Guang to deal with me. I have decided that I will unite with A Guang to deal with you, A Guang! I will give you a raise. Favorability, let’s join forces to deal with this bad guy.”

Pei Guang looked at Xiang Xing and spread his hands: "I'm sorry, it's not that I don't want to join forces with you, it's just that the reward Qi'er gave me is too good."

Xing's eyes widened: "I'll also favor you! I can do that too."

Pei Guang sneered: "Jie Jie Jie, players cannot grow good feelings with each other unless they get married. But unfortunately, my first marriage partner will definitely not be you."

March 7: "Wait?"

Pei Guang: "?"

March 7: "What did you just say? The first person to marry is not her, so what if the second one is her?"

Pei Guang: "?"

When the three of them were talking and laughing while spending their free time, there was a knock on Xing's door.

Pei Guang: "Please come in~"

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "This is my room! I should ask you to come in."

Pei Guang: "Aren't you physically weak? Let me shout for you. Let me be your mouth substitute~"

While the two people here continued to chat, bullshit, and tease each other, the door to the room was pushed open by Walter with a serious look on his face.

"Aguang, there is bad news."

Pei Guang: "Huh? Bad news?"

Pei Guang was confused. They had a lot of fun in Jinren Lane. This time they even established a good relationship with a bunch of NPCs and completed a player competition with Xing. Although Xing was a little weak due to the restrictions of the game, overall , they were very happy, why did there suddenly be bad news?

At the same time, Pei Guang also took a look at the small map. Everyone on the small map was normal. It was even said that no one on the earth was in a state of fighting, and there was no sudden attrition of the people he marked.

But when he saw the earth, he found something wrong. A yellow exclamation mark appeared on the earth. The moment he saw the exclamation mark, Pei Guang's expression became serious.

Pei Guang looked at Walter: "Old Yang, is there something wrong with the earth?"

Walter nodded and explained with a very serious expression: "Bad news, with your help, the earth defeated a group of legions of void soldiers and doomsday beasts, but the extermination king of that galaxy discovered anomalies in the solar system and was accepted. After Nuck's revelation, it also took action.

Nowadays, several stars around the solar system have been detonated. Through the power of star detonation and destruction,... Forget it, to put it simply, time there has been accelerated. At the same time, a catastrophe pioneer has arrived in the solar system. It seems that this is the Lord of Extinction, issuing a challenge to you..."

While Pei Guang and the others were playing happily in Jinren Alley, Lord Annihilation did some tricks to the star systems around the solar system. At the same time, under the influence of the power of fate, the entire solar system entered a special state of acceleration. This acceleration was simple. It can be regarded as time acceleration.

This is a common operation of the legion, but in the past they did this to allow the legion to explode its own troops. Countless virtual soldiers of the legion were born in the accelerated galaxy, and then went to the normal galaxy for conquest.

Only a few minutes or even ten minutes may have passed in normal outside time, but days, months, or even years may have passed in the affected area.

This kind of acceleration looks beautiful, but in fact it accelerates the arrival of destruction. However, the use of this power also has great flaws. It requires the detonation of stars in a large number of star systems to change the position, and it also requires the intervention of the fate power of the mechanism. The interfered star system cannot have the fate power to resist, and this time it also caused hundreds of galaxies around the solar system to be affected by this power. The impact caused this large area to enter a state of acceleration.

In the entire solar system, only the earth has protective power to protect it. However, when faced with forces that can affect the entire solar system, this power can only protect the earth from being destroyed.

At the same time, the King of Extinction in the Milky Way also knows the information about the player's appearance in the solar system. This time, the time of the solar system is accelerated. The purpose is also very simple. In front of the player, he personally destroys all life on the earth and destroys all resistance from the earth. Watching The earth is being destroyed bit by bit.

It is true that the player's power is very special, but as the Lord of Extermination under the Destruction Star God, he will not be deterred by the appearance of the player. At the same time, in these days, the envoy has also received the gift from Nanook like Huan Hao. strength.

It became stronger and gained more power to destroy destiny. It also followed Nanook's will and gave Pei Guang and his rising forces equal destruction. And it will also follow its own aesthetics of destruction, granting destruction to the earth, the solar system, and even Pei Guangping, and by the way wash away the shame brought by Huanhu.

Now the reputation of King of Extinction has been extremely bad. In the past, everyone thought that King of Extinction was very scary and the villain was extremely bad. But now Huanhu, alone, has successfully lowered the overall lower limit of the legion. If he doesn't pull it up to regain his position, how will the legion survive in the future? Destroy a planet, and the planet will shout from there: "I shit on the head of Lord Annihilation."

Their army really can't stand it.

Walter didn't know the specific details, and neither did Pei Guang, but Walter knew that the solar system was affected by the Lord of Extinction, and at the same time, he didn't know whether Pei Guang could understand his explanation.

Listening to Walter's description, Pei Guang nodded: "So I probably understand. To put it simply, it has entered acceleration, and this accelerated world has opened a new large-scale dungeon. I will not play this dungeon, this dungeon And my lovely lieutenant and even my territory are going to be destroyed? The cricket boss dares to challenge me, and I will smash his head into pieces and soak it in wine."

Walter also said at this time: "Do you have any ideas?"

Pei Guang: "Ideas? What ideas can you have? The boss has appeared at my doorstep. Of course, I need to collect resources and find a way to defeat this boss!"

Xing, who was originally lying on the bed, suddenly got up: "That's right! Something has been done again. Just like Aguang said, let's smash the head of the Lord of Extinction and make some wine!"

Weak? No big deal! Eat one of the top consumables and your body will fully recover. What? Why didn't you eat it before? She wanted to enjoy Pei Guang's care, so she had to eat in advance and take good care of her. But now that something needed her to take action, she couldn't keep lying. She could feel that if she kept lying here, she might not experience such interesting things.

March 7: "Eh~ This wine must be hard to drink, right? But if it's the earth... I think I need to help!"

The earth is Pei Guang's property. She still remembers Pei Guang's words when Beloberg was there. We develop together on a planet and regard that planet as our home. If one day we can no longer find our memories, she and Pei Guang will both have a place to go back to.

This is Pei Guang's planet, and it's also their home. The villains are targeting our home, what can we do if we don't fight back? Can't beat it? Even if you can't defeat it, you can't defeat it. With Pei Guang's bug-like ability, even if you can't save the earth, you can still make most of the people on the earth evacuate from the earth, so that the earth's civilization will not be completely destroyed.

What's more, now I can still run back and forth, and because time accelerates, I don't have to worry about missing the train if I stay there for a long time. It's a win-win situation!

Even March 7th has thought about it. When things stabilize and the Star Dome Train has gone somewhere, let Pam drive the car to the earth and let the earth become part of the star track connection. How wonderful~

Seeing the expressions of his companions, Pei Guang stood up: "In this case, let's set off. If the Lord of Extermination dares to come to our territory, he will not be able to eat his good fruit, and his head will be smashed by him. We Set off!"

Pei Guang and his group set off. This time Walter did not follow. It was not that he was unwilling to help, but that he had left everything he could, and due to the time difference, he actually stayed on the earth for several times. He came back after a month and a half, working with the Black Tower Doll, to help Pei Guang drive out some bad guys among the humans on Earth.

This time, he decided to stay on the train to observe. With Pei Guang's small map, he could see the status of Pei Guang and the others at all times. Now the solar system is equivalent to being separated. If they all go in at this time, what kind of accident will happen even to the people who collect the corpses? nothing.

However, Walter was very doubtful that if he really wanted to collect the corpses, the corpses might not be those of Pei Guang and the others but that of Lord Annihilation.

Although I have confidence in Pei Guang, I cannot fail to make the necessary preparations. At the same time, this information needs to be synchronized with Pam and Jizi.

Thinking of this, Walter looked at Pei Guang: "In that case, you all go over there. I will explain the situation to Jizi and Pam later. If anything happens, I will arrive as soon as possible."

Pei Guang: "No problem~ If there is any need for you, Uncle Yang, I won't be stingy and will pull you over~"

Walter nodded: "No problem!"

Pei Guang turned to Walter and said: "Since the time ratio is different, I won't communicate too much here. I'll go to my territory first and help us ask Dan Heng if he wants to come and play~"

Walter: "Dan Heng, I will explain the situation."

Pei Guang looked at Yue Yue Qi and Xing: "In this case, let's set off!"

Pei Guang, Xing and March 7th returned to Earth first, but due to the influence of different forces in time proportions, when Pei Guang, Xing and March 7th returned to Earth, earth-shaking changes had taken place in the upper levels of humankind on the Earth's side. .

Chapter 215 Mission 1: Capture the empty soldiers of the legion and use them to generate electricity

On Earth, Pei Guang returned to the base he built when he returned to Xianzhou.

At this time, there are already many Fire Chaser soldiers patrolling the base. The base is not like it was at the beginning. It looks like a patchwork of various buildings. Under the guidance of professionals, these buildings are playing their role. While functioning as it should, the benefits are maximized.

The location where the three people teleported was in a room in the technology laboratory located in the center of the base. Changes in the outside world could be seen through the glass of this building.

Seeing the changes in this base, March 7 was a little surprised and said: "We have only been away for two days, right? How much has changed here?"

Pei Guang shook his head: "For the two of us, it is two days, but for people here, more than three months have passed. However, the specific time ratio is not known yet, but I estimate that Black Tower One should have records."

Xing: "It's not a big problem. What should we do next? Fight and kill along the way, and then kill the Lord of Extermination, right?"

Pei Guang looked at Xing: "Let me tell you, are you bloated? The last big boss like this was killed through plot killing, but this one you just want to kill directly? We are players, and players can mess around and do things. Die, but don’t die!”

Pei Guang could feel that Xing had swelled a little after this trip to the fairy boat. Whether the swelling was a private boast or a real swell, Pei Guang thought that he should remind Xing.

As the saying goes, you can seek death, but you cannot send yourself to death.

March 7: "Hey? Then Aguang, tell me, what kind of trick are we going to use this time?"

Pei Guang thought deeply: "According to Uncle Yang's description, the Great Lord of Extermination should have circled us and wanted to have a close contest with us. I had read about the Great Lord of Extermination when I was wandering around Luofu before. Record, every extermination king represents the ultimate level of destruction. To put it simply, everyone has their own xp. Although they destroy civilization, they do it according to their own xp. "

Xing was confused: "Then do you know who the Lord of Extermination is causing trouble this time?"

Pei Guang pondered: "According to the immortal boat records, this person should be the one who likes to slowly advance the front, build advantages, apply pressure, and cannibalize the resisters. He is also like observing an ant colony, observing the slow structural collapse of the suffering civilization. . This kind of behavior is also simple to explain. Killing requires killing the enemy physically, and destroying the enemy mentally. By the way, are you exploring the plot? "

Pei Guang's eyes fell on Xing. Feeling Pei Guang's gaze, Xing showed an expression full of wisdom: "Not at all. Anyway, A Guang is here. As long as A Guang thinks about it, it will be done."

Pei Guang knocked Xing on the head: "Idiot, my thoughts are not based on thin air, but guesses based on my personal experience. Besides, I have a lot of inaccurate guesses, and I am only accurate on a few. You think I can prophesy!”

Xing: "Why not? Your predictions on major events are all right!"

Pei Guang: "That only proves that I have rich experience~"

When Pei Guang and Xing were teasing each other about whether they could predict this incident, the door to the room was pushed open. The Black Tower doll who walked into the room the moment he opened the door muttered dissatisfied: "I'm just saying who is so boring. , there was a quarrel in my office, I didn’t expect it to be you? Did you know you were back?”

The Black Tower puppet walked up to Pei Guang, looked up at Pei Guang and said, "I asked you to let me out to play for a few days, not to ask you to do so much work for me. Now I'm fine, I'm facing the Lord of Extermination." , are you happy? By the way, let me tell you the good news. The Lord of Annihilation will not take the initiative. After all, your Star Destroyer is there. At the same time, it does not conform to its aesthetics of destruction. I guess it will be a little bit. Use the irresistible power of the earth to completely destroy the resistance here. What should you do? "

As soon as the Black Tower Doll finished speaking, Xing looked at Pei Guang: "You said you didn't know how to prophesy, but you guessed all the extermination kings correctly."

Pei Guang: "You really can't get enough of it!"

Xing: "What did you say? Louder, I can't hear you!"

March 7: "That's right! I can't hear you~~"

Looking at the three people playing with the living treasures, the Black Tower Doll made her feel tired. With such a pioneer as the owner of the stall, she didn't know whether she was lucky or unlucky, but overall she thought she was more lucky.

Without Pei Guang, she would definitely still be an emotionless puppet used by Black Tower. Now... although her initial emotions came from data, as time went by, she was sure that she had such a wonderful thing as emotions.

Besides, it’s not uncommon for intelligent machines to look at the entire universe. Screwstar is one of them. It’s not normal for her personal doll to have thoughts.

After watching the three people playing around for a long time, the Black Tower puppet spoke again: "You came back this time, and you didn't just quarrel about this, right?"

Hearing the voice of the Black Tower Doll, Pei Guang and the others stopped making noise. Pei Guang looked at the Black Tower Doll and said, "Yes, someone is eyeing my territory. How can I just sit idly by and ignore it?"

Black Tower Doll: "Indeed, if the Lord of Extinction dares to cause trouble to the main body, the main body will definitely find a way to smash his head."

Looking at the whole universe, the members of the Genius Club are much more terrifying than the Lord of Extinction. At the same time, someone like the Black Tower is relatively easy to talk to. If the Lord of Extinction really dares to come, what will greet him may not be the Black Tower alone, but a combination of various forces. Encirclement and suppression.

Pei Guang: "That's it. If they dare to come to my territory, I'll tear off their heads and make them drink. I believe people on earth can do this."

Black Tower Doll: "Not to mention, relying on the technology you left behind, it can be done theoretically. Oh, that Lord of Extermination may just want to destroy this place, and kill you by looking at your desperate and running appearance. You are so majestic. After all, your abilities and the light cone on her body are destined to be impossible to kill you. But it will never know how abnormal the technology you have here is until it dies."

Pei Guang: "Are you perverted? I feel fine. Speaking of the technology tree I left, how far have you climbed?"

Black Tower Doll: "The Paradox Battery and Chrono Teleporter have been completed. There is not enough time, otherwise the Paradox Engine would have been made for you."

Pei Guang: "?"

Pei Guang originally thought that it was normal for technology to develop faster even if the speed of time was affected by external forces, but how did the Black Tower Doll manage to directly light up the last few basic technologies?

Sensing Pei Guang's surprised expression, the Black Tower puppet folded his arms and said proudly: "It's true that you are awesome, but there are also a few talented people on this planet, and the technology tree you left behind looks like It's difficult to get up there, but the material requirements are actually very low. I don't know where your technology comes from. It's so powerful that it can even start a war between stars, but it turns out that all the materials you need are there. Materials used in this world fifty years ago..."

Regarding the technology tree left by Pei Guang, the Black Tower Doll doesn't know how to complain. Let's not talk about anything else, let's talk about the blackest time-space technology. According to the evaluation of the Black Tower Doll, this thing can be picked up. This thing is made out of rags.

A world with a certain technological foundation, even when the aerospace industry was just developing, could produce this thing. As for whether it can be used? Heita is convinced that it can be done. She doesn't know how Pei Guang's power is achieved, but according to the tests after it was made, this thing that should not be used in this world can now be used normally using the law of imaginary numbers in this world.

Even if it works, it would take a lot of luck to come up with this technology in the general world. According to the estimation of the Black Tower Doll, if a machine of this level is really produced in the world, the worst it would have to be is a genius who can receive the invitation letter from Bo Shizun.

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