It is even said that in Fire Chaser, the Black Tower Doll found two very talented people, one named Mei and the other named Mebius. These two were only one step away from being invited by the Doctor. remote.

Although the Black Tower Doll is not as good as the original body, some vision is still there. In her opinion, for ordinary people, this step may take a lifetime, but for these two people who want to take this step, they only need a relatively stable environment.

But unfortunately, the earth does not have a stable environment. The Legion's invasion, coupled with the actions of high-level human beings, has successfully made the people on this planet who have received the attention of Bo Shizun unable to take this step in a short time.

As long as there are no existential crises and idiots in the top management, Black Tower Doll dares to say that these two will have no low achievements in the future, but it is a pity that they were both together before coming here.

It's a pity that these two were born in troubled times, and the pressure of survival prevented them from doing exactly what they wanted to do according to their own ideas, which made it difficult to take this step.

But now, with Pei Guang here, these two, or other talented people on earth, have the opportunity to take this step.

But at the same time, the Black Tower Doll is an envy. Apart from being targeted by the Legion, this earth is simply a geomantic treasure. In the past few months, she has seen several geniuses who have the opportunity to change the universe.

In addition to those who are very talented in scientific research, some of the warriors in Fire Chasing Moth are also extremely talented. Excluding Fire Chasing Moth, looking at the entire earth, there are so many geniuses in various fields that even the Black Tower dolls would envy them. degree.

This genius is not as simple as the technicians in the space station, but a genius in his own world. In the eyes of the Black Tower Doll, these people all have the opportunity to ascend in one field or even take the planet with them.

For example, the genius who developed aperture technology, the brother and sister genius scientists who researched quantum science experiments, the scientific team who tried to research stellar engines, etc. These guys are lucky to have one pop up on a certain planet in the entire universe. As a result, There are a group of beings like this on Earth, but in the eyes of the Black Tower Doll, these people are quite unlucky.

According to her estimation, as long as the planet is given a hundred years, the earth will definitely ascend to a level that even companies will pay attention to. But unfortunately, this planet is very unlucky. It is not the company that attracts the attention, but the Legion's attention.

But at the same time, this galaxy is also very lucky. Before facing destruction, Pei Guang appeared. Pei Guang's power, which is like the root of the entire world, is more than enough to save this civilization.

Even if Pei Guang doesn't take the initiative to die, with the current technology tree, he can really come into contact with the Legion, and even kill the Catastrophe Vanguard is not a problem. As for the envoy-level confrontation, the Black Tower Doll is not worried anymore. Behind Pei Guang, there are the attention of the main body and the other three geniuses of the Genius Club, as well as the eyes of the Star God.

It doesn't matter if the Star God just watches the fun and doesn't take any action. Based on what Pei Guang did in the fairy boat, if he really wanted to, he could probably drag Luofu into a duel with the Lord of Extinction near the solar system.

If he were more ruthless, it wouldn't be difficult for Pei Guang to take Jing Yuan and Shenjun directly behind the Lord of Extermination and stab him in the butt.

Regarding the description of the Black Tower Doll, Pei Guang touched his chin and thought seriously: "To be honest, I don't think there is any problem with this kind of thing happening on the earth. Everything originated from the earth."

Heita Dollgan was stunned by this sentence: "All things originated from the earth? Is there any other way to say this?"

Pei Guang complained: "Yes! And the situation you described here gave me more confidence. Originally, I was thinking about whether I should just lead people to run away and develop secretly, and then seek revenge from the Legion in the future, but now, I I feel very excited. From today on, we will aim at Xinghai Yitang and let people on earth paint the entire galaxy."

March Qi on the side took a breath when he heard these words: "Hey, do you want to play so big?"

Pei Guang: "Of course, otherwise, wouldn't I be very embarrassed if I let the Xu soldiers come to my house to poop?"

Black Tower Doll: "It doesn't matter whether you have face or not. There is a problem now. We are short of energy."

Pei Guang: "What the hell? Lack of energy? Build more nuclear power plants!"

Pei Guangke remembered that nuclear power plants were among the basic technologies, and nuclear power plants could provide a large amount of resources.

The Black Tower puppet spread its hands: "Well said, nuclear power plants can indeed provide a lot of resources, but if they are targeted by the legion, they are also the easiest to destroy. I need a facility that is more efficient, smaller, and has more resources. "

Pei Guang: "Do you have a suitable one?"

The Black Tower Doll replied affirmatively: "Yes, but Earth's technology cannot produce it. The technology I master is not as powerful as yours. The basic technology is insufficient, and these things cannot be used even if you want to."

The Black Tower Doll was also speechless. The technology he had in hand could indeed solve the energy crisis, but it required basic technology. The basic technology of the earth can only be said to be okay. Some energy facilities can also be built, but it will take a long time.

In the current situation, what is needed is fast, efficient, and safe energy. It provides efficient and safe energy, but it is not fast. Nuclear power plants are fast, efficient, and unsafe.

Hearing this demand, Pei Guang began to think seriously: "Actually, this method is easy to solve. I just go to the space station or Xianzhou to get some facilities and come back, but playing games with cheats is a bit boring. Don't cheat. If so, what method should be used?

Pei Guang flipped through the system's technology tree, looking for something that could quickly develop energy.

Pei Guang: "I've been telling you all day long to use it to generate electricity. Now we have a chance to use it to generate electricity. Black Tower, build a few more biological power stations. I'll find a way to capture some virtual power plants." I'll bring it back to you to generate electricity. To be fair, I've been thinking about how to use them efficiently since I came here."

Hearing Pei Guang's thoughts, the Black Tower Doll thought seriously: "This is indeed a feasible solution, but I personally suggest not to burn the virtual soldiers directly. For the people of this planet, the technology on the virtual soldiers, It’s quite useful.”

Don't look at the legion's empty soldiers wielding cold weapons to attack, but in fact they use high technology just like Xianzhou.

As for the weapon on the arms of ordinary Void Soldiers, it is an anti-matter force field generator, which is a heavy weapon technology. This thing can protect the user and at the same time form an indestructible stance. For a world with insufficient technological capabilities, this thing can cut anything as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

In fact, many people can understand the technology thing. What really makes the Black Tower Doll want to complain is Pei Guang's three-flavored real fire. After being roasted by the flames, this damn position generator has become edible.

In terms of weirdness, the strange objects in the universe have to stand aside. In the middle, Pei Guang still has to fight.

Listening to the introduction of the Black Tower Doll, Pei Guang took a breath of air: "Wait? You mean, the Xu soldiers are full of treasures? But when we killed the Xu soldiers before, they disappeared after they died!"

Black Tower Doll: "That's because their bodies are unstable. After their consciousness dies or their bodies cannot bear it, they will collapse directly without leaving any trace. In a way, the Legion is still very environmentally friendly."

At this time, Pei Guang became excited: "In other words, as long as these virtual pawns have a way to prevent their bodies from dissipating, they can obtain each other's things. Let me guess, according to the standard process, when a new function is triggered, there must be How to use this function, and the information I got now is that you have completed the production of the Chrono Teleporter. Can you use Chrono to freeze these guys before they die, and then dismantle the weapons and equipment? Take it apart and use it as a resource. Use the body to generate electricity. After the electricity is generated, the body that is no longer valuable can be roasted and made into cans. It’s perfect!”

Black Tower Doll: “…”


March 7: “…”

The Black Tower Doll originally thought that Pei Guang would capture those guys to improve their technology and use the remaining parts to generate electricity. Of course, this power generation is not pure power generation, but converted into usable resources.

When the body of the Antimatter Legion is converted into energy, the efficiency is still very high. A single legion member is comparable to a normal power station. If Pei Guang can get some Tramplers or even a few Doomsday Beasts, the effect will be great.

But she still overestimated Pei Guang's cruelty. He would use it until he died, but Pei Guang didn't let him go even if he died, and directly burned it into cooking and canning?

Feeling everyone's silence, Pei Guang said: "Okay! This can maximize the benefits. Do you have any ideas? For example... add a few more methods that can be used in the middle?"

Black Tower Doll: "No! I will issue the first mission to you now. Capture some more virtual pawns and bring them back for resource recovery. Just capture them and leave the rest to us."

Chapter 216 Weiwei: "Are you the famous Pei Guang?" (Modified)

While Pei Guang was preparing for the arrest, a girl suddenly appeared in the room. This girl was wearing black engineering clothes, and her bold way of dressing perfectly showed off her figure.

The first time she appeared, she looked at the Black Tower doll in the office: "Good news, the time-travel backpack has been completed. Although it cannot be mass-produced, we can let important personnel wear one. They can use it at any time when encountering danger. Send them back~"

The girl named Weiwei's eyes flashed with excitement. The existence of the Legion made her never relax since she joined the Fire Chasing Moth. Later, after Pei Guang came to Earth, she learned more truth through the Black Tower.

The Antimatter Legion, the Vanguard of Catastrophe, the Lord of Annihilation, and the Star God of Destruction...

Fighting these horrible guys is just a fantasy, but who is she? She is Velvet, and what she has to do is turn her dreams into reality. Even if the future outcome is doomed, she will do her best, not to mention...

Black Tower Doll: "Oh? Has the time-travel backpack been completed? Well, you don't need to report this to me. You can report it to him. Let me introduce you, he is Pei Guang."

The Black Tower puppet pointed its finger at Pei Guang, and following the direction pointed by the Black Tower, Velvet looked at Pei Guang.

Wei Wei looked at Pei Guang curiously, and Pei Guang directly introduced himself: "Hello, I am Pei Guang."

Velvet blinked. She had seen pictures of Pei Guang, but after Alicia and the Black Tower doll described it, she always felt that Pei Guang was a very scary person. The Lord of Extinction can destroy a galaxy~ And Pei Guang is the person who can kill the Lord of Extinction. How scary is such a person?

But after meeting her in person, she found that this person seemed... ordinary? Even the look in Pei Guang's eyes gave her the feeling of... that of an ordinary person?

This was her first impression, but after careful observation, her expression became serious.

Velvet: "Hello! I am Velvet from Fire Chasing Moth. I am mainly responsible for construction and various engineering matters. I am also involved in the research of hyperspace technology and time control technology. Here I would like to thank you for your support for the surviving people on earth. Help. I know you, you are the famous Pei Guang! I have admired you for a long time~"

There was no classic scene at the scene, because Alicia had already sent photos to the key people. At the same time, the technology brought by Pei Guang also shocked Velvet. She had never heard of controlling time and space. There is technology that can do this, but now the technology that could theoretically be produced fifty years ago is placed in front of her.

In addition, Pei Guang also really killed an entire legion of virtual pawns, and personally helped the people on earth kill the doomsday beast that could destroy the earth.

From Wei Wei's point of view, she can show herself in front of others no matter how she behaves, but in front of Pei Guang, she will give Pei Guang the greatest respect.

The Black Tower Doll also introduced to Pei Guang: "Vilwei, a little guy who is very good at mechanics, but the probability of this guy being targeted by Ah Ha may be higher than that of Bo Shizun. Just in time, you are not trying to capture the Legion. Take her with you and let her help you dismantle the legion’s technology.”

In the evaluation of the Black Tower Dolls, both Mebius and Mei have the opportunity to become members of the Genius Club, but this Velvet may have a greater chance of being targeted by Huan Huan before becoming a member of the Genius Club. .

Pei Guang: "Okay! The entourage has been arranged. By the way, arrange more combatants for me. When the time comes, we will be responsible for drawing hatred, and those combatants will be responsible for arresting. After arresting, let her dismantle them, and then send them away in batches. Perfect."

Velvet blinked and asked curiously: "Wait? What do you need me to do?"

Pei Guang: "Tear down the weapons and equipment on the virtual soldiers. We are short of resources now. While grabbing some virtual soldiers to generate electricity, we can also get some of their weapons to strengthen ourselves. Don't underestimate the legion. Although they It’s close combat, but even close combat has a high level of technology.”

Velvet: "Hey! What a bold idea, but if I can capture the living void pawn, I should be able to dismantle its equipment. Because~~"

Velvet wanted to remain mysterious, but the Black Tower Doll said directly: "After the Doomsday Beast was eliminated, the scientists here dismantled the Doomsday Beast under my guidance, and they are trying to make it with the materials dropped by the Doomsday Beast. Although they have not yet succeeded in producing weapons capable of destroying the legion, they already have the ability to dismantle the weapons and equipment possessed by the legion. "

Pei Guang: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Hearing that they were about to set off, Velvet said, "Can you wait for me for a while? I need to make some preparations."

Pei Guang: "Okay, let's go to the barracks and have a look. When you're ready, just come to the barracks to find me. I'll go to the barracks later to collect some wool. By the way, No. 1, let's arrange the manpower. It needs to be reliable. , I am afraid that people with low loyalty will not be able to share my various skills.”

Black Tower Doll: "Alicia will come to you later. Just let her arrange the manpower. As for loyalty? Don't worry at all. Alicia has already selected a group of loyal people for you." Enough soldiers."

Pei Guang: "Then let's go to the barracks first. Your technology tree points out so many things. There must be a lot of good stuff in the barracks."

Black Tower Doll: "Go! I'll give you the coordinates. Here are all the weapons and equipment produced so far, and they are arranged according to your preferences. I have prepared so well, how are you going to reward me?"

Pei Guang: "Kiss you hard?"

Black Tower Doll: "Hey! Is this your punishment?"

Star: "Isn't it a reward?"

March 7: “Isn’t it a reward?”

Black Tower Doll: "You want it, but I don't want it."

Xing looked at Pei Guang: "Aguang, you know me, the reward..."

Pei Guang: "I'll reward you for being a big-headed ghost."

Xing rubbed his hands and looked at Pei Guang excitedly: "Big-headed ghosts are okay, I don't mind."

Pei Guang: "Let me tell you, who did you learn the way you speak now?"

Xing and March 7 Black Tower puppets pointed at Pei Guang at the same time. Wei Wei in the room saw that the atmosphere had reached this point and also stretched out her hand to point at Pei Guang.

Xing: "Hehe~ Just kidding, but then again, Aguang, why do you want those ordinary weapons?"

Pei Guang: "You idiot, we are all sewn up. Since we are all sewn up, how can we not play FPS without firearms?"

March 7 asked doubtfully: "But whether it's the Immortal Boat or the Black Tower Space Station, they all have good thermal weapons, right?"

Pei Guang's face was deep, and he said with memories on his face: "Yes! I have collected a lot of those technological weapons, but among these weapons there is no M4, no big pineapple, no Mosin Nagant, and no three-shot burst, none of these I don’t think their arsenal of firearms is complete, but this is Earth, and they all have them! Give me an M4A1 or HK416, and it’s not impossible for you to defeat the Great Lord of Annihilation!”

Xing showed a pensive expression after hearing this sentence. She didn't understand what three bursts, M4 or big pineapple were, but she caught the key words. Guns can destroy the king of annihilation. At this moment, Xing's eyes It was once again full of energy.

Xing: "Aguang! Let's go! Give me a handful of big pineapples, let's go to the Sun to destroy the Great Lord!"

Pei Guang: "Let's go! Even if we can't do anything else, wouldn't it be nice to have an energy source in our Star Destroyer to poke around with?"

March 7: "Even if the Star Destroyer can't be played, we still have room to make a splash. I don't know what you're talking about, Aguang, but I have to be the one to stab the Lord of Annihilation."

As they spoke, the three people left in a hurry, and looking at the backs of the three people, Velvet looked at the Black Tower Doll: "You said that the Lord of Extermination can destroy an entire galaxy. Such a powerful guy can be defeated by ordinary people. Stabbed to death with a firearm?”

The Black Tower puppet sat on the chair and meditated: "If it's him, it should be okay. Just go ahead and make preparations. If you act with her this time, you will be able to see Pei Guang's magical power."

While Pei Guang went to the barracks to look for fun things to pack and take away, Alicia also received a message from the Black Tower Doll. After reading the specific mission, Alicia immediately contacted Kevin. She asked Kevin to urgently gather the soldiers who had completed the new weapons training, and at the same time, she went directly to the barracks.

Capturing the virtual soldiers of the legion to generate electricity is a very explosive behavior in the whole universe. After all, the virtual soldiers of the legion are dispatched in groups. As long as the legion comes to a certain planet, either the civilization of this planet will be killed. Or the empty soldiers of the legion were killed.

Of course, the former is more likely to appear. After all, when the virtual soldiers appear in large scale, they will carry star cores. Star cores + legions + doomsday beasts can basically wipe out most ordinary civilizations.

However, now, the earth, which was played by the legion not long ago, is now under the leadership of Pei Guang, preparing to capture the legion's virtual soldiers and use them to generate electricity.

No, when Alicia knew that Pei Guang was back and was about to cause trouble, she immediately found Pei Guang and his party in the barracks who were collecting weapons and equipment.

No, this time it was not smooth sailing, this time it was taken openly. At the same time, the barracks pointed out to him by the Black Tower Doll was prepared for Pei Guang to take. At the same time, in order to satisfy Pei Guang's strange hobby, the way the equipment is installed in this barracks is very consistent with the characteristics of the game.

"Really, you didn't say hello to me when you came back~ Let a girl take the initiative to say hello to you, but it will reduce the girl's favorability towards you~"

Looking at Pei Guang who was putting on the equipment in front of her, Alicia had a lot to say in her heart, hmm! I want to complain about Pei Guang.

Pei Guang asked her to be the adjutant, but he ended up being the boss, and he had to help take charge of the overall situation. Thanks to the help of Walter and the Black Tower doll, otherwise many plans would have relied on her alone. But it can't be implemented.

Relying on her own strength, she can indeed do some things very forcefully, but in Walter's words, outsiders have no idea how heavy that strength is.

Fortunately, the special existence of Pei Guang has a very special power. This power has an inexplicable attraction. Especially after Pei Guang appeared that day, the people on the earth were obviously united. Many people even thought that the earth It is natural to belong to Pei Guang.

As for the control of multiple people at the top, in fact, more ordinary people have no feelings. Without the navy, more people just complain. For everyone, as long as they are not enslaved and forced to do anything, so that they can avoid the crisis of destruction, in fact, multiple people It doesn't matter, if they can be prevented from working overtime, raising wages, and not raising prices, they will even be happy to let Pei Guang, an 'alien', take care of them.

Alicia knows that this is Pei Guang's own strength and the trust of countless people in Pei Guang. The trust of NPCs in players will not forcefully change the will of NPCs, but the favorability of most NPCs in multiple maps can make them When players open up new maps, the NPCs here will have a natural affinity for them.

Most people can only feel this innocent affection from the Black Tower Space Station, Beloberg and Luofu Immortal Boat, but Alicia can see it~

But what makes Alicia feel a little emotional is that Pei Guang and the others have only been away from the earth for a few days, but they are filled with people's innocent feelings for Pei Guang. I really don't know what he has done.

But from Alicia's point of view, this is a good thing, isn't it? With such a being who is comparable to the Lord of Extinction and may even become a star god in the future standing behind the earth, the people on the earth will definitely live a better life in the future~

Alicia's cheerful voice made Pei Guang, who was studying new equipment, turn his head: "Oh? It's Ali~ It's not a big problem. If the adjutant lowers his favorability, I can get it back up with just a poke."

Alicia: "What kind of mobile game setting is this! What's more, this person is not a paper person, but a real person standing here. If you poke me, I will only feel the feeling of being poked, and it will not increase your favor at all!"

Xing on the side heard this and looked at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang, she doesn't believe what you say, come on! Let's poke her~ If she doesn't like her, let's tie her up and poke her until she does. "

Alicia: "What you are saying is just standard villain speech. It sounds really scary."

Pei Guang thought about it: "I think what Xing said is reasonable. I just need to tie you up and poke you into liking me, isn't that enough?"

Alicia looked at March 7 who was aside: "Aguang made such a bad statement, don't you care?"

March 7 comforted him: "Well, just say that if you poke me, you will lose your favor. You have to learn to be flexible."

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