Chapter 212 The competing players, the smoking golden president

The emergence of Pei Guang's food stall not only made Pei Guang a lot of useless money, but Pei Guang also went further and further on this road.

You may not believe it, but Pei Guang sells snacks in Jinren Alley. The pioneers established connections in the new world and experienced the local customs. At the same time, he brought food and production techniques to Xianzhou that were not available here, and even brought them to the people here. Here comes a fantasy dungeon that I have never experienced before, how in line with the path of pioneering!

In the next half day, Pei Guang, as a player, performed the traditional art of simulating business.

Satisfy the appetites of customers, increase the popularity of his food stall, and attract more customers to Jinren Alley. At the same time, as the number of people gradually increases, Pei Guang even begins to place tables, chairs and benches so that more people can taste the food on the spot. .

These are all the traditional skills of simulation business players. From scratch, even if they only sell a few types of food, players can turn their stalls or shops from heavily in debt to making money every day.

At the same time, as a player, you have the luxury of being a player. Most people want to make more money. Pei Guang, a player, thinks more complicatedly. As a player, you need to make more money while also using the best quality ingredients to make delicious food. Food that satisfies guests.

During this process, Xing and Ming Xi, the little secretary, contacted more merchants to let more merchants use the Jinren Lane port. At the same time, Xing also spread Pei Guang's food stall to more merchants through word of mouth. Many people know it.

While doing this, Xing had some insights. When she finished all her work, she returned to Pei Guang's food stall.

While watching Pei Guang Daxing's path of pioneering, Xing, who was also a pioneer, had a lot of fun connecting and selling goods. But these happiness are only for one person after all. Seeing Pei Guang so busy and seeing more and more customers around him, Xing believes that as a pioneer, he cannot stop.

Like Pei Guang, she must practice the path of pioneering, because she is...the Galaxy Bat Man! Of course, these are secondary. The real reason that makes Xing want to participate is that she feels that it is interesting and fun to make money by cooking and increase the popularity of the food stall. There was a connection before and she could have fun. Now that the connection is complete and she is free, she naturally wants to follow Pei Guang and do more interesting things.

All along, they, as pioneers, can do whatever Pei Guang can do. Therefore, Xing looked at Pei Guang who was making fried chicken and said to Pei Guang: "Ah Guang! I have decided that not only will I revitalize Jinren Alley, I will also open a food stall. I will compete with you!"

This sentence made Pei Guang, who was making fried chicken, look solemn: "Xing! I always thought you were my accomplice, but I didn't expect you to compete with me. Hum, this time, since it's competition, then I won't I will be merciful, I have decided to bring out my weird fried chicken!”

Xing: "Huh, I've already observed it. Although Xianzhou is very delicious, it doesn't have Cosmic Fried Rice. I decided to sell Cosmic Fried Rice here."

Pei Guang complained: "I still have the Universe Big Shaomai, but it doesn't matter. How can the Cricket Universe Big Fried Rice compare with my weird fried chicken? Come on! Let the two of us have a fair duel between players, and Let’s bring some fun to the business game this time around.”

As an excellent player, Pei Guang knows that no matter what game it is, even if he has the world's top equipment, it is not the best configuration for the game. The real high configuration is having friends to play with.

It had been a stand-alone operation before. Although the customer reviews were very good, it still made Pei Guang feel a little empty. What does that amount to? It’s like making a fool of your kitchen online!

Players can play alone, but if they can play in a team, no player will refuse to play the game with someone they get along with.

At the same time, Pei Guang remembered the time when he was playing Null Kitchen with netizens. At that time, he even said that he would have the opportunity to experience the real-life version of Null Kitchen. Now that he has experienced it, he just wants to kick his netizen's butt.

Xing: "Okay! Then I'll come too. I also want to set up a stall, but Ah Guang! But Ah Guang~ I'll bring in foreign aid. You won't blame me, right? I'll let March 7 be my foreign aid. You won't." Be angry~"

Pei Guang: "Not at all! If you recruit foreign aid, I will also recruit foreign aid. Isn't it just the cute, beautiful, youthful, lively, and extremely attractive Qi'er who will become your teammate? It doesn't matter!"

Xing: "Hey! Why do I feel like there's something wrong with what you said?"

Pei Guang: "Illusion! Since you are going to be my opponent, then hurry up and set up a stall. I don't think I will lose to this cute new kid like you. You have to know that I have rich experience!"

Xing: "But I have March to help me~"

Pei Guang: "Not afraid at all!"

Looking at the noisy two people on both sides, March Qi, who had been eating melons and watching the show, smiled. It was no fun to be simply competitive among the companions, but in this kind of leisure time, it looked like a small game. The competition, which was like a quarrel between children, made March Qi very interested.

For primary school students, this kind of quarrel may be a bit childish, but for older children like them, this kind of competition is just right.

Ever since, March Qi also looked at Pei Guang with his hands on his hips: "Humph! Ah Guang! This time, be prepared to lose. Xing and I will definitely beat you! Wait? I suddenly remembered something One thing, Xing! Do you know how to cook like A Guang?”

Facing March Qi's inquiry, Xing took out some ingredients: "As A Guang's companions, isn't it common sense that we know how to cook in this way?"

Bailu and others complained: "Wake up, this way of cooking is not common sense!"

However, when Bai Lu said these words, Xing Xing realized that she was not cooking the way Pei Guang did. She used Pei Guang's power to develop her own unique way of cooking.

I saw Xing taking out rice and some ingredients, and stirring them next to the cutting board. Xing's eyes gradually became void, and in the process, the ingredients she was mixing actually appeared like a fight in a funny cartoon. The smoke came out, and then he saw spoons, forks, chopsticks, and various ingredients coming out of the smoke in Xing's hand.

Ten seconds later, a large bowl of cosmic egg fried rice appeared in Xing's hands. Mingxi was used to seeing this scene. It doesn't matter if the common sense of pioneers is different from that of normal people. It doesn't matter what method the pioneers use to cook. Food that is edible, delicious, and harmless to the body is considered good food.

Mingxi: "..."

Looking at Mingxi's silent expression, Bai Lu patted her shoulder: "Don't think too much. There are many magical things in this universe. It's normal to make food with your bare hands!"

In fact, not only was Guang Xi stunned, but even March Qi, who had always watched movies, was stunned for a moment after watching this scene. But fortunately, she has a quick receptive ability. What hasn't she seen under Pei Guang's leadership? The wall was shattered five times, the treasure was rummaged through the trash can, and now there is an extra dish to be cooked with bare hands, which is normal.

Accept it, accept it, but there is no shortage of complaints about March 7: "It seems to be a good ability to use, so that in the future we will no longer have to worry about hunger."

Xing put his hands on his hips proudly and said, "That's right! Ah Guang, do you want to try it? This is a delicacy that is popular all over the universe."

Pei Guang: "And there is no fairy boat?"

Xing: "It's just popular in the whole universe. Does it mean it's available in the whole universe? Come and try it!"

Pei Guang: "Let me try!"

Pei Guang tried the cosmic fried rice. The fried rice was golden in color and full of aroma. Just looking at the appearance, you couldn't tell that it was made by Xing's bare hands.

But after eating, Pei Guang showed a sarcastic smile and gave a thumbs up to the star: "It's delicious, but it definitely can't beat my perfect fried chicken and weird fried chicken, so just wait and lose!" "

Xing was not to be outdone at this time and put his hands on his hips: "Your fried chicken is so greasy, how can it be as delicious as my fried rice? Besides, you have weird fried chicken, I can also make other foods!"

Pei Guang: "Let's wait and see."

Pei Guang and Xing were not to be outdone, and the 'quarrel' between the two on the scene made the place even more lively. Some people had heard that the pioneers opened a food stall in Jinren Lane and it tasted good. Now these people Seeing that the two pioneers actually wanted to compete in terms of food, the melon-eating crowd also expressed that it was not a big deal to watch the excitement and started to boo.

Although Mingxi couldn't understand how Pei Guang and Xing made the dishes, as the secretary of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, she also knew that she should seize the opportunity.

Nowadays, the money owed by Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce is no longer a problem, but how to develop next and how to bring Jinren Lane back to its glory is a big problem. Although she also has confidence, confidence cannot bring traffic.

With their fame and snacks, the duel between Pei Guang and Xing is a big gimmick for Jinren Lane.

But at the same time, the competition between these two people did not have any impact on Jin Renxiang. Although there are food stalls in Jinren Alley doing the fried chicken made by Pei Guang, fried chicken can only be regarded as one of them, and it can be said that it has no impact on the vendors in Jinren Alley who are doing good things.

Xing Tiao, that is something even Xianzhou does not have, the universe fried rice, if you have been to Xianzhou, you will have eaten it, but above Luofu, more people will not say Xianzhou, and some even People have never left the cave where they were born, so it is normal for them not to have tasted this popular cosmic cuisine.

Because of this, not only will the dishes made by Xing not affect Xianzhou's shops, but there are even shopkeepers in some shops who just want to watch the excitement.

At the same time, under the leadership of these two, the business of some snack stalls has also become booming. After all, Pei Guang only sells fried chicken, and fried chicken is perfect when paired with other snacks and drinks.

No matter how delicious the fried chicken is, you will feel full if you eat too much. As the saying goes, you have come here, so just take a stroll in Jinren Alley.

Didn't find it easy to take the goodies back? It doesn't matter, Jinren Lane Pier accepts freight, and it can be delivered to any cave or even other worlds. After contacting Jinren Lane Wharf, these customers who came here discovered that the freight speed here is quite fast, and they can mail anything.

Ever since, a new cycle appeared at the Jinren Lane Pier.

In Chen Ji Shop, Lian Yan connected with the head of the golden man in front of him, with an excited expression on his face and said: "Those pioneers are really amazing. Heyun's logistics arrangements are very reasonable, and the freight efficiency of the terminal has been greatly improved. , originally those merchants were still worried about insufficient traffic and unable to maintain operations, but these pioneers have made a circle here, making Jinren Alley popular on several Luofu platforms, and even the Interstellar Peace Company. It’s very popular, and many people are planning to visit Jinren Alley.”

After hearing Lian Yan's report, the president of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, the Jinren head, was silent for a moment and then replied: "This prosperity is only temporary, continue to observe, simple enthusiasm is not difficult to obtain, what is difficult is how "Keep the heat going."

The president really has feelings for this Jinren Alley, but as a Jinren, he will also consider the best solution for the future of Jinren Alley. As a machine, it understands that nothing in this world is static, but if possible, it still hopes that this Golden Man Alley is the familiar Golden Man Alley.

It is true that it is a machine, but even if it is a machine, the popularity of Jinren Alley has overshadowed it over the past few hundred years. As a golden person, it has no interest in the position of president, and is more optimistic about Pei Guang than the company.

This optimism was not based on Pei Guang's performance in Jinren Alley, but the confidence it brought to it after hearing Pei Guang's advertisement, because it discovered that the voice turned out to be... General Jingyuan's.

Jinren Alley, Yun Shang Wu Xiao once drank here, imagined the future, and even sang here. Although Jing Yuan changed his voice, I don’t know if it was a coincidence or intentional. The voice he used was the same one he used in the past. The voices of those singing here and there.

As time goes by, Jingyuan's friends are no longer here, but as the manager here, it still remembers the scene at that time. It remembers not only Jingyuan and the others, but also everything that happened in Jinren Alley.

As the president of the Chamber of Commerce, it was also curious about how much traffic Pei Guang and the others could bring, so it said to Lian Yan: "Take me there and let me see what they can turn this place into. "

Originally, Lian Yan's expression was normal, but when she heard the president say that she wanted to take a look, her expression became a little serious: "President, do you really want to go and see what these two pioneers have done?" , may not be good for you.”

After all, her president has a mechanical brain. As a human, she can comfort herself, but as a machine, she is afraid that her president's head will smoke.

Golden Head: "It doesn't matter. The system has been maintained after the turmoil and will not be affected by the outside world. I am very curious about the Pioneers."

Hearing this, Lian Yan sighed: "Okay! But President, promise me not to run the program too much. The two pioneers had more unique ideas, and the stalls they built at the same time were a little different. They even used the same golden man as the president.”

Lian Yan was hinting crazily. If nothing else, just talking about a circle of golden heads around the stall was enough to shut down the golden head. If he saw Pei Guang cooking again, Lian Yan estimated that his president would Replaced with new data storage device.

The golden man's head didn't reply, but the light from the talisman on its head proved that it had heard and remembered it. However, as a machine, as long as it didn't make random calculations, there was nothing wrong with it thinking about itself.

So, under the leadership of Lian Yan, the president came to Jinren Alley and went to the stall where Pei Guang and Xing were competing.

At this time, a lot of people had gathered around the nearby stalls, some watching the excitement and some waiting in line. Jin Ren and Lian Yan discovered that they even saw some big shots among these people.

The secretary of the Tianbo Department, the secretary of the Shence Mansion, the master of the Engineering Department, good guys, how long has it been since so many people gathered here?

However, these people did not queue up in a hurry, but stood at a distance to watch the excitement. As for whether the fortune teller named Qingque came under the order, he was still fishing. If she came to see the fun, only she would know.

But from the way she was enjoying the excitement, one could guess that this girl definitely came here while fishing. The golden man was a little emotional about this scene.

The last time I saw such a lively Jinren Alley was decades ago. At the same time, looking at more and more people around, I could roughly calculate how prosperous Jinren Alley was now.

As long as this popularity and operation method can be maintained, I dare not say more, but it is still possible to give Jinren Lane another hundred years of prosperity.

As the president of Jinren Lane, he can still accept this result.

At the same time, seeing how everyone trusts the Trail Blazers, it is also a little emotional. It originally thought that if the Trail Blazers needed it, it would sell a batch of them to increase the trust of the Trail Blazers, but it looks like there is no need at all.

Now in Luofu, everyone who knows what these pioneers have done, whether they are sincerely grateful or have ulterior motives, is thinking about how to build a good relationship with the pioneers.

As a Jin person, it can see how attractive the drug that Pei Guang provides for reversing the demonic body is, and the Xianzhou people will probably be unable to resist its temptation after seeing it.

However, while it was doing calculations and analysis, and even feeling a little emotional that Jinren Alley would get better in the future, it had already arrived in front of Pei Guang and Xing's stall, being served on a plate.

When it came to the booth of these two people, although it, as the president, had no expression, it understood what it meant to have a frozen expression.

It saw that Pei Guang's stall was surrounded by a circle of decorations that fit the characteristics of Jinren Alley, namely the golden man's head. Everyone who knows the inside story all praises Pei Guang for his accuracy in grasping the characteristics of Jinren Lane, because everyone who knows the inside story knows that the president of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce is a Jin man and only has one head.

Look at Pei Guang’s stall again, how nice it is! There are all golden heads below. Rounding it off means that Pei Guang is using the president’s head as a decoration, laugh~

Let’s take a look at Xing’s train food stall. In terms of decoration, she is even more eye-catching. Pei Guang’s side is filled with ordinary Jin people’s heads, while Xing’s side is placed with the heads of all Jin people within the Luofu area.

Let's look at the way two people cook. One person puts ingredients into the pot, puts in the chicken legs and comes out a whole chicken, puts in the chicken wings and comes out a chicken leg, puts in the chicken butt and comes out a chicken wing. Is this a magic trick?

No, I can't watch it anymore, it will start to smoke. It set its sights on the star, and there was nothing better there. It slapped a lot of ingredients, and then saw the star rising up and down its hands, and a cloud of smoke appeared on the cutting board, and then it saw a rolling pin, a spoon, and chopsticks. Flying around from inside, and the food is ready?

At this moment, it felt that its head was a little itchy, and its feeling was correct, because from Lianyan's perspective, the president's head was smoking. It was not the exaggerated expression of the funny character when thinking, but the overload of the golden man's head. Physical smoke.

Lian Yan: "President!!!"

Chapter 213 The end of Jinren Lane~

In Jinren Alley, many guests who lived near Jinren Alley rushed over non-stop after seeing the hot spot of Jinren Alley.

At this time, inside the alley, the competition between Pei Guang and Xing had entered a fierce stage. As the number of customers increased, the speed of the two people making dishes became faster and faster.

But the bodies of the two people limited their speed, but it didn't matter. Although their bodies limited their speed, they still had ways to increase their speed.

Speaking of Pei Guang, he directly used all the available physical and energy bars, and activated all the active and passive skills he had acquired, for no other reason than to win this competition.

Xing's side wasn't much better either. In order to carry out this improper cooking showdown, the star core in her body was fully activated. Pure destructive power erupted within her.

The powerful power from Destiny attracted the attention of Jing Yuan, who was on vacation and actually teleported on the Immortal Boat. He thought someone was causing trouble, but when he came to Jinren Lane and saw the two people at full strength, His expression gradually became serious.

After living for so many years, it was the first time that he could unleash all his strength in order to cook a dish.

This is because Jing Yuan has little experience. Anyone who has seen what these two people did in the Big Stomach King Challenge on Belloberg and Xianzhou will know that they go all out in some strange places and even go to the point of coma. This is It's simply the norm.

As for whether these two people were unconscious this time? That's not it, but a day of high-intensity competition successfully weakened Xing Gan. Seeing that Xing Qian was weak, Pei Guang didn't have the mentality to compete, so he took Xing to find a place to rest first.

Bai Lu was also invited by everyone and boarded the train with Pei Guang and the others. Although she couldn't follow the train around the world, she could still get on the train and take a look.

They have left, but their impact on Golden Man Lane has just begun.

Jinren Alley, from the time Pei Guang and his party came here to now, the popularity and the flow of people are increasing at a terrifying speed.

First, the information about the pioneers here successfully attracted people on the Immortal Boat, and spread it to each other through the Yunqi Army and everyone who had been helped by the pioneers. This Golden Man Alley suddenly became popular. Some people may be interested in Pei Guangyao, some may be interested in others, and some may want to try out what’s so special about Pioneer Fried Chicken. As time goes by, there will be more people.

The second is that the war has just ended, and the tense spirit made the Xianzhou people want to find a place to relax a little. As soon as they turned on the Internet, my dear, Jinren Lane is so lively? As a result, people came to Jinren Lane to go shopping.

Those who come to Jinren Alley are just there to join in the fun. For them, even if Jinren Alley is nothing, they can still enjoy a long stroll.

As a result, Ming Xi, the secretary of the Jinren Lane Chamber of Commerce, experienced for the first time what it means to be too busy with too many people.

"There were obviously not many people there yesterday, so why are there so many people today?"

"There are so many people, it's a bit overwhelming..."

"Is this the efficiency of the Trail Blazers?"

At this time, Mingxi was already spinning and couldn't stop at all. Normally, the president of the Jinren Association would come forward at this time, but she heard Lian Yan say that the president is an old man, the CPU is overloaded, and the temperature has soared to thousands of degrees. Now I'm looking for someone to maintain it, but I don't have time to manage it.

As a result, this important task fell on Mingxi, but fortunately, Jinren Alley was once prosperous. With the help of the pioneers, it took less than two days to build Jinren Alley, which was transformed from a deserted street to a bustling one. night market.

It only took one day, let alone Ming Xi. Even the people who came back from outside to take over the bidding related matters of Jinren Lane Pier were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Yesterday, Jinren Lane was empty, but today it was crowded with people. He missed it. What?

Of course, the crowds here are not only due to Pei Guang and Xing, but also to the serious management of the shops in Jinren Lane.

Although this place is in decline, many of the shops here have experienced their glory days, and they also have a few brushes in their hands. It is just because they have lived for too long that they have not kept up with the times and are not very good at things like marketing that are now popular.

In addition, several large-scale commercial centers have been established in Changletian. The traffic here has been reduced over time, but now they see that there is an opportunity to become lively again. These people also used all their strength and saw that it was the pioneers who were engaged in logistics. , after thinking for a while, give Pei Guang and the others some face.

Basically, Xing goes to find which company to connect to, and whichever company joins Heyun Logistics, allowing Xing to play as he pleases.

In addition to the merchants, there is another potential reason why there are so many people here. This reason does not immediately make Changletian more crowded, but it just gives Changletian a lot more things to know about internal information.

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