But as we all know, gamers do not need vision, especially players who play real-time strategy games. Sometimes they can be completely blind.

As for Pei Guang, when he entered the coordinates, he missed the punctuation marks of all the coordinates.

When he entered the coordinates and prepared to jump, Pei Guang was cautious.

"Don't be careless, let me confirm again!"

After all, there were too many numbers, and Pei Guang was worried that if he entered it incorrectly, it would be bad to break into other people's galaxies. After all, with such a big Star Destroyer, if he broke in, he would have to tearfully accept other people's galaxies.

Although the problem is not big, Pei Guang doesn't want to play real-time strategy now, let alone fight for the universe.

how to say? Players sometimes have a unique personality. They play farming in butter and engage in pornography in serious games. Although the game has various functions, players just want to play what they want to play.

Although other things are not unplayable, they are not fun to play with.

Pei Guang carefully checked the coordinate data and various auxiliary words. These auxiliary words can help the Star Destroyer jump in safe airspace without affecting the surrounding planets.

Pei Guang checked around and found that all the numbers he entered were correct. One number was correct! But I just don't see the decimal point.

In fact, under normal circumstances, if the wrong data is entered or the decimal point is missing, any ship will not be able to sail normally, because normal ships have navigation charts, and the navigation charts are drawn by the Interstellar Peace Company and supplemented by various forces.

If you are making a long-distance jump, you must match the navigation chart and coordinates, and carry various confirmations to make a normal jump.

But Pei Guang's Star Destroyer doesn't have this restriction. It's original. You can jump wherever you want, as long as the energy is enough.

Then the problem comes again. Under normal circumstances, if a decimal point is entered incorrectly, the ship's energy may not be able to complete the jump. Although space navigation will prepare sufficient resources, the decimal point error in the coordinates is not even a little bit wrong. Normally Starship resources are completely insufficient to support the jump.

However, the Pei Guang Star Destroyer has sufficient resources. Although it does not have enough resources to jump from one end to the other, the remaining imaginary energy is enough to jump from Pei Guang's position to all parts of the universe.

At the same time, Pei Guang's Star Destroyer has a simplified system in order to facilitate player operation. There is no normal process. The ship dares to jump directly if given the coordinates.

However, out of caution, Pei Guang double-checked to see if there were any errors. He checked that there were no errors in the numbers. At this time, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction.

Pei Guang: "Star Destroyer! Jump start!"

"Countdown to jump start..."

As Pei Guang confirmed the jump, the entire Star Destroyer entered navigation mode and prepared to start the jump. However, Pei Guang didn't feel anything unusual when he jumped.

The guys in the Star Destroyer's power furnace didn't feel anything unusual, but when the Star Destroyer pumped out energy, they felt something strange.

The last time they ran so far, the two Lords of Extinction had enough time to go and come back. Judging from the current distance, go to the coordinates given by Esta and squeeze the two of them dry. How many of them can do it again? If you put it all together, it will definitely be enough.

But why did they suddenly start draining their resources? Where is Pei Guang going?

Before they had time to wonder, the Star Destroyer completed its jump, and this time the jump took place in an ordinary galaxy called the 'Solar System'.

But compared to ordinary galaxies, this galaxy is not ordinary. This is a newly born world. Civilizations have been born on the earth of this galaxy. In time, they will be able to fly out of the earth, fly to the universe, and join the big family of the universe. .

However, this galaxy is unfortunate. It unfortunately blocks the advance route of the Antimatter Legion. The entire galaxy has given birth to civilization on the Earth, and the civilization born on the Earth is too fragile in front of the Legion Lord.

Fragile to the point that no messenger would take a second look, the messengers like to destroy planets protected by destiny and destroy the civilizations on those powerful planets.

Such a weak earth is not worth taking seriously. Only a small and complete army goes to the earth and is responsible for annihilating earth civilization.

Although the earth is very weak, such a weak planet is very suitable for training the recruits of the Antimatter Corps. At the same time, the souls of the billions of people on this planet are also high-quality materials for making weapons and equipment.

For the Legion, although the earth is weak, it does have a good job. The elimination of all civilizations on this planet will make this army stronger and allow this army to better follow Nanook and destroy the entire universe.

The Legion brought the star core to this planet with intelligent life, and along with the star core, the Legion's virtual soldiers also came to this weak world, bringing destruction to the civilization in this world.

The star core arrives, and the rift begins to erode the world. When the earth's resistance completely disappears, it will be the day when the galaxy is officially destroyed.

For this universe, this special yet not special galaxy has welcomed the third uninvited guest.

In the solar system, Pei Guang's Star Destroyer completed the jump. The huge Star Destroyer did not attract the attention of the antimatter legions in the galaxy, but the imaginary energy from the Destruction Order on the Star Destroyer made these imaginary soldiers attack the ship. The Star Destroyer dared not act rashly.

Although the power of the Lord of Destruction is weak, no matter how weak the Lord of Destruction is, he is still their highest commander.

However, Pei Guang, who was on the bridge of the Star Destroyer, looked at the scene outside and his head was full of questions. He looked around and saw that the entire galaxy was occupied by the antimatter army.

Looking further into the distance, he could see the Tramplers and Doomsday Beasts he was familiar with, and there were even larger and seemingly more powerful beings in the distance.

"Is what Esta sent me really a galaxy rich in resources?"

Pei Guang was confused for a moment, but then he clapped his hands: "That's it! In terms of resources, it is indeed abundant. With so many members of the Antimatter Legion captured, I guess I won't have to worry about lack of energy anymore. In a certain respect, Abundant resources indeed! ”

Although Pei Guang could understand, Pei Guang still made a note for Esta.

"Esta sent me a planet full of enemies. I will bear this grudge!"

But how to say it? After all, this is its own galaxy, and it looks like it is modeled after the solar system. Look at that planet, it is exactly the same as the Earth in the textbook.

Although Pei Guang had some minor complaints, overall it was not a big problem.

Pei Guang: "I didn't expect to find the Earth in this world? I don't know if this Earth is the Earth I know, but it's not a big problem. Anyway, they are all my balls. If they don't obey, they will all be destroyed."

Without March 7th and Xing, Pei Guang's thoughts became more and more indulgent. If the earth was consistent with the planet he lived on, he wouldn't mind keeping it. If it was inconsistent, and he even wanted to resist himself, Pei Guang would have to Consider how to eliminate the disobedient population and leave the obedient population.

What? Your hometown?

Pei Guang shook his head and shouted that it was impossible. Among other things, the original color of his hair in his hometown was not that colorful. Pei Guang is not just talking nonsense. With the color of hair in this world, people in his hometown might not even be able to enter the primary school gate.

While Pei Guang was thinking about it, he began to study how to go to the earth to see. As for these antimatter legions? They didn't attack, and Pei Guang didn't bother to attack them. After all, so many resources were put here, and it felt distressing to kill even one Pei Guang.

This is his own galaxy, and everything here belongs to him. It would be a huge waste if so many members of the Antimatter Legion are not integrated into the power grid to provide power resources for their basic development.

But how to get to Earth has become a problem for Pei Guang, but as the saying goes, as long as his thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

Minutes later, over the Earth, the surviving people saw a ball of flame falling from the sky.

On Earth, the Asian continent is the last paradise for people to live on this planet. Other areas have been destroyed by the antimatter army and eroded by the Rift.

But when this flame appeared in the sky, everyone was attracted by this vision.

In the church, a nun is praying. She saw the future of this planet, a future that could not be changed. She knew that she could not change the future, but before the future arrived, she was doing her best to do what she could.



The nuns saw that the original future had disappeared, and the future could no longer be observed. It was as if the script that had been written disappeared at this moment, as if waiting for them to write the future.

On the battlefield against the Antimatter Legion, the girl named Alicia also raised her head to look at the flames in the sky. She did not raise her head to express how gorgeous the sky fire was, but the flames falling from the sky were directed at this piece of land. The battlefield is for her.

However, this is not the weirdest thing. It's just a meteorite. If it doesn't work, it will be supported by the legion. At worst... just fight it back.

What was really weird was that Alicia saw that the seemingly normal source of flames in the sky seemed to be a trash can? Even if it was a trash can, she actually felt that the trash can was looking at her?

Forget about looking at each other, when she looked at each other, she actually felt that the trash can was hugging its non-existent arms to its chest and shouting "In the name of preservation"


Alicia, who had been fighting against the Legion for so long as a human being, was confused when she saw this scene. She didn't know if she had gotten up too hard today or something happened, but she saw such a scene.

Chapter 192 Pei Guang, Barbeque and Alicia

Trash cans filled with people and burning with flames fell from the sky.

On the battlefield between humans and the anti-matter corps, at this moment both sides stopped fighting in tacit agreement and looked up at the sky. Because the direction of the barrel's impact was nowhere else, but in the center of the antimatter army.

Judging from this speed, the size of the object, and the lack of wear and tear during landing, this thing will cause great damage if it hits the ground.

Ordinary antimatter void soldiers have no intelligence, only the instinct of destruction, but they feel the threat in the sky, and feel the threat from death.

For the legion of this solar system, destroying this planet that has no destiny to protect is just a snap of the fingers.

However, the Lord of Destruction who controls them has a completely different aesthetics of destruction than that of Huanhu. This Lord of Destruction will make the Legion advance the front very slowly, exert pressure, and destroy the resistance from civilization bit by bit.

Because of this, the legion here did not destroy the planet immediately, but eroded the civilization of the planet bit by bit.

But now, they can feel that variables have appeared.

The impact of the barrel falling in the sky is nothing to the Antimatter Legion. What really scares them is the pure power of destiny on the barrel.

This is! The power of preservation!

Hell, even the Antimatter Legion doesn't understand how a barrel can have the power of preservation? It must be life inside the barrel!

The barrel fell from the sky accompanied by flames. However, the moment it landed on the ground, it did not cause a huge impact. Instead, it rolled on the ground a few times and stopped.

When the barrel stabilized, Pei Guang poked his head out of the barrel, looked left and right, and saw Legion first.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many legion members on my livable planet. It seems that I don't have to worry about the basic resources for early development~ But the question is, how should I escape?"

Pei Guang counted the number of empty pawns around him. Good guys, they were densely packed into patches. I dare not say how many there were, but there must be tens of thousands.

Before facing the Lord of Extermination, Pei Guang would not have had the means to mow the grass and Wushuang, but now...

The moment the Xu soldiers on the battlefield saw Pei Guang appear, their instinct of destruction was activated, and the Xu soldiers charged towards Pei Guang. At the same time, the more powerful tramplers on the battlefield also aimed their weapons at Pei Guang and began to accumulate power at this moment.

This is a threat, an absolute threat. Unlike the indigenous civilizations on this planet that can be ravaged at will, this is the true enemy of the Legion.

Pei Guang looked at the blood-red blood strips on the heads of the legion members, pursed his lips and snapped his fingers. The moment he snapped his fingers, flames bloomed among the crowd.

Pei Guang emptied all his energy bars to release the three flavors of true fire. While releasing it, Pei Guang took the recovery potion and spread the fire to the entire battlefield.

Nowadays, Pei Guang is very proficient in Sanwei Zhenhuo, and it is more difficult to deal with high-intensity enemies. However, against these empty soldiers, Pei Guang is like a fierce general in the Wushuang game. Now he can kill as many as he can.

But just to be on the safe side, Pei Guang set a fire, then calmly got back into the bucket and closed the lid.

When the legion's virtual soldiers were ignited, their anger was also ignited. When they saw Pei Guang getting back, they launched an attack on the barrel without thinking. Merely protecting it will be destroyed by them.

However, the legions couldn't do any damage to the barrel, what a joke! How could a barrel that could easily trap even Huan Hui be easily destroyed by the antimatter army present?

The angry attacks of the void pawn are like tickling the barrel, and it can even reflect these attacks back to the attacker.

The flames on Xuzu's body are grilling his body and burning his soul, allowing the soul to be completely integrated into the body. This perfect cooking process injects soul into the final dish.

Injecting soul into other people's cooking is an adjective, but Sanwei Zhenhuo means that you are really injecting soul into your cooking, and when you are injecting soul, the familiar Great Wall sounds around you.

Within ten minutes, Pei Guang felt that the attacks outside had completely stopped. When he came out of the barrel again, he smelled the mouth-watering fragrance in the air and the ripe legion.

From ordinary pawns to tramplers, enemies that are completely irresistible to Earth's technology have become delicacies under Pei Guang's cooking.

Although this wave is a very small part of the army responsible for attacking the enemy on earth, for the life on earth, this may be the first time they see the severely damaged army.

Looking at these delicious dishes, Pei Guang nodded with satisfaction: "Although you can't generate electricity, as dishes, you are still very collectible!"

Pei Guang happily collected these dishes that were very delicious and had a faint light and soul in them. Since it was his own planet, Pei Guang decided to indulge a little bit.

These cooked virtual pawns can deduct the enemy's maximum health. Each portion of the meal will take effect as long as you take one bite, but each portion of the meal will not continue to take effect. Pei Guang decided to build a cannery like the one proposed to Jing Yuan.

Make these dishes into cans and distribute them to the legion members who are still on the earth, so that they can reduce some of their life limits and at the same time, you can cook them better and faster.

"Hmm~ This is five-flavored~"

"Hiss! This is spicy!"

"This is sweet and sour!"

Don't get me wrong, Pei Guang didn't taste them personally. Although the taste of the legions was very fragrant, compared to these, Pei Guang preferred normal dishes made with three flavors of real fire, which were more fragrant than these without the debuff.

However, as a player, Pei Guang also has a relatively flexible bottom line. As long as one bite of these legions can increase the life limit a little, even if it doesn't, Pei Guang can accept it at least half a point or 0.1.

No matter how low the value is, it can't support the large number, but unfortunately, these guys don't add it.

It is something that can only be given to enemies to eat. Although it is useful, it is somewhat regrettable.

Pei Guang happily reaped the ripe pawns, while on the other side of the battlefield, the humans looked at him in confusion.

They saw that the flames falling from the sky landed in the center of the legion. There was no explosion as they imagined, and there was no sense of impact caused by a meteorite hitting the earth.

But then they saw a ball of fire rising from the Legion, and as the flames rose, they heard the painful sounds from the Legion.

Fire can make legions suffer? This is impossible. When facing the Legion, humans have tried all means. Heavy weapons can damage the legion, but can only slightly hinder its progress.

Not to mention flames, currently only nuclear bombs in human hands can truly stop the advancement of the Legion and cause effective damage to the Legion's troops. However, the most powerful weapon in human hands cannot hurt Doomsday Beast at all.

Because of this, when the flames went out, the humans who found a strong fragrance coming out of the legion, when they determined that the legion had all died, sent a team to investigate the truth of the flames.

Since this flame can burn the legion's virtual soldiers, if it can be mastered, it will be easy to destroy the antimatter legion.

Originally, the investigation had nothing to do with Alicia, but Alicia took the initiative to bring people here to investigate the situation.

However, when she led people deeper, her expression gradually became serious. The fragrance on the virtual soldiers seemed to be the temptation from the abyss, which made her want to take a bite.

But her intuition told her that this thing could not be eaten, and it would kill people.

The elite soldiers she brought also swallowed their saliva subconsciously when they approached the virtual soldiers, but they were professionally trained soldiers, and they could hold on to the temptation of delicious food.

Alicia approached a ripe virtual soldier, and she poked the ripe virtual soldier, but the feedback from the virtual soldier shocked Alicia even more. Strictly speaking, the virtual soldiers of the antimatter legion are not serious lives. But now these virtual soldiers feel like roasted meat.

Especially the golden light coming out of them, which makes these dishes more appetizing.

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