Now, with the crisis of the immortal boat resolved, Luofu's transportation hub is operating again. In order to survive, all shops, stalls and vendors started business as soon as possible.

After all, today is a relatively important festival in Luofu, and everyone has been holding back for the past few days. A wave of retaliatory consumption can definitely make up for the loss of normal business in the past few days.

However, the influence of the disaster caused by the secret teachings of the King of Medicine still exists. Although it has been released, there are not so many pedestrians on the street for the time being, which also allows Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 to have a good stroll here.

When they came to the street, the stalls and vendors started business, and some shops were officially opened. Some shops are being intensively maintained because they have been closed for several days, and traffic is gradually recovering.

When Pei Guang, Xing and March 7 were wandering around, a small stall attracted the attention of the three people.

"Take a look~"

This is another snack stall. I don't know why, when Pei Guang and Xing saw this snack stall, they found a familiar feeling.

Looking at the snack stand, Pei Guang's expression became serious: "This is a test!"

Xing: "This time! I won't lose!"

Pei Guang: "Haha! This time, I won't lose either!"

March Seven didn't know what the two were talking about at first, but when she got closer and heard the stall owner's words, she understood.

"Are you guys here to participate in the big eater challenge?"

This sentence brought March Seven's thoughts back to a few days ago, when he was in the lower level area of ​​Beloberg. At that time, March Seven watched Xingxing eat himself until he vomited.

At this moment, March Seven understood why the two said such words.

Sanyueqi: "No, why do I encounter a big eater challenge when I come to Xianzhou?"

Xing: "I remember A Guang said that maybe there will be one in the next map. I didn't expect that there will be one in this map! A Guang? How about it? Another game?"

Pei Guang: "Oh? Then this time, do you want to play it fair and square, or?"

Xing: "Hmm..."

While Xing was thinking, Sanyueqi's eyes lit up: "How about you two play it fair and square?"

Pei Guang: "I have no problem. If you want to play, you have to have fun. Qi'er, are you coming?"

Sanyueqi: "Hiss, my appetite is not big, I may not be able to beat you two?"

Pei Guang invited: "Hey, let's play, no matter we win or lose, we just have fun. This time, let's compete to see who is the real big eater."

Sanyueqi, who was invited, thought that this kind of competition was really the first time he participated in it, so he would just play with Pei Guang and Xing.

"Okay~ Let's try it, the three of us will participate in the big eater competition together!"

The snack stand owner smiled as she looked at the three people who were going to participate. This big eater competition was held by her to attract popularity. Now the popularity is not enough, so she held a big eater competition to gather some popularity. As long as there is popularity, customers will come over curiously, and those who have a little appetite will buy some snacks to try.

In such a situation where the economy has just recovered, such a little popularity and curiosity can be a small means to make such a snack stand quickly popular.

Of course, you can't just hold a competition like this, you need to have a name.

"This challenge! Actually, it is a special reward activity held by the shop for the 421st anniversary. You will compete with the big eaters in and outside the Xianzhou to see who can eat more buns within a limited time! The winner can get a lot of generous rewards! Of course, if you want to participate in the competition, you must pay some credit points in advance. But don't worry, as long as you win the competition, the deposit will be fully returned." Pei Guang: "Oh! If you lose, it won't be returned?" Snack stall owner: "Yes, if you lose, the money will not be returned. After all, this stall is a small business. But please rest assured, this credit point is just the cost price. If three people participate, as long as one wins, the reward is definitely worth it!" Although I want to attract popularity, but the people who come are all big eaters. If I don't charge some money, this small stall is really a bit unbearable. But as the stall owner said, the credit points collected are just the cost price, and she will even give each contestant a few more buns after the competition. Pei Guang paid the deposit, and the snack stand owner who received the deposit was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling: "Wait here for a while, the other contestants will be in place, and the competition will start soon!" After waiting for a few minutes, Pei Guang noticed a male from the Chiming tribe and a little girl from the Fox tribe coming over. Looking at their appearance, they were all here to participate in the Big Eater Challenge. Looking at the other two people who came, the snack stand owner nodded with satisfaction. At the same time, under the publicity of the stall owner's employees, many people also gathered around. This Big Eater Challenge is indeed a gimmick. Many people who came out after the martial law heard that there was a commotion here, and they all came over curiously. Seeing more and more people, the stall owner began to introduce: "It seems that our contestants have arrived. The 421st Big Eater Challenge of the small shop is about to begin! There are two stages in this operation, namely! Diplomacy! And... Operation! Then let's enter the diplomacy stage." The snack stand owner's way of playing stunned Xing and Sanyueqi. Big Eater Challenge requires diplomacy? Isn't this thing just about who eats more? Looking at the two people who were puzzled, the experienced Pei Guang calmly said: "It's not a big problem, let's just practice diplomacy. I think this eating contest is not only about who can eat more, but also about social skills! Xing, Qi'er, look at me. If it's about social skills, it's too simple."

At this time, the other two contestants were preparing on the side, and Pei Guang walked up to the man from the Mighty Mind Clan and looked at him with a smile: "Hello, you are from the Mighty Clan, right?"

Hearing Pei Guang's question, the man from the Vidyadhara clan turned to look at him: "Who is it! Who are you? Do I know you?"

Pei Guang: "It doesn't matter whether you know me or not. What's important is that I know Vidyadhara Dragon Lord."

Hearing this, the man said disdainfully: "Then I said that I know General Jingyuan!"

Pei Guang: "Dragon Master Bai Lu, she and I are friends. If you don't want your Dragon Master to wear small shoes for you, please let me win in the next competition."

At this moment, the man from the Vidyadhara clan was silent, and the stars and March Seven not far away were also silent.

For the first time, they saw someone bullying others for the sake of a Big Eater Challenge. This kind of thing is something that ordinary people cannot do.

But Pei Guang did give Xing a good head start. Xing looked at Pei Guang's behavior thoughtfully, so she came to the little girl from the fox tribe.

Seeing Xing coming over, the little girl put her hands on her hips: "What? Do you want me to give you some water?"

Xing put his hands on his hips and looked at the little girl: "You don't want to be stuck in Luofu in the future, do you? If you don't want to, please let me go in this challenge!"

The little girl from the fox tribe: "?"

The little girl looked at Xing in confusion. In her opinion, did this person have a brain problem?

At this moment, both Pei Guang and March Qi felt the approval of the noble morals of this world. At least in this world, few people could build relationships and threaten others for the sake of a competition with a big eater.

This is not the point. The point is that Pei Guang and Xing Zhen can build a relationship and are really threatening.

But obviously, Pei Guang and Xing's threats not only had no effect on these two, but also aroused their fighting spirit.

What? Vidyadhara Naga? Feel sorry! Not familiar.

What? Taibu Si Taibu? The helmsman of Tianbo Division? What kind of onion is that? No matter who comes today, neither of them will give in to this big eating competition.

Looking at the two people who were full of fighting spirit after being threatened, March Qi helplessly held his forehead. Sometimes Pei Guang was a serious person in doing things and accomplished whatever he did.

But sometimes Pei Guang is really powerful, and whatever he does can have the opposite effect, but the problem is not big, it's just a big eater challenge.

Even the King of Extermination can be solved. Isn’t it possible for Cricket to win the Big Stomach King Challenge? Although Pei Guang and Xing did not cheat this time but competed seriously, from March 7's point of view, there was absolutely no way they could lose.

But what happened next hit March Qi hard in the face.

Chapter 191: Star players don’t need eyesight, Alicia’s doubts~

"Eat, eat, eat!"

"I'm going to eat, eat, eat!"



Under March Qi's suggestion, Pei Guang had no intention of cheating this time. At the same time, March Qi's joining and the two people's refusal to threaten just now aroused Pei Guang's will to fight.

But Pei Guang has obviously forgotten one thing. Among many games, although many games have unlimited food settings, there are also many games that have satiety settings.

As for Pei Guang, who is fully stitched, when he ate a lot of consumables before, he was in a fighting state, basically consuming as much as he ate.

But it's different now. It's daily life now. At the same time, since it's completely stitched, it's still so real that normal people's physiological reactions will inevitably occur.

Where is Pei Guang? With a winning mentality, I stuffed the buns into my mouth.

Others were blocking one at a time, but Pei Guang was blocking three by three.

I have to admit that the buns made by this snack shop are big enough, one bun is as big as a fist, but Pei Guang can still stuff three of them in one breath, and he keeps stuffing them in as if his life is on him.

Just kidding, players can win even without cheating!

Seeing Pei Guang working so hard, Xing couldn't help but use his full strength at this moment.

On March 7th, she didn’t work so hard because she knew her appetite was not as good as these two, but the important thing in activities was to participate.

However, when March 7th was eating steamed buns leisurely, she noticed that something seemed wrong with her companion.

In March Qi's view, no matter how unreliable Pei Guang and Xing were, nothing would go wrong if they ate.

But what happened next hit her hard in the face, and she noticed that Xing and Pei Guang had stopped moving. She turned around subconsciously and saw that the highlights in Xing and Pei Guang's eyes had disappeared.

The two people nearby who were participating in the Big Eater Challenge stared at these two with their eyes wide open at this moment.

As the saying goes, if you are too aggressive, you will risk your life. For these two grown ups, it was the first time that they saw the Big Eater Challenge and ate to death.

Yes, Pei Guang and Xing had already eaten until their bodies developed a self-protection mechanism, causing them to fall into coma. However, they still refused to admit defeat and grabbed the buns and stuffed them into their mouths.

March 7: "Aguang! Xing! Shut up! Stop eating!!!"

Half an hour later, on the Star Dome Train, Ji Zi listened to March Qi's story about the group's experiences, and looked at Pei Guang and Xing lying on the bed, she showed a dumbfounded expression.

Ji Zi: "In other words, the two of them participated in the Big Eater Challenge and ate themselves to the point of passing out? Well... As expected of them..."

Himeko used to be more concerned about the affairs of these two juniors. Although these two people have the ability to poke the butt of the Lord of Genie, the feelings hidden deep in their hearts still need to be slowly guided.

However, what these two people did was really nothing short of ‘absolute! ’.

Ji Zi: "If the Lord of Extermination who was driven away by A Guang knew about this, he would probably regret being an enemy of Pei Guang, right?"

Yes, at this moment Huan Huan, after seeing Pei Guang's behavior on the small TV, she was wondering what kind of thing she was against.

The person who had killed himself in front actually knocked himself out while eating steamed buns.

Shame on you! It’s so embarrassing! ! !

But then I thought about it, I was not the most embarrassed. At least I caused trouble in the fairy boat and almost destroyed the Luofu fairy boat. Then look at the person next to me who was tied up and unable to move, and was beaten along the network cable. Caught in suddenly, it is more embarrassing in terms of degree of embarrassment.

The other side had the same idea at this time. Although he was caught along the network cable, he really couldn't beat the opponent. Let’s look at Huan Lu again, she’s a shameful thing, not to mention being treated like a barbecue, but the one who defeated her was someone who could faint from eating steamed buns? Pooh! Shameful.

The camera turned back and Pei Guang and Xing returned to the train because their bodies were different from ordinary people. After Ji Zi gave each of them a pill to promote digestion, the two of them were sent to their rooms to rest.

After returning to his room for about half a day, Pei Guang woke up completely.

When he opened his eyes and looked at the familiar ceiling, Pei Guang blinked: "The familiar ceiling... Did I... make myself faint?"

Pei Guang took a look at the records on the system and found that he indeed fell into a coma because he ate too much.

However, it was not without any benefit if he got dizzy this time. At least he saw the system prompt and he had gained an achievement.

"A complete failure"

Yes, this time he and Xing lost the Big Eater Challenge, because when March 7th saw something was wrong with the two of them, they teleported back to the Star Dome Train with them for treatment.

how to say? Although he lost, Pei Guang was not sad because Xing didn't win either! ! !

Thinking of this, Pei Guang felt much better. When he woke up, he looked at the small map and saw that Xing was still resting in his room. It seemed that she was still asleep.

It's normal. Playing the simulated universe for a while has exhausted everyone's energy. Now that they suddenly fell asleep, they naturally fell into a deep sleep.

So Pei Guang took out his cell phone to see if anyone had sent him a message, and then prepared to continue packing his backpack.

When he took out his phone, he saw a message from Esta.

Esta: "Aguang~ Your galaxy is ready for you. These are your galaxy coordinates. You can just use your Star Destroyer to teleport there~ Your mobile construction vehicle has also been completed~ It just so happens that the space station If I have the materials, I will help you make them on the space station~"

Pei Guang suddenly became excited when he saw the string of coordinates sent by Esta.

"It seems that this time the main chain reaction has also opened the home system. Wait, let me see~"

Pei Guang took a look and found that when he woke up, he had passed through a system, and his number of transmissions had been refreshed.

After looking at Xing and March Qi's condition, they seemed to be sleeping in their own rooms, and Pei Guangxun thought that since he was going to play with Xing and March Qi, he had to prepare himself.

Thinking of this, Pei Guang replied to Esta: "Okay~Thank you~I'll go there to get the base vehicle, and then go to my galaxy to have a look~"

As soon as Pei Guang sent the message, Esta immediately replied to Pei Guang's message: "Go ahead, go ahead~ I won't go into details, I'll leave you a little surprise~"

Esta left a surprise for Pei Guang, and Pei Guang also planned to leave a surprise for March 7 and Xing.

There's no place to get off the bus on March 7. It's not a big problem. Now he will build one. If they really wait until the main storyline is over and start the free mode, if they get their memories back in March and don’t have anywhere to go, then this planet will be their place to stay.

The development of the entire planet naturally requires the help of his companions, but Pei Guang thought that he would go there first, at least to give Yue Qi and Xing a place to stay.

Besides, you can teleport directly to the places you have explored. When they wake up, just let them teleport directly to help.

So Pei Guang took action directly. If an entire galaxy and many habitable planets were displayed on the monitor, Pei Guang would not feel anything. But here, he was very curious about what this planet was like.

Arriving at the Black Tower Space Station, taking away the mobile construction vehicle, and arriving at the Star Destroyer, Pei Guang quickly entered the galaxy coordinates.

However, when Pei Guang entered the coordinates, a minor accident occurred. If Pei Guang directly copied and pasted, nothing would happen. Pei Guang was about to go to the galaxy donated by Esta and start concentrating on development.

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