This completely distorts the virtual pawns into another existence. Now these virtual pawns just look like virtual pawns. In fact, they have become something that is incomparable to the virtual pawns internally. Those who can do this kind of thing Looking at the universe, it is possible to do it, but it is obvious that humans on earth cannot afford to offend someone who can do this kind of thing.

However, just when she was wondering what kind of power this was, Pei Guang's voice made her body freeze.

"Let me tell you! Pink-haired girl over there, what do you want to do to my cooking?"

This sound instantly alerted the surrounding soldiers. They immediately raised their weapons and pointed in the direction of the sound. On the contrary, Alicia hurriedly raised her hand. Seeing Alicia's movements, the soldiers immediately put away their weapons, but they Still straining your nerves.

At the same time, when they put away their weapons, they saw the virtual pawns around them disappear quickly, and at the same time, a monster appeared next to Alicia.

That's right, the person who came was none other than Pei Guang, who was wearing the best suit currently, the Xuanlu suit.

Pei Guang's appearance also made everyone present feel their hearts in their throats. They saw in front of them a strange guy with a deer head, wearing leather items, a bone shield in his left hand, and a wooden sword in his right hand, sizing up Alicia. .

Looking at Pei Guang who suddenly jumped out, Alicia just smiled and made no unnecessary moves.

Where is Pei Guang? Looking left and right, he nodded with great appreciation: "Not bad, I didn't expect that in my territory, there is a beautiful girl whose appearance matches my xp. In view of the high quality of this planet, this hatred is Don’t remember.”

Alicia's appearance and figure are both excellent for Pei Guang. With her beautiful appearance and curvy figure, anyone will like her. At the same time, the aura on her body also made Pei Guang feel great. There was something about her that made people feel friendly unconsciously. If he smelled it carefully, he could smell a scent that was unique to her.

But unfortunately, Pei Guang is a layman. If he looks through his memory, he can still find some descriptions of beautiful women. But Pei Guang was too lazy to look through it, he just thought it looked good.

However, Pei Guang also felt a familiar feeling in Alicia, a feeling he could feel every day on March 7th.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that the two people have similar personalities, but that they both have a unique asymmetrical aesthetic. In addition, he felt that Alicia and March 7 were similar in some aspects, and neither was pink or black.

Pei Guang: "You girls, all like to dress asymmetrically?"

Hearing Pei Guang's confused inquiry, Alicia blinked: "Don't you look good?"

While Pei Guang was observing her, Alicia was also observing Pei Guang. Pei Guang had not taken off his equipment. This strange equipment had very strong vitality. At the same time, she could feel Pei Guang's eyes sizing her up, but this sizing was strange, with thoughts of yellow waste and a gaze that simply appreciated beauty. It's hard to imagine that Pei Guang could feel such complex feelings.

Pei Guang: "You are good-looking and very eye-catching. Among the women I know, your appearance, temperament, and figure are among the best. I feel like you can compete with our Qi'er~ Especially your eyes, they are absolutely outrageous , in a normal game setting, you would definitely look like a charming beautiful girl like a fairy. Well, Esta gave her in time. If she came too late, such a lovely adjutant would be gone. But are you willing to be my adjutant? ? It’s not a big problem, just threaten if you don’t want to.”

The player's willpower is always a mystery. Sometimes the willpower can be so high that it cannot waver in the face of any existence, but sometimes it can turn around in an instant and turn to the enemy. But it is obvious that Pei Guang has exerted his humanity and restraint at this time. As for when the lower limit will be exceeded, no one knows.

Pei Guang was very satisfied with Alicia. For such a beautiful NPC in his territory, Pei Guang decided to make her his adjutant.

What? Does she know how to handle government affairs? Can you figure out things like command? This is not important. Players play various games where they can place their lieutenants. Who cares about this stuff? As long as it looks good and is pleasing to the eye.

Alicia's head was a little confused at this moment. She could understand every word Pei Guang said. She could understand Pei Guang's praise of her, and even more understand Pei Guang's love for her, but how could she even understand it? When we get together, it feels a little weird?

Alicia still had the same smile on her face that she showed to everyone: "Hello, thank you for your compliment. My name is Alicia, what should you call me?"

Alicia did not use honorifics, but asked in a very friendly tone.

Pei Guang: "Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Pei Guang. You can call me whatever you want~ I am not from this earth. I am a pioneer from the Star Dome Train. All the planets in this solar system are I exchanged it for the clearance rewards, you! And you, and this planet, they are all mine~ I am here now to receive my property, and by the way, build some fun things on my planet to receive me. Friends came to play.”

Alicia: "You mean, I am your property?"

Pei Guang: "Yes, the entire galaxy is mine, and everything that appears in this galaxy is mine. Oh! Those people over there, don't touch my food, these dishes are mine too. What's wrong? Don't believe it. ?”

Alicia: "It's hard to believe it, but do you have any way to prove it? Prove that this world is your way?"

Pei Guang thought: "Don't say it yet, it's true! Wait a minute, but can you feel it in this way?"

Pei Guang took out his own trash can. Pure Hu's trash can can enhance the strength of the building.

It's easy to prove the truth of your words. Just insert it into the ground and make the trash can become a part of the earth. This will increase the strength of the entire planet.

In a certain aspect, Pei Guang's five-star trash can can be used as a territory stone.

But most people can't feel this kind of thing, but Pei Guang doesn't care. It's just an NPC. He has already shown great kindness and is ready to send away the unbelievers. You can't feel it, it's not a big difference.

The moment Pei Guang put the trash can on the ground, Alicia felt the changes in the earth. Yes, Alicia could feel this change, because strictly speaking, she was not a human being. She is the same as Pei Guang, but she has a human shape and has human characteristics. She looks like a human and feels like a human, but in essence she is somewhat different from a human.

She could feel that the planet had become stronger. Originally, she was worried about things outside the sky that could destroy the planet, but at this moment she vaguely felt that those things could not destroy the planet.

However, although the planet cannot be destroyed, it can still be done to destroy the civilization on the surface.

While Pei Guang was inserting the protective trash can, the person in charge of geological mining on human territory discovered something strange. How did this land become so solid? The land that the shield machine could easily destroy could only be excavated at this moment.

The cracks that had been eroding the world began to fade at this moment. This did not all come from Cunhu's power, but also from Pei Guang's power.

Pei Guang glanced at the system prompts and realized that this planet had become his inherent territory. As for the life on it? To be honest, Pei Guang doesn't particularly care, but what should I say? If these people were willing to believe him, he wouldn't mind taking these people to enjoy the food and drink. It would be a bit too troublesome to conquer the Milky Way, but he was sure not to let those messy things destroy his territory.

Alicia felt the changes on the earth, and she began to think. After thinking for a long time, she smiled at Pei Guang: "Well, what you said seems to be true. In this case, should I call you the captain? Or the leader? Woolen cloth?"

If it were an ordinary person who said what Pei Guang said, she wouldn't believe it, but in an instant, the entire planet can change, and even the eroding understanding can fade away. This kind of thing is not something that Earthlings and members of the Antimatter Corps can do.

For the people of this planet, the threat of legions is one, and the threat of rifting brought by the star core is the second. Although the star core cannot find where in the depths, as long as the star core exists, the rift will exist. .

But now the star core is unable to cause boundary erosion, which makes Alicia feel a lot relieved.

Believe it or not, it's not about words, it's about facts. But although Alicia believed it, she didn't believe it completely. At the very least, she had to carefully test who Pei Guang was.

When Alicia asked about the title, Pei Guang replied nonchalantly: "Whatever is convenient for you is fine. My friends like to call me A Guang. If you call me A Guang, I can call you by my name or any other way."



Pei Guang actually didn't care about things like addressing him, but what surprised Pei Guang was that this girl actually believed his words. Logically speaking, players shouldn't tell a fact and the NPC will not believe it until they go through a series of things in the end, right?

I think back on March 7th, I still didn't believe in myself for a long time, but Alicia just told me her origin and purpose, and she actually believed her.

Such a stupid girl Pei Guang felt that he could give birth to a football team for herself.

Pei Guang has obviously forgotten one thing. Not only those who are too stupid will believe it, but also smart people who know enough will also believe it. As for not fully believing it? This has no impact at all on Pei Guang. After playing games for so many years, I either don’t believe it at all, but as long as I believe a little bit, it means I believe it all, so it’s not a big problem.

In fact, Alicia had to believe what Pei Guang showed. At the same time, Alicia had to believe Pei Guang's words because of the outcome facing the human beings in this world. Now Alicia is not sure about Pei Guang, if Pei Guang is a good person in the traditional sense.

So for the humans in this world, Pei Guang is their only hope.

Alicia knew that the most terrifying enemy in this world was not the Doomsday Beast. At the same time, Alicia was helpless when the top United Nations officials opened champagne at midfield.

She is just one of the heroes chasing fire moths. Although she has a certain influence, her influence is not enough compared to these high-level government officials and people who have their own agendas.

Even as the legion's attack weakened, the Fire Chasing Moth, an organization established to deal with the legion, became their target.

If the Legion really subsided or was defeated, Alicia was actually very happy. Although the erosion of the world was still intensifying, she had a way to control the erosion to a certain extent.

At that time, I can go shopping, buy clothes, eat snacks, and celebrate festivals with my friends like ordinary girls. She really doesn't care about power or fame.

But she knows that the Legion cannot disappear. Even if this one Doomsday Beast is eliminated, there will still be two, three, ten, or hundreds of Doomsday Beasts in the universe.

Even if there are weapons against the Doomsday Beast, it doesn't make much sense, because there are disaster pioneers dozens of galaxies away!

In theory, in this case, you should give up directly, but Alicia doesn't want to give up. Although the enemy is very powerful, the human beings on Earth still have a glimmer of hope. As long as someone can get the attention of the star god, or become a destiny walker on the road of destiny, there is still hope, there is hope to preserve the fire of Earth civilization.

She wants to fight against fate with people, even if she fails in the end, she believes that the will of the human beings on this planet will definitely be passed on, definitely.

If this galaxy is really Pei Guang's territory, it would be a great thing. She believes that Pei Guang is the master of this galaxy or planet, because Pei Guang has no need to lie to her.

The resources on Earth are not worth the war between other civilizations and legions. To the extreme, Pei Guang likes her beauty? For Alicia, beauty will not make people risk coming to other planets. Ailixia is very confident about her appearance and figure, but at the same time, she also knows that looking at the entire universe, it is not difficult for any country with billions of people to have a few people who are better looking than her.

Excluding a series of wrong answers, what Pei Guang said at the beginning is actually the only correct answer. This planet and even this galaxy belong to Pei Guang, and Pei Guang came here to drive away the guys who invaded his assets.

If you think about this answer, daring to come here when surrounded by countless legions proves that Pei Guang has the power that the legions dare not offend, or the power to go to war with the legions directly.

But it is obvious that Ailixia is wrong about the last one. Pei Guang simply entered the wrong coordinates and mistakenly regarded this place as his own territory. In addition, this is the solar system. Pei Guang thought that his home system must have followed his hometown, and he didn't think much about it.

What? Could this be his hometown? Again, the hair color of Pei Guang's hometown is not so colorful. Just this colorful hair made Pei Guang sure that this is not his hometown.

At the same time, Alysia was somewhat thankful that she felt something was wrong and took the initiative to ask to come over. If someone else had come, today's incident might have been troublesome.

Although some people know some things, they don't know enough and not enough, which can easily cause trouble.

When Alysia thought of this, she was firm in her thoughts and invited Pei Guang: "Guang~ Since this planet is your territory, do you want to see what the city looks like after tens of millions of years of development? See the brilliant civilization created by people on Earth in thousands of years."

Pei Guang: "You must see it! I also want to see what the Earth in my territory has developed into. I came here in advance to prepare a place for my accomplices to welcome me. Since there is a ready-made one, let's use it first."

Alysia: "Then come with me By the way, do you have any girls among your companions? If you do, I know a good place to go. "

Pei Guang: "My accomplices have two girls. Let's go directly to the good place you mentioned."

At this moment, Ailixia became interested: "Oh? These two girls are yours~"

Pei Guang: "Accomplices! We smashed and robbed together and had a lot of fun!"

Ailixia: "?"

Originally, when Pei Guang used the word "accomplice", Ailixia thought it was a cognitive problem. In her opinion, these two might be Pei Guang's lover or girlfriend, or a good friend.

But after listening to Pei Guang's description, it seems that they are really accomplices? Wait?

At the same time that Ailixia took Pei Guang, who had just arrived on Earth, back to the city, the Doomsday Beast on Earth, which had been on standby, took action.

It could feel that there was a change on this planet. Someone could break through the blockade of the Legion and arrive on this planet? Seeing that the person who arrived had a way to die, no matter who this person was, it would give the other party equal destruction.

The Legion will continue to practice the aesthetics of destruction of the Lord of Extinction, but before that, Doommon will first destroy this attempt to bring a ray of hope to the world.

However, what Doommon does not know is that this time, it will face an old opponent. No, it is Pei Guang’s old opponent. For it, it is a new enemy and also the last enemy.

At the same time, in the train, Xing found the awakened March Seven.

"March, A Guang went out to play!"

March Seven: "Oh! A Guang sent me a message. He went to his planet first. He said that when you wake up, we can go directly there."

Xing: "Then what are you waiting for, let's go directly there."

March Seven: "Let's go!"

The two people used teleportation directly to Pei Guang's side, but when they arrived next to Pei Guang, March Seven was stunned when he looked at the pink girl next to Pei Guang.

On the contrary, Xing was very calm, pink hair, girl, perfect figure, um! Except for the same gender, there is no conflict, the advantage is mine.

Chapter 193: A cute and tender girl, Alicia who never tells lies

Alicia was looking at the suddenly appeared Sanyueqi. The two people who had never met and had completely different personalities looked at each other in silence at this moment.

The silence was only temporary, and soon the two people spoke almost at the same time: "Hello, just call me Sanyueqi~"

"Hello, my name is Alicia, nice to meet you. When we stand together, we are just like sisters~"

Alicia looked at the equally pink girl in front of her, her eyes twinkling and looking at her happily. Alicia could tell that March 7th was a very cute and good girl.

March 7: "Sisters? When you put it like that, we are so similar~"

Xing Ze on the side looked at Pei Guang: "Are they really sisters?"

Pei Guang: "Don't know?"

When Pei Guang and Xing were complaining together, Alicia held March Qi's hand affectionately, and March Qi also looked at Alicia happily: "Well~ I am a girl with pink hair. , you are also a girl with pink hair.”

Alicia said happily: "That's right~ When the two of us change clothes and stand together, everyone will treat us as sisters. We are equally beautiful, equally cute~"

March 7th puffed up her chest: "Yes, who makes us the most beautiful girl in the universe!"

Alicia: "Great~ Then I'll ask you to be my sister~ You seem to have much more experience in this area than me."

After being praised like this, March Qi also put her hands on her hips with a little pride: "That's right! I am the most beautiful girl in the galaxy. Let me look after you from now on. If anyone bullies you, I will let him see the universe. The first bunch of unhelpful fists!”

March Qi raised her fists and gestured, while Alicia showed a happy smile. It needs to be admitted that the two girls who are pink from the outside to the inside are very eye-catching together.

At this time, March 7 also looked at Pei Guang: "Ah Guang! You can't bully Ai Li. Ai Li is now my sister. If you bully Ai Li, I will be angry~"

Alicia looked at Pei Guang next to March 7 and blinked: "A Guang will not bully me~ A Guang said that she would let me be her adjutant and help with some things. Well, it sounds good. "

March 7: "Huh? How long have you been seeing each other? Are you being bribed? Damn it! A Guang is really good at flirting with girls."

Alicia: "Buy? No, according to my judgment, what A Guang said is true. Since the earth is A Guang's property, as part of A Guang's property, it is natural to listen to his words."

March 7 was shocked: "What? Listen to him?"

But then he thought about it on March 7th and nodded: "That's no problem at all. Believe me, it's fun to follow A Guang in the Super League. Let me tell you, A Guang is more helpful than me."

Pei Guang: "Assistant manager, can you give me a penny?"

Xing: "That's right, our gang has received the highest moral praise from the universe. Whatever we do is right."

Alicia looked at the three people present with a smile, what should I say? When she first met Pei Guang, she had a lot of thoughts and worries. But after seeing March 7 and Xing, she was sure of one thing, Pei Guang was a good person.

How could someone who could get the attention of such a cute and kind-hearted girl like March 7 be a bad person?

March 7th looks silly, but the lovely Lixia can see that. March 7th has her own set of rules of conduct. Whether externally or internally, she is just like herself, kind, cute, and lovable. girl.

If Alicia had to believe Pei Guang's strength and reality before, then after meeting March 7, she was sure that Pei Guang was a trustworthy person.

This move reminded Alicia of what Pei Guang said when she first met him: "I feel very lucky to be invited by A Guang to be his adjutant~"

March 7 turned to look at Pei Guang, and gently poked Pei Guang in the stomach with his elbow: "I said, how many hours has it been? You hooked up with another girl while Xing was sleeping? I can't I have to keep an eye on you, otherwise my lovely sister Aili will be bullied by you."

Pei Guang patted his chest: "Don't worry, I never bully my own people. You have to know that when I was in Xinghai Yitang, the happiness in the area I ruled was always the highest."

This is not Pei Guang's bragging, but similar to a business simulation game, happiness can greatly increase various speeds. Let alone games, in reality, both the personal happiness index and the overall happiness index can greatly increase the production speed.

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