Among the heroes interviewed, everyone basically mentioned the same keyword, "S-class training class"!

The spontaneous publicity from the graduates is like a high-quality free advertisement, which was proposed by "Super Police" a month ago and the topic of public opinion has become popular again.

This time, everyone realized that Qiao Sen was not planning this matter on a whim, but actually improved the strength of the heroes participating in the training by a large margin!

At this time, not only the professional heroes, but even the public became curious about this mysterious training class located in the no-man's land of Z City.


the circle represents attention, attention brings traffic, and traffic means that you can live broadcast goods....

Qiao Sen naturally does not need to be like a small Internet celebrity, and needs to desperately seize the traffic from this wave of white women's tickets to monetize the crazy money.

However, the S-level training class has received more attention, and he is still happy to see it.

Waste firewood counterattack is one of the most fan-attracting practices no matter where it is placed, and the meaning of the existence of the S-level training class is to tell everyone that even ordinary people can break the limiter and become strong!

Young people gather by the pool to play and play, and the mentor group is another circle, performing the Z City repertoire program, shabu-shabu, on the open lawn of the estate


GooooThe "Atomic Samurai" with red cheeks raised his glass heroically, and the beer in the glass rippled with alluring foam, "Come on!" "Silver Fangs", cheers

!" "Hehe..." The old man's face was smiling, and the eyes that seemed cloudy old flashed with essence, "The old man is not a fool, "Atomic Samurai", wait until this pot is cooked!" "

Abominable, has it been seen through again?!" Even if it is compared to hard power, I will not lose to you!" "

Huh, huh?" A

large plate of thick-cut veal that had just been put down the pot could be blanched for eight seconds, and the hot pot flashed with a dazzling sword shadow, and then the freshly scalded slices of meat were counted one by one, and all disappeared into the churning red soup!

Come on, slow down, watch out for

the hot!" "Ah-"

Tornado, dressed in a wide green bathrobe, opened his small mouth under Josen's feeding, sweeping away the hot and spicy ingredients held on his chopsticks.

With the chewing in her mouth, two swollen packets bulged on her little face, and a green pine that was spicy to red was born.


really hot!!" "Really, when I asked you about your taste, I had to say that I could eat spicy..." Joson looked blank, and while complaining, he took a bottle of chilled fruit milk from the F cub and sent it to the tornado's mouth, "It's really delicious and fun-loving."

Joson used milk for the tornado.

Tornado was restored to health.


Tons of tons of small bottles of milk, the tornado actually drank the heroic momentum of fighting wine.

The revived tornado put down the milk bottle (a glass bottle containing fruit milk), raised his small hand to wipe the fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, and seemed to say a little upward: "I just can't get used to the sudden spicy... I want you to take care of it!" "

Yes, yes, yes... "Ah


Joson brought the sliced meat dipped in sauce to Tornado's mouth again, smiling as he watched her habitually take a bite.

"Spicy and spicy!!"

Late at night.

Two meteors, one blue and one green, streaked across the sky, and Bungu and King shook their heads helplessly, it was Joson and the tornado that was chasing him around.

Genos sat next to Saitama and took the initiative to add new tea to everyone, because Xiaojie found that if he didn't do something, then...

No need to do it.

There seems to be another person in the dark, such as pouring water, adding firewood and cleaning up the table, all rushing to do with him!

Genos' energy analyzer can only see a faint shadow, and the rest is not perceived.

What puzzled him the most was that Saitama-sensei was not only not surprised at all, but also frequently nodded to the air!


Joson slipped the energetic tornado after eating the spicy pot all the way to sleep, only then stopped and took her to the princess in his arms.

The tornado who was not wearing shoes was bare and red little feet, and his hands were hanging around Jossen's neck and stretched, and the dead fish eyes with a simple painting style softened.

"I'm sleepy.

"Then I'll send you back."

"Oh. "

............... Two Hours Later.........

When Johnson returned, the S-Class present had already changed the bathrobes provided by the hotel back into their respective hero uniforms, obviously ready to go out at any time.

There is no affiliation between S-class heroes, but after many days of getting along, everyone has recognized Jossen's strength and character, and naturally regarded him as the backbone of the main existence.

"Qiao Sen-kun, since it has been determined that the address of the Weird Association is below the city, do you want to..."

Finally, when Qiao Sen appeared, the well-fed "atomic samurai" re-took a long bamboo skewer in his mouth, raised his hand and made a gesture of cutting his throat on his neck.

"Do you want to kill them all before those guys can react?" The

plan of the "Atomic Samurai" was crisp and neat, highlighting the reckless character of a samurai.

However, this proposal was unanimously praised by the hot pot group.

For example, Bungu, who was drinking tea, seemed to have a blood-colored figure who was eager to try behind him, and echoed: "The atom is right, and the old man also thinks that the sooner this weird organization should be cleaned up, the better."

"Hehe, I know, 'Silver Fangs'..." "Atomic Samurai" showed a smile of a fellow Chinese man, "This is what the hero sees the same way."

"If you're going to clean up the weirdos, take me one too."

King said simply, but his eyes and tone were exceptionally firm!

Just realized his shortcomings from the battle of "Centipede Elder", after the battle, although King showed calm, his heart was still eager to fight with the strong.


the other side, Genos' ears in the master-apprentice group moved, and for such a thing as clearing the weirdo association, Xiaojie said that I also want to go!

Well-behaved (Genos Limited Edition) .JPG After a

while, Saitama stretched out and recovered from his contemplative state, yawning while stretching: "It's so troublesome!" ₍

₍ (̨̡ ̅᷄ᗣ ̅᷅ )̧̢ ₎₎Genos

: ?

!—Sure enough, this weirdo organization teacher hiding underground is not interested at all!

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