Under Genos' admiring gaze, Saitama lowered his stretched hand and said to himself thoughtfully: "After the training class, I will move back to the original apartment."

"When I think about it, I realized that there were too many things when I moved over, and now I have to move them all back, my head hurts!

Translated Saitama's words according to his own understanding, Genos bowed his head slightly thoughtfully, and then said solemnly: "Leave the moving matter to me, Saitama-sensei, I will handle it all!"

I'll take care of some of my personal belongings myself, but it's still hard, Genos

!" (⊙ꇴ⊙)

"Yes, sensei!"

Immediately, he keenly noticed that Xiaojie's expression on the other side was not the same as usual, and couldn't help but ask strangely: "What's wrong, Genos, is there something on your mind?" As

for how he saw it, don't ask, ask is black technology

! Dr. Cusseno: That's right, even transforming people may add a hyper-realistic micro-expression system that completely simulates real people!

"Uh... I'm okay

, teacher!" Genos reacted, and quickly talked about the topic discussed by the other S-class heroes, "That's the thing, Mr. Joson, they are preparing to raid the weirdo association below the ground, what do you think, teacher?" "

I sat and watched..." Saitama

originally didn't care, because in his place, weirdos are a matter of one punch, no matter how strong or weak, a few can carry a punch, then another billion punches will definitely be solved.

Therefore, he has never cared about the disaster level of the weirdo.

But since Genos mentioned it, Saitama also guessed his thoughts, and a smile appeared on the round face of the strong man's painting style, "Genos, you must want to go too, right?" Genos

, who was carefully thought about, was startled: "Ah, I?

Genos didn't

know when he took out his pen and notebook, and wrote it down, not forgetting to respond seriously: "Yes, I know!" Saying that, Genos wrote in his long-cherished notebook according to his own understanding

- when cleaning up the gathering weirdos, the strength of the team cannot be ignored, the sooner the weirdos are cleaned up, the less harmful it will be

! - By Saitama-sensei

The muscles at the corners of Saitama's mouth couldn't help but twitch:

"..."—I just now... Did you say anything worth recording again?


As the saying goes, "it is forbidden to use martial arts."

In the final analysis, although the ordinary non-governmental organization of the "hot pot group" is low-key, it is actually one of the most violent organizations in the world.


example, Bungu, who was the first to respond to the proposal of the "atomic samurai", is still worried that he has no chance to make a move during the day!

Don't doubt that the old man who has rejuvenated the second spring is far more irritable than the young people, and the grandmaster posture in front of the person is just suppressing the desire to attack in his heart.

Hungry Wolf: Ah, yes, yes!


the old man standing on the sidelines has given the young heroes a strong sense of security and self-confidence, Bungu himself is not a character who is willing to eat white food.


: I've cleaned up my inventory for the training class! (referring to food)

King: I've begged for rain for the training class! Genos: I've run errands for the training class! and the classrooms and dormitories where Saitama-sensei works every day, I have cleaned them more than once



is impossible to roll with this group of energetic young people, and the old man will use the old man's methods, such as...

Gang up some weirdos who gather illegally!

Weird Society: ???

"So be it."

Jossen put down the teacup and said: "Since everyone has this idea, then I will go to the association tomorrow and ask Sitch if there is any S-class who wants to participate, it should be..."

He paused, and his brain turned to come up with a name: "It should be the first team building activity since the establishment of the S-class sequence." "

S-class: Just be happy.

The intelligence was brought by Jossen, and since he said so, everyone naturally did not disagree.

Normally, the S-class is distributed in different cities and does not intersect with each other.

At this point, ordinary heroes may often team up due to insufficient combat power.

And S-class heroes almost all act alone, basically each busy with their own business.

The weirdos that can be solved are slaughtered on the spot, and the top combat power of high mobility such as Johnson and Tornado that cannot be solved is naturally solved.

Of course, occasionally going out collectively to fight weirdos or something, such a team-building activity still sounds good.



City A, headquarters of the Heroes Society.

The big-nosed cadre who was presiding over the regular meeting of the high-level Siqi answered the phone solemnly, nodding his head repeatedly while recording something on the paper.

“...... Good...... Okay, I received it, Lord Josson, I will definitely convey it to you!"

This scene made the senior cadres of the headquarters look at each other, and the scene when the "super police" came to the headquarters unreasonably and twisted a colleague to prison in front of everyone, everyone still remembers the scene.

Calling early this morning, the one... "

Everyone, there has just been news from the "Super Police" master, an organized weirdo organization called the 'Weird Association' has been found underground in the no-man's land of Z City," Siqi put down the phone and said with serious eyes, "Among them, there are at least dozens of middle-elite weirdos with a disaster level exceeding the ghost level, and cadres who have reached the dragon level... At least more than 10!"


came from Josson, and no braindead cadre would jump out to question the authenticity of the intelligence.

It's just this news....


that the reaction of the colleagues was not unexpected, the green tendons on Xiqi's forehead couldn't help jumping.

Because he didn't give all the information transmitted by Johnson at the first time, just this...


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