City D, suburbs.

After the battle with the centipede family just now, in addition to the "Undocumented Knight" credits, many heroes are only one step away from the second credit reward exchange.

As a special student favored by the class teacher, "undocumented knights" do not need to pay credit fees to use "Potential Guidance Technique".

So Johnson suggested that he continue to accumulate credits to exchange for higher-grade resources.

The role of

role models and the introduction of a variety of resources, everyone's hearts are hot, and tears of envy can't stop flowing from the corners of their mouths.

After enjoying a free sumptuous meal at noon, almost no one slacked off and set off for heroic activities.

Of course, because a certain boss surnamed Qiao who made a big move and booked the Royal Manor Hotel for three consecutive days, everyone said that they would still come back to play together after work.

Throughout the day, in addition to the press conference held by the S City Heroes Association to mention their achievements, the media of other cities also reported a lot.


City B.

A cute reporter with a high ponytail stepped on the crystal pendant high heels, and hurried with the photographer to catch up with a strong man with rattan and leaves on his head.

It was this tough man who was suffocating just by looking at his muscles, and he just killed a tiger-level weirdo who was sabotaging in the mall with one punch!"

"Please, please wait a minute..." The

reporter's sister caught up with a gasp, covered her heaving chest with one hand, and held the microphone in the other hand and said: "Sorry to interrupt, you are Mr. Green, the A-class hero, right?"

Turning around, seeing that it was a reporter, he nodded and said in his thick voice: "Yes, I am." "


- the reporter's sister looked up and saw a toned chest muscle that was larger than herself, and a tight T-shirt outlining almost perfect eight-pack abs and mermaid line, and her small mouth was unconsciously surprised to turn into an O shape!

The appearance will change so drastically!?We only confirmed your identity by contacting the Hero Guild just now!"


"Green" scratched the back of his head, his mind a little slow.

In the past, he put a skill on the kidney deficiency so that his teammates wanted to send him directly to the hospital, but under the effect of "potential guidance", the vitality of the symbiotic plants in the body was stimulated too vigorously, so that...

So much so that recently he felt that his muscles grew into his brain, and when dealing with weirdos, he no longer relied on vine attacks, but was controlled by vines first, and then his flesh collided with the plant macho man!!

After thinking about it, "Green" said in a deep voice: "Because I studied in the S-level training class held by Lord Super Police in the past month, it has changed so much. The

reporter's eyes lit up, as if she smelled the smell of breaking news, and immediately continued to ask: "Then can you tell me, what are the specific changes?"

"Uh..." "Green" pondered for a moment, suddenly struck a posture of toning the middle side to stretch the chest muscles, and suddenly JoJo stood up: "After joining the S-level training class, I am obviously taller, the person is stronger, and the self-confidence is back to my side!"

ᕦ(ò_ó ˇ)ᕤ

Sister Reporter: "..."

- how do you feel this head... "


ε=ε=┌( >_<)┘

" was stunned for a moment, looking at the two who seemed to run away with smoke and dust, and said to himself in bewilderment: "Okay, why did you suddenly run away..."

E City.

"Lightning Max" is a handsome "Lightning Backspin Kick" volley 360° rocket acceleration roundhouse kick volley headshot, solving the last rat weirdo in front of him who is making trouble in the seafood market, and the weirdo corpses behind him have been piled up into a hill.


interviewed by reporters, when asked about the origin of the high-tech nano suit, "Lightning Max" hesitated: "What, where did the high-tech suit on my body come from?

The reporters who were surrounding him were stunned, and saw that "Lightning Max" "brushed" to a no-man's corner, pressed the wrist of the armor, and a watch-like device popped out, projecting a holographic projection system: "Lord Super Police, there is something that needs to be disturbed!

"Huh?" In

the Royal Manor Hotel, Johnson and Tornado were lying side by side on the pool air cushion sunbathing.

The nanometal watch held by the members of the training class on his wrist received a communication request from "Lightning Max", and Johnson clicked to connect, nodded after listening, and said: "It's okay, just say it honestly, and it's not a shameful thing." Running

to report the situation to Josson, seeing that he didn't care about the outflow of this information, "Lightning Max" walked back with confidence and said: "This is the reward I exchanged for credits in the training class of the "Super Police" adult, completely free Oh~"


City C.

"Qiangyin" nimbly stepped on the wall, grabbed the slender neck of a "strange thief bird" weirdo who robbed passers-by, and pressed it to the ground!

Ask the enthusiastic residents of the neighborhood to call the local hero association to wash the floor and receive the subdued weirdo.

"Strong Voice" was interviewed by reporters, and came to an improvised rap on the explosive heavy metal music.

"Don't ask me why I'm so strong, because I'm naturally frivolous

, Yo~" "Don't ask me where I became stronger, because I joined the S-class training class run by Lord Jossen

, Yo~" "Study hard, you can become as strong as me, Yo~"


"Naw, since I joined the S-level training class of "Super Police" adults, my mind has become a lot more flexible, and the credits I have completed in the end have exceeded 100 points!"

"Lord General Mizuki", "Undocumented Knight", "Glasses", "Atomic Samurai" under the three musketeers...

On this day, a group of heroes who have not appeared in public for a long time made a collective appearance.

Not to mention the results of the battle, one by one, shotguns for cannons, well-equipped

, discerning people can see at a glance, their strength, equipment and compared with before they disappeared, there have been huge changes.

Based on the information they revealed in the interview, the answer is obvious.

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