"All right, guys!"

Johnson turned to the gathered cadets and clapped his hands, drawing their crying gazes away from the Undocumented Knight's' nanovibranium suits.

"Everyone must already know how powerful this set of nano suits worth 100 credits is," Seeing that many people had envious tears on their lips, Joson smiled and drew a pie, "And just now we heard the words of Dr. Cusseno, our head of the equipment department, this suit is only a basic version, and other modules can be customized according to your combat habits and personal needs in the future."

"Since there is currently only one student with more than 100 credits in the class, he is the "undocumented knight" next to me, and the cumulative credits of the course and assessment have reached 111 points, so I now announce that the first set of "Zero" nano combat suits will be issued to the trainees "undocumented knights" as a reward!"

It doesn't seem very far away, Fighting!!"

The cadets exploded at once, this kind of nano suit that can be carried with them and can be seamlessly attached to their own hero uniforms can provide a comprehensive increase in attack, defense, mobility, endurance, etc., which is simply an artifact for ordinary heroes who are still living on homemade uniforms!

The reason why HEROS can discover wild heroes in batches, and at the same time poach a large number of characters from the Hero Association, relies on a mature transformation technology and warframe technology.

Bi ordinary people can wear battle armor to have the strength to resist ghost-level weirdos, even if they are seriously injured or even killed in battle, it will not take long to appear alive in the public eye.

As for whether there is self-awareness after the "resurrection", this is not a matter of public concern.

People are only willing to believe what they see, and for them, that's enough.

With such strong technical support, it is reasonable that individuals will want to try the excitement and high salary of professional heroes, and it is reasonable that they can surpass the scandal-ridden hero association in one fell swoop.

At this time, Qiao Sen, who held the otherworldly pioneer technology, was already walking ahead of them.

As a traverser, he knows exactly what a normal character building process is, attributes, equipment, jewelry, weapons, skills, left and right slots, affix words, stigmata... These things are indispensable, not to say that practicing the upper limit of the "limiter" is termination.

On the contrary, the full level is the beginning of krypton gold!

I have prepared the best teachers and stronger equipment for the professional heroes in advance, so that they will be liver and krypton, how should you deal with

it?" "Lord Super Police", is this suit really for me?"

The voice of the "undocumented knight" was a little confused, even when facing the invincible powerful weirdo, he was never so nervous.

Sensing his mood swings, Joson smiled gently and nodded in affirmation: "Of course, it's already yours."

"Thank you, thank you

!" Johnson waved his hand and said, "Don't rush to thank you, this is just the basic version, the subsequent functional module customization and suit version upgrade also require credits, continue to work hard!"

"Undocumented Knight" nodded solemnly: "Yes!

After the pilot of this S-level training class, Johnson is ready to extend this hero training model to the entire association and form a system.

Earn credits for study, and credits are exchanged for various practice resources.

These spiritual resources include, but are not limited to, high-tech weapons, equipment, suits, various character cards, one-on-one S-level tutor teaching, and free "Potential Guidance" services.

The credits after graduation are directly linked to hero activities, truly achieving "once joined

, enjoy for life"! It can be said that coming in is not strong at least one hero level, and you want to graduate and go out

! As long as it is a professional hero whose character has passed the screening of "Heart Network", you can enjoy this all-inclusive learning to improve one-stop strengthening service for free

! ! Even if the current S-level tutors do not have time to teach in person, they can leave basic introductory textbooks, as for the mentor resources, the "Evolution House" super legion has enough manpower!

After a short press conference, the students' training enthusiasm rose to an unprecedented peak! The

gradually boring courses have become walking credits in their eyes, and when they meet the S-level instructors, they can't wait to hug them and gnaw a few bites of credits from them.

Of course, they also just think that no one dares to take actual action.

This is different from a serious school, the tutor here, which can't kill them all with one hand?

When enrolled, the little devilish speech of the teaching director can still be remembered!

............... Two Days Later............

Another two days passed.

"Glasses" became the second trainee to complete 100 credits, and when looking for the class teacher to exchange resources, he chose to exchange the "Potential Guidance Technique" exclusively provided by the trainees of the training class based on his own combat characteristics.

This B-class hero who likes to wear green sportswear resembles Nobihan of Dragon Ball next door in appearance and clothing, and belongs to ordinary heroes who work silently but are small and transparent, and are also on Jossen's attention list.

At this time, Qiao Sen listened to the appeal of "glasses" and said in agreement: "Wise choice, many people only see the powerful function of the suit, but it is easy to ignore that their own strength is the foundation.

"You're over the prize, Lord Super Police!," Glasses pushed the black-framed glasses on his nose and said shyly, "It was the Undocumented Knight who reminded me."

"So it is.

Joson suddenly seemed that the two had made friends.

A shot of "potential guidance technique" was thrown out, and Yebihan... No, it is the body of "glasses" that exudes a powerful momentum, if there is some crackling lightning and golden flames, it will be more similar

! Joson was thinking, one after another familiar arcs of electricity drilled out from the skin of "glasses", a gust of wind rolled up in the office, "glasses" fists clenched, and it seemed that electric light erupted from his eyes!




—still roaring for Mao?

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