
Just at a glance, Johnson found that the cells of the whole body of "Glasses" were rubbing at high speed at this time, and the arc that burst out of his body was nothing else, it was the precursor skill of "magnetic field rotation" practiced by King, "electric current push"!

Because of the desire for stronger power, "Glasses" listened to King's lectures most seriously.

After class, I often asked King for advice, and it was in the process that I was affected by King's biological magnetic field and planted the seeds of magnetic field power.

As for the "Saitama Training Method" that can achieve a stronger level...

To be honest, which one can become a hero has no greater training than

Saitama at the beginning? But his success, ordinary people really can't replicate!

Otherwise, in this world, where is there anything strange hot camp?

For Saitama's power, although "glasses" show respect, but really can't understand, so he resolutely plunged into the class of King Mentor, who was a strong man, but did not expect to use the "potential guidance technique" as an opportunity to really awaken the power of electricity.

Understanding the cause and effect, Johnson casually exiled the time of "glasses" back into the river of time.

Immediately, the "Heart Net" was activated, covering the whole body of "Glasses", calming his extremely excited spirit due to the power of awakening electricity.

Although the general perception of the outside world is that the magnetic field is contagious, in fact, the "magnetic field rotation" itself is only a supernatural force, there is no so-called spiritual pollution, and it will not pollute consciousness while practiced, and the more you practice, the more you practice.

For example, the dark power is labeled as an evil god in the hands of Dormammu, but in the hands of Josson, it is a simple elemental power and rule authority.

Dormammu: Hmph, of course, everything you say is right!


It's just that in the practice law of "magnetic field rotation", the power obtained by blindly practicing is far less than the power jump brought about by the push of extreme emotions, so those magnetic field martial gods will appear so extreme, self-centered and paranoid, which is caused by their own extreme pursuit of power, and cannot be blamed on the magnetic field force.

But anyway, Joson still used the "heart net" to help him sort out the electric power and soaring spiritual consciousness in his body to prevent unnecessary hidden dangers.

"Hah... Ha..." "

Glasses" gasped, feeling the earth-shaking changes in his body and the electric power bursting in his muscle cells in amazement, and finally understood why the "undocumented knight" would strongly recommend himself to strengthen himself first.

With his own talent, it is basically impossible to master this kind of power comparable to S-class!


leisurely spoke, "glasses" stunned, only then reacted, it turned out that the high-grade floor made of precious wood under his feet had been burned by the current he released to scorch black lines!

With the snap of his fingers, a red curtain of light swept across the room, and the office, damaged by the power of the current, returned to its original state in the blink of an eye, as if nothing had happened.

"Glasses" breathed a sigh of relief, if he compensated, I am afraid that the little salary since he became a hero will have to be taken in!"

"Okay, while King is in the camp, ask him more when he has time, your superpowers are homologous," Johnson patted Glasses on the shoulder and sent him out of the office, "But now please help call King over, just say I have something to find him." The

"glasses" listened to the two eyes bright, and the eyes were full of admiration and yearning for the strong.

"Yes, Lord Josson!"

.................. A Few Moments Later............

A moment later.

With a crisp knock on the door, King walked into Jossen's office and asked, "Jossen-san, are you looking for me?"

King didn't ask what it was, nodding on the spot.

"Good. A

dark blue space door unfolded in front of the two people, and through the space door, they came from Z City to the Dr. Cuseyno Institute in W City.

"Doctor, I brought you the man. The

doctor put down the wrench in his hand, and the metal gauntlet suspended in mid-air in front of him fluctuated in a burst of particle effects, turning into a pile of powder-like nanometal particles and falling into the metal box below.

"It's Joson.

Johnson briefly introduced the two sides, and King looked thoughtfully at the nano-metal material flowing in the box, although he did not recognize it, but his intuition told him that it must be related to his trip.

He couldn't help but look at Johnson and asked, "Qiao Sensan, isn't this what you want me to test?"

"That's right, that's it. The

"Heart Net" was released, and Johnson took over the control of all the electronic equipment in the institute under Dr. Cuseyno's helpless eyes, and then controlled the flowing liquid nanometal material to polymerize into a solid form in mid-air.

"This is a set of nano-metal suits based on the prototype with attribute customization, tentatively named "One Style"," Johnson showed this golden suit with a style reference to Thanos' imperial armor, and introduced, "It is specially added with the electromagnetic charging adaptive growth function, and can also freely change into weapons, floating cannons, self-propelled combat robots, etc. according to the user's needs, it can be said that it is specially designed for you, do you want to try it?"

King looked at the gorgeous gold armor in front of him and quickly grasped the main points in Jossen's words.

"That's right," Johnson said with a smile, "As you think, this suit has strong controllability, and under the power of your magnetic field, it can even complete complex operations independently.


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