On the lawn.

"Atomic Samurai" and Bungu who have just finished their competition see the huge changes in their surroundings and are also amazed at the magic of their superpowers.

However, the "atomic samurai" frowned, as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped talking.

He thought and thought, but still didn't hold back, and asked in a low voice: "Silver Fangs", we also communicated before, it seems that your strength was not as strong as it is now, right?"



Atomic Samurai" looked at the smiling old six beside him... No, it was the kind old man who immediately reacted.

No wonder, the original "silver fangs" this thick eyebrows and big eyes have also been strengthened

! "Atomic Samurai" think about it, the relationship between people seems to be more familiar with billions of points, what is the matter with strengthening and strengthening!

Bungu laughed like an 80-year-old boy: You didn't ask the old man!

"Atomic Samurai" :* *you****." (Swordsman profanity)

once again reaped a defeat, the "atomic warrior" looked like nothing after the appearance, but when he came back, his hands were shaking when he took the teacup handed by the disciple, and naturally he didn't have time to challenge the next S-rank.

Seeing this scene, the three people of "Juhean" burst into tears.

——Master his old man, it's really not easy

!�� இɷஇ ༽×3

"Atomic Samurai": It's okay, it's okay to withstand the master!


But I have to say that he still understands Jossen very well as an old cub.

During the BBQ break, Joson took the unknown King to the toilet with him.

The window of the toilet flashed with golden light, and when he came out again, King had superevolved into the King of Subasaiah

! Fortunately, the "biological magnetic field" breath shielding effect is very strong, no one expected that it was just a release of water, and the "strongest on the surface" also completed an epic level of strengthening!

Genos is because the supporting body is still being made, and the mechanized body does not support the line of potential upgrade, and Saitama....

Snap -

Qiao Sen slapped him on the shoulder, in exchange for Saitama's electric shaking, and doubtful dead fish eyes: "Ouch, Jossen, what ↗ are you ↗ doing ↘~~" Qiao Sen:

"..." Sure

enough, the power of the "Potential Guidance Technique" entered Saitama's body like a stone cow into the sea, and there was no reaction.

His situation is similar to Joson's, getting stronger every day, and his potential is being realized every moment, and this kind of plug-in is naturally difficult to take effect.

Qiao Sen was speechless and very relieved at the same time, the number of failed people in this move finally increased by one, and he was no longer alone in his own gear.


⊙▽⊙ )


"Ah ↗-" The

"Undocumented Knight" was still wearing his classic battle suit, only this time, a total of ten jet ports popped out under the feet of the suit, the palm of the suit and the back, and the hot flames bloomed behind him, turning into a strong driving force to rush forward, and the body stretched out a punch!


must know that the test materials selected this time and most of the bank vault doors are alloy plates of the same material, even if you take a cutting machine or drill bit, you don't have half a day to completely chisel it!!The

"atomic samurai" as a judge narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the alloy wall that had been completely distorted and deformed, and nodded: " Such destructive power, it should be no problem to deal with ordinary ghost levels, "silver fangs", what do you think?"

Bungu next to him agreed: "Yes, I didn't expect that just one set of combat suits can easily surpass the limits of the human body, and the power of technology is really incredible." "

After all, it's just a foreign object, the real strong still have to focus on themselves," the "Atomic Samurai" shook his head, but in the end he did not completely deny the role of the suit, and after a pause, he instructed, "But for ordinary people, the improvement of the suit is still obvious, Juai, drill, and qiu dance, you three, you need to work harder!" The three "Iai-an" behind the "Atomic Samurai"

looked at each other when they heard this, and then they all reacted and nodded their heads one after another.

——Yes, if you don't work hard, you may not even be able to beat ordinary people in battle suits, this is not okay!

"Undocumented Knight" shockingly withdrew his hand from the twisted and deformed alloy hole, and a thin layer of vibranium battle suit flashed a circle of mysterious dark blue particle special effects, reattached to his own battle suit, and looked intact!"

Is this really something I can do?"

Jossen's voice sounded behind him, "Although with the help of the increase of the armor, it is your own power that plays a decisive role, and technology itself is one of the driving forces that drive human beings forward!" The

"undocumented knight" was startled and shook his fist hard: "Yes, I know!"

Jossen patted his shoulder, then turned to a spherical robot suspended in the air to the side, and said: "Dr. Cuseyno, Zero." "

No problem, I have already received the core data here," the human eyes of the spherical robot projected a holographic image of Dr. Cusseno in the air with light blue pulse rays, and the doctor's voice came from the machine at the same time, "According to the current performance, the performance of the prototype, that is, the "Zero" suit, has far exceeded expectations, and it can be fully used, and the rest is the problem of developing custom modules and mass production."

"Okay, good work.

"Hehe, it's okay, feel free to contact if you have questions." As

the two ended their conversation, the hologram went out.

The spherical robot bowed slightly towards Josson, and then landed in a special storage box on the side, automatically powering off and shutting down.

Under Jossen's signal, the "Undocumented Knight" pressed the inconspicuous watch device on his wrist, and the mimicry function of the nanosuit was immediately lifted, turning into a high-tech armor-like standard suit in the dark blue particle surge effect, and on the left chest was the capital letter "J" composed of a golden lightning beam specially requested by Jossen.

This symbol will be used as Josson's exclusive logo, no matter how iterative and upgraded the future suit technology is, it must be marked with this mark before it can be officially put into production.

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