"No, no, times have changed, Dormammu!"

Jossen on the suspended throne shook his head and said, "Now you have come to me to negotiate conditions, so say your conditions, and I will consider whether to agree to it or not."

Dormammu's expression was stunned, and the corners of his dark condensed mouth couldn't help twitching.

Since becoming a dimensional demon god, it has always been others who have begged him, and he has never begged others in a low voice.

Doctor Strange (smiling contemptuously): If you went back in time, you would kill me while begging me to hurry up!"

"As for who I am," Joson sat on the throne, smiled kindly, and said in a good mood: "I am the current Supreme Mage of Earth..."

Dormammu's eyes widened and he roared, "What did you say?!"


"..."Joson didn't say nonsense, that day in Karma Taj, the current Supreme Mage King specially got two bottles of precious national wine from his hometown in order to resign him... Two pot heads.

The two drank 800 cups in a row on the top of the snowy mountain, and Wang drank his tongue wide

! Under the emotions in place and the blood gushing, Wang very simply proposed to worship Qiao Sen.

Qiao Sen did not refuse, not because he wanted his supreme mage's transcendent status, or simply felt that this humble secret mage could be befriended, and the two became half-brothers on the spot.

The kind that is closer than the biological one.

Where did Dormammu know that these secrets in Karma Taj were all top-secret levels, but when he heard the title of "Supreme Mage", he felt that his head was big.

Putting things aside, the shameless masters and apprentices of Dormammu Kuguyi and Strange have been around for a long time!!

Calming his mood, Thomas weighed his bottom line, and immediately put forward conditions, saying: "Leave the "dark dimension", leave my world, I can not pursue this." "

Roar, huh?"

Johnson raised his eyebrows, raised his foot and cocked the legs of the same general Erlang, looking like a blackened superman controlled by the "anti-life equation", and the faint smile at the corner of his mouth looked particularly evil against the background of darkness: "Daga, verbal wow road." (However, I refused.)


"Okay, now it's my turn," Josson said without waiting for the stunned Dormammu to react, holding out a finger, "I have a dream." "

Dormammu: ?

—What does it matter to me that you have a dream?"

Jossen's gaze was far away, and his eyes reflected the strange scene of the "dark dimension", and there seemed to be a flickering light.

"I hope to one day dwell in a vast and vast dimension where there is an inexhaustible supply of dark matter and dark energy, and believe that my energy can come to my dimension after death, crawl at my feet, and chant my name. "

Dormammu: "..."

Too much deception!


is an inexhaustible supply of dark matter and dark energy....

The speed of the fluctuating folds ripples on Dormammu's face visibly accelerated, and he almost couldn't suppress his anger and asked: "You want my 'dark dimension'?" "Yes," Joson nodded seriously, looking like a negotiable price, and persuaded, "It's dark here, how boring is it to live alone?

Family, who understands, meet a lowly man, the first day of acquaintance will live in my house

! Dormammu was silent for a while, and finally realized that he was being played, and raised his giant hand to shoot at Joson above his head

! "Greedy human, this! No! can!!"

Dormammu's roar resounded through the void, and the darkness formed a swirling cloud above him, and the pure and rich dark element turned into lightning, and slashed fiercely towards the location where Joson was!

When the giant hand formed by the avatar of Dormammu was about to merge, it suddenly stopped in the air, as if it hit the hardest substance in the world, without the slightest inch

! The two sides of the body size were completely disproportionate to the crazy wrestling, but the furious evil god actually could not get the slightest advantage in the dusty small human being!

In the gap between the huge palms where the dark energy surged, Joson ignored the dark elemental lightning that fell madly like money above his head, and the "biological force field" extended by his hands Firmly resisting the giant hands on both sides that are enough to crush the stars, no matter how the face

of Dormammu's avatar is distorted, it is impossible to close it!" "Is that talking about collapse?" "

Go and die!" Seeing

Joson's terrifying divine power again, Dormammu couldn't help but discover a tragic truth

! That is, even if he sat on the authority of the dimensional lord, it was still an extremely stupid decision to compete with this human power

! ! No longer trying to physically repel Joson, Dormammu remembered his old mage skills, and in the roar, a huge amount of dark magic was poured into the dark vortex that acted as a sky above their heads!

After this wave of dark element mimicry, the pitch-black thunder that was still brewing increased in momentum, and it smashed down like an invincible, and opened its mouth to bite towards Qiao Sen, who was held in his hand by Dormammu!

"It's so terrible~ No, you really want to chop me to death?" Seeing

the black dragon composed of thunder menacing, Jossen's figure blurred, ignoring the shackles of the dark laws around him, and disappeared directly into the hands of Dormammu.

Dormammu: Boom

! Suddenly lost the power to resist, the giant hand of the dark evil god shot the afterimage left by Johnson and an unlucky dark star into powder

! The roaring thunder dragon in space turned sharply at an acute angle, and continued to pursue Joson who suddenly appeared not far away!

I saw that he pointed like a knife, although he did not perform the super race transformation, but the golden super race aura still appeared and wrapped around the body, burning wildly

! Subasaijin, regular form

! As the aerated Qiao Senyang hand fell, a flashing golden light curtain flashed in the "dark dimension"! Dormammu

looked at the avatar arm that he didn't have time to retract in surprise, only to find that the induction was completely lost below the forearm

! ! However, at this time, Joson had teleported in front of Dormammu, and the "biological force field" spreading in his hands grabbed the huge arm containing infinite dark magic and threw it out, colliding with the pursuing thunder dragon


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