The whole process from escaping the clutches of the evil god to cutting off Dormammu's arms took less than a second

! The next moment, the two homologous dark forces had silently collided together!

The space exploded and collapsed without warning, the lord's authority wantonly destroyed the stability of the "dark dimension", and countless black stars around were torn apart by two twisting forces.

Dormammu looked at his empty arms, and his gaze was particularly solemn.

The traumatized avatar doesn't matter, as long as He infuses dark magic, he can be restored at any time.

But Joson's power made him feel a little fearful, this divine power has exceeded the realm of living things, even beyond his understanding!

In the previous battle, he had discovered that the dark avatar carrying the power of darkness was completely vulnerable to that destructive power, and was crushed into the most basic dark energy with a single blow.

It means that the other person's personality is far above you!

Who the hell is it!"

the boundless darkness condensed Dormammu's lost arm in the blink of an eye, but his questioning voice was noticeably weaker.

Dormammu: This is not from the heart, but I always like to talk to the strong calmly when facing them! This

hopeless battle made him instinctively perceive a crisis, although as long as the "dark dimension" exists, his dimensional lord will never die, but the unknown fear still makes Dormammu's big face that stops crying for a while.

"I'm just an ordinary person passing by. Qiao

Sen was about to let Dormammu replace another dark avatar to speak, and when he heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Why, the dark evil god Dormammu, will he also be afraid?"

Otherwise, when you retire, I will pull your pension to the highest level, and it is no problem to call the dark energy however you want, just like when you are in office!"

"And the door of the "dark dimension" is always open to you, even if you want to rework and hire again, there is no problem, after all, I am not a devil capitalist..."

ψ ('∇ ́)ψ

Dormammu: The CPU is all dry burning for me!!"You

put P, this is absolutely impossible!

" I'm

not the Lord of Darkness right, using the permission you gave me to open up the use of dark energy?!


important thing is that this shameless and greedy "human" is planning to seize his dark dimension, which is really unbearable!"

Johnson thought with his chin held in disappointment, and finally concluded, "Sure enough, I have a specialization in the art industry, and I am indeed not as good at negotiating conditions as Strange." "

Doctor Strange: People are rebelling, just learned a new forbidden spell... The

battle resumed, and the surging dark energy turned into purple light waves ejected from Dormammu's eyes, mouth, and hands, and the dimensional space where it passed was trembling wildly and shattered one after another

! Countless dark astral materials were polished into sharp spears, launching volleys at Johnson from all directions, menacing like locusts in the sky!

In the face of countless physical and magical attacks, Johnson first ignored those physical, "biological force fields" No one loves it, let countless dark matter "jingle" on it to play round after round of tooth-biting horror concerto

! This scene saw Dormmu stunned for a while, the last human who came to talk about conditions does not seem to be so hard, right?

Two dark matter punctures can kill once!

Strange: Nima is busy, and he said not to CUE!!

At the same time, the azure nodes belonging to the spatial authority in the "Infinite Lawyer Core" jumped, and part of the spatial rules of the "Dark Dimension" were out of the control of the dimensional lord in an instant, allowing Johnson to raise his hand to create a large dark blue space door that was enough to put into a S.H.I.E.L.D. space carrier, sending the focused purple energy wave to another dimension.

At the same time, the same space door opened above Dormammu's head, and a pillar of purple light poured down, and the condensed energy extinguished Dormammu's fire with one shot.

"Are you finished?"

Josson's eyes rolled with brilliant golden light, his black hair was windless, and the surrounding space was also visually distorted under the accumulation of energy in his eyes.

"Then now it's my turn!" As

Johnson raised his hand and pressed his temple, two sun god-like crimson-gold torrents erupted, instantly shattering the countless purple barriers condensed by Dormammu using dimensional rules

! "Heat Ray"! But Serious Mode!!As

Joson turned his gaze, the power was even more in the "Serious Heat Ray" of the "Ordinary Heat Ray"

Hot Knife Cut Butter Straight Split the huge divine body of Dormammu's incarnation!

This is not the end, the golden-red laser is like a groundbreaking slash to cut the entire "dark dimension", the crystal-like dimensional barrier is heated by the laser into a frasamic vinegar crispy skin of a red-skinned roast duck, and it is shattered in the overwhelmed "karakara" sound!

Immeasurable dark energy poured out, and in a blink of an eye, it was swallowed and assimilated by chaos.

At this moment alone, Johnson saw the birth and evolution of several newborn parallel universes in the multiverse family, which shows the huge size of the dark dimension! At this

moment, Dormammu, who once again lost the incarnation of darkness, had no time to care, and launched the authority of the dimensional lord like crazy, and tried his best to close the opening on the world barrier!

As an old-school dimensional demon god, his power in the "dark dimension" is comparable to God, where have he seen this battle!

In the past, in addition to suffering daily in the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, he always used the dark power and the dark power of an entire dimension to bully and swallow the weak world.

This kind of experience of being invaded by people and splitting the dark dimension into two pieces with one move is very rare.

Dormammu: Nonsense, how can there be so many archers who tear the world apart

! The last one who dared to do this was the annoying bug who couldn't kill but could only negotiate!

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