The body constructed by Infinite Power is like a sponge, which can carry the power of almost any attribute, and naturally does not have to worry about being eroded by dark energy.

However, the shadow avatar beautiful boy took the initiative to let go of all defenses, including the "biological force field", allowing dark energy to rush into his body from various entrances.

It can be seen that he did not accidentally fall into it, but took the initiative to contact the darkness of this dimension.

In Josson's idea, this is part of the plan.

If you want to do things in the dark, the first step is to be dark


One Jio threw the shadow doppelganger of the middle two into the darkness to do something, and the next moment, the situation changed in front of Jossen's eyes.

A familiar and sticky darkness appeared in the originally rich white light, still the same coconut shoe face that has remained unchanged for ten thousand years!

The angry Dormammu avatar walked all the way, and the violent darkness left a winding trace behind him, like a shark out of a cage, tearing and devouring the light that should not appear in the "dark dimension" and re-entering the embrace of darkness.

Since his attention was all on Josson, he did not find anything strange mixed in with the basic constituent matter of the "dark dimension".

"Hidden bastard, what the hell are you..."


a roar mixed with reverberation in anger rushed to his face, this time the power of the Dormammu avatar increased by several levels, but...

He was greeted by Joson shaking his head and sighing: "Wrong speech, next." Before

the raised fist fell, the expression of the huge dark avatar froze, and the solid crack appeared on the magic avatar composed of dark energy.

In the next second, the peerless demon god who can pinch the stars with one hand suddenly disintegrates and explodes on the spot again!!

Dormammu: !!

he immediately created a third incarnation and projected it directly in front of Jossen's eyes.

"Damn intruders!!"

"Ordinary Konoha Whirlwind"!


- Joson shook his feet, shook off the dark substance stained on his boots, and shouted into the pitch-black nothingness: "Next!"

Normal negotiations should not be crazy to be killed by themselves on the opposite side, until they sacrifice a big killer such as the "time loop", they reluctantly compromise, which not only shows the strength of the dimensional demon god, but also shows the courage, perseverance, wisdom and plug-in of the challenger!

Before meeting and saying two sentences, his avatar was blasted three

times? Is there still heavenly reason? Is there still

a king's law? The dimensional demon god doesn't want cards, right?

Three times

! And every time it is a one-hit shark, you think you are a one-punch man!?

At this moment, Dormammu actually began to miss the happy time with Doctor Strange, although the human mage controls the power of time, but the body is fragile and easy to kill, but it is not as perverted as the human in front of him!

It is impossible for the body to go out and negotiate conditions with that madman, it is impossible to go out in this life

! Only by dispatching incarnations can we make a living! After three incarnations

were destroyed in a row, the evil god Dormammu, who could no longer hang on his face, was painful, so he decided....

Try to take that human advice.

It's not that I can't hang on to my face by being solved by one blow in a row, but I just don't want to carry out this meaningless punch in the face.

After all, the evil god is also a god, and he

must also listen to the prayers of believers in all dimensions, so he Dormammu is also very busy! With

this thought,

Dormammu's body sank into the darkness and disappeared completely.

In the rolling black mist, a huge coconut shoe face poked its head out of it, and its eyes released a dazzling purple light.

The newly born No. 4 Dormammu avatar rubbed his hands in high spirits, and the successful experience of successive failures was completely integrated into his body

, making him pay more attention to his own image, until he found that there was no abnormality anywhere before he was ready to set off, ready to use what he had learned all his life to start his foolish plan, and completely take down the guy who misunderstood the negotiation on the other side!

However, before he could speak, he was greeted by a destructive fist that gradually enlarged in his eyes!

I'm all too familiar with this scene!"

Wait... Wait! I'm here to talk about the conditions!!" For

a moment, Dormammu seemed to see the death omen shining above his head, and he was shocked!

He subconsciously opened his mouth, speaking so fast that the reverberation of his own was gone, which interrupted Joson's casting.


Johnson raised his eyebrows, not expecting this 'Dark Dimension' lord to open up so quickly.

He was ready to fight a protracted war, like Dormammu Gansrange, to blast him countless times, and the two sides would sit down again and negotiate the terms calmly.

Doctor Strange

: "..."Correct answer, congratulations on moving on to the next step

!"Dormammu: Since I mastered the "Dark Dimension", when have I seen such an arrogant person!"?


Dormammu was relieved to see that Johnson really stopped.


he spoke in a low voice, even regaining the unruly momentum of being a big man at first sight, and the reverberation special effect that came with his own words was also turned on with one click.

"Wait a minute.

Qiao Senbi interrupted the casting with a pause gesture and said, "I don't like to talk with my head up."

Dormammu: "..."

—young man rat tail juice, don't deceive the evil god too much!

Dormammu thought about it, since he decided to negotiate conditions, it would not hurt to give himself face, and was preparing to reduce the size of the dark avatar.

Negotiate, don't shudder.


He saw that the human figure on the opposite side blurred for a moment, and then appeared above his head.

(。 _。

Joson raised his hand to create a suspended throne of Dark Wind, raised his hand to make an inviting gesture, and said, "Okay, you can start." "

Please start your performance!

Dormammu (looking up): "...


"Human, you said you came to talk about conditions?

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