"Oh, has it arrived?" Compared

to the agitated bitter worm, Bungu did not seem surprised when he heard this, and waved his hand to let this old disciple retreat.

"The Atomic Samurai did mention to me before, saying that he would pass through Z City on the way to the trial with his disciples," he said, looking at Qiao Sen's group, "but I didn't expect that you would come on the same day as Qiao Sen."

Hearing this, Qiao Sen nodded and said, "Well, I met him before when I was dealing with a weirdo in E City. "

Oh, and this? No wonder..." Bungu chuckled in his heart, approaching him and whispering, "That smelly fart, did you mention anything like a competition?"


Josson say no, Bongu was immediately relieved.

"Oh, that's good, that's good!" Jossen's

strength he knew, so naturally he wouldn't worry.

The old man was worried that after the two fought each other, the always proud "atomic samurai" would fall into depression.

——"Atomic Samurai", you must not kill yourself!!

Just thinking about it, there is a mature and magnetic uncle's voice in the yard, and there is no doubt that it is the "Atomic Samurai" who came from afar.

"Yo, 'Silver Fangs,' I came to visit as agreed!"

Bungu reacted and waved his hand with a smile.

"It's not easy to meet you... Wait, it's you!" A

wind-bladed momentum swept the entire courtyard, and the voice of the "atomic samurai" who was still smiling for a second froze, and his eyes locked on the tall figure behind Bungu who could not be blocked.

"What a coincidence, we met again.

Joson nodded calmly and even waved at him in a friendly manner.

Looking at each other, the momentum of the two suddenly intertwined and collided!

"Boom", the middle of the small courtyard was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Saitama looked up at the sky suspiciously, and couldn't help but say to himself: "It's thunder, is it going to rain? Strange, there are no dark clouds in the sky..."

Genos beside him looked at the sky at a synchronization rate of four hundred percent, his expression thoughtful.

- Keep an eye on how the weather may affect the battle at all times, and write it down first... Oops! There is still a gift in hand, only later!

"Calm down, master!" The

master-apprentice combination on the other side is not so harmonious.

"Juhean" was in cold sweat under the helmet, and the two smelly junior brothers who pretended to be dead behind him were silent, he could only force himself to swallow his spit, nervously trotted two steps forward, and approached the master's ear to whisper persuasion.

"After all, this is the dojo of Lord Silver Fangs, don't you always teach us that you must not be rude in front of the strong?"

The "Atomic Samurai" reacted, and in an instant, the murderous aura completely converged: "Iai, what about the

gift you prepared?" "Ah, yes!"

"Iho-an" sighed in relief, stepped forward with two boxes of high-grade tea leaves, and said respectfully: "Lord Silver Fangs, this is a gift we have prepared for you, please smile."

"Okay, let you break the bank."

Bungu took a look and suddenly felt that this gift was a little familiar.

Recalling the luxurious tea suit that Genos was holding behind him, he suddenly remembered where this sense of déjà vu came from.

Both groups of guests sent a brand of tea, but Jossen brought the most expensive one on the market, while the "Atomic Samurai" apprentice sent more than a lower grade.

——The gift crashed, this is....

Sure enough, not only him, but everyone present paid attention to the two gifts that could be seen from the packaging.

Eyes meet.

Saitama: (⚆_⚆)

- Mind wandering... Why didn't everyone speak, what happened?The

corners of Jossen's mouth rose slightly.

- Huh.

Genos: ?

—Are these people unable to afford the best tea?"

the corner of the Atomic Samurai's eyes twitched.

"Iho-an": Grunt

!—Master, you must be calm

!!"Qiu Mai Tao": ヾ(≧ ₃ ≦)〃♡~

——There is more than one good man on the other side! All are so handsome! Abominable, it's so hard to choose!!"The

"samurai drill" gaze is slightly condensed.

——It's murderous! Well, it is estimated that the master is going to carry a knife and cut people again....

The scene was very embarrassing for a while.


"Cheers!" ×N:

"I asked the kitchen to prepare a lot of dishes, so feel free." "

Originally, today was just a small gathering of the hot pot group, because of the arrival of the "Atomic Samurai" party, it was immediately upgraded to a small colleague dinner of the Hero Association.

Bungute instructed the disciples in charge of logistics to prepare more dishes, and it wasn't long before a group of drunkards in the restaurant were already warmly pushing glasses and changing their glasses.

As we all know, once a man encounters alcohol, he does not care whether to hurt the liver or the liver.

Although the people present were professional heroes whose physical qualities far exceeded ordinary people or hung on the wall because of their interests, in front of wine, everyone was equal, and one or two quickly got on the head.

"Uncle over there, do you want to have a drink?"

Saitama held the wine bottle and found the "atomic samurai", who glanced at it with slightly drunk but sharp eyes: "I only identify with the strong, but I won't drink with the weak..." His

gaze locked on the mountain of wine bottles piled up on Saitama's table, he couldn't help but groan, and then the tone changed: "But in terms of drinking, you ordinary looking brat seems to have some strength... Then let me weigh you!"

"Strange uncle... Say a bunch of things you don't understand?"

muttered Saitama dissatisfiedly, while the "Atomic Samurai" leaned over with a wine glass, his forehead beating.

"Don't call me uncle, I'm only 35 years old!! Drink!" "


Saitama suddenly became happy again.


"What, don't you want to drink it in the end!" Immediately, the

two wine glasses collided.

"Cheers!" Not far from ×2

, "Qiu Wutaidao" leaned over to Qiao Sen's seat with a worried face: "Master Super Police, I am your fan!

——This, it seems to be a shemale....


, it doesn't seem too rigorous to say so, but at least the sexual orientation of the two is indeed the same!

Thank you for your love, please. "

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